Social Understandings

Saturday, October 07, 2006

During and After Visiting


On 10/6/06 intentionally encountered an individual who for whatever the reason decided they were interested in me. Being lead by the spirit with a form or knowing they appeared to welcome the visit and I am please to say that on 10/6/06 during and after visiting them=there were no negative vibes that I could associate with my visiting them. Don't know about what happened on their end.

This afternoon at approx 12:30pm, while walking, there was an individual (male) who walked up behind me out of nowhere, which is stange for this area of the city because 99.99% of the people ride in cars; don't know if that particular instance was connected or not. Anyway it was a pleasant visit with the person on 10/6/06; although not long enough; but thank God for small beginnings, right. And hopefully neither of us will suffer consequences for the visit and we will be able to visit each other as along as we chose to. Till the next time. And please fill free to post your comments about the situation.



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