OLYMPICS 2012 code=African Americans barred from RICHES unless gay=????
Watched some of the Olympics on 8/5/12 and second time paid attention to names= almost like at Walmart info commericals-Univeristy Parkway location= Chris/Tony/ =you have been WARNED=PROVE IT; Olympics= RYAN[name of relatives son (relative recently released from confinement of authorities]Baily/JUSTIN[name of Cynt's son=high school associate who just happens to work for local authority]; [TYson]GAY=code gay=Tie=?[BOLT=code=keep out][16. to discontinue support of or participation in [white male economic/social system]; break (b. to sever connections or allegiance, as to tradition; d. to cease to function) with]:
Main Entry: | bolt |
Part of Speech: | verb |
Definition: | fasten securely |
Synonyms: | bar, deadbolt, latch, lock, secure |
Antonyms: | loosen, open, unbolt, unfasten, unlock |
Break =b. to sever [ 1. to separate (a part)[African American] from the whole [white male economic/social system], as by cutting [from benefits from the white male social/economic system]connections [
or allegiance
Break=d. Cease to function WITH=
Part of Speech: | verb |
Definition: | cut apart |
Synonyms: | bisect, carve, cleave, cut, cut in two, detach, disconnect, disjoin, dissect, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divide, part, rend, rive, separate, slice, split, sunder |
Main Entry: | separate |
Part of Speech: | verb |
Definition: | isolate, segregate |
Synonyms: | assign, break up, classify, close off, comb, compartment, compartmentalize, cut off, discriminate, distribute, draw apart, group, insulate, interval, intervene, island, order, put on one side, rope off, seclude, sequester, sift, single out, sort, space, split up, stand between, winnow |
Main Entry: | |
Part of Speech: | verb |
Definition: | show prejudice |
Synonyms: | be bigot, be partial, contradistinguish, disfavor, favor, hate, incline, judge, segregate, separate, set apart, show bias, single out, treat as inferior, treat differently, victimize |
Sons of relatives=been raised living with ALL the benefits of white male economic and social system= to sever TIES= means to cut connection [BOLT][Tyson] [R]/Justin from white male social and economic system= [R],JUSTIN harassed with the results of living in the ONLY African American economic and social system allowed where person is not harassed= gay=nothing good or not NORMAL=anything that subtracts from a NORMAL life.
Olympics=code to those who operate the Global system=?=!!!!!
Confirmation=code=African American male BOLTED [Usain BOLT wins olympics] out of white male economic and social system=code= Sanya RICHards-Ross wins First Gold medal of Olympics=BOLT African American males/females from RICHES=can obtain RICHES under African American economic and social system ONLY if agree to be gay=?[blogged about the communication [while obtaining degree from Winston-Salem State Univeristy]that if agree to be gay can make money/earn an income not associated with illegal activity otherwise ALL money/income has to be through illegal or immoral economic system that operates in the African American communities.
Confirmation of system to hinder African Americans and use of African American female= movie "BATTLEship"[http://battleshipmovie.net/]=where African American FEMALE name-RIGGS works WITH and under officer HOPPER [in which the name HOPPER is being used in lot of commercials=code=either those who are HOPPING over economic social system or HOP over economic and social system] to battle those who try to take over authority= code= block/hinder/BOLT. Riggs=
There are two economic systems operating in the United States=one for white Americans and another for black Americans [as someone said] Michael PHELPS mother ALWAYS wears black and white=reason for it; use to do the same thing [stay in black and white] until God said pay attention to color=black and white color=code=communication to those operating system concerning black and white economic and social system.
Confirmation of system to hinder African Americans and use of African American female= movie "BATTLEship"[http://battleshipmovie.net/]=where African American FEMALE name-RIGGS works WITH and under officer HOPPER [in which the name HOPPER is being used in lot of commercials=code=either those who are HOPPING over economic social system or HOP over economic and social system] to battle those who try to take over authority= code= block/hinder/BOLT. Riggs=
There are two economic systems operating in the United States=one for white Americans and another for black Americans [as someone said] Michael PHELPS mother ALWAYS wears black and white=reason for it; use to do the same thing [stay in black and white] until God said pay attention to color=black and white color=code=communication to those operating system concerning black and white economic and social system.
Not to mention=last name associated with Walmart Info commerical and same last name associated with runner in race with BOLT=??? [http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20120805/lead/lead2.html] [Three pictures=POWELL[#1]/BOLT[#2]/BLAKE[#]
Lot of Jamacians in Olympics=[place of current ?]=?
While at the local Library [Car/Lan]=saw person of Authority[African American male][GW] who have seen all my life=in school=etc. asked to speak with him[explained about twin child; local library/community abuse[local library=including the one he was talking to me in=had put me out of library=etc. gave me no reason=etc.=he asked if spoke to current Alderwoman=said that was not a good route=because brother who had been murdered associated with the Alderwoman]=[asked/said=aren't you CW's daughter]?;know he has been one of authorities that arrested my earthly father=probably too many times; said he was a Christian=asked him to pray with me in the library=for deliverance from my earthly fathers demons; said "Lets pray outside=then prayed outside of library for God to help me=code to the system[authorities]=OUTSIDE= keep OUTSIDE the system[authorities]= because retired=but still working WITH the system[authorities]; but not to get in trouble with the real GOD=let us pray=???
Not to mention=cousin=work/worked with/for authority=? had health issues=presently=African American female=name VENDETTA=???=helping cousin in morning=??? while I help cousin in evening=?=got get well card from place of work from local authority =??? with cousin's next door neighbor [along with guy associated with relatitive adopted into relatives family] coincidently being authority; being that earthly mother worked with authority and trained relatives to work with authority [system called ethnic intimidation].
Reason for BOLT=relative of [R]=who had been picked by White male system to raise up in white male system[economic and socially]=will not agree/participate with white people abuse/robbery of people=so punishment=next generation to be moved up in white male economic and social system=is to be as won in Olympics=BOLTED from white males economic and social system. Walmart/Univeristy parkway=info commercial=[similar=the great last illusion=black people having,establishing, owning operating anything wholesome, good economically or socially in the African American community=because ONLY economic and social system allowed is negative [anything that subtracts from African American community] = an illusion=because all African American people in position of authority are paid/trained and work in secret to constantly and consistantly rob/steal/kill/ anything good in the African American community=which means any person trying to do good is put in and identified as an enemy to the system to be constantly and consistantly attacked on a regular basis=which leaves the person constantly going from one abuse to the next from the very organizations/authorities that are suppose to help them.
Interesting that the line up for the runners racing in the Olympics=names had some form of connection/possible communication of elements of situations within personal life even including the guy [with half legs and leg extentions] being the first one to race against runners with legs; lot of people in SPECIAL OLYMPICS [would be watching][ good WAY to send message to person [under doctors care] in SPECIAL OLYMPICS= legs could be cut off= if you date person white male system tell you not to date].
Part of name of person who wants to date me= name=JAMES= Oscar Pistorius, right, and Kirani JAMES exchange name tags= good communication to person name James=normal body=exchange name tag to Pistourous [abnormal body];[http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2012/aug/05/london-2012-oscar-pistorius];
ALL COMMUNICATION= legal/moral = or is it=?
No African American male is allowed to have an African American female that is not serving males of the larger society UNLESS the African American male agrees to some element within their life that acknowledges before males of the larger society-that the African American male is inferior and that the males of the larger society are superior;
Picture is worth a thousand words=give up your victory [person of color] to males of larger society in exchange [current person helping has sticker = "EVEN EXCHANGE" on back of truck/van] for right to participate in the social and economic benefits in the system operated by males of larger society.

Oscar Pistorius, right, and Kirani JAMES exchange name tags after the 400m semi-finals at London 2012.[wonder if somebody suggested the idea to James?] Photograph: Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images [Interesting that it is a white male#1 from SOUTH Africa #2 [which is the country of the heritage of the father of the current head person for the United States.]
OLYMPICS 2012 code=African Americans barred from RICHES/dating/marriage unless gay=???? OR body parts will be cut off.
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