Social Understandings

Monday, July 16, 2012

God Knows


Went to help person pull weeds in exchange for a smalll monatary benefit; have been pulling weeds since  about november of 2012; come to find out that the person use to have local teenagers come to pull weeds and and authorities would supply the funds to pay the teenagers; in other words-Local African Americans cannot work/own  in private business UNLESS monetary souce is from authorities; LIKE the plight of the Indians; they CANNOT create any type of business to generate income UNLESS the foundation of the busiess/money is supplied by authorities [like living on an Indian reservation.

Long story short-person helping said=[after helping with four local markets every tuesday and thursday [total harassment][security guard][African American] and on Satuadays in another local city[harassment by males of the larger society]-you will not be helping with the markets on  Tuesday; Oh! you can go to the market on Thuusday on Tuesday=[the priviledge of being harasssed by the security guard two days instead of two]; told the person helping-Really don't like the Thursday market[did not specify why][the person helping already knows]; then the person helping said "Problem  with you is that you are not grateful; said you can work the downtown area on Tuesday that you work on Thursday"; then aske  person helping -Since you are a minister would you pray that God will fix it so that I can have a stable income-MINUS all the negativity associatied with being a local African American who does not want to participate in the illegal/immoral directionss of  local agenda[s]. and asked it theperson helping could pray that God will fix it so that can have a steady/stable  income minus the constant humilation on/from/through the employment -since they are a ministrer and have some type of understanding concerning plight.  Their repsonse was  they have a new church [name associated with Bank] member  who was working in my place so let's see if R-d Bank member suddenly gets any thing relating to money.income/prosperity for them/their children/ or Family member=CROOK=CONFIRMATION=Dog name CHARLIE [b;lack]=Charlie was my daddy's name;
Black=All African American males=dogs and will be treated like dogs by the MINISTER VS and inreturn; will be paid millions=? in return=?????; wife name=try to guess=?; it is a name that have blogged about almost from day one=Did somebody guess ANN=? you are exactly right=hummm[have blogged that the name of ANNE used to communicate to various people through television; and guess what their mother's name was =the same name as my  mother[kind of conincidental.

On way to dropping off Young African male [has a fe-on] with name of guy who wants todate me=males of the larger society-in authority communicated to person helping to pull grass,etc.  concerning who guy/name of guy is; on person who helping property is a barrel[carry dirt][shovel in the barrel]; a  pile/layer of dirt had been placed that looked like a person six feet under and beside the dirt was a ROYAL BLUE  tart cover with a basket[wood] turned upside down [all of it placed beside charlie black-the dog]; form of visual communication to males of authority/larger society=far as person is concerned= person who wants to date me as well as myself can both be put in the [CON-way][felo-][never paid any attention to the CON-way trucks until local authorities communicated that  the [CON-way][]
-is their preferred way for all  African Americans not their slaves.=Notice the name [ROBERT]=?[Let's see if you can decode the commuication?



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