City of Winston-Salem Housing Dept.
Message from Cintas on 2/6/7;
Cintas changed the items on table beside where I sleep on the floor[where she switched the picture of LOUISE[mother] from one table she had moved at Christmas to put a Christmas tree to the table beside where I sleep at on the floor; she also put a rock[gray] which has the words "JOY" on it; then placed the joy rock in front of Louise[mother]; nephew "Terrick" picture on "LOUISE" right side and picture of both of us as siblings [4/5 yr.old] on "LOUISE" [left side];and after being in the house about 45minutes; Cintas announces "you have to leave when I leave in the mornings because you use up to much electricity";
When TIM left, the light bill[DUKE Energy] went up; told Cintas that when relative that was staying with me went to stay with another relative; that the light and water bill went up instead of down; and that after a bunch of hispanic[apprx. 28 or more] moved in house on Carver Road; that I called Duke energy and they told me that the light bill was $26.00; yet my light bill where there was less use was higher;and the same with the water bill; that it is a scam that Duke energy and the city water dept. run on African American[s];
Cintas response was don't care; you got to leave when I leave in the morning?;I called relatives and asked them to help because with no income; there is no where to go to get out of bastards way;not to mention being able to eat while out and about in the public; I ususally stayed at home to avoid the bastards;waiting for responses;
Also Cintas left a "BLACK HEAD rag"
on the kitchen table with a "blue" piece of paper; and a bottle of "HUNTS" Ketchup

on the kitchen counter where "black can opener" and "black microwave" are located;
Cintas also has Ms. Pauls frozen fish[in the freezer]

along with Anna's Dumplings[in the freezer][which have been there at least a year]

Anne's Flat Dumplings;
Picture of all at Cintas house have been taken; but bastards interferred with picture transference from cell phone to email so I can't post;
note: Upon getting to the Reynolda Branch Library[tall slim white male;brown short wave hair was standing outside];as I walked to the door; he held door open; I told him thank you, but no thank you; then after made phone call in lobby; went to sign up for computer and again; the same white male; so I went and got the newspaper; read the newspaper for about five minutes; did not see the white male; but another short stocky white male with black wave hair who was walking around; then went to sign up for computer again and got on computer #5 at the round table where about six computer are; the people beside me were students; then about twenty five minutes into use of computer; looked up and both white males were at computers beside me; so I got up and moved; and the tall white male that was at the door; acted as if he was at the Reynolda Branch Library specifically for me[Jennifer Barrentt Boneno[sp] was at the desk;
Have it documented that on 2/5/14 that on "ABC NEWS[evening] that Nicole Oulson [whose husband had been shot in a threater by retired authority officer] had been on "The View" and the "ABC evening News" showed a clip with Nicole saying "The man kept approaching her husband and that her husband kept ignoring and ignoring and ignoring the threats from the man[retired authority officer] and then he [retired authority officer] just shot her husband"; which I heard none of when watching Nicole on "The View"
"In zero to sixty, my whole world just shattered," Nicole Oulson told the hosts of ABC's "The View. "It just changed for no reason."
Message from Cintas on 2/6/7;
Cintas changed the items on table beside where I sleep on the floor[where she switched the picture of LOUISE[mother] from one table she had moved at Christmas to put a Christmas tree to the table beside where I sleep at on the floor; she also put a rock[gray] which has the words "JOY" on it; then placed the joy rock in front of Louise[mother]; nephew "Terrick" picture on "LOUISE" right side and picture of both of us as siblings [4/5 yr.old] on "LOUISE" [left side];and after being in the house about 45minutes; Cintas announces "you have to leave when I leave in the mornings because you use up to much electricity";
When TIM left, the light bill[DUKE Energy] went up; told Cintas that when relative that was staying with me went to stay with another relative; that the light and water bill went up instead of down; and that after a bunch of hispanic[apprx. 28 or more] moved in house on Carver Road; that I called Duke energy and they told me that the light bill was $26.00; yet my light bill where there was less use was higher;and the same with the water bill; that it is a scam that Duke energy and the city water dept. run on African American[s];
Cintas response was don't care; you got to leave when I leave in the morning?;I called relatives and asked them to help because with no income; there is no where to go to get out of bastards way;not to mention being able to eat while out and about in the public; I ususally stayed at home to avoid the bastards;waiting for responses;
Also Cintas left a "BLACK HEAD rag"
on the kitchen table with a "blue" piece of paper; and a bottle of "HUNTS" Ketchup

on the kitchen counter where "black can opener" and "black microwave" are located;
Cintas also has Ms. Pauls frozen fish[in the freezer]

along with Anna's Dumplings[in the freezer][which have been there at least a year]

Anne's Flat Dumplings;
Picture of all at Cintas house have been taken; but bastards interferred with picture transference from cell phone to email so I can't post;
note: Upon getting to the Reynolda Branch Library[tall slim white male;brown short wave hair was standing outside];as I walked to the door; he held door open; I told him thank you, but no thank you; then after made phone call in lobby; went to sign up for computer and again; the same white male; so I went and got the newspaper; read the newspaper for about five minutes; did not see the white male; but another short stocky white male with black wave hair who was walking around; then went to sign up for computer again and got on computer #5 at the round table where about six computer are; the people beside me were students; then about twenty five minutes into use of computer; looked up and both white males were at computers beside me; so I got up and moved; and the tall white male that was at the door; acted as if he was at the Reynolda Branch Library specifically for me[Jennifer Barrentt Boneno[sp] was at the desk;
Have it documented that on 2/5/14 that on "ABC NEWS[evening] that Nicole Oulson [whose husband had been shot in a threater by retired authority officer] had been on "The View" and the "ABC evening News" showed a clip with Nicole saying "The man kept approaching her husband and that her husband kept ignoring and ignoring and ignoring the threats from the man[retired authority officer] and then he [retired authority officer] just shot her husband"; which I heard none of when watching Nicole on "The View"
"In zero to sixty, my whole world just shattered," Nicole Oulson told the hosts of ABC's "The View. "It just changed for no reason."
"Oulson, with her attorney T.J. Grimaldi by her side, relived the horror from the afternoon of January 13,2014"
Posted: 02/06/2014;By: Laura Harris
"There was a conversation. The gentleman had confronted my husband several times, which my husband ignored, ignored and ignored. It just got to a point when my husband spoke up and that's when...," Oulson paused"
Posted on blog on 2/6/14 that Nicole Oulson her husband did not die for no reason-he died so that his/her name could be used as form of communication;
Being that Nicole Oulson stated that "my husband ignored, ignored and ignored" and it just got to a point"; which is why posted on 2/6/14 about Judge Denise Hartsfield; local churches[Carver Road Christian Church/Greater Cleveland Avenue Church]; local authorities that control the Carver Road, Reynolda Road, Hanes Mall and Peterscreek Parkway and Winston-Salem downtown area] are connected if anything happens to me or offspring/rleatives;associates;
With the point being that Cintas know that white males keep cameras on her in her house; why she positions things in such a manner and am thinking that being that Cintas was expecting "TIM" last night; told me to leave when she leaves, bought me some "CHILLI" beans from"WENDY'S";placed "JOY" rock in front of "louise" who white males used radiation to kill; and placed picture of "Terrick" on the right side of "Louise's"picture;
and then put her deoderant "Quick" speed in front of her two son[s] pictures; and after the white lady in all black /taking picture[certain way][witchcraft];two white males at Reynolda Branch library[WSforsyth County Library practices witchcraft]; think part of the message from Cintas to white males[being that white males always tell Cintas how she is suppose to treat me=punishment for not becomeing a witch or for not becoming a "slave" to white males either way it is negative to someone seeking to live minus the negative controls and bondages;
And being that somebody put a housing magazine at the sign in computer in place of the blue pad [another coincidence]; being income effects housing/place of dwelling where have had house attacked before by City of Winston-Salem locals through housing grant
Director Community and Business Development
was in charge of housing grant program where [ALL WHITE MALES] who did the construction work; left a hole on the side of the house and a hole in the front room where rodents came up from the basement; part of what made my dog sick; RICHIE BROOKS stated it was not their problem; approx 2009/10 again RICHIE BROOKS and bunch of white males with TWO large white and red trucks [size of a tractor trailer] parked in front of the house I live in] for harassment;
"RICHIE BROOKS"name and title "Director Community and Business Development " says it "ALL" which is that RICHIE Brooks real job is to make sure to direct the development of the AFrican American[s] RICHES in the direction that the COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS say; which is that associated with
systematic robbery and all African Americans that do not yield their wealth to white males;the path has already been selected:
Code Enforcement Senior Project Supervisor
with "Bailiff" meaning -an officer, similar to a sheriff or a sheriff's deputy, employed to execute writs and processes, make arrests, keep order in the court, etc.] and the etc. is to keep order in the African American neighborhoods who do not work for/slave for white males in secret; along with maintaining a system of systematic robbery of African American neighborhoods;
And when at the Carver Road Branch Library;had blogged about an African American female prostitute by the name of NICOLEworking for white males in secret who white males told- that she could have the wealth/Iintimate love relationship that belongs to Deanna in the AFrican American culture in the white culture all NICOLE had to do was to help white males block Deanna]
CONFIRMATION= the white ["Nicole" Oulson] stated that "my husband ignored, ignored and ignored"]
When blogged about "Wanda NICHOLs" clerk at Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech/Carver/Lansing Road/Winston-Salem,N.C.; it was during the time that the media was communicating to WS locals about a "NICOLE";
On Fox News 2/7/14. channel 59 white male? reporter stated that ALL Obamacare was was a "GO to JAIL" get "Obamacare card " [medicaid] and that all the people in jail [98% AFrican American] [7million people] qualify to get medicaid[which is what I do not want]; the news reporter said that the people with the greatest sickness will be the ones on Obamacare medicaid; which means that even when tAfrican Americans get out of jail; they will still remain on a system that keeps them in jail;[like Indian Reservations] and will be used as guiny[sp] pigs for white males research; to use the good results on/for white people who have money;
note: another coincidence? [TJ is the name of the guy who white males helped Debra Jordan to trick into marrying him[and after he figured it out he is pissed? as are a lot of African American men who have figured out that they married an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males; example: Sheldon McCarter[Greater Cleveland Avenue Church] where he and his girlfriend wear matching clothes and their son that they had runs around the church office];
note: while posting this white male;tall slim came to the 15 minute computer beside me[looked like he was in all black/white elderly looking female was walking up "Fairlawn Street" in all black; look like she had a camera; I crossed the street; which seem to upset her; after I cross the street; then she crossed the street; and after she crossed the street; I went back across the street];
Nicole Oulson, widow of man fatally shot in movie theater shooting, speaks nationally
Interviewed on ABC's The View Thursday
The widow of the man shot and killed in a Wesley Chapel movie theater in January spoke on national television Thursday.
"In zero to sixty, my whole world just shattered," Nicole Oulson told the hosts of ABC's "The View. "It just changed for no reason."
Oulson, with her attorney T.J. Grimaldi by her side, relived the horror from the afternoon of January 13.
"There was a conversation. The gentleman had confronted my husband several times, which my husband ignored, ignored and ignored. It just got to a point when my husband spoke up and that's when...," Oulson paused.
Barbara Walters, co-host of "The View" finishing her sentence.
"He was shot," said Walters.
Oulson nodded her head. She has her version of what happened that day. The day she says she and her husband were just out on a date. He simply checked his phone to see if the sitter had called or texted about their 22-month-old daughter. She says that's why the accused shooter, retired Tampa Police Captain, Curtis Reeves, was so angry.
"He got caught. He's a gentleman who has been in an authoritative figure all of his life," said Oulson.
Witnesses from Wednesday's lengthy bond hearing had a similar version. They told the judge there was in fact an altercation. They say popcorn was thrown at some point and then they heard the gunshot.
Reeves, 71, has been charged with second degree murder as well as one count of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, because Nicole was shot in the hand, trying to shield her husband from the bullet.
"In zero to sixty, my whole world just shattered," Nicole Oulson told the hosts of ABC's "The View. "It just changed for no reason."
Oulson, with her attorney T.J. Grimaldi by her side, relived the horror from the afternoon of January 13.
"There was a conversation. The gentleman had confronted my husband several times, which my husband ignored, ignored and ignored. It just got to a point when my husband spoke up and that's when...," Oulson paused.
Barbara Walters, co-host of "The View" finishing her sentence.
"He was shot," said Walters.
Oulson nodded her head. She has her version of what happened that day. The day she says she and her husband were just out on a date. He simply checked his phone to see if the sitter had called or texted about their 22-month-old daughter. She says that's why the accused shooter, retired Tampa Police Captain, Curtis Reeves, was so angry.
"He got caught. He's a gentleman who has been in an authoritative figure all of his life," said Oulson.
Witnesses from Wednesday's lengthy bond hearing had a similar version. They told the judge there was in fact an altercation. They say popcorn was thrown at some point and then they heard the gunshot.
Reeves, 71, has been charged with second degree murder as well as one count of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, because Nicole was shot in the hand, trying to shield her husband from the bullet.
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