Posted on blogs on 2/7/14 information about episodes where those who were entrusted to protect consumers information; used the information to rob/steal and abuse the consumer; and on 2/8/14 on CSpan-Channel 6 there were numerous conferences "Consumer Financial Data Protection" concerning protecting the consumers financial data,etc., in which it was brought up that to use a person's financial data to abuse them is "FRAUD" and are financial schemes; Jessica RICH[Federal Trade Commission/Consumer Protection Director stated that to obtain and use information for "IDENTITY THEFT" by companies, businesses/gov. who should provide "Data Security" to their consumers is a problem because there are no federal penalities for breaches; there are civil penalities for breaches; but no federal penalities fro breaches; that key safe guards need to be implemented;
It was asked [and this is my point] "Where are the data attacks coming from?" and the response was "Europe"; where it is easy for the abuser to hide from the United States Law. EVERYBODY in/at the Consumer Financial Data Protection" conference was "WHITE"; [except one AFrican American female[prostitute working in secret for white males] was sitting between TWO white males behind Sen.Patrick Leahy]; which means in and all conversations and descussions were about who was stealing /abusing financial data of white people; If white people's financial date is being stolen for people to commit "FRAUD" and financial schemes and financial identity theft; then what do people think is happening to African American[s]; and as hard as it is to find the people who are stealing financial data from white people; it is almost a crime how easy it is to identify who[what race] is stealing African American[s] financial data/financial identity's; the same system crying because somebody outside of the United States is stealing their financial data; are the same ones stealing financial date and financial identities of African American[s]; at least white people get to keep their financial identity[through lifelock,etc.]most African Americans can't afford things like lifelock; because most aren't even allowed to make enough money to live, eat on; why African American seek food stamps.
Senator Elizabeth Warren [D.] Mass. stated that when a company uses/steals consumers financial data those are deceptive practices and the FTC has no authority to go after a compnay who provides no data security for consumers;that substancial[sp] injury must exist before the FTC will enforce the FTC "UNFAIRNESS LAWS"; it was stated "There is NO federal law/punishment for abusing a consumers financial data."
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D] Vermont chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee stated, "Consumers[he means white consumers] need to know when private information has been compromised." [even if it is happening overseas];
Sen. John Mulligan/TARGET Corporation/Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officier stated, "We at TARGET extend protection for a year to ALL customers who shop at "TARGET" -the television camera went to the African American female [prostitute working in secret for white males who was sitting between TWO white males behind Sen.Patrick Leahy]=code to white males-protect African American female prostitutes working for white males at least for one year];
which is confirmation of white van with "EXTRA Security" onside of white van;[documented with license #'s]parked at the store next door to the Reynolda Branch library and the "CINTAS" TRUCK[White] parked in front of "DEWEY'S-;the only problem white males have to deal with in protecting their African American female [prostitute working in secret for white males ] is the DEVINE GOD;
Sen. Michael KINGston of Neiman Marcus Group/ S.V-President and chief Information Officer [note:didn't even bother to write what he said instead wrote]-He islying and is one of the crooks and probably the one who stole or help outsiders to steal the information];
Somebody stated: "It is a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY between stores, gov. and businesses; each should share information[which is what RICHIE BROOKS[Housing Dept in city of Winston-Salem, NC] did when made application for a repair grant for house; the bastard took my personal information and passed it on to other gov. agencies who put me on a list that blocked access to full time jobs so that the agencies could pass me back and forth to make money off of; which is what "OBAMACARE" is going to be used for; And RICHie BROOKS and the other local agencies KNOW that "There is NO federal law/punishment for abusing a consumers financial data."; which leaves African Americans with no where to go and get help to the data theft/financial identity theft;
Sen. Feinstein[white female] stated that she had been working on the issue of notifying consumers by companies when the companies data based with the consumers information had been breached; but the idea was not accepted;
Sen. Orin HATCH stated that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACTwebsite/computer program was written by people in another country who had had data of consumers stolen before which makes those who sign up for the Affordable Care Act very vulnerable to a syber attack[to have their information stolen]=which is code to white males-to sign African American[s] up for the Affordable Care Act and to steal their personal information;
Sen. Mike LEE stated something about the "Employer and government are hackers/abuses of African American financial identity's"
Sen. Mike LEE also stated," If the people who steal other people's data have no fear of being prosecuted; they are just going to keep going" regardless of if the "data robbers" are in or out of the United States;
Which is the point "Where are the data attacks coming from?" and the response was "Europe"; where it is easy for the abuser to hide from the United States Law. EVERYBODY in/at the Consumer Financial Data Protection" conference was "WHITE";
If white people's financial date is being stolen for people to commit "FRAUD" and financial schemes and financial identity theft; then what do people think is happening to African American[s]; and as hard as it is to find the people who are stealing financial data from white people; it is almost a crime how easy it is to identify who[what race] is stealing African American[s] financial data/financial identity's;
The Point is that white male[s] systems are design to rob African American[s] of the wealth; and those white male systems are controlled and operated by the same white males that are doing the data stealing/data financial identities of African Americans; just who thinks that white males are going to stand up and yell- "Gulity for/of robbing African Americans of their financial data/financial identity!!"; don't think so;
Sen. Mike LEE also stated," If the people who steal other people's data have no fear of being prosecuted; they are just going to keep going" regardless of if the "data robbers" are in or out of the United States;
Which is why submitted case to the United States Supreme Court who SHARED information to ROB African American of issues /data which if addressed as happening inthe African American community would establish the African American wealth that belonged to that individual in the AFrican American community;And being that the information/data submitted to the United States Supreme Court was associated with wrongful termination of employment/threat of confinement for earning income in an honest manner=MONEY RELATED!!!; when means that the United States Supreme Court have thieves amongst them;
Sen. RICHard BLUMonthal [D.] Connecticut stated "RIGHTS are not REAL unless they are ENFORCEABLE"=thus the African American[s] problem-nobody to enforce the laws based upon the laws that the United States Supreme Court passed that stated it is a violation of the United States Constitution to punish African Americans for protecting and prospering African American culture as White males protect and prosper white male[s] Caucasian culture;
Sen. ?[Asian Female} stated "The First line of Defense is the Consumers responsibility to protect themselves; which may include a stronger password[joke-for African Americans] and the Better Business Bureau[sp][another joke-for African Americans] [The Winston-Salem Better Business Bureau did the criminal thing; told me that I had no case after white males proposition white female to ignore case and they would ensure that her white son had a scholorship to Winston-Salem State University after I complained to the WS BBB because White males were blocking doorways and trying to go through doors with me]; after that you need an attorney who(98% I have encouontered) are also data robbers/thieves;
Which brings me back to Sen. Erwin[?}[ who stated that the N.S. A. is collecting phone data,and all kinds of other data for the gov. that can be used to abuse the person; and sone one stated, "Stealing of consumers information is a CONSTANT on going threat."] with the point being if the protectors are the abusers;the abusers have no options because the "SECURSITY STANDARDS" have been ignored or violated by the protectors; the abusers need protection from the protectors who do the abusing;
Sad to say: [Sen. RICHard BLUMonthal [D.] Connecticut stated "RIGHTS are not REAL unless they are ENFORCEABLE/Sen. Orin HATCH stated that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACTwebsite/computer program/Sen. Michael KINGston of Neiman Marcus Group through the Senate Judiciary Committee ] long story short=code=White males agreed to make sure that white males are rich by blooming and connecting through the hatching of the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT which is to steal African American data/fiancial data[financial identiy] to mark their group as KING;
On weekend with Alex WITT who had on a RUSH HOLT talking about JOBS [channel 50/2/8/14] and
Segment with 1. GOLDie TAYLOR[MSNBC Contributor][African American female, 2. RICH Golen[Pulbisher of Hallon[sp, White male],3.Morris REID[Democratic Strategist,African American male,] which is code to read the employment situation to HALT the JOBS for African Americans quickly,[the economy is getting ready to be better] and "taylor" the jobs so that white males are "RICH"have the GOLD; with JOY REID moving to the 2:00pm slot of local news talk program;
Which have no problem with the post made on 2/7/14 stating the abuse and robbery and SHARING of information by local Winston-salem agencies who use financial data to commit Financial identity theft:
And being that somebody put a housing magazine at the "sign in" for computers- in place of the blue pad [another coincidence]; and being income effects housing/place of dwelling where have had house attacked before by City of Winston-Salem locals through housing grant

Director Community and Business Development
was in charge of housing grant program where [ALL WHITE MALES] who did the construction work; left a hole on the side of the house and a hole in the front room where rodents came up from the basement; part of what made my dog sick; RICHIE BROOKS stated it was not their problem; approx 2009/10 again RICHIE BROOKS and bunch of white males with TWO large white and red trucks [size of a tractor trailer] parked in front of the house I live in] for harassment;
"RICHIE BROOKS"name and title "Director Community and Business Development " says it "ALL" which is that RICHIE Brooks real job is to make sure to direct the development of the AFrican American[s] RICHES in the direction that the COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS say; which is that associated with
systematic robbery and all African Americans that do not yield their wealth to white males;the path has already been selected:

Code Enforcement Senior Project Supervisor
with "Bailiff" meaning -an officer, similar to a sheriff or a sheriff's deputy, employed to execute writs and processes, make arrests, keep order in the court, etc.] and the etc. is to keep order in the African American neighborhoods who do not work for/slave for white males in secret; along with maintaining a system of systematic robbery of African American neighborhoods;
And when at the Carver Road Branch Library;had blogged about an African American female prostitute by the name of NICOLEworking for white males in secret who white males told- that she could have the wealth/Iintimate love relationship that belongs to Deanna in the AFrican American culture in the white culture all NICOLE had to do was to help white males block Deanna]
CONFIRMATION= the white ["Nicole" Oulson] stated that "my husband ignored, ignored and ignored"]

When blogged about "Wanda NICHOLs" clerk at Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech/Carver/Lansing Road/Winston-Salem,N.C.; it was during the time that the media was communicating to WS locals about a "NICOLE" that was in the news;
On Fox News 2/7/14. channel 59 white male? reporter stated that ALL Obamacare was was a "GO to JAIL" get "Obamacare card " [medicaid] and that all the people in jail [98% AFrican American] [7million people] qualify to get medicaid[which is what I do not want]; the news reporter said that the people with the greatest sickness will be the ones on Obamacare medicaid; which means that even when tAfrican Americans get out of jail; they will still remain on a system that keeps them in jail;[like Indian Reservations] and will be used as guiny[sp] pigs for white males research; to use the good results on/for white people who have money;
note: another coincidence? [TJ is the name of the guy who white males helped Debra Jordan to trick into marrying him[and after he figured it out he is pissed? as are a lot of African American men who have figured out that they married an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males; example: Sheldon McCarter[Greater Cleveland Avenue Church] where he and his girlfriend wear matching clothes and their son that they had runs around the church office];
Posted on blogs on 2/7/14 information about episodes where those who were entrusted to protect consumers information; used the information to rob/steal and abuse the consumer; and on 2/8/14 on CSpan-Channel 6 there were numerous conferences "Consumer Financial Data Protection" concerning protecting the consumers financial data,etc., in which it was brought up that to use a person's financial data to abuse them is "FRAUD" and are financial schemes; Jessica RICH[Federal Trade Commission/Consumer Protection Director stated that to obtain and use information for "IDENTITY THEFT" by companies, businesses/gov. who should provide "Data Security" to their consumers is a problem because there are no federal penalities for breaches; there are civil penalities for breaches; but no federal penalities fro breaches; that key safe guards need to be implemented;
It was asked [and this is my point] "Where are the data attacks coming from?" and the response was "Europe"; where it is easy for the abuser to hide from the United States Law. EVERYBODY in/at the Consumer Financial Data Protection" conference was "WHITE"; [except one AFrican American female[prostitute working in secret for white males] was sitting between TWO white males behind Sen.Patrick Leahy]; which means in and all conversations and descussions were about who was stealing /abusing financial data of white people; If white people's financial date is being stolen for people to commit "FRAUD" and financial schemes and financial identity theft; then what do people think is happening to African American[s]; and as hard as it is to find the people who are stealing financial data from white people; it is almost a crime how easy it is to identify who[what race] is stealing African American[s] financial data/financial identity's; the same system crying because somebody outside of the United States is stealing their financial data; are the same ones stealing financial date and financial identities of African American[s]; at least white people get to keep their financial identity[through lifelock,etc.]most African Americans can't afford things like lifelock; because most aren't even allowed to make enough money to live, eat on; why African American seek food stamps.
Senator Elizabeth Warren [D.] Mass. stated that when a company uses/steals consumers financial data those are deceptive practices and the FTC has no authority to go after a compnay who provides no data security for consumers;that substancial[sp] injury must exist before the FTC will enforce the FTC "UNFAIRNESS LAWS"; it was stated "There is NO federal law/punishment for abusing a consumers financial data."
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D] Vermont chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee stated, "Consumers[he means white consumers] need to know when private information has been compromised." [even if it is happening overseas];
Sen. John Mulligan/TARGET Corporation/Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officier stated, "We at TARGET extend protection for a year to ALL customers who shop at "TARGET" -the television camera went to the African American female [prostitute working in secret for white males who was sitting between TWO white males behind Sen.Patrick Leahy]=code to white males-protect African American female prostitutes working for white males at least for one year];
which is confirmation of white van with "EXTRA Security" onside of white van;[documented with license #'s]parked at the store next door to the Reynolda Branch library and the "CINTAS" TRUCK[White] parked in front of "DEWEY'S-;the only problem white males have to deal with in protecting their African American female [prostitute working in secret for white males ] is the DEVINE GOD;
Sen. Michael KINGston of Neiman Marcus Group/ S.V-President and chief Information Officer [note:didn't even bother to write what he said instead wrote]-He islying and is one of the crooks and probably the one who stole or help outsiders to steal the information];
Somebody stated: "It is a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY between stores, gov. and businesses; each should share information[which is what RICHIE BROOKS[Housing Dept in city of Winston-Salem, NC] did when made application for a repair grant for house; the bastard took my personal information and passed it on to other gov. agencies who put me on a list that blocked access to full time jobs so that the agencies could pass me back and forth to make money off of; which is what "OBAMACARE" is going to be used for; And RICHie BROOKS and the other local agencies KNOW that "There is NO federal law/punishment for abusing a consumers financial data."; which leaves African Americans with no where to go and get help to the data theft/financial identity theft;
Sen. Feinstein[white female] stated that she had been working on the issue of notifying consumers by companies when the companies data based with the consumers information had been breached; but the idea was not accepted;
Sen. Orin HATCH stated that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACTwebsite/computer program was written by people in another country who had had data of consumers stolen before which makes those who sign up for the Affordable Care Act very vulnerable to a syber attack[to have their information stolen]=which is code to white males-to sign African American[s] up for the Affordable Care Act and to steal their personal information;
Sen. Mike LEE stated something about the "Employer and government are hackers/abuses of African American financial identity's"
Sen. Mike LEE also stated," If the people who steal other people's data have no fear of being prosecuted; they are just going to keep going" regardless of if the "data robbers" are in or out of the United States;
Which is the point "Where are the data attacks coming from?" and the response was "Europe"; where it is easy for the abuser to hide from the United States Law. EVERYBODY in/at the Consumer Financial Data Protection" conference was "WHITE";
If white people's financial date is being stolen for people to commit "FRAUD" and financial schemes and financial identity theft; then what do people think is happening to African American[s]; and as hard as it is to find the people who are stealing financial data from white people; it is almost a crime how easy it is to identify who[what race] is stealing African American[s] financial data/financial identity's;
The Point is that white male[s] systems are design to rob African American[s] of the wealth; and those white male systems are controlled and operated by the same white males that are doing the data stealing/data financial identities of African Americans; just who thinks that white males are going to stand up and yell- "Gulity for/of robbing African Americans of their financial data/financial identity!!"; don't think so;
Sen. Mike LEE also stated," If the people who steal other people's data have no fear of being prosecuted; they are just going to keep going" regardless of if the "data robbers" are in or out of the United States;
Which is why submitted case to the United States Supreme Court who SHARED information to ROB African American of issues /data which if addressed as happening inthe African American community would establish the African American wealth that belonged to that individual in the AFrican American community;And being that the information/data submitted to the United States Supreme Court was associated with wrongful termination of employment/threat of confinement for earning income in an honest manner=MONEY RELATED!!!; when means that the United States Supreme Court have thieves amongst them;
Sen. RICHard BLUMonthal [D.] Connecticut stated "RIGHTS are not REAL unless they are ENFORCEABLE"=thus the African American[s] problem-nobody to enforce the laws based upon the laws that the United States Supreme Court passed that stated it is a violation of the United States Constitution to punish African Americans for protecting and prospering African American culture as White males protect and prosper white male[s] Caucasian culture;
Sen. ?[Asian Female} stated "The First line of Defense is the Consumers responsibility to protect themselves; which may include a stronger password[joke-for African Americans] and the Better Business Bureau[sp][another joke-for African Americans] [The Winston-Salem Better Business Bureau did the criminal thing; told me that I had no case after white males proposition white female to ignore case and they would ensure that her white son had a scholorship to Winston-Salem State University after I complained to the WS BBB because White males were blocking doorways and trying to go through doors with me]; after that you need an attorney who(98% I have encouontered) are also data robbers/thieves;
Which brings me back to Sen. Erwin[?}[ who stated that the N.S. A. is collecting phone data,and all kinds of other data for the gov. that can be used to abuse the person; and sone one stated, "Stealing of consumers information is a CONSTANT on going threat."] with the point being if the protectors are the abusers;the abusers have no options because the "SECURSITY STANDARDS" have been ignored or violated by the protectors; the abusers need protection from the protectors who do the abusing;
Sad to say: [Sen. RICHard BLUMonthal [D.] Connecticut stated "RIGHTS are not REAL unless they are ENFORCEABLE/Sen. Orin HATCH stated that the AFFORDABLE CARE ACTwebsite/computer program/Sen. Michael KINGston of Neiman Marcus Group through the Senate Judiciary Committee ] long story short=code=White males agreed to make sure that white males are rich by blooming and connecting through the hatching of the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT which is to steal African American data/fiancial data[financial identiy] to mark their group as KING;
On weekend with Alex WITT who had on a RUSH HOLT talking about JOBS [channel 50/2/8/14] and
Segment with 1. GOLDie TAYLOR[MSNBC Contributor][African American female, 2. RICH Golen[Pulbisher of Hallon[sp, White male],3.Morris REID[Democratic Strategist,African American male,] which is code to read the employment situation to HALT the JOBS for African Americans quickly,[the economy is getting ready to be better] and "taylor" the jobs so that white males are "RICH"have the GOLD; with JOY REID moving to the 2:00pm slot of local news talk program;
Which have no problem with the post made on 2/7/14 stating the abuse and robbery and SHARING of information by local Winston-salem agencies who use financial data to commit Financial identity theft:
And being that somebody put a housing magazine at the "sign in" for computers- in place of the blue pad [another coincidence]; and being income effects housing/place of dwelling where have had house attacked before by City of Winston-Salem locals through housing grant

Director Community and Business Development
was in charge of housing grant program where [ALL WHITE MALES] who did the construction work; left a hole on the side of the house and a hole in the front room where rodents came up from the basement; part of what made my dog sick; RICHIE BROOKS stated it was not their problem; approx 2009/10 again RICHIE BROOKS and bunch of white males with TWO large white and red trucks [size of a tractor trailer] parked in front of the house I live in] for harassment;
"RICHIE BROOKS"name and title "Director Community and Business Development " says it "ALL" which is that RICHIE Brooks real job is to make sure to direct the development of the AFrican American[s] RICHES in the direction that the COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS say; which is that associated with
systematic robbery and all African Americans that do not yield their wealth to white males;the path has already been selected:

Code Enforcement Senior Project Supervisor
with "Bailiff" meaning -an officer, similar to a sheriff or a sheriff's deputy, employed to execute writs and processes, make arrests, keep order in the court, etc.] and the etc. is to keep order in the African American neighborhoods who do not work for/slave for white males in secret; along with maintaining a system of systematic robbery of African American neighborhoods;
And when at the Carver Road Branch Library;had blogged about an African American female prostitute by the name of NICOLEworking for white males in secret who white males told- that she could have the wealth/Iintimate love relationship that belongs to Deanna in the AFrican American culture in the white culture all NICOLE had to do was to help white males block Deanna]
CONFIRMATION= the white ["Nicole" Oulson] stated that "my husband ignored, ignored and ignored"]

When blogged about "Wanda NICHOLs" clerk at Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech/Carver/Lansing Road/Winston-Salem,N.C.; it was during the time that the media was communicating to WS locals about a "NICOLE" that was in the news;
On Fox News 2/7/14. channel 59 white male? reporter stated that ALL Obamacare was was a "GO to JAIL" get "Obamacare card " [medicaid] and that all the people in jail [98% AFrican American] [7million people] qualify to get medicaid[which is what I do not want]; the news reporter said that the people with the greatest sickness will be the ones on Obamacare medicaid; which means that even when tAfrican Americans get out of jail; they will still remain on a system that keeps them in jail;[like Indian Reservations] and will be used as guiny[sp] pigs for white males research; to use the good results on/for white people who have money;
note: another coincidence? [TJ is the name of the guy who white males helped Debra Jordan to trick into marrying him[and after he figured it out he is pissed? as are a lot of African American men who have figured out that they married an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males; example: Sheldon McCarter[Greater Cleveland Avenue Church] where he and his girlfriend wear matching clothes and their son that they had runs around the church office];
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