Picts Taken 3/2014 to 8/2014
In order for the Carl Russell Recreation Center comuter lab to be opened for me to use today:-Ben Picket, other lady[black] and some other AFrican American male had to come to the door for Ben Picket to open the door to the computer lab; the [black lady-asked me-"What happen to you!; you look like you have been through hell and back" told her to be glad that she did not have to go through what I have been through-the abuse/harassment from Vern Sw-tzer and others; eventually it does take a toll on the person; regardless of how the person tries to hide it;
The Movie: with Eddie Murphy-Holy Man has a relative name Ricky; relative name Robert; etc. including the name "RUSSELL"=which is the name of Carl RUSSELL recreation center;

Following below are pictures taken over the last three to five months; just took pictures; some have notes; some will have to put notes to [note: apologize fore pictures being turned wrong way-will have to figure out later how to turn right way]:
7-23-14-vern sw-tzer told me to be at k w at eight a.m., and ambulance showed where i catch wsta bus and guy. Who knew brother who was murdered is driving bus on route one, this is after working switzer veg. , Stand on 72214 where la blue water truck drove thru and then truck with words military order, which ambulance just road past wsta rte.1 bus on 311,evesy wed. Sw-tzer goes to s.c. And puts ann switzer at veg stand and me in field as code to white males he is helping to abuse me for money, what cece store on 5th street is about, cce2002 is vern switzer sister name,is money code, proofi s red car kept parked in front of hispannic whose sister was nurse for switzer mother. And hispanic wife name ann also who lives house bside switzers, the us laws state it is a viojation for gov to take citizens belogings when not in war-or to force then to give up relatiomship that robs them of wealth, proof, 4 white males on wsta bus who got on at specific street names;
In order for the Carl Russell Recreation Center comuter lab to be opened for me to use today:-Ben Picket, other lady[black] and some other AFrican American male had to come to the door for Ben Picket to open the door to the computer lab; the [black lady-asked me-"What happen to you!; you look like you have been through hell and back" told her to be glad that she did not have to go through what I have been through-the abuse/harassment from Vern Sw-tzer and others; eventually it does take a toll on the person; regardless of how the person tries to hide it;
The Movie: with Eddie Murphy-Holy Man has a relative name Ricky; relative name Robert; etc. including the name "RUSSELL"=which is the name of Carl RUSSELL recreation center;

Following below are pictures taken over the last three to five months; just took pictures; some have notes; some will have to put notes to [note: apologize fore pictures being turned wrong way-will have to figure out later how to turn right way]:
7-23-14-vern sw-tzer told me to be at k w at eight a.m., and ambulance showed where i catch wsta bus and guy. Who knew brother who was murdered is driving bus on route one, this is after working switzer veg. , Stand on 72214 where la blue water truck drove thru and then truck with words military order, which ambulance just road past wsta rte.1 bus on 311,evesy wed. Sw-tzer goes to s.c. And puts ann switzer at veg stand and me in field as code to white males he is helping to abuse me for money, what cece store on 5th street is about, cce2002 is vern switzer sister name,is money code, proofi s red car kept parked in front of hispannic whose sister was nurse for switzer mother. And hispanic wife name ann also who lives house bside switzers, the us laws state it is a viojation for gov to take citizens belogings when not in war-or to force then to give up relatiomship that robs them of wealth, proof, 4 white males on wsta bus who got on at specific street names;
This is the African American male driver [Secret club member]that WSTA puts as driver when they want to send threatening message-he knew my brother CURT who was murdered;
7-2-14 Is the first time vern switzer has brought godwin boxes to veg. Stand in three years of worked for swityer because of cynthia robinson winning 23.7 billion dollars from reynolds tobaco,with the godwin name being code to gwyn group in winston salem,which switzer is. Or i should say his actions resemble those of members of the gwyn secret group whose son pulled weapon on me; [note: GODWIN is the name of the girl at WSSU who blocked me from accessing finances to be certified as a teacher; GODWIN also the name on the City of Winston-Salem trucks/etc.];
Today,the day after vern switzer pushed my head on the left side so hard that today my neck is still hurting,after i did as candy said,which was to take asperin and put heat pad to neck-. Vern switzer apologized again, called me this morning and told me that he had me a stove for 200.00 which i have to pay back in installments and this afternoon switzer had sam to go through boxes of sweet potatoes and get the good ones out-which the writing on the box is confirmation of switzers connection to winston salem state and secret group where sutton put weapon on desk to intimidate,which is where cynthia godwin would not give me financial aid to be certified as a teacher and the boxes of sweet potatoes has godwin produce from dunn,north carolina,with code words being god, win and dunn, also the word rich,- cynthia godwin was fired from wssu,godwin is on the city of winston salem trucks- and rich applies to code-cynthia robinson who got 23.7 billion dollars in settlement with reynolds-local gr
4. Posted in email on Friday, July 18, 2014 12:22 AM;
Picture of one of the bean field that Vern Sw-tzer had me to plant October/Green beans;
Car parked at gwyns on the same day that two truck were parked in front of moores house, the two trucks had licence,the car parked in gwyns driveway did not.[note: all the cars parked/with or without license
codes to those in the secret group];
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