
Am sending copy of email sent to M------- F------- at Salvation Army in Winston-Salem, M------ F------- works with authority dealing with people on probation/half way houses and sent her an email asking for suggestions when there is no one to compell compliance of the laws to protect my rights based on the laws of the United States Constitution;

It dawn on me that sanitation=trash=-ash=ash spill at Duke Energy], in which Randy Britton is working with the "Sanitation dept";


To:  M------ F-------
       Salvation Army Command Center

RE: Thank You

Reminder that Duke Energy would not take the deposit from the Salvation Army and had to contact NC Utilities Commission; and person answering inquiry about warning ticket put on royal blue recycle bin the day after Duke energy turned on lights[?] which was 2 and ½ years after the royal blue recycle bin had been on the street in front of the house with Randy Britton[ex- head manager for Duke Energy] currently working for the city of
Winston-Salem dealing with sanitation-[trash]-[ash]; 
