Social Understandings

Friday, June 02, 2017



1. Today is a "TWO" day coincidentallyl--When walking from house-at the corner a white male[middle age] in a white TERMINEX truck met me at the corner; tried to wait till i turned the corner, but a car came;

2. On 6/1/17 was on rte 96 wsta/robin African American secret prostitute was the driver[the day after sharlene put me out of the carver school road branch library robin the African American secret prostitute announced to a bus full of people riding wsta route 96 that the crs branch library had put me out-which is one of the techniques of structural abuse, which is to embarress the person in public];

At 311[kkk] and 14th Street, wsta rte 96 had to make a right turn on to 14th street off of 311[kkk] because white males[yellow-prison trucks] had 311[kkk] blocked; and rte 96 drove up 14th Street, make a left on to CAMEron Street- then made left on 10th and CAMEron Street[drove pass 10th and RICH Street]-pass ANDREWS Height[apt. dwelling name after an "ANDREWS"]and made a right turn back on to 311[kkk] at 311 and 10th[?] beside sign on right that say[s] ANDREWS Height;

When got downtown-got off wsta rte 96 at  Chruch Street and 5th Street where a BRINKS MONEY truck made a left off of 5th Street onto Church Street;i walked to the back[wells fargo] and as i was walking up to the bank another MONEY TRUCK pulled up;

After left the bank [Christian [African American male] was not working; got on wsta rte 83 and went to eat; then went to market place mall where myself and the guy who wanted to date me that wears royal blue went walking]-at market place mall-where after conversation and observation with an old man who fixes computers, i can say that he is being held captive by the local structural abuse members;then i went to a new business called something like "country store" where there are a lot of  items of animals made out of tin; originally just wanted to know some prices; but  the owner last name"KING" wanted to offer all kinds of information, such as the items come from "MEXICO", but there were no obvious mexican workers in/at the store; which "KING" is a white male and in true form-have no respect for African American females; as Mr. "KINK" was speaking he touched me once, i moved out of his way, Mr. "KING" then moved back in area so he could reach my arm and touched again, which the touch situation continued for about to minutes; when i was getting ready to leave noticed that Mr. "king" had candles, he nicely offered me a candle[two battery operated] and i asked for a "real" candle;then left Mr. "king's" store;

While speaking to Mr. "king" noticed that across the mall at "ham RICK's"[the store "Hamrick's" was put in place as code to make a "ham" out of RICK [which is name of my siblings who has a learning disability];  was an old  white male fully armed in a sheriff's uniform; the last time i went to [Ham"RICK'S"] there were two mil-tary people fully armed; and after left mr. "king's" store went to get things that had been advertised my "hamrick's" since April, 2017 to see if they still hand any of the item[s] left; upon entering the store, the old white male sheriff appeared as i walked down an isle of the "hamrick's" store; did my shopping and after thinking about mr. "king" because he was nice enough to give me a candle[real one] to ask his hours because he had shared that there is "no traffic" at market place mall; that he did not understand why there was no traffic with all of the traffic[cars] on PETERScreek[with PETER being code word for "dick"];

Went back to mr. "KING"'s country store and asked his hours, as he was about to get up told  him-he did not have to get up; but mr. "king" insisted and got up, walked over to me and then mr. "king" started the touch thing again; so i told him, that part of his problem may be that he was his connections and he said, "huh?", i said, based on what you told me, some of the people you were around and if you were touching them some of the spirits may have transfered, because mr. "king" swore up and down he is a christian and always has been;

So to explain in more detailed, as given by the HOLY SPIRIT the story of the "HOLY ARC" in which GOD appointed/anointed certain men to carry the "arac" but one man decided he wanted to help for whatever reason and he touched the "arc" and he died because he touched something[the "arc" that he did not have permission to touch;

mr. "king's" response was to ignore and he began the touch thing again and said, i touch everybody, i don't care who they are or how high up they go; i said, well because you said, you were a christian, i gave to you what the HOLY SPIRIT was giving to me to give to you, then mr. "king" was in a hurry to help a white male customer, so i walked off and went to the vitamin store;

Thus after the situation with mr. "king" [who i could tell had been pumped up to be receptive to the allusions of being a "king"]; i said my prayers;

[note: In the "HamRICKS" store were TWO illegal hispanics [where the old white male sheriff was patrolling]-the hispanics were illegal because after i asked a question, the hispanic female looked scared, the white female supervisor-hurried up and answered for her; and the white male sheriff's authority structural abuse system intend to use "RICK"[my sibling with a learning disability] to bring in loads of hispanics through a forced  "marriage"-where have posted that the hispanics broke up "Rick's" marriage to African American female [attempt to be wife]; where "RICK" has signed documents to be in business with the brother of the hispanic female who is NOT A CITIZEN of the United States;mr, "king" placed at market place beside "ham"RICK'S" to raise up illegal hispanic[s] in/on Peterscreek Parkway;

where at the Peterscreek Parkway shopping center-there use to be "ANNA'S" Linen store til ANNA posted on blog that ANNA'S linen was being use to steal from the real "ANN"; thus replacement in the Peterscreek Parkway shopping center is the equivalent of the structural abuse system[s] "kelly-ANN CON WAY"-find a way to make ANN a "con"=how Kelly Ann Conway at the house that is white is being used to communicate to authorities what to do to force the real "ANN" to be a "con"= the AUTHORITY UNIFORM store with pictures of all kinds of white "authority" fully armed in uniforms-beside the hair supply store; where when went to the hair supply store-as i was walking to the hair supply store, there appeared TWO white males who decided to walk in front of me as if there were my guide; i walked past them and past the beauty supply store-it was like, a person/African American female could not go into the beauty/hair supply store unless white male[s] allowed; i walked faster around the TWO white male[s] across in front of them out of their way-so that they were going in the opposite direction as i walked back to the hair/beauty supply store and upon reaching for the door the hair/beauty supply store, another white male was opening the door;

I waited till  the white male left, the door shut and i opened the door and went into the hair/beauty supply store of which the situation with the white male and the door is not a first time; posted on blog/internet when at WSSU[Winston-Salem State University] how white male[s] would try to block me from crossing campus/going through a door or the white male[s] would try to go through a door with me; and that when i complained that instead of seeing chaplin sutton; i was given a meeting with captain sutton authority]of campus security who pulled his weapon out and put it on a book shelf that i was standing beside[which was the first threat concerning structural abuse system;

Thus since ANNA's Linen store could not rob the real "ANN"; the response is ""con" [convict] "way", which why the new AUTHROITY uniform store [with pictures of white males in fully armed uniforms] is beside the hair/beauty supply store-easy to reach females to intimidate into white males secret prostitution structural abuse where only the white male authority's African American secret prostitutes allowed to access personal items that relate to improvements in appearance;violation of the ucc[universal commerce code] in the United States-in Russia it is probably allowed;

Whereby on 5/31/17 two hispanic males were at house where "habitant for humanity" had "I am woman" white van as harassment-first hispanics went to where chris hayes[judge rolland  hayes son]stay about eight months ago;

note: hispanic male [apprx.25 ys.old-short hair/fair skin complextion] came into the Carl Russell Recreation center at approx. 3:40 pm-when ben picket the director usually ask me to leave the computer room at the exact time the computer room closes[as form of limiting access to computer], which was at 3:30pm today; looked up approx. 3:40pm and hispanic male at the other end on computers[was wondering why ben picket did not come and asked me to leave the computer room; was ben pickets way of identifying an African American female not working with hispanic[s] drug ring]

3. Peterscreek Parkway is being set up to create secret prostitution ring; Went to Burger "King" on Peterscreek Parkway and on a different day to the Burger "King" on corner of MLK and 5th and around noon to 3:00pm nothing but white male[s], which have gone to Burger "king" for decades and never seen just ONLY white male[s] did notice that only one female beside myself was at Burger "king" during that time; but there have not been many African American female[s] wives of African American males that changed history; where at the corner of Patterson Avenue and 5th Street there is  a covering with the words, "WHITING TURNER"-which is part of structural abuse/scam where the MONEY that is suppose to go into the African American neighborhood is being "TURNED" by white male[s] scams/structural abuse;

4. Where "Vanessa"  FERGURSON came from is the statement, "Two years after racical uprisings in FERGERSON, BALTIMORE,  and other cities help cast a strobe light on the contemporary face of "racial oppression in American"[] with the issue of  "REAL RACIAL UPRISINGS" vs the illusioner [FAKE]"racial risings"  concerning "REAL" "RACIAL OPPRESSION" vs the illusionery [FAKE] "racial oppressions":

Everything in the media has been used to communicate what the "REAL" issues are to those who operate the "structural abuse" system; thus the [FAKE] system[s] like with "Black Lives Matter"[FAKE]-was created by white male system[s] to let white male[s] know that there are some African American[s] who serving the real GOD; not white male structural system[s];thus Vanessa FERGUSON was raised up to communicate to Gwyndolyn Gwyn/Chris Hayes[Judge rolland hayes's son]melissa williams, cookie "3711" Carver School Road/ellen "KING" givens/sylvia sprinkle hamlin that Vanessa in the area whose "real" issues could cause a "racial uprising" is not going to be "heard" because Vanessa is not doing as the African American female prostitutes lifted up by white male[s] structural abusive systems- therefore chris hayes[john-son of Judge rolland hayes] is to be "THE VOICE" because his father "Judge" rolland hayes taught him to practice ethnic intimidation/part of the structural abuse of African American[s], which help white male[s] to continue the "racial oppression" through structural abuse of African Americans thereby STOPPING the "racial uprising"; so that the real Vanessa is not be heard/but attacked by members of the local[s]secret group=sylvia sprinkle hamlin/gwydolyn gwyn/ellen"king" givens/cookie"3711"Carver School Road/chris hayes[Judge rolland hayes son]/pastor mccarter- of greater cleveland avenue church/melissa williams/ben picket/99.99% of the African American churches in Winston-Salem, NC/crisis control ministsries/salvation army in Winston-Salem, NC/united metropolitian churches/sam's club/walmart/dollar general store on 311/99.99% of the "dollar/dollar general stores in the African American neighborhoods;[staff [posted on blog]at city of Winston-Salem city link]. wsta[Winston-Salem transit authority] city bus drivers-specificially "ROBIN"drives wsta route 96/ art barnes director of wsta/oprah winfrey/charlie rose/gail king/ nora [?]/today show staff-who are so deep in participation that they name their children to be used in system to communicate actions to the structural abuse members[which is taking away the childrens rights as individuals and forcing them to be robots [Al tries not to participate] Example of naming their children to be used in system is the name "Paris"-where niece[participating in structural abuse] named a child- "PARIS" as a code name to be used to communicate about structural abuse;wendy [show]/VAN denton/lanie POPE/lonie LOVE/dr.oz/Travis Lane Stork member of "the doctors"/ and bill oreilly along with others documented when posted on blog as experienced structural abuse situations; with 99.99% of the structural abuse participants scared they will be found out like bill oreilly[who Donald Trump supported 100%-because he is one of them];

5.  "LeBron James' master class on race in America"

"Basketball icon LeBron James' admission in a press conference on Wednesday that "being black in America is tough" has refocused a national and global spotlight on race matters in America.
"No matter how much money you have, no matter how famous you are, no matter how many people admire you," James explained, racism continues to thrive here. James' declaration came on the eve of the NBA Finals and in the wake of an incident in which his Los Angeles home was vandalized with racist graffiti. The targeting of perhaps the world's best known athlete with racial slurs that included the n-word, turned the NBA Finals media day into a seminar on the contours of racial oppression in America."

Thus if LeBron James with all his money/status experiences "racial oppression"; imagine what the average African American that nobody knows experiences on a daily basis, not just from white male structural abusive systems created and done by white male[s]-but also "racial oppression" by those of their own race, which is called ethnic intimidation and in both cases there is "no relief"; can't go to court on the white male[s] who do the abuse; can't go to the white male[s] on the African American[s] who do the abuse for white male[s][ethnic intimidation], because the white male[s] control the court system, that protects the white male[s] wrong doing and the white male[s] who control the court system protect the African American[s] who abuse other African American[s] for white male[s][ethnic intimidation]-thus to stop the retaliation for not being able to receive any kind of "relief" from/through the courts/etc. the solution is to keep the issue from coming forth-which is usually through a situation or a person-which as far as white male[s] concerned in Winston-Salem, NC is stopping a Vanessa from marrying the guy who wears royal blue clothes who wants to date me.

[note: thus have posted those operating in the "structural abuse" system[s]/names/dates/times,etc.];

6. Posted that during the habitant for humanity[white humanity] structural abuse system that placed a royal blue bin at AFrican American female[s] house where about 25 white male[s] were on top of the roof in the front of the house; that duke energy sent a white male in a white truck to turned lights off[he was sitting parked in big duke energy truck] when had gone to the grocery store;about two to three days later, duke energy sent an African American male[first black male to be sent by duke energy]to check the meter; so i called duke energy and asked if he was legal-being that have had too many white males saying that they are legal, yet did not want to give id/ tried to intimidate,etc.; and also asked the African American male to write down his ID number, he too said he did not have an ID number; so i started writing down license plate/truck numbers; however the African American male did write down his name-which was DONALD BLACKmon-code the first boyfriend of the AFrican American female house where the white male turned off of the lights was named DONALD, and to rob that African American female of the wealth that is associated with the name of "DONALD" an [black] African American male by the name of "DONALD"  had to be sent to check the meter with no numbers on it -which meant that the wealth associated with the BLACK DONALD [duke energy African American male sent]-Donald BLACKmon did not exist  official- therefore when DONALD BLACKmon read the meter with nothing on it; to white male[s] scam[like the "yes" scam], it was the equivalent of robbing the African American female of the wealth associated with the first African American boyfriend name "DONALD"-whose relationship white male[s] structural abuse system
had sent an African American female secret prostitute to break up the relationship; therefore; the black Donald does not get MONEY like the WHITE DONALD trump.


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    By Blogger Fayad, at 2:55 PM  

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