Social Understandings

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Just got call from Ms. K-iger at Goodwill that the people at the Prosperity Center said that I was not following the proper protocal at the Prosperity Center on Liberty Street and therefore she and they would prefer that my job search take place somewhere else.  Told her that was fine as long as she puts it in writing stating their objectives/goals.  She said okay.

Which is not surprise being that Br-an King [Bridgets son][Charles Mc-----'s stepson] job is there and there seems to be a little concern over the possibility of someone being attacked; WOW what a surprise; "Please don't come here anymore"; which goes along with the other thousands of micro-aggessions.

The purpose of the Prosperity Center is help a person locate a job; everytime I have gone to the Prosperity Center has been to make copies; fax something that is related to employment. EEOC; ESC; or the United States Courts; or United States Supreme Court which is where issue of employment is at presently.

ROBIN-goal=of all real African Americans;
B. KING-all African American[s] have no liberty;have to serve the king;
HALL-name of relative whose daughter was tricked/coerced into having children by hispanic;
last but not least;
ANN-just graduated? -part of system to communicate-OKAY-start the harassment for "Ann"=? [on way walking to local library CSR branch white male in authority vehicle 157 drove past; then there was a big silver knive beside where MALCOM lives=?; about seven to eight minutes later; some vehicle had pulled over a rusty blue vehicle=?????

Any connections=????

Being that enough documents have been sent to various organization[s] that only an idiot would not be able to confirm that the person sending in the information is being abuse; wonder why no responses[phone calls]; emails or letters?[know that mail, phone calls and emails] have been tampered with;



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