Social Understandings

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mr. Sharp- EVERY African American Church


Was at local African American branch library in honor of local African American leader Nelson Malloy; Wrote an article; would not post; tried to get into email; computer would not allow access; think it had something to do with the location and number of the computer which represents rising and money; so rewrote article and posted it on another website.

Thus the following article is a continuation from post on Sat. 5/12/12 which was of Sharpton and herman-code-African American male chose the sharp[intellectual] African American female[ could not find the picture of Al Sharpton and Alexis Herman[who was commencement speaker at Bennett College]; If one looks closely at the picture of Al Sharpton he looks scared; from my opinion-look at his teeth-fake grin; that is because if [Sharp]ton is herMAN;  then what the system can/will do to anybody [HER] and [herMAN]who is not participating with the system [participating in involuntary servitude][going along with the program]; not questioning; then outlook is very bad.=means the system [those who control the system will not allow or tolerate it] and if [Sharp]ton is being used to communicate to those around the country and around the world what is going on; means [Sharp]ton is well on his way out][they are going to kill him]; now was going to blog that on 5/12/12; but because of limits on time; couldn't; but went to CRCC on Sunday 5/13/12 and sure enough Mr. [SHARP]was at CRCC church and sure enough Mr. [SHARP] said, "I came to tell yall the DOCTORS said, I am going to die and soon"; everybody was kind of shocked and sad.

Long story short -when first went to CRCC church had figured that the local leaders in church Dr. - -
Johnson and Evangelist - - Givens received communication through Mr. [SHARP] health; when someone came in CRCC and they were intellectually [SHARP]; [Mr. [SHARP] came to church; when those who were working with Dr. --Johnson and Evangelist --Givens wanted them to know that they had did something to cut down or less the [SHARP] person; then the doctors would find something wrong with or for  Mr. [SHARP]; such a leg cut off; etc..

This Sunday 5/13/12 the church was full; Mr. [SHARP] set on the left side of the church; and on the right side there were a set of TWINS one name riley and one name truemen; thought that was strange because it was mothers day and the people in the church participated in the stealing of a twin child from me; Evangelist --Givens has communicated that she participated and is very proud of what she did and if she can do it again she would; no remorse. Noone was sitting in front of me; then Mrs. Murd-n son came and sat not in front of me but to the seat in front of me to my left; then Mrs. Murd-n came and sat in front of me; then her nephew[?] about 10 came and sat beside me [which is when found out that twins were his cousin and related to Mrs. Murd-n]; then Mrs. Murd-n got up; went to back; then came behind me grabbed me by the waste[?]; then almost pulled me out while saying her nephew needed to get out; afterwards female[African American] who the week before threw a lot of stuff over my purse; came and sat behind me with two males and her daughter; after a prayer,etc. started to sit and one of the males took his hand and put behind my back=?; I just moved; A Mrs. Henreit--a Johnson  of Friendship baptist church [new minister]+ was the minister where the spirit of the African American males from my observation is gay [maybe why president endorsed/approved of gay marriages][real African Americans can only prosper through doing something illegal or immoral][other African Americans who do not are attacked or labeled in a negative manner].And the fact that Friendship Baptist is located in High-point; could be code for African American[s] gays; being allowed to reach the high-point -recognized as married in mainstream society; something real African Americans heterosexual couples are not allowed; they can have bastard children; but a real marriage mean they and their children would stay up under constant attack by local African American community [ETHNIC INTIMIDATION];

Looking for Friendship baptist church; found one on SHARP road=?;

Friendship Baptist Church

2201 Sharpe Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406
Point=code=if suppose to be the SHARP female=means CRCC and those associated with CRCC Citizen community pol-cing connected to the killing of SHARP; =? does that mean physical or ?; have had two brother murdered plus other extended family members did the same way through medicine; which child that I raised is suppose to go to have medicine prescribed after operation; who is not in city; but ran out of city by local[s].



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