Social Understandings

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin was identifed and plight okayed

Watched a movie [Travon Martin and Zimmerman][proof of system of communication][code][Zimmerman was given the okay to kill Martin][and connection to local library personnel participation in system-they can look up books based on library id] "The Bourne Identity" in which there is a scene where the guy [Jason Bourne][code][1st scene] [Jason Bourne] takes over the girls car [TWO motorcyles parked to the left of the girl in the scene]; [2nd scence][Jason Bourne tells the girl that she can never go back to her car][One motorcyle parked to the left of the girl in the scence]-MOTORCYCLE scenes used in  movies to communicate to females who are allowed to have a man or want a man.
Video of Zimmerman at authorities and authority car and TWO motorcycles are parked-authorities walk one way; Zimmerman walked another-around TWO motorcycle -Zimmerman by himself [free]=?
At the local library [who understands codes and access to information concerning coded information about ANY current African American [male or female of interest] to males of larger society]where person in charge is in perfect agreement with males of the larger society's view of African Americans progress and prosperity [that it is okay to attack]; COINCIDENTALLY lined the library counter top with the following books with the following TITLES/AUTHOR NAMES to  COMMUNICATE certain  messages from their boss [in the following order]:
#1. The BOURNE IMPERATIVE [ROBERT Ludlum's] by Eric Van Lustbader;
#2. Dyn-O-Mite [Presently the air condition is off=? and about four BIG fans are going and it is very HOT in the library=?][dealing with spirit realm]=? Lights OUT at the circulation desk; HERman and BreANNA [working desk][African American female working for males of the larger society in charge];[code-spirit realm even if man is ann[s] man]; males of larger society and African American females working for them working to try and hinder and block [lights off] so Ann doesn't get man; even if they have to Dyn-o-mite the premises [] [which at this point would include any person who will accept paypment [such as through O's brother [in confinement] who authorities intimidate O with-to force to do as authorities say=[if O wants to protect his brother][like how they with with RED [Barne] if I wanted to protect sibling put in confinement= "if not= on the way [reason why O [= high level of intelligence] [was PLACED within working environment when working  through Walmart affiliate]
#3.  JOHN Grisham by Calico Joe
#4. GUILTY WIVES by James Patterson and David Ellis [has a lot to do with not HERman]
#5 Coming Home  by Karen KINGS[BURY][Two things= King-name of African American female at local church that help to steal twin][Bury=?];
Most COINCIDENTAL is the fact that an item with name of  "Bourne" was checked out and when returning item, local library manager [knowing just about the time frame when item with Bourne would be returned] put books out concerning Bourne, Dyn, Wife, John=all issues discussed on blog = verifying understanding of CODE by library branch manager [AfricanAmerican female] that was used to communicate to Zimmerman= connection= code to ? concerning wife and dyn, bury and bourne.
Verification of blog about African American children being used [no one to stop abuse of using child/ren person in anyway= HANNA =movie [concept] about girl design by authorities; Hanna was taken; raised by adopted father who taught girl to use talents created through/at birth to kill.
Affiliate of Walmart-stole twin child at birth [ALLOWED me to raise one twin] who is symbolic of males of the larger society[s] MERCY [Sam's Club was started by group of males of the larger society [who are connected to authorities[relatives of authorities] who created system that intimidated and hindered earthly father [AFrican American male] from progress and prosperity AND to ensure hinderance; not because of anything the I did; but because of who my earthly father WAS[they killed him] decided that he was NOT to have access to a set of TWINS; therefore stole the twin from ME; not to mention that Winston-Salem is called the TWIN CITY=somehow stealing of TWIN is witchcraft and communication is that BE thankful that your  Black A-s is not dead; cause the white male system got the RIGHT to take any D-m thing they want from a Nig-er and don't have to worry about the consequences; and there is NOTHING that a BLACK bit-h can do about it. [And their RIGHT]; BUT GOD; the real GOD [not the males of the larger society God (who are buddies with the people doing wrong)] CAN do something about it.;

Some reading on Winston-Salem;BUT is does not state that Wionston-Salem is called the TWIN city [];

And in reference to the republican candidate=do you want the right or the left hand=same thing you got now certain = African Americans=the same; other African Americans will do well either way[they just have to agree to be slaves=whatever males of the larger society want=and they have no problem doing so= ask anybody a dog is a dog [except my Pup[Great Dane]-who they killed].

My whole life [basically spent in the church]people who control the church have blocked and hindered by progress and been trying to get attention that CANNOT progress and prosper as an African American and especially as an African American Christian.

September 11 was partly done as insurance to hinder African Americans [and United States] progress and prosperity and to insure that African Americans do not prosper by introducing to the American psychic [sp] that to prosper or try to progress or prosper will only lead to the plight of those who were in Sept. 11 or the African American male in the movie "The EVERYDAY African American" which is that either way do good or do bad the results will be the same. People accused of September 11 took over the EVERDAY African American man's store-message- even if you [AFrican American][male or female] start ANYTHING with the goal of overcoming the oppression and abuse of system designed by males of the larger society-the concept of people from over seas [terro-izing] has been accepted and thus the next step=nobody will again will respond because of fear of the people's tactics from overseas; their reputation proceeds them.

Which after hearing the big talking heads[as Whoopi called them] speak of how sad the situation is:=the talking heads [males of the larger society] are FULLY aware of the situation[robbery of African Americans];[especially those who have hired out a few African American males/females to call in to their show to communicate they are not prejudice]  The situation is that those who dislike the United States studied HOW the males of the larger society have  done African Americans and are using  the same tactics on the United States= #1 Divide and Conquer

All those in the United States [especially males of the larger society][who only allow African Americans to prosper at the death of other African Americans [economically, socially, etc.] can consciously acknowledge their  part in the developement of the same system being used concerning the advancement and progress and prosperity of the future of the United States which would include males of the larger society's generations to come.

Trayvon Martin was identifed and plight okayed; just as minister am currently helping has been told through coded communication system that even though I have an education,etc.  and could be of good value in helping [which could mean a GOOD permanent job with benefits] [the minister is not allowed to do so] ONLY people African Americans [especially with German names] practing ethnic intimidation are allowed to progress and prosper And other African Americans not participating have no one to turn to. [Check United Nations research from early to late 1970's].

Just like "Trayvon Martin was identifed and plight okayed"; so was my sibblings from apprx. nine years of age as was my plight; local coded information identified my and sibblings pre-assigned worth valuation plight=so no matter how hard I worked or they did not work=no change=stay in position assigned and have spent a life trying to figure why no growth and no change. Thus Trayvon Martin was identifed and plight okayed; the local coded communication system of identification and plight  that was okayed will remain to the point that system of identification [all based on insuring that certain males of the larger society have a JOB] will remain until the bastards tell their bastards to stop harassing me or  just like Trayvon Martin was identifed and plight okayed=? [Currently everywhere go=coded situations=like germs in the air=you know they are still there].


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