Being that had an email about Nelson Mandela; response is [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2517268/Astonishing-moment-fisherman-survived-60-hours-air-pocket-rescued-boat-capsized-Nigeria.html] 'He's alive! He's alive!'

"Quick-thinking: Ship's cook Harrison Okene, 29, managed to survive for over two days underwater by floating on a mattress in an air bubble"

"Kurt Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea. "
The fact that:
Harrison Okene, a 29-year-old ship's cook, was the only known survivor from the boat of 12 men, which capsized on May 26, 20 miles off the coast of Nigeria.
and the fact that a "KURT Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea"
1. The DEVINE GOD guided and directed "Harrison" "Ok"ene by providing an air pocket for Harrison Okene to survive;
2. "HARRISON" is the name of a relative who told me that they were sorry for giving that person chemicals that cause mind alterations[because that person never recovered]; at the time my relative thought that to give the person the mind alterating chemicals was a good thing and my relative felt guilty when they found out otherwise; not to mention the fact that the person by the name of "HARRISON" who my relative gave the mind alterating chemicals to had a set of TWINS;
3. And the last name of the person beginning with "OK"ene;
4. Along with the name "KURT" ["Kurt Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea"]being involved in communications concerning the story about Mr. "Harrison Okene"; bing that my brother that was murdered was name "Kurtis" and nobody ever found out who killed him;
which would be a total of FOUR MIRACLE or four coincidences rearranged by white male system[s];
Back to the email sent about Nelson Mandela:
My condolences to his family; never met any of them; but out of respect for Nelson Mandela's and his family suffering[s];
With that being said, to me; it is extremely disrespectful and insulting to watch the local and national media portraying their sorrow being that the local and national media are the same ones who helped to attack and deny Nelso Mandela

[and African American[s] male and female who have been fasley inprison so white males can make money off of them] and those who he represented the basic rights that every law abiding human being deserves;
To have ABC, msnbc [which found out is still the local WXII], Fox News, WFMY2[local] and all other national media to portray their fake sorrow is the utmost insult to Nelson Mandela who orginally was attacked for being recognized as a human being;
Even upon being released from prison of decades; the never got the media attention that is being given to him now; and the only reason the media attention is being given by the low life media is to get ratings; to capture as many of the television viewers who admired the Neslon Mandela that had been presented to them;
1.All of the local and national media news casters will be WHITE; with a black news caster thrown in every now and then;
2. And Oprah WINphrey, BILL GATES, along with other celebrities with "KEY" code names will attend the services for Nelson Mandela and some of them knowing that to attend is to communicate to the GANG that they are in on the dividing of the robbery of the African people in Africa as well as in the African American people in Africa;
B. Confirmation:
1. William BILL "ROCERFELLER" results from the train wreck will be code/communication to those[robbers and theivs] who attend Nelson Mandela's services of what to do and what not to do;
To those [all colors] who like to take credit for the DEVINE GOD's acts; message=back off of harassment, intimidation,threats to Harrison Okene in his decision making processes as he follows instructions;

One of the things is the act with "SPEED"; why "speed" was involved in train accident; another thing is the speed is associated with "MONEY" why the name "ROCKERFELLER" was involved in the accident;

[Nelson Mandela Bridge][http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?id=s0004918]
The NELSON MANDELA BRIDGE is conincidentally located in JohANNEsburg, in Africa=? and the location appears to be in a negative isolated area OUT OF PUBLIC/PEOPLE'S SIGHT=?
African Americans and Africans in Africa living in and outside of the United States should shut their television off the day of Nelson Mandela's services and pray that African Americans and Africans helping white males to rob African Americans and Africans [not working for white males] of their heritage are identified by and through the DEVINE GOD and that Africans and African Americans serving the DEVINE GOD are put in the place of [ African Americans and Africans working for white males] in order to stop the abusive, threatening, intimidating white male[s] systems in African American neightborhoods in the United States and African neighborhoods in Africa;
'He's alive! He's alive!': Astonishing moment fisherman who survived for 60 hours in an air pocket was found by rescuers after his boat capsized off Nigeria
A video has captured the astonishing moment a fisherman was rescued after three days trapped 30 metres underwater in the Atlantic ocean.
Being that had an email about Nelson Mandela; response is [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2517268/Astonishing-moment-fisherman-survived-60-hours-air-pocket-rescued-boat-capsized-Nigeria.html] 'He's alive! He's alive!'

"Quick-thinking: Ship's cook Harrison Okene, 29, managed to survive for over two days underwater by floating on a mattress in an air bubble"

"Kurt Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea. "
The fact that:
Harrison Okene, a 29-year-old ship's cook, was the only known survivor from the boat of 12 men, which capsized on May 26, 20 miles off the coast of Nigeria.
and the fact that a "KURT Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea"
1. The DEVINE GOD guided and directed "Harrison" "Ok"ene by providing an air pocket for Harrison Okene to survive;
2. "HARRISON" is the name of a relative who told me that they were sorry for giving that person chemicals that cause mind alterations[because that person never recovered]; at the time my relative thought that to give the person the mind alterating chemicals was a good thing and my relative felt guilty when they found out otherwise; not to mention the fact that the person by the name of "HARRISON" who my relative gave the mind alterating chemicals to had a set of TWINS;
3. And the last name of the person beginning with "OK"ene;
4. Along with the name "KURT" ["Kurt Glaubitz, a Chevron spokesman, said the boat overturned while towing a Chevron oil tanker in the Gulf of Guinea"]being involved in communications concerning the story about Mr. "Harrison Okene"; bing that my brother that was murdered was name "Kurtis" and nobody ever found out who killed him;
which would be a total of FOUR MIRACLE or four coincidences rearranged by white male system[s];
Back to the email sent about Nelson Mandela:
My condolences to his family; never met any of them; but out of respect for Nelson Mandela's and his family suffering[s];
With that being said, to me; it is extremely disrespectful and insulting to watch the local and national media portraying their sorrow being that the local and national media are the same ones who helped to attack and deny Nelso Mandela

[and African American[s] male and female who have been fasley inprison so white males can make money off of them] and those who he represented the basic rights that every law abiding human being deserves;
To have ABC, msnbc [which found out is still the local WXII], Fox News, WFMY2[local] and all other national media to portray their fake sorrow is the utmost insult to Nelson Mandela who orginally was attacked for being recognized as a human being;
Even upon being released from prison of decades; the never got the media attention that is being given to him now; and the only reason the media attention is being given by the low life media is to get ratings; to capture as many of the television viewers who admired the Neslon Mandela that had been presented to them;
1.All of the local and national media news casters will be WHITE; with a black news caster thrown in every now and then;
2. And Oprah WINphrey, BILL GATES, along with other celebrities with "KEY" code names will attend the services for Nelson Mandela and some of them knowing that to attend is to communicate to the GANG that they are in on the dividing of the robbery of the African people in Africa as well as in the African American people in Africa;
B. Confirmation:
1. William BILL "ROCERFELLER" results from the train wreck will be code/communication to those[robbers and theivs] who attend Nelson Mandela's services of what to do and what not to do;
To those [all colors] who like to take credit for the DEVINE GOD's acts; message=back off of harassment, intimidation,threats to Harrison Okene in his decision making processes as he follows instructions;

One of the things is the act with "SPEED"; why "speed" was involved in train accident; another thing is the speed is associated with "MONEY" why the name "ROCKERFELLER" was involved in the accident;

[Nelson Mandela Bridge][http://en.structurae.de/structures/data/index.cfm?id=s0004918]
The NELSON MANDELA BRIDGE is conincidentally located in JohANNEsburg, in Africa=? and the location appears to be in a negative isolated area OUT OF PUBLIC/PEOPLE'S SIGHT=?
African Americans and Africans in Africa living in and outside of the United States should shut their television off the day of Nelson Mandela's services and pray that African Americans and Africans helping white males to rob African Americans and Africans [not working for white males] of their heritage are identified by and through the DEVINE GOD and that Africans and African Americans serving the DEVINE GOD are put in the place of [ African Americans and Africans working for white males] in order to stop the abusive, threatening, intimidating white male[s] systems in African American neightborhoods in the United States and African neighborhoods in Africa;
'He's alive! He's alive!': Astonishing moment fisherman who survived for 60 hours in an air pocket was found by rescuers after his boat capsized off Nigeria
A video has captured the astonishing moment a fisherman was rescued after three days trapped 30 metres underwater in the Atlantic ocean.
Harrison Okene, a 29-year-old ship's cook, was the only known survivor from the boat of 12 men, which capsized on May 26, 20 miles off the coast of Nigeria.
The footage shows the moment Mr Okene, who was left fighting to breathe inside a four-foot high bubble of air, reaches out a hand and touches one of the team of divers, letting them know he is still alive.
'He's alive! He's alive!' a member of the dive team can be heard saying in the incredible footage
It had been feared - and assumed - that all aboard had perished
The footage shows the moment Mr Okene, who was left fighting to breathe inside a four-foot high bubble of air, reaches out a hand and touches one of the team of divers, letting them know he is still alive.
'He's alive! He's alive!' a member of the dive team can be heard saying in the incredible footage
It had been feared - and assumed - that all aboard had perished
Mr Okene squeezed into a compartment after the boat sank and settled upside-down.
Before closing the cabin door to stop the water coming in, he had seen three dead colleagues in the water.
Quick-thinking Mr Okene took two mattresses from the beds and sat on top of them, hoping to stay afloat. He was brought to the surface after 62 hours.
Before closing the cabin door to stop the water coming in, he had seen three dead colleagues in the water.
Quick-thinking Mr Okene took two mattresses from the beds and sat on top of them, hoping to stay afloat. He was brought to the surface after 62 hours.
'I was there in the water in total darkness just thinking it's the end,' Mr Okene told Reuters at the time of his rescue.
Although he could not see anything he said: 'I could perceive the dead bodies of my crew were nearby. I could smell them. The fish came in and began eating the bodies. I could hear the sound.'
After days soaking in the salt water parts of his skin began peeling away and he was gasping for water as he could not drink the seawater that he was trapped in.
South African divers came down to search for any survivors of the Jacson 4 on May 28 and they were stunned to find Mr Okene still alive.
Although he could not see anything he said: 'I could perceive the dead bodies of my crew were nearby. I could smell them. The fish came in and began eating the bodies. I could hear the sound.'
After days soaking in the salt water parts of his skin began peeling away and he was gasping for water as he could not drink the seawater that he was trapped in.
South African divers came down to search for any survivors of the Jacson 4 on May 28 and they were stunned to find Mr Okene still alive.
Quick-thinking: Ship's cook Harrison Okene, 29, managed to survive for over two days underwater by floating on a mattress in an air bubble
Paul McDonald, a member of the rescue crew, said at the time: 'All on board could not believe how cool he was when being rescued.
'The divers put a diving helmet and harness onto him. It was amazing to be part of this rescue.'
Mr Okene said: 'I hammered the side of the vessel hoping someone would hear me'.
He spent another 60 hours in a decompression chamber where his body pressure was returned to normal.
If he had been exposed immediately to the outside air he would have died.
'The divers put a diving helmet and harness onto him. It was amazing to be part of this rescue.'
Mr Okene said: 'I hammered the side of the vessel hoping someone would hear me'.
He spent another 60 hours in a decompression chamber where his body pressure was returned to normal.
If he had been exposed immediately to the outside air he would have died.
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