Glenn Greenwald on Cspan;12-23-13; Channel 6
Went to house off Carver Road and there is no way that certain things could have taken place[done by the EMERGENCY practice for disasters by the Smith Reynolds Airport-in which allows bunch of white males to run around in an African American neighborhood [it was announced on local television EMERGENCY practice for disasters by the Smith Reynolds Airport area, which is white mans way of saying Black people don't bother our white males regardless of what they do; because white males can do anything they want-part of which was to go in house where documents are extremely organized-so person would know when any of the documents were missing and even if they took a document physically; they copied the document to get information about abuse of white males abuse of AFRICAN AMERICAN[S];99.99% has been blogged about since 2005;
Have tried to upload a picture of Joe Maddison for over 11 minutes=? tried to sign in for five minutes at the 5th Street Public main library; bastards already try to limit a persons time on the internet; computers empty but person can't sign on because they have had their time for today=?attempt to CONTROL;
Why the picture of Joe Maddison
=12/22/13;msnbc; Disrupt with Karen Finney [|ps|Bing|b-disrupt|disrupt_with_karen_finney ]
; Joe Maddison stated,""911"CHANGED the entire country and 911 has a LOT to do with it.!";which has been what the "If Rosa Parks Knew!! and "Social Understanding" blog[s] has been about=the harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats from white males and those who work in secret for white males[one white male security just walked past to try and cirlce][intimidation];
Joe Maddison statment ""911"CHANGED the entire country and 911 has a LOT to do with it.!" is a true statement and is the TRUTH;the TWIN towers were used as a form of communication to millions of people about a situtation with an African American TWIN child that was stolen by white males and those working in secret with white males; when the white males tried to sell the TWIN child back to the mother and she did not go for it , the way to communicate in secret to all the white male[s] involve, was to knock down the World Trade Center-the TWIN TOWERS[
-which represented what the issues associated with what was happening with the TWIN child;
After knocking down the TWIN Towers[World TRADE Center; then the process began to put back into the African American neighborhood what had been taken out and put in the white society; thus presently on 311[3K's] in African American neighborhood they get a stoplight where ROLLAND Apts. where Judge Rolland HAYES

"Roland Hayes, "FIRST"black district court judge in Forsyth"[]made all of his MONEY [through agreement he made with white males so they would not attack him or his family] setting up African American[s] male, female[s], boy, girls, mother, father[s], sister, brother[s], fro white males - especially by robbing them[black people who lived in Rolland Hills Apt.][with "hill" being the highest SOCIO-ECONOMIC LEVEL that the black persone could reach in society]=jail;
Which brings me to the SON of "Roland Hayes, the "FIRST"black district court judge in Forsyth"; Chris HAYES who was trained and recieved the benefits of who his daddy is[[white males don't recognize change]Roland hayes body is gone, but based on the treatment given to others who parents have died-which is they still got the same treatment as if the parents were alive]
To prove how important Chris Hayes is [because of who his father is [even though body gone, Chris Hayes was trained by Judge Rolland Hayes "to rob, steal, kill, threaten, all African American[s] who do not serve [be a slave to white males],which is why any type of incident occured and white males needed backup on an issue where an African American female said NO! to white male; Chris Hayes had no problem, showing up and doing his part to sabatoge [sp], rob, steal, kill, threaten, any African American[s] who do not serve [be a slave to white males]=his reward=permanent girlfriend -EDWINA -[prostitute working for white males- who had the bastard male child who broke all my windows on one side of the house and glass in the screen door];

"Chris Hayes · Host of MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes";[]; I KNOW that the Chris Hayes in the picture is WHITE; but he represents an African American male by the name of Chris HAYES [or it is just another one of those coincidences like Steve HARVEY rising so quickly in the media; even to go visit the brown man in the house that is white] the reason STEVE HARVEY is rising so quickly is because of his "NAME" =Steve=represents white male name Steve WHITEheart [in winston-salem] and Harvey represent Black male "HARVEY" who use to own white store that was closed by white male system[s];
[just got a call=? from 19192490360= harassment, intimidation];

"Watch President Obama (and Steve Harvey) Surprise White House Tourists"
Anything happens to me, relative who was intimidated out of state that went to A&T State University; the house off Carver Road, any of my siblings, or their off spring, guy who is a Blue Devil fan; or any others of connection recognized, Chris HAYES, Edwina, all local authority authorized involved; of which have informed that there is no desire to help rob, kill, steal from people, especially my family[ sent emails to that fact [KNOWING that they TRACK people, their relativies, etc. of those who tell them no thank you];
Glenn Greenwald on Cspan;12-23-13; Channel 6:
We just made it obvious that INNOCENT people are the target of SECRET surveillance and the only thing we have done=is let people know that the people who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people and to bring into question those who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people; [documented-one of the commentators even went on to say that those who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people forced their family members to be spys for them; of which is why the call from [19192490360= harassment, intimidation]; which is to be threaten concerning the family member[s] they are forcing to spy on [Deanna/Godwillst=If don't work in secret for bastards; then secret message is they[white males [Glenn Greenwald on Cspan;12-23-13; Channel 6:stated more of who white male[s] system[]s are] will attack siblings, or those working in secret for them=usually end up like earthly mother-killed through medicine or set up.
When will someone address that issue?
Because of the TWIN towers [World TRADE Center] being knocked down=the system that was used to raise up those in secret who were connected with hiding the fact that of the TWIN being stolen;also was knocked down and white male[s]? have to replace with a new system and as a result will have to turn the white society up side down to replace what was stolen from the African American neighborhood/heritage/wealth[which most people would think that the African American neighborhood would improve and get better]; BUT that is why white males have system of ROBBERY , to insure that African Americans remain in the same economic, social, financial, etc. place] that is to ensure that White male[s] fooling?tricking of African Americans by new African Americans that white males don't or are not Controlling African Americans, but that African Americans are the one in control;
And as Glenn Greenwald states:
Everything that Glenn Greenwald is saying, should be said about African Americans and what they are going through in the African American neighborhood; Buts as one commentator said, Everybody is talking about the plight of African Americans BUT there are on African American[s] on their panels when they are talking [self note- and those who are allowed on have Judge Rolland Hayes and his son Chris HAYES view-whatever they do as African American[s] is to help raise white male[s] society for the privilege of not being attacked and having somewhat of a normal life that most white people take for granted.
Surveillance=come to the Winston-Salem main street Public Library and watch how the African American males are being watched; Only white males are those that are working[security; behind library desks;
Summation=African American males not working; harrassed, daily, intimidated, threaten[secret of coarse]; and today two days before Christmas and it is very obviouos;
and Peter KING [ny]stated "no privacy rights violated."
Went to house off Carver Road and there is no way that certain things could have taken place[done by the EMERGENCY practice for disasters by the Smith Reynolds Airport-in which allows bunch of white males to run around in an African American neighborhood [it was announced on local television EMERGENCY practice for disasters by the Smith Reynolds Airport area, which is white mans way of saying Black people don't bother our white males regardless of what they do; because white males can do anything they want-part of which was to go in house where documents are extremely organized-so person would know when any of the documents were missing and even if they took a document physically; they copied the document to get information about abuse of white males abuse of AFRICAN AMERICAN[S];99.99% has been blogged about since 2005;
Have tried to upload a picture of Joe Maddison for over 11 minutes=? tried to sign in for five minutes at the 5th Street Public main library; bastards already try to limit a persons time on the internet; computers empty but person can't sign on because they have had their time for today=?attempt to CONTROL;
Why the picture of Joe Maddison
=12/22/13;msnbc; Disrupt with Karen Finney [|ps|Bing|b-disrupt|disrupt_with_karen_finney ]
; Joe Maddison stated,""911"CHANGED the entire country and 911 has a LOT to do with it.!";which has been what the "If Rosa Parks Knew!! and "Social Understanding" blog[s] has been about=the harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats from white males and those who work in secret for white males[one white male security just walked past to try and cirlce][intimidation];
Joe Maddison statment ""911"CHANGED the entire country and 911 has a LOT to do with it.!" is a true statement and is the TRUTH;the TWIN towers were used as a form of communication to millions of people about a situtation with an African American TWIN child that was stolen by white males and those working in secret with white males; when the white males tried to sell the TWIN child back to the mother and she did not go for it , the way to communicate in secret to all the white male[s] involve, was to knock down the World Trade Center-the TWIN TOWERS[
-which represented what the issues associated with what was happening with the TWIN child;
After knocking down the TWIN Towers[World TRADE Center; then the process began to put back into the African American neighborhood what had been taken out and put in the white society; thus presently on 311[3K's] in African American neighborhood they get a stoplight where ROLLAND Apts. where Judge Rolland HAYES

"Roland Hayes, "FIRST"black district court judge in Forsyth"[]made all of his MONEY [through agreement he made with white males so they would not attack him or his family] setting up African American[s] male, female[s], boy, girls, mother, father[s], sister, brother[s], fro white males - especially by robbing them[black people who lived in Rolland Hills Apt.][with "hill" being the highest SOCIO-ECONOMIC LEVEL that the black persone could reach in society]=jail;
Which brings me to the SON of "Roland Hayes, the "FIRST"black district court judge in Forsyth"; Chris HAYES who was trained and recieved the benefits of who his daddy is[[white males don't recognize change]Roland hayes body is gone, but based on the treatment given to others who parents have died-which is they still got the same treatment as if the parents were alive]
To prove how important Chris Hayes is [because of who his father is [even though body gone, Chris Hayes was trained by Judge Rolland Hayes "to rob, steal, kill, threaten, all African American[s] who do not serve [be a slave to white males],which is why any type of incident occured and white males needed backup on an issue where an African American female said NO! to white male; Chris Hayes had no problem, showing up and doing his part to sabatoge [sp], rob, steal, kill, threaten, any African American[s] who do not serve [be a slave to white males]=his reward=permanent girlfriend -EDWINA -[prostitute working for white males- who had the bastard male child who broke all my windows on one side of the house and glass in the screen door];

"Chris Hayes · Host of MSNBC’s Up with
[just got a call=? from 19192490360= harassment, intimidation];

"Watch President Obama (and Steve Harvey) Surprise White House Tourists"
Anything happens to me, relative who was intimidated out of state that went to A&T State University; the house off Carver Road, any of my siblings, or their off spring, guy who is a Blue Devil fan; or any others of connection recognized, Chris HAYES, Edwina, all local authority authorized involved; of which have informed that there is no desire to help rob, kill, steal from people, especially my family[ sent emails to that fact [KNOWING that they TRACK people, their relativies, etc. of those who tell them no thank you];
Glenn Greenwald on Cspan;12-23-13; Channel 6:
We just made it obvious that INNOCENT people are the target of SECRET surveillance and the only thing we have done=is let people know that the people who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people and to bring into question those who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people; [documented-one of the commentators even went on to say that those who built their system of secret surveillance against innocent people forced their family members to be spys for them; of which is why the call from [19192490360= harassment, intimidation]; which is to be threaten concerning the family member[s] they are forcing to spy on [Deanna/Godwillst=If don't work in secret for bastards; then secret message is they[white males [Glenn Greenwald on Cspan;12-23-13; Channel 6:stated more of who white male[s] system[]s are] will attack siblings, or those working in secret for them=usually end up like earthly mother-killed through medicine or set up.
When will someone address that issue?
Because of the TWIN towers [World TRADE Center] being knocked down=the system that was used to raise up those in secret who were connected with hiding the fact that of the TWIN being stolen;also was knocked down and white male[s]? have to replace with a new system and as a result will have to turn the white society up side down to replace what was stolen from the African American neighborhood/heritage/wealth[which most people would think that the African American neighborhood would improve and get better]; BUT that is why white males have system of ROBBERY , to insure that African Americans remain in the same economic, social, financial, etc. place] that is to ensure that White male[s] fooling?tricking of African Americans by new African Americans that white males don't or are not Controlling African Americans, but that African Americans are the one in control;
And as Glenn Greenwald states:
Everything that Glenn Greenwald is saying, should be said about African Americans and what they are going through in the African American neighborhood; Buts as one commentator said, Everybody is talking about the plight of African Americans BUT there are on African American[s] on their panels when they are talking [self note- and those who are allowed on have Judge Rolland Hayes and his son Chris HAYES view-whatever they do as African American[s] is to help raise white male[s] society for the privilege of not being attacked and having somewhat of a normal life that most white people take for granted.
Surveillance=come to the Winston-Salem main street Public Library and watch how the African American males are being watched; Only white males are those that are working[security; behind library desks;
Summation=African American males not working; harrassed, daily, intimidated, threaten[secret of coarse]; and today two days before Christmas and it is very obviouos;
and Peter KING [ny]stated "no privacy rights violated."
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