Wayne Patterson and Pat Norris
Had a brother that was murdered; after the fact went back through some papers and they communicated through code to relatives that they were going to kill relative; and now know they have moved up to television being used to tell local people who to kill:
Saw on television a couple of days ago; the in which the name "VAN"caught my attention[Van = name of relative that lives out of town; ];of which signing into Yahoo; and saw the name [Jean-Claude Van Damme] of which the following "Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star "=code "VAN" is expendable=Norris=name=Pat NORRIS [WS authority];

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme
"Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star";[http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/chuck-norris-fact-split-jcvd-channing-tatum-175449557.html];
*"Rountree takes 'big step' as new Winston-Salem police chief "

[White male [new][dressed not like a local; the opposite of the two rough looking white males that look like they are homeless]came and sat a computer 7 at angle];
Rountree replaces Pat Norris; have blogged about during transitional phase=KNOWS Wayne PATTERSON[who was the ws authority officer who came to first call for help when Gwyndolyn Gwyns son pulled a weapon on me][it's all in the family-think those are the words that "Barry D. Rountree" said when taking office; they are all like family; so much so that they feel that they are authorized to destroy other families and their MONEY;
Blogged on 12/19/13 or 12/18/13 about the name "BARRY" [code for bury] with the name "BARRY" being the first name of the head of the Urban League and the pastor at the United States Senate.
"Chuck Norris Fact: He Can Out-Split JCVD and Channing Tatum"
Well, it looks like the old man's still got it ... with a little help from digital technology, anyway.
We were wondering when the next 'epic split' video was going to pop up, as it's been a month since Channing Tatum showed off his astonishing physical prowess with a couple of catering carts in response to Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star Chuck Norris is up at bat with the epic-est epic split yet in a Christmas video to fans.
We'd like to believe that the "Delta Force" star is actually splitting between two flying passenger planes whilst he balances a human Christmas tree made of 11 military men on his cowboy hat. We wish we lived in a world where that really happened — like, all the time.
Alas, the scene comes courtesy of the technical wizards at Delov Digital, including the hilariously incoherent narration (credited to a guy named Zsolt Pai). One might wonder what exactly inspired them to create this bit of holiday lunacy, though perhaps it was something as simple as waking up one morning after going to bed too soon after eating dinner with a feeling that it just had to be done.
However it came about, it's here, and it's our favorite hard drive stuffer so far.
Meanwhile, has anyone checked to see if iTunes sales of Enya's "Only Time" have gone up since all this started?
Had a brother that was murdered; after the fact went back through some papers and they communicated through code to relatives that they were going to kill relative; and now know they have moved up to television being used to tell local people who to kill:
Saw on television a couple of days ago; the in which the name "VAN"caught my attention[Van = name of relative that lives out of town; ];of which signing into Yahoo; and saw the name [Jean-Claude Van Damme] of which the following "Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star "=code "VAN" is expendable=Norris=name=Pat NORRIS [WS authority];

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme
"Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star";[http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/chuck-norris-fact-split-jcvd-channing-tatum-175449557.html];
*"Rountree takes 'big step' as new Winston-Salem police chief "

[White male [new][dressed not like a local; the opposite of the two rough looking white males that look like they are homeless]came and sat a computer 7 at angle];
Rountree replaces Pat Norris; have blogged about during transitional phase=KNOWS Wayne PATTERSON[who was the ws authority officer who came to first call for help when Gwyndolyn Gwyns son pulled a weapon on me][it's all in the family-think those are the words that "Barry D. Rountree" said when taking office; they are all like family; so much so that they feel that they are authorized to destroy other families and their MONEY;
Blogged on 12/19/13 or 12/18/13 about the name "BARRY" [code for bury] with the name "BARRY" being the first name of the head of the Urban League and the pastor at the United States Senate.
"Chuck Norris Fact: He Can Out-Split JCVD and Channing Tatum"
Well, it looks like the old man's still got it ... with a little help from digital technology, anyway.
We were wondering when the next 'epic split' video was going to pop up, as it's been a month since Channing Tatum showed off his astonishing physical prowess with a couple of catering carts in response to Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star Chuck Norris is up at bat with the epic-est epic split yet in a Christmas video to fans.
We'd like to believe that the "Delta Force" star is actually splitting between two flying passenger planes whilst he balances a human Christmas tree made of 11 military men on his cowboy hat. We wish we lived in a world where that really happened — like, all the time.
Alas, the scene comes courtesy of the technical wizards at Delov Digital, including the hilariously incoherent narration (credited to a guy named Zsolt Pai). One might wonder what exactly inspired them to create this bit of holiday lunacy, though perhaps it was something as simple as waking up one morning after going to bed too soon after eating dinner with a feeling that it just had to be done.
However it came about, it's here, and it's our favorite hard drive stuffer so far.
Meanwhile, has anyone checked to see if iTunes sales of Enya's "Only Time" have gone up since all this started?
Saw on television a couple of days ago; the in which the name "VAN"caught my attention[Van = name of relative that lives out of town; ];of which signing into Yahoo; and saw the name [Jean-Claude Van Damme] of which the following "Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star "=code "VAN" is expendable=Norris=name=Pat NORRIS [WS authority];
"Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star";[http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/chuck-norris-fact-split-jcvd-channing-tatum-175449557.html];
*"Rountree takes 'big step' as new Winston-Salem police chief "
[White male [new][dressed not like a local; the opposite of the two rough looking white males that look like they are homeless]came and sat a computer 7 at angle];
Rountree replaces Pat Norris; have blogged about during transitional phase=KNOWS Wayne PATTERSON[who was the ws authority officer who came to first call for help when Gwyndolyn Gwyns son pulled a weapon on me][it's all in the family-think those are the words that "Barry D. Rountree" said when taking office; they are all like family; so much so that they feel that they are authorized to destroy other families and their MONEY;
Blogged on 12/19/13 or 12/18/13 about the name "BARRY"Black;
with the name "BARRY" being the first name the pastor at the United States Senate and Keith Grandberry;President and CEO;Winton Salem Urban League Executive Staff;
Coincidental=enough for me to say that if anything happens to me; those listed and Sylvia Hamlin involved;
"Chuck Norris Fact: He Can Out-Split JCVD and Channing Tatum"
Well, it looks like the old man's still got it ... with a little help from digital technology, anyway.
We were wondering when the next 'epic split' video was going to pop up, as it's been a month since Channing Tatum showed off his astonishing physical prowess with a couple of catering carts in response to Jean-Claude Van Damme balancing between a pair of semi trucks. Now, JCVD's "The Expendables 2" co-star Chuck Norris is up at bat with the epic-est epic split yet in a Christmas video to fans.
We'd like to believe that the "Delta Force" star is actually splitting between two flying passenger planes whilst he balances a human Christmas tree made of 11 military men on his cowboy hat. We wish we lived in a world where that really happened — like, all the time.
Alas, the scene comes courtesy of the technical wizards at Delov Digital, including the hilariously incoherent narration (credited to a guy named Zsolt Pai). One might wonder what exactly inspired them to create this bit of holiday lunacy, though perhaps it was something as simple as waking up one morning after going to bed too soon after eating dinner with a feeling that it just had to be done.
However it came about, it's here, and it's our favorite hard drive stuffer so far.
Meanwhile, has anyone checked to see if iTunes sales of Enya's "Only Time" have gone up since all this started?
After posting " "National Consumer League";Washington, D. C. " on blog; white male [tall/red hat] was standing by table at Reynolda Branch library that said "FRIENDS"; and this is after CINTAS informs me to not go to Verna's who stays down the street from CINTAS after I went and asked Verna for my MONEY for sewing together a blouse over a sweater so it could look weird and after making 30 pair of earrings of which Verna has yet to pay me[going on three weeks]; of which Verna's sister is a dectective who use to work with the W-S police; of which CINTAS living by Verna was planned/designed into system of harassment, intimidation, threats by authorities; sent emails about four months ago; in fact part of reason why harassment, intimidation, threats of confinement if I obtain employment/income in an honest manner;limits income to the point that either have to go through their social agencies or family member and CINTAS is only one that has permission from authorities to assist in certain ways; nothing that allows individual freedom; anything that forces seeking help/aid from group;
THUS Verna is waiting for me to knock on her door asking for my MONEY again so she can tell her sister to look up information to see if there is anything in court records to harass, intimidate like white males want Verna or her sister to do;Verna has been working locally for over 30 years; white males don't allow that unless African American female is working as a prostitute for white males;
White male with red hat standing by table is threat=friend to white male stops a lot of attacks by white males to the person or others the person cares about;and this is after watching "MARKETING CONSUMER INFORMATION" ON C-SPAN[channel 6]; of which the entire program discussed everything that have blogged about on "Social Understanding" and "If Rosa Parks Knew Ablout It!"
[surrounded by a lot of young white females; from first entry into the Reynolda Library ;while using the computers;young white female oncomputer #7; young white female standing at 15 min. computer to right side;was young white female that was at the front door of Reynolda branch library when walking in=?she had on a nursing uniform: cousin who works among white male authority called me today=?;
[National Consumers League Inc.;1701 K Street Nw , Washington, DC 20006-1503 ][http://www.faqs.org/tax-exempt/DC/National-Consumers-League-Inc.html];
""Identity Theft and Consumer Protection, Part 1;Dec 12, 2013" [http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/316772-1];
All Speakers
"Senate Cmte. Examines the Data Broker Industry"
"The Senate Commerce Committee holds a hearing on marketing consumer information. Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Protection Director Jessica Rich & officials from private industry testify on the data broker industry & how consumers are impacted." [http://www.c-span.org/];
Looking for information; FOUND:"Barry C. Black, Ph.D., D. Min., D.D. ;Denomination: Seventh-day Adventist;Date of Appointment: July 7, 2003"
Chaplain Barry Black
Chaplain Black is a native of Baltimore , Maryland and an alumnus of Oakwood College , ANDREWS University , North Carolina Central University , Eastern Baptist Seminary, Salve Regina University , and United States International University . In addition to earning Master of Arts degrees in Divinity, Counseling, and Management, he has received a Doctorate degree in Ministry and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology.
Chaplain BARRY BLACK has already been given the mindset to ROB ANDREW;
Have blogged before on "If Rosa Parks Knew" and "Social Understanding" about - "Seventh-day Adventist" being allowed in the AFRICAN AMERICAN neighborhoods and the reason that the "Seventh-day Adventist" are allowed in the African American neighborhoods is for a very negative reason and Chaplain BARRY BLACK's name and position at the US Senate confirms that the spirit attached to the Seventh-day Adventist church is associated with the concepts associated with burying blacks [code-BARRY=bury; Black=African Americans];
1.The Senate Organization Chart for the 113th Congress is located on [http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/reference/e_one_section_no_teasers/org_chart.htm];that lists each members position; with Chaplain BARRY BLACK listed last=FOUNDATION[trained and paid/rewarded to work for white males in secret][like the African American pastors in Winston-Salem, N. C. in Carver School Road area that has been bought and paid for-serving white males instead of the Devine God]
2. Upon all of the harassment;intimidation, threats from people in Winston-Salem that were documented went to the Winston-Salem Urban League in which the "Winton Salem Urban League Executive Staff"never was allowed me an appointment or to speak to:
Keith Grandberry;President and CEO;Winton Salem Urban League Executive Staff
By not allowing me to speak to Grandberry[bury] about the harassment, intimidation and threats from local organization[s], etc. that was the African American[s] [male and female] on the Winton Salem Urban League Executive Staff following orders to prostitute for white males; since that period of time a few white females have been put in the mix;
Notice the SIGN in front of the podeum; someone once told me to put things up front so you don't forget; and the Urban League is very obvious in what they are doing/have done to African American neighborhoods; giving the illusion of helping African Americans in order to do like Chaplain BARRY [bury] Black=there are TWO black lines which represent and EQUAL SIGN [=]; and the equal signs are inside are of TWO circles=code=White control African American's equality=which not equality at all but slavery;
Thus just like Keith Grandberry; President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League has been trained to work for white males in secret=[ROB BLACKS[AFRICAN AMERICANS]; so has CHAPLAIN BARRY[bury] BLACK been trained to ROB BLACKS[AFRICAN AMERICANS] in secret and espeicallyANDREWS [white males even sent [CHAPLAIN BARRY[bury] BLACK ]to ANDREWS University to gurantee that he [CHAPLAIN BARRY[bury] BLACK] understands what his real job is;
KNOW that Oprah Winfrey and Mia Angelou both have partied with Keith Grandberry[bury]; President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League and being that Oprah was just given the highest medal to be given to a citizen of the United States; KNOW she had to have met CHAPLAIN BARRY[bury] BLACK; because African American[s] who work as prostitute for white males run in the same circle and have to have the same mindset; KILL NIGGERS! I mean African Americans in secret;
Keith Grandberry[bury]; President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League ;
Oprah Winfrey being rewarded by the head of the United States [represents ALL] for being the Winston-Salem CONNECTION to the mindset from Keith Grandberry[bury]; President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League to Chaplain Barry [bury]Black in Washington , D.C. who councils the US Senate;
of which various senate committees had public meetings about how to protect the consumer [guess they mean white consumer] because all of the people of color who have jobs and are being rewarded are not there to help protect African Americans; they are there to do the opposite or I should say to do what Chaplain Barry [bury]Black in Washington, D.C. has been trained to do to African AmericaN -ANDREWS[who represents numerous people whose only objective is just to live a peaceful life];
Even CHAPLAIN BARRY[bury] BLACK wife maiden name PearsALL[CODE-pierce ALL]confirms Barry [bury] [All] Black ;in fact that is really the purpose of Chaplain Barry [bury]Black in Washington , D.C. marriage; Chaplain Barry [bury]Black in Washington, D.C. is sent to whatever meeting to tell white males that whatever decision that they make it should be what Chaplain Barry [bury]Black in Washington, D.C. represents; burying blacks[not pyschologically either]; and then when the GOOD WHITE PEOPLE have a problem really understanding; that is when the white males send Brenda Pearsall [pierce ALL] Black]the wife to confirm that white males are to bury ALL Blacks;which leaves the African American with no official organization to go to in order to get help;
If the head
powerfulest blacks are being rewarded for helping white males to bury blacks; who are African Americans to go to?; where is the African American's protection? of which the "National Consumer League";Washington, D. C. conference about Identity Theft and Consumer PROTECTION covered 99.99% of what most African Americans have been dealing with; BUT there was not one African American or person of color;
Which going back to "After posting " "National Consumer League";Washington, D. C. " on blog; white male [tall/red hat] was standing by table at Reynolda Branch library that said "FRIENDS"; and this is after CINTAS informs me to not go to Verna's who stays down the street from CINTAS after I went and asked Verna for my MONEY for sewing together a blouse over a sweater so it could look weird and after making 30 pair of earrings of which Verna has yet to pay me[going on three weeks]; of which Verna's sister is a dectective who use to work with the W-S police; of which CINTAS living by Verna was planned/designed into system of harassment, intimidation, threats by authorities"; like Arsenio HALL[late night black talk show host] and R. Kelly [black singer]said, It is the black circle"; you have to survive the black circle; which does not stop; it is like a wave in an ocean, after one ends another begins, so that it never stops;
The ONLY solution[s] to it stopping is that it is put in writing in the preamble to the United States Constitution that African American[s] have the same rights and privileges for the African American race that white males have for Caucasians; or as in the movie that Oprah Winfrey made/starred in with Denzel Washington "The Great Debaters"[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427309/]where one of the young African American boys who played the role of
[Denzel Whitaker]as one of the members of the African American debating team [college] was debating a group of white college boys from a white college and he said;
"That it is his responsibility to respond to injustices; and that he can respond either physically or through civil disobedience and that the judges should hope that he choose the latter";
Being that have had family members killed, murdered, threatened through guns and medicalcare; civil disobedience is not an option; because everytime white male has been told no thank you [lack of obedience or refusal to comply; disregard or transgression] [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/DISOBEDIENCE];concerning working as a prostitute for white males; they have not heard; and do not hear;[confirmation-everything being typed now is being read by the dam bastards.
Barry C. Black
On June 27, 2003, Rear Admiral Barry C. Black (Ret.) was elected the 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate. He began working in the Senate on July 7, 2003. Prior to coming to Capitol Hill, Chaplain Black served in the U.S. Navy for over twenty-seven years, ending his distinguished career as the Chief of Navy Chaplains. The Senate elected its first chaplain in 1789.
Commissioned as a Navy Chaplain in 1976, Chaplain Black’s first duty station was the Fleet Religious Support Activity in Norfolk , Virginia . Subsequent assignments include Naval Support Activity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland; First Marine Aircraft Wing, Okinawa, Japan; Naval Training Center, San Diego, California; USS BELLEAU WOOD (LHA 3) Long Beach, California; Naval Chaplains School Advanced Course, Newport, Rhode Island; Marine Aircraft Group THIRTY-ONE, Beaufort, South Carolina; Assistant Staff Chaplain, Chief of Naval Education and Training, Pensacola, Florida; and Fleet Chaplain, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Virginia.
As Rear Admiral, his personal decorations included the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal (two medals), Meritorious Service Medals (two awards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals (two awards), and numerous unit awards, campaign, and service medals.
Chaplain Black is a native of Baltimore , Maryland and an alumnus of Oakwood College , Andrews University, North Carolina Central University, Eastern Baptist Seminary, Salve Regina University , and United States International University . In addition to earning Master of Arts degrees in Divinity, Counseling, and Management, he has received a Doctorate degree in Ministry and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology.
Chaplain Black has been selected for many outstanding achievements. Of particular note, he was chosen from 127 nominees for the 1995 NAACP Renowned Service Award for his contribution to equal opportunity and civil rights. He also received the 2002 Benjamin Elijah Mays Distinguished Leadership Award from The Morehouse School of Religion. In 2004, the Old Dominion University chapter of the NAACP conferred on him the Image Award, "Reaffirming the Dream -- Realizing the Vision" for military excellence.
Chaplain Barry C. Black is married to the former Brenda Pearsall of St. Petersburg , Florida . They have three sons: Barry II, Brendan, and Bradford
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