Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department
Sent to:
"National Consumer League";Washington, D. C.
H ave documented and filed complaints concerning mailman taking my mail, guy who lives across the street knocked down my mailbox so he can put up a mailbox with my address on it[he pulled a weapon on me when I tried to put my mail box back up [part of identity theft];Ex. employer put in a false place of work in their tax system[s];nobody would ever give me information about the name/location of the place;
Godwillst ;Idenity theft/Forced identity;
Heard conference on Identity theft and consumer protection on C-span channel 6 in which I called today and basically got the run around;

In their statement they say:
“The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.” [];
Have not read anything yet concerning if the law is the one trying to steal [block]your identity;ex. Indians are not allowed to live a life free from government interference; and through obamacare, etc. they are doing the same thing to people in the United States;
White male on news talk network made the statement that Obama/care has done more to destroy the United States than hitler did to destroy Europe[apprx.];
Was at a local social event in which the issue of a secret child came up; and someone asked how can a person have a secret child, so I told them; that even though I chose to ignore the situation that I am looking at white males Paul Ragsdale [volunteer for Reynolda Branch who ran infront of me with two books; one about motherhood and the other about twins]; and white female Jenny[Reynolda Branch manager] and other white males in Winston-Salem, N. C. authority vehicles who seem to not want the issue to go away; thus I am not looking at what I think; but looking at what they do; and I personally don't want to be bother with the mother fu-kers;
Then someone said, Oh! that is the Feds; they watch me all of the time; especially since my boyfriend is in jail; that is nothing; whereever I go, they are watching me, and let me know they are watching me, when I go in and out of my house to the car or anywhere else;
Thus the conclusion was that the authority of which the Feds are a part of stole a child from me and trying to use the child to control me; which based upon observation and documentation of local and national events may have some merit to it;
One of them being the APPROVAL of Obama's nomination of ANNE PATTERSON and JEH CHARLES JOHNSON of which I have blogged for close to a decade about the names of "Anne", "Patterson", "Charles" and "Johnson"=code names of which is the stealing by government from ANNE who use to live in a neighborhood associated with Patterson AVE. in Winston-Salem, North Carolina [where Mia Angelo and Oprah Winfrey helped bunch of white males to steal the wealth from ANNE and the African American neighborhood associated with Patterson Ave. ] and CHARLES worked for white males as an informant against ANNE's daddy; Charles got ANNE pregnant;white males took one of TWINS as insurance/security to force ANNE to join white male system[s];while ANNE wasn't working for or joining white male system[s]; W.E. JOHNSON [bible school] was working for white males; along with CHARLES [McCrae(the other one)and other African American prostititues working for white males;
Being that ANNE's wealth was associated with PATTERSON AVE.;white males who controlled the African American neighborhoods in Winston-Salem, N. C. created systems of robbery of the wealth of African American[s] living in/on/near PATTERSON AVE. of which ANNE was a member of the PATTERSON AVE. neighborhood and mindset was to improve and better the PATTERSON AVE. neighborhood without being aware that African American men such as CHARLES AND W.E. JOHNSON were being paid by white males to do the exact opposite;

Jeh CHARLES JOHNSON'S nomination being approved as homeland security is the equivalent to those in the Winston-Salem, N. c. area/Caraver School road area thinking W.E. Johnson is in control[everybody do as he says] and that CHARLES[is the judge] and of coarse that ANNE PATTERSON has a position [of which my response is NO THANK YOU];people don't listen; have no desire to work for white males in secret; have lived as a free individual; do not intend to be in bondage to work for white males or anybody else;
THUS would like my MONEY that has been stolen to be returned; my family members who have been stolen and kidnapped to work for white males to be returned; and the protection[s] that the United States Constitution gurantees to the citizens[people born inthe United States such as Winston-Salem, N. C.] and have no desire to do what Jayz and Beonyce are doing [helping white males to rob African Americans for their heritage and wealth; have no desire to raise CUBA or AFRICA up or any that are allowed to work in the United States for helping white males to rob from African American[s]; neither do I any any desire to be in CINTAS place where cures are given or computers to give a mindset in order to control the mind-such as little girl by the name of CYNTHIA [who lives across the street];
"Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department"
If CINTAS had not been brainwashed, she would not want to be bothered either; Another way to say: "Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department" is that white male authority has agreed to put a system in place that guranteeds the ROBBERY OF "ANNE" who lived in./on/near PATTERSON AVE. in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
STEVE HARVEY Show-12/17/13 Channel 11[local code channel] had on models who were modeling clothes for Christmas; Model #1- "ANNE" had on "GOLDEN" gown with a sash with "WHITE" PEARLS;followed by Model #2-ROBBIN who had on a "RED" gown; [code to local viewers=ROB "ANNE"of her GOLD/WEALTH if she were allowed to live in WHITE society=unattacked;
Which is why the name of the Blog =DE-ANNA -decrease the robbery of ANNA that lived in/on/near PATTERSON AVE.
Confirmation of "Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief" and "Anne Patterson in State Department" is so that their names can be used to communicate what is going on in ANNE'S life in Winston-Salem, N. C. and the problem is ANNE don't want to be a part of the nigger reservation; ANNE grew up in private United
States; get a clue;
Of which I signed out and then back in and the result is that their[white males that track black people on the internet at the sWinston-Salem, N.C. libraries response was to take out the section above and put in code][message=white males not going to allow me to live my life as I want];[that is exactly why black males running around knocking the sh-t out of white people; get the fu-k out of my life; stop!
I signed out and then back in and they[the white males tracking black people on the internet at the library put this:
POLITICS: PennAveSenate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department
“The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.”
NCL Personal Finance Issues
Think you've been a victim of ID theft?
It’s frightening to lose your wallet or discover that someone has used information about you for a fraudulent purpose. Don’t panic — help is available. You will need to remain calm, cool, and collected as you go through the process of resolving the problem.
Know that ID theft is a crime.
The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.
If you believe that someone is using your identity illegally, report the crime to a law enforcement agency. It isn’t always possible for agencies to investigate every case, but making an official “identity theft report” can help you solve problems resulting from the ID theft. The “identity theft report” must be a document that subjects the person filing it to criminal penalties for providing false information. This is intended to discourage people from filing phony reports to try to avoid paying legitimate debts, not to prevent legitimate ID theft victims from reporting the crimes. You can report the crime to:
Know your payment rights. Under federal law, you are not responsible for more than $50 if someone uses your credit card without authorization, and most issuers will remove the charges completely if you report the problem as soon as you discover it. While your losses could be greater if someone uses your debit card, the card issuer may have a policy that offers you more protection than federal law provides. You can contest checks that have been used with your forged signature or unauthorized withdrawals from your bank account.
Respond quickly to debt collectors. If debt collectors contact you about accounts opened in your name or unauthorized charges made to your existing accounts, respond immediately in writing, keeping a copy of your letter. Explain why you don’t owe the money and enclose copies of any supporting documents, such as an official identity theft report. You have the right to ask the debt collector for the name of the business that is owed the debt and the amount owed. And you have the right to ask that business for copies of the credit applications or other documents relating to any transactions that you believe were made by the ID thief.
Put a fraud alert in your credit files. This will oblige creditors to take extra precautions if someone applies for credit in your name to verify that it’s really you. There are two kinds of fraud alerts. An “initial fraud alert” does not require you to provide a copy of an official “identity theft report” and stays on your credit records for at least 90 days. This is the kind of alert to use if you think you might be a victim but you’re not sure – for instance, if you lost your wallet or you find out that someone has gotten access to the customer records at a place you do business. An “extended fraud alert” should be placed when you have reason to believe that someone has illegally used your identity. You must provide a copy of an official “identity theft report” to request an extended fraud alert, which will stay on your credit records for 7 years. If you put an initial fraud alert on your files, you can always request an extended alert later if the situation warrants it. Just contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place the fraud alert; it will be shared automatically with the other two: Equifax, 800-525-6285, TDD 800-255-0056,; Experian, 888-397-3742, TDD 800-972-0322,; TransUnion, 800-680-7289, TDD 877-553-7803,
Get free copies of your credit reports. When you file a fraud alert, the credit bureaus will contact you with information about how to get free copies of your credit reports. If you filed an initial fraud alert, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report from each of the bureaus. If you filed an extended alert, you will be able to get two copies from each of the bureaus, one right away and the other within 12 months. This will help you monitor your account for problems. Since the information at the credit bureaus may be different, be sure to get your reports from all three.
Follow the instructions to dispute any accounts you didn’t open, charges you didn’t make, or other information that isn’t accurate. Be specific about any information that you believe is the result of the ID theft. You can permanently block that information from your credit files; you will be asked for a copy of your official identity theft report to do so. As with fraud alerts, you only need to report problems with your credit reports to one of the bureaus, and it will share that information with the other two (see contact information above).
Keep checking your credit report regularly. A new federal law entitles all consumers to ask each of the three major credit bureaus for free copies of their reports once in every 12-month period. This free annual report program started in late 2004 and is being phased in gradually across the country, from West to East. Go to or call 877-382-4357 for more details and to see when you can make your requests. You don’t have to ask all three credit bureaus for your reports at the same time; you can stagger your requests if you prefer. Do not contact the credit bureaus directly for these free annual reports. They are only available by calling 877-322-8228 or going to You can make your requests by phone or online, or download a form to mail your requests.
Your state law may also entitle you to free credit reports. Ask your local consumer protection or state attorney general’s office. Any rights your state law gives you are in addition to your rights under federal law.
Be cautious about offers for credit monitoring services. Why pay extra for them when you can get your credit reports for free or very cheap? Read the description of the services carefully. Unless you’re a victim of serious and ongoing identity theft, buying a service that alerts you to certain activities in your credit files probably isn’t worthwhile, especially if it costs hundreds of dollars a year. You can purchase copies of your credit reports anytime for about $9 through the bureaus’ Web sites or by phone: Equifax, 800-685-111; Experian, 800-311-4769; TransUnion, 800-888-4213.
"Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department"
The Senate on Monday night easily confirmed two key White House nominations, with Jeh Johnson approved as head of Homeland Security and Anne Patterson cleared to lead the State Department's Middle East division.
The pair were confirmed by identical 78-16 vote counts.
Johnson, who will replace Janet Napolitano, served as the Defense Department's general counsel from 2009 to 2012. He has said his first priority if confirmed would be to fill several leadership vacancies in the massive department. About 40 percent of the department's top positions are vacant.
Johnson worked as a private lawyer prior to serving at the Pentagon.
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del., called Johnson a "strong leader and well-prepared to face the challenges that await him."
"He brings experience from the public and private sectors, as well as an impeccable character," Carper said.
The confirmations were made possible because of new Senate rules unilaterally ushered in by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Frustrated with the minority Republicans' repeated blocks of Obama nominations, Reid last month invoked the "nuclear option" to change the chamber's rules so that certain White House nominees would require only a simple majority vote in the 100-seat chamber rather than the 60 votes previously needed.
The controversial move was rebuked by Republicans, who accused Reid of running roughshod over minority party rights.
Sent to:
"National Consumer League";Washington, D. C.
H ave documented and filed complaints concerning mailman taking my mail, guy who lives across the street knocked down my mailbox so he can put up a mailbox with my address on it[he pulled a weapon on me when I tried to put my mail box back up [part of identity theft];Ex. employer put in a false place of work in their tax system[s];nobody would ever give me information about the name/location of the place;
Godwillst ;Idenity theft/Forced identity;
Heard conference on Identity theft and consumer protection on C-span channel 6 in which I called today and basically got the run around;

In their statement they say:
“The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.” [];
Have not read anything yet concerning if the law is the one trying to steal [block]your identity;ex. Indians are not allowed to live a life free from government interference; and through obamacare, etc. they are doing the same thing to people in the United States;
White male on news talk network made the statement that Obama/care has done more to destroy the United States than hitler did to destroy Europe[apprx.];
Was at a local social event in which the issue of a secret child came up; and someone asked how can a person have a secret child, so I told them; that even though I chose to ignore the situation that I am looking at white males Paul Ragsdale [volunteer for Reynolda Branch who ran infront of me with two books; one about motherhood and the other about twins]; and white female Jenny[Reynolda Branch manager] and other white males in Winston-Salem, N. C. authority vehicles who seem to not want the issue to go away; thus I am not looking at what I think; but looking at what they do; and I personally don't want to be bother with the mother fu-kers;
Then someone said, Oh! that is the Feds; they watch me all of the time; especially since my boyfriend is in jail; that is nothing; whereever I go, they are watching me, and let me know they are watching me, when I go in and out of my house to the car or anywhere else;
Thus the conclusion was that the authority of which the Feds are a part of stole a child from me and trying to use the child to control me; which based upon observation and documentation of local and national events may have some merit to it;
One of them being the APPROVAL of Obama's nomination of ANNE PATTERSON and JEH CHARLES JOHNSON of which I have blogged for close to a decade about the names of "Anne", "Patterson", "Charles" and "Johnson"=code names of which is the stealing by government from ANNE who use to live in a neighborhood associated with Patterson AVE. in Winston-Salem, North Carolina [where Mia Angelo and Oprah Winfrey helped bunch of white males to steal the wealth from ANNE and the African American neighborhood associated with Patterson Ave. ] and CHARLES worked for white males as an informant against ANNE's daddy; Charles got ANNE pregnant;white males took one of TWINS as insurance/security to force ANNE to join white male system[s];while ANNE wasn't working for or joining white male system[s]; W.E. JOHNSON [bible school] was working for white males; along with CHARLES [McCrae(the other one)and other African American prostititues working for white males;
Being that ANNE's wealth was associated with PATTERSON AVE.;white males who controlled the African American neighborhoods in Winston-Salem, N. C. created systems of robbery of the wealth of African American[s] living in/on/near PATTERSON AVE. of which ANNE was a member of the PATTERSON AVE. neighborhood and mindset was to improve and better the PATTERSON AVE. neighborhood without being aware that African American men such as CHARLES AND W.E. JOHNSON were being paid by white males to do the exact opposite;

[President Barack Obama shakes hands with Jeh Johnson, his choice for the next Homeland Security Secretary, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, Friday, Oct. 18, 2013. Johnson was approved as head of Homeland Security on Monday. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)];
Jeh CHARLES JOHNSON'S nomination being approved as homeland security is the equivalent to those in the Winston-Salem, N. c. area/Caraver School road area thinking W.E. Johnson is in control[everybody do as he says] and that CHARLES[is the judge] and of coarse that ANNE PATTERSON has a position [of which my response is NO THANK YOU];people don't listen; have no desire to work for white males in secret; have lived as a free individual; do not intend to be in bondage to work for white males or anybody else;
THUS would like my MONEY that has been stolen to be returned; my family members who have been stolen and kidnapped to work for white males to be returned; and the protection[s] that the United States Constitution gurantees to the citizens[people born inthe United States such as Winston-Salem, N. C.] and have no desire to do what Jayz and Beonyce are doing [helping white males to rob African Americans for their heritage and wealth; have no desire to raise CUBA or AFRICA up or any that are allowed to work in the United States for helping white males to rob from African American[s]; neither do I any any desire to be in CINTAS place where cures are given or computers to give a mindset in order to control the mind-such as little girl by the name of CYNTHIA [who lives across the street];
"Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department"
If CINTAS had not been brainwashed, she would not want to be bothered either; Another way to say: "Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department" is that white male authority has agreed to put a system in place that guranteeds the ROBBERY OF "ANNE" who lived in./on/near PATTERSON AVE. in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
STEVE HARVEY Show-12/17/13 Channel 11[local code channel] had on models who were modeling clothes for Christmas; Model #1- "ANNE" had on "GOLDEN" gown with a sash with "WHITE" PEARLS;followed by Model #2-ROBBIN who had on a "RED" gown; [code to local viewers=ROB "ANNE"of her GOLD/WEALTH if she were allowed to live in WHITE society=unattacked;
Which is why the name of the Blog =DE-ANNA -decrease the robbery of ANNA that lived in/on/near PATTERSON AVE.
Confirmation of "Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief" and "Anne Patterson in State Department" is so that their names can be used to communicate what is going on in ANNE'S life in Winston-Salem, N. C. and the problem is ANNE don't want to be a part of the nigger reservation; ANNE grew up in private United
States; get a clue;
Of which I signed out and then back in and the result is that their[white males that track black people on the internet at the sWinston-Salem, N.C. libraries response was to take out the section above and put in code][message=white males not going to allow me to live my life as I want];[that is exactly why black males running around knocking the sh-t out of white people; get the fu-k out of my life; stop!
I signed out and then back in and they[the white males tracking black people on the internet at the library put this:
[code 1="local" 2="viewers<strong>=ROB" 3=""ANNE"</strong>of" 4="her<strong>"
5="GOLD/WEALTH" 6="</strong>if" 7="she" 8="were" 9="allowed" 10="to" 11="live"
12="in" 13="<strong>WHITE</strong>" society="unattacked;" 14="Which" 15="is"
16="why" 17="the" 18="name" 19="of" 20="the" blog="<strong>DE-ANNA</strong>"
21="-decrease" 22="the" 23="<strong>robbery" 24="of" 25="ANNA" 26="</strong>
that" 27="lived" 28="in/on/near" 29="<strong>PATTERSON" 30="AVE.</strong>"
31="Confirmation" 32="of" 33="Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief" 34="and"
35="Anne Patterson in State Department" 36="is" 37="so" 38="that" 39="their"
40="names" 41="can" 42="be" 43="used" 44="to" 45="communicate" 46="what" 47="is"
48="going" 49="on" 50="in" 51="ANNE'S" 52="life" 53="in" 54="Winston-Salem," 55="N."
56="C." 57="and" 58="the" 59="problem" 60="is" 61="ANNE" 62="don't" 63="want" 64="to"
65="be" 66="a" 67="part" 68="of" 69="the" 70="nigger" 71="reservation;" 72="ANNE"
73="grew" 74="up" 75="in" 76="private" 77="United" 78="States;" 79="get" 80="a"
81="clue;" 82="DeAnna" 83="*********" 84="<a" 85="href="
politics/penn-ave">POLITICS:" 86="PennAve</a>Senate" 87="confirms" 88="Jeh" 89="Johnson"
90="as" 91="Homeland" 92="Security" 93="chief," 94="Anne" 95="Patterson" 96="in" 97="State"
98="Department" 99="<div>By" 100="<a" 101="href="
LENGELL">SEAN" 102="LENGELL</a>" 103="|" 104="DECEMBER" 105="16," 106="2013" 107="AT" 108=
"7:29" 109="PM</div>" 110="[<a" 111="href="
-in-state-department/article/2540820</a>" language="</strong>to"][/code]
POLITICS: PennAveSenate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department
“The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.”
NCL Personal Finance Issues
Think you've been a victim of ID theft?
It’s frightening to lose your wallet or discover that someone has used information about you for a fraudulent purpose. Don’t panic — help is available. You will need to remain calm, cool, and collected as you go through the process of resolving the problem.
Know that ID theft is a crime.
The federal government and many states have enacted specific laws against ID theft.
You can get detailed advice by calling the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Clearinghouse toll-free at 877-438-4338 or going to You can also provide information about your problem, which will help law enforcement agencies investigate and track ID theft. The FTC will send you a free booklet, “ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name,” or you can get it online. There are other steps that you might want to take right away.
If you believe that someone is using your identity illegally, report the crime to a law enforcement agency. It isn’t always possible for agencies to investigate every case, but making an official “identity theft report” can help you solve problems resulting from the ID theft. The “identity theft report” must be a document that subjects the person filing it to criminal penalties for providing false information. This is intended to discourage people from filing phony reports to try to avoid paying legitimate debts, not to prevent legitimate ID theft victims from reporting the crimes. You can report the crime to:
- · The police department where the theft occurred
- · Your local police
- · A state or federal agency, including the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (do not use a complaint to the FTC as an official identity theft report).
Know your payment rights. Under federal law, you are not responsible for more than $50 if someone uses your credit card without authorization, and most issuers will remove the charges completely if you report the problem as soon as you discover it. While your losses could be greater if someone uses your debit card, the card issuer may have a policy that offers you more protection than federal law provides. You can contest checks that have been used with your forged signature or unauthorized withdrawals from your bank account.
Respond quickly to debt collectors. If debt collectors contact you about accounts opened in your name or unauthorized charges made to your existing accounts, respond immediately in writing, keeping a copy of your letter. Explain why you don’t owe the money and enclose copies of any supporting documents, such as an official identity theft report. You have the right to ask the debt collector for the name of the business that is owed the debt and the amount owed. And you have the right to ask that business for copies of the credit applications or other documents relating to any transactions that you believe were made by the ID thief.
Put a fraud alert in your credit files. This will oblige creditors to take extra precautions if someone applies for credit in your name to verify that it’s really you. There are two kinds of fraud alerts. An “initial fraud alert” does not require you to provide a copy of an official “identity theft report” and stays on your credit records for at least 90 days. This is the kind of alert to use if you think you might be a victim but you’re not sure – for instance, if you lost your wallet or you find out that someone has gotten access to the customer records at a place you do business. An “extended fraud alert” should be placed when you have reason to believe that someone has illegally used your identity. You must provide a copy of an official “identity theft report” to request an extended fraud alert, which will stay on your credit records for 7 years. If you put an initial fraud alert on your files, you can always request an extended alert later if the situation warrants it. Just contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place the fraud alert; it will be shared automatically with the other two: Equifax, 800-525-6285, TDD 800-255-0056,; Experian, 888-397-3742, TDD 800-972-0322,; TransUnion, 800-680-7289, TDD 877-553-7803,
Get free copies of your credit reports. When you file a fraud alert, the credit bureaus will contact you with information about how to get free copies of your credit reports. If you filed an initial fraud alert, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report from each of the bureaus. If you filed an extended alert, you will be able to get two copies from each of the bureaus, one right away and the other within 12 months. This will help you monitor your account for problems. Since the information at the credit bureaus may be different, be sure to get your reports from all three.
Follow the instructions to dispute any accounts you didn’t open, charges you didn’t make, or other information that isn’t accurate. Be specific about any information that you believe is the result of the ID theft. You can permanently block that information from your credit files; you will be asked for a copy of your official identity theft report to do so. As with fraud alerts, you only need to report problems with your credit reports to one of the bureaus, and it will share that information with the other two (see contact information above).
Keep checking your credit report regularly. A new federal law entitles all consumers to ask each of the three major credit bureaus for free copies of their reports once in every 12-month period. This free annual report program started in late 2004 and is being phased in gradually across the country, from West to East. Go to or call 877-382-4357 for more details and to see when you can make your requests. You don’t have to ask all three credit bureaus for your reports at the same time; you can stagger your requests if you prefer. Do not contact the credit bureaus directly for these free annual reports. They are only available by calling 877-322-8228 or going to You can make your requests by phone or online, or download a form to mail your requests.
Your state law may also entitle you to free credit reports. Ask your local consumer protection or state attorney general’s office. Any rights your state law gives you are in addition to your rights under federal law.
Be cautious about offers for credit monitoring services. Why pay extra for them when you can get your credit reports for free or very cheap? Read the description of the services carefully. Unless you’re a victim of serious and ongoing identity theft, buying a service that alerts you to certain activities in your credit files probably isn’t worthwhile, especially if it costs hundreds of dollars a year. You can purchase copies of your credit reports anytime for about $9 through the bureaus’ Web sites or by phone: Equifax, 800-685-111; Experian, 800-311-4769; TransUnion, 800-888-4213.
"Senate confirms Jeh Johnson as Homeland Security chief, Anne Patterson in State Department"
The Senate on Monday night easily confirmed two key White House nominations, with Jeh Johnson approved as head of Homeland Security and Anne Patterson cleared to lead the State Department's Middle East division.
The pair were confirmed by identical 78-16 vote counts.
Johnson, who will replace Janet Napolitano, served as the Defense Department's general counsel from 2009 to 2012. He has said his first priority if confirmed would be to fill several leadership vacancies in the massive department. About 40 percent of the department's top positions are vacant.
Johnson worked as a private lawyer prior to serving at the Pentagon.
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del., called Johnson a "strong leader and well-prepared to face the challenges that await him."
"He brings experience from the public and private sectors, as well as an impeccable character," Carper said.
The confirmations were made possible because of new Senate rules unilaterally ushered in by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Frustrated with the minority Republicans' repeated blocks of Obama nominations, Reid last month invoked the "nuclear option" to change the chamber's rules so that certain White House nominees would require only a simple majority vote in the 100-seat chamber rather than the 60 votes previously needed.
The controversial move was rebuked by Republicans, who accused Reid of running roughshod over minority party rights.
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