School to prison system
Saw on television where little six year old white boy was charged with sexual harassment; and his mother brought the issue before the public of which the school then dropped the charges of sexual harassment; evberybody were shocked that meant that the boy would spend the rest of his life trying to live down the charges of sexual harassment; however at the same time those who make money off of people charged with sexual harassment/and/or other offenses would be GURANTEED A STEADY INCOME/JOB![think the United States laws state that it is illegal to conspire against a citizen of the United States];
The little white boy had someone who had permission to access the public; African American parent[s] not working for white males are not allowed the same; and spend a lifetime trying to block the label that was put on thier child; which is exactly what they are trying to put my nephew [the one who was jumped by five white male authority] through;

Would be nice if someone could shine the light on the conspiracy against African American boys and males;[NOT AFRICAN MALES];
Also the SEXUAL HARRASSMENT CHARGE is the beginning of the authritites CONTROLLING THE SEXUALITY and SEX life at the beginning of children's life; they are teaching the children that authorities control SEX[who has it; who doesn't, who can and who can't have sex];
"School drops sexual harassment claim against 6-year-old who kissed girl"
[]A Colorado school that had been widely criticized for suspending a 6-year-old boy for kissing a girl on the hand has dropped its sexual harassment claim against the first grader, and allowed him to return to school.
But the mother of the girl, Jade Masters-Ownbey, said that Hunter had tried to kiss her daughter "over and over" without her permission, and that she supported the suspension.
"Not once, but over and over," Masters-Ownbey wrote on Facebook. "Not with her permission but sneaking up on her."
"I've had to coach her about what to do when you don't want someone touching you," she told the Canon City Daily Record. "But they won't stop."
Hunter already had received an in-school suspension for kissing the same girl.
Saunders said she understood the most recent suspension, but that the sexual harassment label was unwarranted.
"This is taking it to an extreme that doesn't need to be met with a 6-year-old," Saunders told KRDO. "Now my son's asking questions, 'What is sex, mommy?'"
The school district initially defended the sexual harassment charge, saying it expressly prohibits "unwelcome touching, such as patting, pinching or repeated brushing against another's body."
"Our main interest in this is having the behavior stop," Canon City Schools Superintendent Robin Gooldy told HLN Tuesday. "Because the story is not just about the student that was disciplined, it is also about the student receiving the unwanted advances."
"Our job as a school is to basically maintain a safe learning environment for all children in the school," Tammy DeWolfe, the school principal, told the local paper. "And that's certainly what we're trying to do here."
Gooldy added that it was "strictly a school discipline issue," law enforcement was not involved and that no criminal charges had been filed."
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