Chris Cristie and Chris Hayes and Mike Duggan
One of the television news talk show commentators or guest asked the following questions:
"1. Who did it?;2.When did they do it?;3.What did they do?"
And before attempting to answer any of the following questions to verify that what was done is an issue [use of African American families wealth,heritage and culture in secret with no compensation which is theft /robbery],
"The Today Show" reported that "Marvin Gaye’s family has settled a portion of their lawsuit over the similarities between Robin Thicke’s hit song “Blurred Lines” and Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up.”
The offspring of Marvin Gaye are very fortunate because there has been some action taken over the complaints that they have filed; most African American families may have the knowledge to pursue the issue of thief of economic and cultural identity; but few ever are privileged to have the issue addressed as Marvin Gaye's offspring and there are millions of African American families watching others enjoy the benefits of what they know they should be enjoying but do not have a clue as how or who to communicate the systematic thief, intimidation, harassment, abuse.
Which on Rachael Maddow Show, State Rep. John Wisniewski [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bride Investigation stated,"Looks like the investigation will be longer and wider to find ot where all the questions go to." and Sen. Loretta Weinberg [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bridge Investigation stated," It [the closing of the GW Bridge] came in a "context" and is part of a "pattern".
And most people would not be able to make the connect between the the closing of the George Washinton Bridge by Chris Christie's co-workers as symbolic of the closing of African American[s] access to African American[s] wealth,culture, and heritage which is the same as the theft of African American[s] wealth,heritage and culture;
Of which on "All in with Chris Hayes" had guest on that reported that "Local housing rights organization Fair Share Housing Center (FSHC) says it has obtained data from the Christie Administration that shows that African-American residents applying for two major Sandy relief programs were denied by the state at higher rates
than their Caucasian counterparts.[."[removed certain words to avoid helping in transference and theft of African Americans wealth,culture and heritage];
1. "According to the FSHC, 35-percent of African American applicants applying to the Homeowner Reconstruction, Rehabilitation Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) program were rejected by the state; while 13-percent of Caucasian applicants were denied from the same program.."[removed certain words to avoid helping in transference and theft of African Americans wealth,culture and heritage];
Chris Christie's action's of closing of the George Washinton Bridge is one of the many actions taken by those in positions to help African Americans that instead use their position to steal and rob African Americans and do it publically to communicate that the same actions/behavior should be copied by others within their secret group throughout the United States to continue the systematic theft and robbery of African American[s] which is verified through the denial of access to Sandy storm funding to African Americans in the New Jersey area;
Chris Hayes and Rachael Maddow showed a picture of Chris Christie with person who he said he had not seen for about twenty years at the TWIN Towers/World TRADE Center on the SAME day[September 11,2013] that the ACCESS LANES had been closed on the George Washinton Bridge which was to communicate to members of their secret group who participated in the destruction of the TWIN Towers/World TRADE Center on September 11,2001

to close off the ACCESS to the wealth that belongs to African American[s] in the United States;

What was done is an issue [use of African American families wealth,heritage and culture in secret with no compensation which is theft /robbery], Chris Christie and his group actions may have caused a lot of people problems, but the biggest group who will suffer in the long run are the invisiable African American[s] who will be denied access to economic prosperity because closing of the ACCESS LANES on the George Washinton Bridge is symbolic of the closing to ACCESS [jobs,etc.] to the Dollar Bill [money]for African Americans;
Where do the question[s] go? they lead to the stealing of a TWIN child from an African American who typically is the type of person who follows the rules and remains in line with the proper potocol[s][ny times] is currently being held in/as a type of hostiage through/in the city of Winston-Salem,NC in which nutritional food is being intentionally denied;
The name "PAULA" and "CHARLIE" both are names involved in the Chris Christie closing of the ACCESS LANES to the MONEY [George Washington Bridge]; PAULA is the the code name for the Gwynedolyn Gwyn [whose son pulled a weapon on me]groupand CHARLIE is the name of an immediate relative who always said, "They wouldn't let him live his life."; which I now know that what he meant is that his ACCESS to life without harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats and constantly being tracked was closed;
The threat of confinement [jail] from the members of Sam's secret Club if I obtain income/money from honest work [meaning the encouragement/intimication/threats to participate in illegal activity to generate an income from those who are suppose to stop activity that is illegal]which applied to the United States Supreme Court to intervene and was told ACCESS LANES closed; however for the attempt and effort those who are suppose to stop activity that is illegal will allow a male relative [African American] to become a big time thug as a reward.

LedgerEssex County Prosecutor Paula Dow,left, sits with Gov.-elect Chris Christie at the swearing in ceremony of Paul Fishman as United States Attorney for New Jersey Monday at Rutgers School of Law in Newark.
"PAULA"is required by law to earn the same as every other cabinet member -- $141,000. In Essex, she earns $165,000.
Sen. Loretta Weinberg [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bridge Investigation asked on Rachael Maddow Show, "Didn't they think about the people that they would be hurting, the EM people, the children?" and guest the answer is NO! because once you have watched or participated in something like the destruction of the TWIN Towers/World Trade Center ; closing the George Washinton Bridge is nothing.
Note-to those tracking who useing/stealing from Cintas-please inform that abuse of Deanna will put her in serious trouble and deprogram that Deanna is the enemy;

Robin Thicke performs onstage[Rick Diamond / Getty Images for Clear Channel];
One of the television news talk show commentators or guest asked the following questions:
"1. Who did it?;2.When did they do it?;3.What did they do?"
And before attempting to answer any of the following questions to verify that what was done is an issue [use of African American families wealth,heritage and culture in secret with no compensation which is theft /robbery],
"The Today Show" reported that "Marvin Gaye’s family has settled a portion of their lawsuit over the similarities between Robin Thicke’s hit song “Blurred Lines” and Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up.”
The offspring of Marvin Gaye are very fortunate because there has been some action taken over the complaints that they have filed; most African American families may have the knowledge to pursue the issue of thief of economic and cultural identity; but few ever are privileged to have the issue addressed as Marvin Gaye's offspring and there are millions of African American families watching others enjoy the benefits of what they know they should be enjoying but do not have a clue as how or who to communicate the systematic thief, intimidation, harassment, abuse.
Which on Rachael Maddow Show, State Rep. John Wisniewski [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bride Investigation stated,"Looks like the investigation will be longer and wider to find ot where all the questions go to." and Sen. Loretta Weinberg [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bridge Investigation stated," It [the closing of the GW Bridge] came in a "context" and is part of a "pattern".
And most people would not be able to make the connect between the the closing of the George Washinton Bridge by Chris Christie's co-workers as symbolic of the closing of African American[s] access to African American[s] wealth,culture, and heritage which is the same as the theft of African American[s] wealth,heritage and culture;
Of which on "All in with Chris Hayes" had guest on that reported that "Local housing rights organization Fair Share Housing Center (FSHC) says it has obtained data from the Christie Administration that shows that African-American residents applying for two major Sandy relief programs were denied by the state at higher rates

1. "According to the FSHC, 35-percent of African American applicants applying to the Homeowner Reconstruction, Rehabilitation Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) program were rejected by the state; while 13-percent of Caucasian applicants were denied from the same program.."[removed certain words to avoid helping in transference and theft of African Americans wealth,culture and heritage];
2. "Similarly, FSHC says 38-percent of African Americans that applied to the Resettlement Grant Program had their applications rejected; while 14-percent of Caucasians were rejected from the same program."[removed certain words to avoid helping in transference and theft of African Americans wealth,culture and heritage];
[]Chris Christie's action's of closing of the George Washinton Bridge is one of the many actions taken by those in positions to help African Americans that instead use their position to steal and rob African Americans and do it publically to communicate that the same actions/behavior should be copied by others within their secret group throughout the United States to continue the systematic theft and robbery of African American[s] which is verified through the denial of access to Sandy storm funding to African Americans in the New Jersey area;
Chris Hayes and Rachael Maddow showed a picture of Chris Christie with person who he said he had not seen for about twenty years at the TWIN Towers/World TRADE Center on the SAME day[September 11,2013] that the ACCESS LANES had been closed on the George Washinton Bridge which was to communicate to members of their secret group who participated in the destruction of the TWIN Towers/World TRADE Center on September 11,2001

to close off the ACCESS to the wealth that belongs to African American[s] in the United States;

What was done is an issue [use of African American families wealth,heritage and culture in secret with no compensation which is theft /robbery], Chris Christie and his group actions may have caused a lot of people problems, but the biggest group who will suffer in the long run are the invisiable African American[s] who will be denied access to economic prosperity because closing of the ACCESS LANES on the George Washinton Bridge is symbolic of the closing to ACCESS [jobs,etc.] to the Dollar Bill [money]for African Americans;
Where do the question[s] go? they lead to the stealing of a TWIN child from an African American who typically is the type of person who follows the rules and remains in line with the proper potocol[s][ny times] is currently being held in/as a type of hostiage through/in the city of Winston-Salem,NC in which nutritional food is being intentionally denied;
The name "PAULA" and "CHARLIE" both are names involved in the Chris Christie closing of the ACCESS LANES to the MONEY [George Washington Bridge]; PAULA is the the code name for the Gwynedolyn Gwyn [whose son pulled a weapon on me]groupand CHARLIE is the name of an immediate relative who always said, "They wouldn't let him live his life."; which I now know that what he meant is that his ACCESS to life without harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats and constantly being tracked was closed;
The threat of confinement [jail] from the members of Sam's secret Club if I obtain income/money from honest work [meaning the encouragement/intimication/threats to participate in illegal activity to generate an income from those who are suppose to stop activity that is illegal]which applied to the United States Supreme Court to intervene and was told ACCESS LANES closed; however for the attempt and effort those who are suppose to stop activity that is illegal will allow a male relative [African American] to become a big time thug as a reward.

LedgerEssex County Prosecutor Paula Dow,left, sits with Gov.-elect Chris Christie at the swearing in ceremony of Paul Fishman as United States Attorney for New Jersey Monday at Rutgers School of Law in Newark.
"PAULA"is required by law to earn the same as every other cabinet member -- $141,000. In Essex, she earns $165,000.
Sen. Loretta Weinberg [D-NJ] leading George Washington Bridge Investigation asked on Rachael Maddow Show, "Didn't they think about the people that they would be hurting, the EM people, the children?" and guest the answer is NO! because once you have watched or participated in something like the destruction of the TWIN Towers/World Trade Center ; closing the George Washinton Bridge is nothing.
Note-to those tracking who useing/stealing from Cintas-please inform that abuse of Deanna will put her in serious trouble and deprogram that Deanna is the enemy;

Robin Thicke performs onstage[Rick Diamond / Getty Images for Clear Channel];
Marvin Gaye’s Family Settle With Sony/ATV Over “Blurred Lines” Lawsuit
Robin Thicke still on the hook
Marvin Gaye’s family has settled a portion of their lawsuit over the similarities between Robin Thicke’s hit song “Blurred Lines” and Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up.”
While the main legal battle between Gaye’s family and Thicke continues, the Gayes have reached a settlement with Sony/ATV—one of the world’s biggest music publishing companies, co-founded by Michael Jackson and Sony—Billboard reports. It’s the latest twist in the complicated legal maneuvering over who’ll rake in the royalties.
Back in August, Thicke, Pharrell and T.I. filed a preemptive lawsuit over their mega-hit after Marvin Gaye’s estate and Bridgeport music—which owns the rights to a number of Funkadelic compositions—reportedly threatened action against Thicke and his co-creators because “Blurred Lines” is too similar to Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up” and Funkadelic’s “Sexy Ways.” Thicke’s camp asked the court to rule that his mega-hit was an original work.
In response, Gaye’s children countersued Thicke and his producers, as well as EMI April, a smaller music publishing company owned by Sony/ATV, saying EMI April failed to protect the Gaye catalogue. EMI April manages both the Thicke and Gaye copyrights, and the Gaye family argued that the company didn’t want to get in the way as “Blurred Lines” became a huge hit.
Now, Gaye’s family and the music publisher have reached a settlement, the terms of which haven’t been made public. This new development means that Sony/ATV will not be required to defend its impartiality in the case between Thicke and Gaye’s family. However, as Billboard notes, this new development does not necessarily end Sony/ATV’s involvement. There’s a good chance that Thicke’s lawyers will want a jury to hear why Sony decided that the two songs were not substantially similar and didn’t require action.
According to the FSHC, 35-percent of African American applicants applying to the Homeowner Reconstruction, Rehabilitation Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) program were rejected by the state; while 13-percent of Caucasian applicants were denied from the same program.
Gov.-elect Chris Christie chooses Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow as attorney generalBy Josh Margolin/Statehouse Bureau The Star-Ledger
A former ranking federal prosecutor, Dow worked with Christie in the U.S. Attorney's Office. By introducing Dow before any other cabinet member, Christie is underscoring his own background in law enforcement and the emphasis he plans to place on it during his term. Those familiar with the decision-making process also say the nomination of Dow, a registered Democrat, is meant to send the clear signal that Christie, a Republican, cares little for partisan labels, but rather gravitates toward effectiveness.
Dow, 54, was raised in the Philadelphia suburb of Yeadon, Pa. Her father was a postal worker and her mother was a counselor and gym teacher. She lives in Maplewood.
After graduating from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., she completed her law degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1980. She spent seven years as a lawyer for Exxon before joining the civil division of the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan from 1987 to 1994.
Dow then moved to the U.S. attorney's office in New Jersey, where she led the corruption case against former Irvington mayor Sara Bost and oversaw "Weed and Seed," a program combining aggressive policing and social programs in urban areas. She served as counsel to Christie from 2002 to 2003.
AP Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie gestures as he speaks to a gathering in East Brunswick on October 19.Christie has previously said he wants a "tough" prosecutor who will work well with the U.S. Attorney's office and make fighting corruption a priority.
Then-Gov. James E. McGreevey nominated Dow as Essex County prosecutor in 2003. Although she was supported by Senate President Richard Codey and county executive Joseph DiVincenzo, other local leaders such as then-Newark mayor Sharpe James opposed her.
Dow served in an acting capacity for almost two years as Essex County senators blocked her confirmation, complaining that McGreevey did not consult them on her appointment.
The Essex County prosecutor's office is the largest and busiest in the state, according to Dow's spokesman Paul Loriquet. He said the office handles 20,000 cases and 7,000 indictments every year -- one quarter of all criminal prosecutions in the state. There are 430 total employees, including investigators, assistant prosecutors and support staff.
If confirmed by the state Senate, Dow would take control of a state Department of Law and Public Safety more than 20 times larger than the Essex prosecutor's office, with a work force of more than 9,000. In addition to the prosecuting Division of Criminal Justice, the AG oversees the State Police, the Division of Consumer Affairs and the Division of Law, which represents the state in all civil litigation.
Dow may take a pay cut despite her increase in responsibility. The attorney general is required by law to earn the same as every other cabinet member -- $141,000. In Essex, she earns $165,000.
While the main legal battle between Gaye’s family and Thicke continues, the Gayes have reached a settlement with Sony/ATV—one of the world’s biggest music publishing companies, co-founded by Michael Jackson and Sony—Billboard reports. It’s the latest twist in the complicated legal maneuvering over who’ll rake in the royalties.
Back in August, Thicke, Pharrell and T.I. filed a preemptive lawsuit over their mega-hit after Marvin Gaye’s estate and Bridgeport music—which owns the rights to a number of Funkadelic compositions—reportedly threatened action against Thicke and his co-creators because “Blurred Lines” is too similar to Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up” and Funkadelic’s “Sexy Ways.” Thicke’s camp asked the court to rule that his mega-hit was an original work.
In response, Gaye’s children countersued Thicke and his producers, as well as EMI April, a smaller music publishing company owned by Sony/ATV, saying EMI April failed to protect the Gaye catalogue. EMI April manages both the Thicke and Gaye copyrights, and the Gaye family argued that the company didn’t want to get in the way as “Blurred Lines” became a huge hit.
Now, Gaye’s family and the music publisher have reached a settlement, the terms of which haven’t been made public. This new development means that Sony/ATV will not be required to defend its impartiality in the case between Thicke and Gaye’s family. However, as Billboard notes, this new development does not necessarily end Sony/ATV’s involvement. There’s a good chance that Thicke’s lawyers will want a jury to hear why Sony decided that the two songs were not substantially similar and didn’t require action.
Latino, African-American Applicants Unfairly Denied Sandy Relief Funds?
According to the FSHC, 35-percent of African American applicants applying to the Homeowner Reconstruction, Rehabilitation Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) program were rejected by the state; while 13-percent of Caucasian applicants were denied from the same program.
Similarly, FSHC says 38-percent of African Americans that applied to the Resettlement Grant Program had their applications rejected; while 14-percent of Caucasians were rejected from the same program.
President of the Latino Action Network (LAN) Frank Argote-Freyre and members of the New Jersey chapter of the NAACP reviewed the data along with FSHC and noticed inequities in both the amount of Latino and African Americans that applied for the programs, and the amount of Latino and African American residents that were approved to receive relief funds.
Argote-Freyre says he wants to know how the Christie Administration plans to correct the error.
“Given the misinformation presented to the Spanish-reading community by the Governor’s relief website, I think Governor Christie should explain what he intends to do to help those who were unfairly rejected or who missed deadlines due to the administration’s neglect,” Argote-Freyre stated in a press release.
“We hope that these data, supplied by the Christie Administration itself, will help to shed light on why these programs are not working.”
LAN is currently in litigation with the Christie Administration. The group claims that information provided on the English version of New Jersey’s Sandy recovery web site was omitted from the Spanish version of the web site, and left many Spanish speaking Sandy victims unable to take advantage of grant program benefits.
In October, members of the LAN filed a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) arguing that the Christie Administration’s failure to provide equal access in English and Spanish to Sandy recovery grant information was a violation of federal law that deterred African Americans and Latinos from applying to the program.
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Richard E. Constable, III, Esq. argued that the FSHC manipulated the data and called the accusations patently false.
“This is an outrageously false implication that exposes a complete lack of credibility and integrity by Fair Share Housing Center,” Constable said.
“To be absolutely clear, eligibility and qualification for the housing recovery programs were approved by the Obama
Administration, are objectively based, and do not take race or ethnicity into account in any way whatsoever.”

LAN says, due to the state’s failure to properly advertise the programs—specifically to lower income communities—that there were only 849 Latino applicants and 878 African American applicants to the Resettlement Program, compared to nearly 18,000 Caucasian applicants. Similarly, the organization says a mere 432 Latino applicants and 485 African American applicants applied to the RREM Program, compared to more than 7,000 Caucasian applicants.
According to Constable, 44-percent or nearly half of the federal Sandy relief funding
has “been obligated or is out the door to people in need.” Constable says nearly three-quarters of those funds were distributed to low- or middle-income renters and homeowners.
Gov.-elect Chris Christie chooses Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow as attorney generalBy Josh Margolin/Statehouse Bureau The Star-Ledger
on December 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM, updated December 15, 2009 at 9:58 AM
By Josh Margolin/Statehouse Bureau The Star-Ledger
on December 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM, updated December 15, 2009 at 9:58 AM
The other officials scheduled to be introduced today are: Phillip Kwon, now a deputy chief of the criminal division at the U.S. Attorney's Office, who will be named first assistant AG; Marc Ferzan, another deputy chief of the criminal division, being tapped to serve as executive assistant AG; and First Assistant Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray, who is to serve as counsel to the AG.on December 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM, updated December 15, 2009 at 9:58 AM
TRENTON -- Gov.-elect Chris Christie is to begin introducing his cabinet today by announcing Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow as the state's next attorney general, according to an official familiar with Christie's decision.
Christie is scheduled to introduce Dow during a noon news conference at the Statehouse. Along with Dow, Christie has also selected three top assistants for the next AG. And he will be announcing that Dow's office in Trenton is to have a structure similar to the setup of the U.S. Attorney's Office that Christie ran for more than six years.
Christie is scheduled to introduce Dow during a noon news conference at the Statehouse. Along with Dow, Christie has also selected three top assistants for the next AG. And he will be announcing that Dow's office in Trenton is to have a structure similar to the setup of the U.S. Attorney's Office that Christie ran for more than six years.
A former ranking federal prosecutor, Dow worked with Christie in the U.S. Attorney's Office. By introducing Dow before any other cabinet member, Christie is underscoring his own background in law enforcement and the emphasis he plans to place on it during his term. Those familiar with the decision-making process also say the nomination of Dow, a registered Democrat, is meant to send the clear signal that Christie, a Republican, cares little for partisan labels, but rather gravitates toward effectiveness.
Dow, 54, was raised in the Philadelphia suburb of Yeadon, Pa. Her father was a postal worker and her mother was a counselor and gym teacher. She lives in Maplewood.
After graduating from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., she completed her law degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1980. She spent seven years as a lawyer for Exxon before joining the civil division of the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan from 1987 to 1994.
Dow then moved to the U.S. attorney's office in New Jersey, where she led the corruption case against former Irvington mayor Sara Bost and oversaw "Weed and Seed," a program combining aggressive policing and social programs in urban areas. She served as counsel to Christie from 2002 to 2003.
AP Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie gestures as he speaks to a gathering in East Brunswick on October 19.Christie has previously said he wants a "tough" prosecutor who will work well with the U.S. Attorney's office and make fighting corruption a priority.
Then-Gov. James E. McGreevey nominated Dow as Essex County prosecutor in 2003. Although she was supported by Senate President Richard Codey and county executive Joseph DiVincenzo, other local leaders such as then-Newark mayor Sharpe James opposed her.
Dow served in an acting capacity for almost two years as Essex County senators blocked her confirmation, complaining that McGreevey did not consult them on her appointment.
The Essex County prosecutor's office is the largest and busiest in the state, according to Dow's spokesman Paul Loriquet. He said the office handles 20,000 cases and 7,000 indictments every year -- one quarter of all criminal prosecutions in the state. There are 430 total employees, including investigators, assistant prosecutors and support staff.
If confirmed by the state Senate, Dow would take control of a state Department of Law and Public Safety more than 20 times larger than the Essex prosecutor's office, with a work force of more than 9,000. In addition to the prosecuting Division of Criminal Justice, the AG oversees the State Police, the Division of Consumer Affairs and the Division of Law, which represents the state in all civil litigation.
Dow may take a pay cut despite her increase in responsibility. The attorney general is required by law to earn the same as every other cabinet member -- $141,000. In Essex, she earns $165,000.
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