Note: sign is still up at Reynolda Branch library that printer is down and they have been instructed to not give me anything in writing that the printer to the public computer is not working=harassment;
While coming to the Reynolda Manor Branch Library in which today is the 10th=MONEY day; like 1010; ac #1139 and new type ac#1135 parked across the street in the Reynold Manor Parking Lot;
On 1/8/13 and 1/9/13 posted on blog that on CNN;channel 25; 12:58 to 1:05 pm that the commentator stated that " A foreign leader could not get to court to face changes of "inciting muder" because of the weather; that the helicopter couldn't take off because it was frozen;and to confirm statment that was written on 1/8/13 that those listed on blog as participators of harssment,intimidation and threats to self and those connected communications were "inciting murder" because communication is being sent to white Jennifer Barrett Boneno, manager of the Reynolda Branch Library and those who work under her that if I have a good life as an African American that she and her co-workers can not have a good life;:
Kept trying to figure out where Barbara Walters fit in the equation; she did not get to where she is at without being connected to some of the filfth of the celebrities[even through she carries herself in such a way; but if one observes Barbara Walters [if you know what to look for]; there are days whre she is quite obvious that she is connected with the group that is hiding the stealing of the TWIN child as is Billy Graham]; Barbara Walters will wear TWO of something; or a color; today 1/10/13 on "The View" she had on a dress with "leaves";the seating arrangements very important[why Barbara Walters will sit on one end or the other; by one person and not the other;
1. 1/10/13 ; TWO segments of THE VIEW[tv show]:
Seg.#1. Whoopi GOLDberg, Jenny ?;Sherry?; Darmen[host of de-dly sins][guest]; Shuana Hagen[sp][guest] were sitting on The View's sofa and behind them was a SHERIFF sign; which is message to Barabra Walters,etc. being that Jenny ? was sitting in the middle of two African American females representing good[GOLD and cherry] to Jenny on one side; and the white male guest of "De-dly Sins" and Shauna Hagan[sp] representing "murder" sitting on the other side of the "The View's" sofa;
Seg.#2. Whoopie DOLDberg, Jenny, James Jallen,PH,D,CHRIS harrison, Cherry, Barbarba Walters on the end and the scence in the background had "PSYCHOPATH"; which Barabra Walters is sending message that is good[Cherry, Barbarba Walters seating arrangement] that CHRIS Harrison[relative/name[s] connected to stolen TWIN]be put in category of being a "psychopath" of which James Fallen Ph.D stated he,himslef had the characteristics of a psychopath's BRAIN PATTERN-which is code to bastards who operate secret system of robbery that if the African American Chris, relative can't told as told then make CHRIS a "psychopath":
1. CHRIS Christie bridge scandal-code to people around "CHRIS" the relative of the stolen TWIN to create negative situation for him[they all know that it is punishement because somebody did not do what they were told;
What Chris Christie's co-workers did to block the George Washington Bridge is what Jennifer Barrett Boneno manager of the Reynolda Branch Library and the others in the secret group do to block and hinder my and other African Americans lives; People are shocked that such could take place; African Americans have to deal with such every day; When vacationing in Florida[all the way there and back there would be questionable road blocks; there were always where white males were doing road work that as the driver ,did not seem coincidental; just a way so that those who were in the group that were harassing to get closer to be more intimidating];
Rachael Maddow had a guest State Senator Loretta Wenberg, Repersentative of NJ, who stated that the George Washington Bridge is one of the busiest and biggest bridges in the world; that it was used during the Sept. 11, 2001 to help people to escape and it was blocked by Chris Christy's co worker in which their actions was the cause of deaths; but as of date, I have yet to hear any person say that Chris Christy's co-workers are terr-rist;guess they were just having a little fun;
Coincidental in the Chris Christie scandal is the fact that only TWO people got terminated:
1. Bidget Ann Kelly[how long had she worked in dept.]BRIDGET-is the name of the African American female prostitute that they tried to replace with the mother of the stolen TWIN; Ann is connected to the name of a relative of the mother of the stolen TWIN;and KELLY is the name of a distant relative of the mother of the stolen TWIN who went to jail/or got off with time served for murder;
2. David Wildstein-KNOW DAVID is code name to white males;last name part of code is associated with WILD;]
Note: If the George Washington Bridge was a major bridge in the 911 killings then those who use the stolen TWIN child would be award of that and that "BRIDGET" and "ANN" are names that are connected to the stealing of the TWIN child;
************************ "Christie Brings His Remorse to an Inconvenienced Borough"
FORT LEE, N.J. — Nobody had ever claimed that Mark Sokolich was one of the most powerful mayors in America. But on Thursday afternoon, Chris Christie, one of the most powerful governors in the country, flew to Mr. Sokolich’s borough to deliver a personal apology.
Gumming up the roads in the process of apologizing for four days of traffic jams last fall, Mr. Christie rushed up from Trenton to say he was sorry to the people of Fort Lee, N.J. The governor hopped out of a black Chevrolet Suburban about 4 p.m., pulled on a suit jacket and, exhaling steam, headed into the borough hall to meet with Mr. Sokolich.
A few people cheered the governor as he strode by. But Mr. Sokolich, a Democrat, had not welcomed the visit. Indeed, he said he thought Mr. Christie should have waited for the conclusion of the various investigations into the unannounced closing of lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge.
But the governor “respectfully insisted,” Mr. Sokolich said after Mr. Christie departed. During his 40 minutes inside the borough hall, the governor apologized and promised that traffic in the town would not be tied up intentionally again, Mr. Sokolich said.
Mayor Sokolich, at a subsequent news conference, said, “I accepted his apology, yes I did.” Eric Thayer/Reuters
“I accepted his apology, yes I did,” an upbeat Mr. Sokolich said on the front steps of the building. “I’m glad he came.”
Mr. Sokolich said what he had wanted more than an apology from the governor was a promise that there would be no repeat occurrence. “We were unconditionally, unequivocally provided with that assurance,” he said, as members of the borough’s council looked on.
If Mr. Sokolich received any other promises from the governor, he did not say. But he said that when he asked if he was now on the governor’s “radar,” Mr. Christie responded that the mayor had his own screen.
As he departed, Mr. Christie said that he “looks forward to working with the mayor in the future.”
The governor’s pilgrimage caused a stir in the borough — and, inevitably, caused another tie-up of traffic on its downtown streets. Two women trying to catch a bus home in front of the borough hall took turns cursing the governor for leaving them standing in the near-freezing cold while traffic on Main Street was diverted.
“I find it ironic that the governor chose the height of rush hour to do this,” said Sam Gronner, a Fort Lee resident, who said it had taken an extra 15 minutes to go to the nearby A.&P. supermarket to buy plums for a brisket he planned to cook.
But Dominick Lamanna, 91, applauded Mr. Christie’s performance on Thursday. “I think he’s handling it well,” he said.
“If he ran as an independent, I’d vote for him over Clinton,” Mr. Lamanna said, alluding to the possibility that Mr. Christie and Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the major party candidates for president in 2016.
C-Span channel 6 titled "MARKETING Consumer Info Conference" "Sen. JAY ROCKERFELLER stated that, "It is segmenting America and its citizens and causes them to have traumatic experiences; The NSA knows; there is something Lethal and unfair about that; that the people are stigmatized and have to live with the stigmtation all of their life and people are making MONEY off of people[immorally]; it is a dark underside of American and We don't want that." [12/21/13;11:53am;Channel 6; C-Span];
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