Melissa Harris Perry was right
and am sure that the real Chirlene McCray life and her biolgical mother's life will improve greatly along with her sibling[1/7/13
Melissa Harris Perry
concept of the fact that the largely white family is representative to 'the diversity of the Republican party' is true; in fact the entire white male system prides itself on the fact that there may be hundreds of white male[s] and female[s] and only one African American in the bunch and usually the African American will have some type of [negative]social issue like they are gay,etc.

That African American child is going to be one sad person; torn like the man in the brown skin that is the current re-elected? head of the United States in the house that is white;

There is no backup support for the African American male baby boy who will see nothing but WHITE growing up=mindset=white is better; why because white is who fed and cloth him[after some white male system destroyed either his mother/father/extended family/ or all of the above; then adopted him to do the right thing=?
- Thus Melissa Harris Perry should hold her head high; but she won't because as "Ann Coulter" said, Melissa Harris Perry is just a token herself[and it is true];
The first family is headed by a man in brown skin with a white mind;

The beginnings of a boy child in brown skin that will be given a white mind;[];
Technically a white male with three African American females in disguise:


BILL DE Blasio is a white male with Two African American females and
an African American male;[Both photos are the same; a brown skin man with a white males mind in disguise and a white male with three African American[s][both men have the goal of prospering the white culture and society[trapped into doing what the white male [head] says;[WHERE ARE THE AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES, who have African American culture/heritage/society as one of the upper most important issues in their mind?; they are not allowed to exist at such a levels[including Al Sharpton[who has a white wife-as proof to white males that his upper most mind set is to advance the culture/heritage/society of the white culture and society;]
And last but not least; heard a part of the inteview on
Fox News Channel[59]early morning ; that thecommentator was having with Dennis Rodman; after the interview one of the female commentators stated "Dennis Rodman is trapped; because he went over there[across seas] and there is abuse and he has the/a responsibility to deal with the leader about the abuse of the people from the leader; and I thought how hippocritical-being that a person born and rasied in the United States has to experience abuse EVERYDAY all day long; because the leaders will not address the abuse done by white males because they are working with white males to hide the abuse=so why are the white media[the five,etc.] directing Dennis Rodman to do the right thing, when the United States is suppose to be the example and they haven't done the right thing[] and EVERYBODY in the WORL knows it=KATRINA storm- 98%African Americans abuse in national sight;
And Bill Oreilly on the Oreilly Factor made the statement'" Whatever killed your ancestors in the past; consult an expert and made the necessary corrections;[1/6/13;11:58pm;channel 59] Bill Oreilly never said what to do if the experts are the ones who were responsible for the killing of the person's ancestors:
In fact the Melissa Harris Perry situation is an excellent situation to deal with the 1 black in 100 whites issue;
"Melissa Harris-Perry makes tearful on-air apology after sketch made Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson the butt of jokes"
- MSNBC host apologizes to Republican and other inter-racial families
- Show slammed as offensive after guests suggested captions for portrait
- Panelist Dean Obeidallah compared the
- the largely white family to 'the diversity of the Republican party'
- Sarah Palin called the joke 'despicable' and said MSNBC should be ashamed of itself
PUBLISHED: 12:07 EST, 4 January 2014 | UPDATED: 09:25 EST, 5 January 2014
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