Mayor Dawn Zimmer/Gov. Chris Christy
1/29/14;Upon arriving at the Reynolda Branch Library; all of the computers were taken EXCEPTthe computers that were in front or beside two white males? Jennifer Barrnett Boneno[sp] was at the front desk?;
Of which since Jennifer Barrnett Boneno, manager of the Reynolda Branch Library stop putting out the Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper; had to go to front desk and ask for today's Winston-Salem Journal in which the headlines may explain why so many late middle age white males are at the Reynolda Branch library;[or it could just be a coincidence;And after the "State of the Union" speech have seen a LOT of people with the name of "RUSH" in t he media; thus:"Local man is guest of Obamas at speech" written by BY MEGHANN EVANS
Almost like the name Meger Evans[];
Medgar Evers/Activist;
Medger Evers was killed; think they just had a trial [apprx. 2003/4]for the white male that ran around proudly telling everybody that he was the one that had killed Medger Evers[TV movie];
The fact that after the "STATE of the UNION" speech by Barock Obama; which followed the "Grammy Awards"[which opened with Jay "Z" and Beyonce and performance with dem-ons] where the head of the United States is feed information of what they are to do; which is why ["TYrone Davis ", an Elon University "LAW"] student and Winston-Salem native, was one of several guests invited to sit in the box with first lady Michelle Obama during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday; to communicate the LAW; that it is a TY[tie]; and if the person who t he LAW has done wrong has a problem with it being a TY[tie] then "MEGHANN EVANS" which is code for "Medgar Evers"[who was killed by white males];Of which there is no where for the person who is not an activist; but a regular person who has had their human and civil rights violated by white males; most of who were sitting in the "State of the Union" speech last night;And the fact that the article "Forsyth woman dies from flu complications" was under the article "Local man is guest of Obamas at speech" written by MEGHANN EVANS [code-Medgar Evers]could be coincidental or it could be that someone wanted to specify exactly the type,etc. of person to be put in Medgar Evers position; and the fact that the African American male who was one of several guests invited to sit in the box with first lady Michelle Obama during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday has the same name [DAVIS] as person in government who has been trying to help me find someone to stop white males from harassment, intimidation system;and the fact that the person's first name from Winston-Salem, NC who was one of several guests invited to sit in the box with first lady Michelle Obama during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday is name TYrone; the same first name of TYRONE Johnson the pastor of Carver Road Christian Church located on Carver Road in Winston-Salem, N. C. which is the church where W.E. Johnson[ [whose cousin was a member of the underground railroad [note-William Rockerfeller [white male]had wreck on railroad]has been helping white males rob local African Americans in Winston-Salem, N. C.;Of coarse all of the names/connections could be coincidental?And again there is no one to go to since the head person [who is suppose to protect the people of the United States]made the decision to turn thier head;
WILLIE ROBERTson was t the "State of the Union "speech; and a lot of pictures were taken by white males with
Willie Robertson [whose name is code to "ROB" WILLIE
Thomas MASSie with Willie Roberson;
Email over Picture:
Thomas Massie@rep Thomas Massie with Willie Robertson@willbosshog from Duck Dynasty;
Just like white males have Dynasty's so do African American men; but they usually don't rise because white males usually attack African American men's dynasty's; apprx. 95% of the white males who attend the "State of the Union" speech are aware that their policies are designed to block African American males from obtaining theirDynasty's; there are a lot of white male "DYNASTY'S" ; African American's?[few][but all based on rewards for serving and prospering white males society;Being that Willie Robertson took so many pictures with the members of the officials at the "State of the Union" speech; Willie Robinson of Duck Dynasty should be in the media [all] greatly to ensure that local people [ usually African American females/white males]in Winston-Salem understand instructions of how to treat the African American male Willie;
Thomas code[kill] MASSie code [masses]; Willie [represents millions of African Americans [concept-"one as many"];have blogged about the concept of "one as many"; why the white male bought the right to kill the one Black Rhino, in which Black Rhino in code means African American[s]; thus for a white male to be given permission to on Black Rhino is code to kill millions of African Americans;And the Reynolda Branch Library , manager Jennifer Barret Boneno is suppose to be closed two days next week because of computer UPDATES; for African American[s] that means something is being done to the public computers to do something to block them from accessing the mainstream on the internet;Thus anytype of accident is not an accident; it is the result of the "State of the Union " speech instructions;which was communicated through the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper on 1/29/14 the day after the "State of the Union " speech as form of clarification;
1."Local man is guest of Obamas at speech" written by BY MEGHANN EVANS ; code-Medger Evers;where?
2.Forsyth woman dies from flu complications;code-female/Forsyth county;who?
3. Two Surry traffic deaths blamed on weather; byJOHN HINTON ; code- find a reason to put the blame on something -how?
Thus any type of accident is not an accident; it is the result of the "State of the Union " speech instructions;
Have blogged about the name "ANDREW DYE" of the "JOURNAL" that it is used to communicate about the guy with last name "Andrews in Winston-Salem , N. C.; ANDREW DYE/JOURNAL took a picture
Picture of black hat/black gloves-is code that Andrew is Black[African American]; and sad to say; there is no way out unless the United States Supreme Court Addresses the issue; because if the man who gave the "State of the Union"speech and his co-workers who have been given authorative instructions; only higher authority can send the message to stop;All related to the "Rockerfeller Project" where group of white males in authority[Chris Christy office,etc.] designed plans to rob an African American[somewhere] of millions and billions of dollars and for the money to be put in white males culture;and the way it usually goes; if the white males can't intimidate, threaten, abuse or harass the African American into letting go of their wealth the next step is to follow the instructions of the "State of the Union"[between the African Americans who help white males rob African Americans of their wealth and the white males who rob African Americans of their wealth]
And the investigation is suppose to be done by who?; white male[s]; joke!
note: giving credit where credit due:
Sheldon McCarter and his African American

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