Anna's Stunt Agency
Being that CINTAS is "one that represent many"=millions
To confirm why this blog/CINTAS and blog "DeAnna" saw a commerical for "CAPITAL ONE";
Posted on one of blogs last week that they killed "Larry"; a guy who gave me a ride up the street to where I lived every other Sunday [less than five blocks]; had seen the "CAPITAL One" commerical probably about eight to nine times; at first thought the commericial was coincidental being that it had the name of "ANNA"; Larry and "CINDY"; in the commerical, "Anna's Stunt Agency" is the name of the company and the African American female walks through as various situations occur to her; such as guy by the name of "LARRY" riding through wall on a motorcyclye and the African American female yells."lARRY" I need your TIMEsheet;
TV Ad:Capitol One Spark Card – Anna’s Stunt Agency Chaos Description:In this commercial for the Spark Card, we see Anna, the owner of the fictional Anna’s Stunt Agency ‘breaking her back’ and putting out fires to keep her business running. Anna explains how the Spark Business card helps her. Posted below is What Anna Says:
"So I deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. With the Spark Cash Card from Capitol One I get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. I break my back around here. Finally someone’s recognizing me with unlimited rewards. (Woman falls through ceiling and lands on the meeting-table) – "Meetings start at 11 Cindy"
Then the African American female walks into the hole that Larry's motorcycle made and while walking into the next room a white male taked a chair and hits the African American female in the back who doesn't react and continues to walk into the next room where [this is why am posting about "Anna's Stunt Agency" "CAPITAL" One" commerical] a group of people are sitting around a big table and a lady falls through the ceiling; and the African American female calls the lady who falls through the roof "CINDY";and Anna says," "Meetings start at 11 Cindy" [Apt. D11[posted on blog last week] is the apartment that that little girl Cynthia lives whose father Ein gave a ROYAL BLUE vehicle [battery operated];
CINDY" is the name white people call "CYNTHIA" [which local white males code name is "CINTAS" and Whoever made the commericial for "CAPITAL One"s is working for the "CAPITAL" and made the commerical as a form of intimidation; and being that they killed "LARRY"[said they found him dead and nobody knows what happened]; the next major element based on the commerical must be CINDY/CYNTHIA/CINTAS falling through the ceiling; which ceiling-the main issue at the "CAPITAL" is economics; must be why "D"EE W.[function of one Board meetings by/through/for Reynolds]

was sent to recent office of CINTAS employ; Apt. D11[posted on blog last week] is the apartment that that little girl Cynthia lives whose father Ein gave a ROYAL BLUE vehicle [battery operated
And Dee Williams was given the message through the old Reynolds building fire on 4th and PATTERSON Ave were there was no major damage to Reynolds building [Everything is on schedule as planned]; but CROSSWALKS had burn; [ Anna says in commerical-"As a business owner I’m constantly putting out fires"];

Reynolds Building Hotel Project
*"Officials investigate cause of early morning fire at two vacant R.J. Reynolds buildings"

Winston-Salem firefighters attend to hot spots on a catwalk that caught fire overnight between two former R.J. Reynolds buildings, Thursday, January 23, 2014. The catwalk connected Buildings 64 (right) and 60 over an abandoned railway that soon will be converted into a greenway. The fire started about 1:45 a.m. Local residents said the catwalk collapsed around 3 a.m.[Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:40 pm];
The purpose of the "Anna's Stunt Agency" ad is to communicate to local secret agencies how they are to harass, intimidate, a person who has the name "Anna" in it, iand it is to block Anna from obtaining the material,social wealth that she is suppose to have in the African American culture;but not allowed to have African American wealth because white males do not allow for African Americans to prosper without the African Americans thinking like white males, which is that all prosperity is to be in and belong to and has to exist for white males culture only; in or out of the white society;
Of which CONFIRMATION[secret coded message];
1. have blogged about how white males think of African Americans as [DOGS]; and how part of the code is that African Americans are never to be thought of as human[one of those DED's[DON'T EVER DO]Phil Robinson/Duck Dynasty was talking about] and to communicate to locals that one of the DOGS[black people] have been found out or they [white males] can't use anymore[CINTAS]connected to Reynolds company and Goodwill; they had to shoot a dog and do something extremely negative concerning Goodwill to communicate it is somebody that is working for the Reynolds Company and connected to Goodwil[which is why "D"ee Williams was sent to place where Cintas employ:which is why:

"Davie sher-ff says he accidentally shot his own dep-ty during standoff with g-nman"
"Pol-ce dog dies from wounds suffered after being shot by suspect"
The Shooting took place in "MOCKSVILLE"
"Pol-ce detonate live gr-nade found at Goodwill store"
[Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:30 pm][article below] which is code to CINTAS about Deanna's blogging; which I have blogged about the fact [almost ten years]that CINTAS got her job through Deanna's research and found out that WS had an employment program with/through Goodwill to help low income blacks; but WS stopped the program and Deanna suggested that they start the program back up and white males followed Deanna's suggestion and started an employment program; sent CINTAS through the program and "GOODWILL"/ stores are code communication to CINTAS; also knowing that blogs post articles they probably donated the weapon in order to have certain terms on blog to give a reason/excuse to track based upon their made up laws[like the kind of laws that made it legal for white males to have slaves];

D. A. Jackson;
have blogged about the name of "JACKSON" being connected with relative who was killed off of "Jackson Street";D. Jackson was sent to harass and intimidate CINTAS; along with establishing a mindset connected to killing;
On 1/24/14 on a local television station WXII I[channel 11 calbe]story done about "CYNTHIA" who had the flu and said that Cynthia was getting little oxygen;
thus anybody who made/produced "The "Annia's Stunt Agency" commercial is a [principal] and if the bastards who operated the United States courts were honest, the principals would be convicted; BUT as Judege Jeanine said, there will be no proscution
Why "ROSES" Store in the shopping center on Reynolda Road was closed to cue CINTAS that there is no more rising for family members in white society;; but to stop black family members progressisng; do the opposite of rising; she is in the black society[because of blogging] and way they communicated with guy who is a blue devil fan; they tore down one Ihop[Pancakes house] and put up another Ihop on University Parkway after they demoted his pay and transfered him to a lesser position at the same cmpany; different location; Money is no option;
Posted on comment section of
who reviewed " Anna Stunt Agency" ad;
Commerical is coded to communicate with people in Winston-Salem, NC; Larry who was on the motocycle in the commerical who was told to give up his time sheet; is officially dead; and CINDY met "D" at work on 1/13/14;and little girly by the name of CYNTHIA lives in aprt. "D" 11;[Meetings start at 11 Cindy.]which is coincidental or not what Anna says in the commerical; and there was a local fire at one of the company's buildings that Cynthia works at?[coincidenal=no]; have pages of watching people who are making commericals send threats and intimidations through the television; and have requested from the proper sources; but not recognized;
Reynolds Building Hotel Project
(Announcer): Get the Spark Business Card from Capitol One. Choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day
(Guy on motor cycle flies through the window)
(Anna): I need your time-sheets Larry!
Being that CINTAS is "one that represent many"=millions
To confirm why this blog/CINTAS and blog "DeAnna" saw a commerical for "CAPITAL ONE";

Anna’s Stunt Agency: Spark Business Credit Card
[]Posted on one of blogs last week that they killed "Larry"; a guy who gave me a ride up the street to where I lived every other Sunday [less than five blocks]; had seen the "CAPITAL One" commerical probably about eight to nine times; at first thought the commericial was coincidental being that it had the name of "ANNA"; Larry and "CINDY"; in the commerical, "Anna's Stunt Agency" is the name of the company and the African American female walks through as various situations occur to her; such as guy by the name of "LARRY" riding through wall on a motorcyclye and the African American female yells."lARRY" I need your TIMEsheet;
TV Ad:Capitol One Spark Card – Anna’s Stunt Agency Chaos Description:In this commercial for the Spark Card, we see Anna, the owner of the fictional Anna’s Stunt Agency ‘breaking her back’ and putting out fires to keep her business running. Anna explains how the Spark Business card helps her. Posted below is What Anna Says:
"So I deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. With the Spark Cash Card from Capitol One I get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. I break my back around here. Finally someone’s recognizing me with unlimited rewards. (Woman falls through ceiling and lands on the meeting-table) – "Meetings start at 11 Cindy"
Then the African American female walks into the hole that Larry's motorcycle made and while walking into the next room a white male taked a chair and hits the African American female in the back who doesn't react and continues to walk into the next room where [this is why am posting about "Anna's Stunt Agency" "CAPITAL" One" commerical] a group of people are sitting around a big table and a lady falls through the ceiling; and the African American female calls the lady who falls through the roof "CINDY";and Anna says," "Meetings start at 11 Cindy" [Apt. D11[posted on blog last week] is the apartment that that little girl Cynthia lives whose father Ein gave a ROYAL BLUE vehicle [battery operated];
CINDY" is the name white people call "CYNTHIA" [which local white males code name is "CINTAS" and Whoever made the commericial for "CAPITAL One"s is working for the "CAPITAL" and made the commerical as a form of intimidation; and being that they killed "LARRY"[said they found him dead and nobody knows what happened]; the next major element based on the commerical must be CINDY/CYNTHIA/CINTAS falling through the ceiling; which ceiling-the main issue at the "CAPITAL" is economics; must be why "D"EE W.[function of one Board meetings by/through/for Reynolds]

was sent to recent office of CINTAS employ; Apt. D11[posted on blog last week] is the apartment that that little girl Cynthia lives whose father Ein gave a ROYAL BLUE vehicle [battery operated
And Dee Williams was given the message through the old Reynolds building fire on 4th and PATTERSON Ave were there was no major damage to Reynolds building [Everything is on schedule as planned]; but CROSSWALKS had burn; [ Anna says in commerical-"As a business owner I’m constantly putting out fires"];

Reynolds Building Hotel Project
*"Officials investigate cause of early morning fire at two vacant R.J. Reynolds buildings"

Winston-Salem firefighters attend to hot spots on a catwalk that caught fire overnight between two former R.J. Reynolds buildings, Thursday, January 23, 2014. The catwalk connected Buildings 64 (right) and 60 over an abandoned railway that soon will be converted into a greenway. The fire started about 1:45 a.m. Local residents said the catwalk collapsed around 3 a.m.[Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 8:40 pm];
The purpose of the "Anna's Stunt Agency" ad is to communicate to local secret agencies how they are to harass, intimidate, a person who has the name "Anna" in it, iand it is to block Anna from obtaining the material,social wealth that she is suppose to have in the African American culture;but not allowed to have African American wealth because white males do not allow for African Americans to prosper without the African Americans thinking like white males, which is that all prosperity is to be in and belong to and has to exist for white males culture only; in or out of the white society;
Of which CONFIRMATION[secret coded message];
1. have blogged about how white males think of African Americans as [DOGS]; and how part of the code is that African Americans are never to be thought of as human[one of those DED's[DON'T EVER DO]Phil Robinson/Duck Dynasty was talking about] and to communicate to locals that one of the DOGS[black people] have been found out or they [white males] can't use anymore[CINTAS]connected to Reynolds company and Goodwill; they had to shoot a dog and do something extremely negative concerning Goodwill to communicate it is somebody that is working for the Reynolds Company and connected to Goodwil[which is why "D"ee Williams was sent to place where Cintas employ:which is why:

"Davie sher-ff says he accidentally shot his own dep-ty during standoff with g-nman"
"Pol-ce dog dies from wounds suffered after being shot by suspect"
The Shooting took place in "MOCKSVILLE"
"Pol-ce detonate live gr-nade found at Goodwill store"
[Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:30 pm][article below] which is code to CINTAS about Deanna's blogging; which I have blogged about the fact [almost ten years]that CINTAS got her job through Deanna's research and found out that WS had an employment program with/through Goodwill to help low income blacks; but WS stopped the program and Deanna suggested that they start the program back up and white males followed Deanna's suggestion and started an employment program; sent CINTAS through the program and "GOODWILL"/ stores are code communication to CINTAS; also knowing that blogs post articles they probably donated the weapon in order to have certain terms on blog to give a reason/excuse to track based upon their made up laws[like the kind of laws that made it legal for white males to have slaves];

D. A. Jackson;
have blogged about the name of "JACKSON" being connected with relative who was killed off of "Jackson Street";D. Jackson was sent to harass and intimidate CINTAS; along with establishing a mindset connected to killing;
On 1/24/14 on a local television station WXII I[channel 11 calbe]story done about "CYNTHIA" who had the flu and said that Cynthia was getting little oxygen;
thus anybody who made/produced "The "Annia's Stunt Agency" commercial is a [principal] and if the bastards who operated the United States courts were honest, the principals would be convicted; BUT as Judege Jeanine said, there will be no proscution
Why "ROSES" Store in the shopping center on Reynolda Road was closed to cue CINTAS that there is no more rising for family members in white society;; but to stop black family members progressisng; do the opposite of rising; she is in the black society[because of blogging] and way they communicated with guy who is a blue devil fan; they tore down one Ihop[Pancakes house] and put up another Ihop on University Parkway after they demoted his pay and transfered him to a lesser position at the same cmpany; different location; Money is no option;
Posted on comment section of

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Commerical is coded to communicate with people in Winston-Salem, NC; Larry who was on the motocycle in the commerical who was told to give up his time sheet; is officially dead; and CINDY met "D" at work on 1/13/14;and little girly by the name of CYNTHIA lives in aprt. "D" 11;[Meetings start at 11 Cindy.]which is coincidental or not what Anna says in the commerical; and there was a local fire at one of the company's buildings that Cynthia works at?[coincidenal=no]; have pages of watching people who are making commericals send threats and intimidations through the television; and have requested from the proper sources; but not recognized;
Reynolds Building Hotel Project
TV Ad:
Capitol One Spark Card – Anna’s Stunt Agency Chaos
In this commercial for the Spark Card, we see Anna, the owner of the fictional Anna’s Stunt Agency ‘breaking her back’ and putting out fires to keep her business running. Anna explains how the Spark Business card helps her. The name of the actress that plays Anna of Anna’s Stunt Agency is currently unknown. If you know the name of the actress that plays Anna, please leave a comment below!.
What Anna Says:
As a business owner I’m constantly putting out fires. So I deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. With the Spark Cash Card from Capitol One I get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. I break my back around here. Finally someone’s recognizing me with unlimited rewards. (Woman falls through ceiling and lands on the meeting-table) – Meetings start at 11 Cindy.(Announcer): Get the Spark Business Card from Capitol One. Choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day
(Guy on motor cycle flies through the window)
(Anna): I need your time-sheets Larry!
Claims made in this commercial:
- What the commercial said: (Anna) With the Spark Cash Card from Capitol One I get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day; (Announcer) 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day
- What some people might think that means: I can get 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase I make with a Spark Business card
- Is this statement deceptive?: These statements are clear, and have no room for deception, and are backed up by the details of the card on the website.
The Fine Print:
Approximately 3/4 of the way through the ad the following fine-print is displayed for several seconds -Credit approval required. Offered by Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.
Anna's Stunt Agency: Spark Business Credit Card by R. Wilson
*"Officials investigate cause of early morning fire at two vacant R.J. Reynolds buildings"
Officials investigate cause of early morning fire at two vacant R.J. Reynolds buildings Richard Craver and Michael Hewlett/Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
********Officials are investigating the cause of a fire that affected two downtown Winston-Salem buildings early Thursday, including one under renovation as part of a planned $55 million multiuse complex.
Heavy smoke could be seen billowing from the buildings when the fire call came in about 1:35 a.m. Thursday, and the catwalk between the two buildings was engulfed in flames. That catwalk later collapsed. The buildings were vacant, and there were no injuries.
Assistant Chief Harry Brown of the Winston-Salem Fire Department said the fire remains under investigation, and a cause hasn’t been determined. Officials are also trying to figure out how much damage was done and where the fire started.
“There’s a pretty extensive investigation there right now,” he said.
Several downtown streets were closed, some for more than 10 hours, so that debris could be cleared.
Officials said the fire burned sections of Plant 64, a former R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. building in the 500 block of East Fifth Street. Plant 64, which consists of more than five buildings and structures, is downtown on Linden, East Fourth and East Fifth streets. The oldest building dates to 1916.
Plant 60, located across the catwalk from Plant 64 at 403 Vine St., also was damaged.
Both buildings are within the parameter of the research park.
Innovation Lofts Associates LLC of Kingston, Pa., is listed as the property owner for Plant 64, according to the Forsyth County Geo-data website. In August, it bought the property for $7.3 million from Building 64 Co. LLC.
Wake Forest Innovation Quarter is the owner of Plant 60. Reynolds donated the building as part of the overall gifting of downtown facilities to the research park in 2005.
Eric Tomlinson, president of Wake Forest Innovation Quarter, said an initial assessment showed that neither building received structural damage.
“The catwalk engulfed in flames was a redundant catwalk between the buildings with some piping,” Tomlinson said. “We do not believe the damage will cause development of either building to be affected, although we are waiting for all the debris to be removed before we can complete the assessment.
“Both ends of the catwalk were sealed to the best of our knowledge, and a security check had been made at 10 p.m. Therefore, we don’t know why the fire started yet.”
Neither C.A. Harrison Cos. LLC of Bethesda, Md., the developer of the Plant 64 project, nor general contractor Capstone Building Corp of Birmingham, Ala., could be reached for comment about whether the fire damage will delay their plans. There has been some interior demolition work going on at the site.
C.A. Harrison, led by former NFL offensive lineman Chris Harrison, has provided little public comment on plans for the project. Harrison is scheduled to provide an update Feb. 21 at a Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership meeting.
The overall Plant 64 project is about 422,000 square feet, of which a little less than 10,000 square feet will be used for retail, primarily along East Fourth Street. The project calls for 243 apartments with a mix of one, two and three bedrooms. A power complex on the site will be used for leasing offices, a gym and some community space.
Harrison has said his main interest in the project is capitalizing on the growth in business, research and housing initiatives in that section of downtown.
The plant is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As a result, the property is eligible for state and federal tax credits.
Because of Harrison’s limited project updates, there has been skepticism among some local officials about the status and timing of the project.
Tomlinson said he and research park officials have met with Harrison on several occasions recently. Those talks have given them confidence the project “has moved on from uncertainty to on-going development.”
“We are hopeful that Plant 64 will create even more energy and momentum to the Quarter,” Tomlinson said.
Chad Campbell, a research park spokesman, said there are no current development plans for Plant 60.
"Pol-ce detonate live gr-nade found at Goodwill store"
Someone apparently donated a live gr-nade to Goodwill about a week ago, but pol-ce detonated the gr-nade without mishap Thursday after store personnel told them about it.
The Winston-Salem Pol-ce Department said that off-cers were called to the Goodwill store at 528 Waughtown St. to deal with what pol-ce classified as “found property.”
On arrival, off-cers found a hand gr-nade sitting on a desk where it had been placed by store employees.
The management of the Goodwill store told pol-ce that the gr-nade had been found inside one of their collection boxes about a week ago. No one at the store could say who may have put the gr-nade there.
The report didn’t say how many times the gr-nade may have been handled at the store or why it took a week for someone to call pol-ce.
Thomas Royal, a spokesman for Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina, said Thursday night that the gr-nade appeared to have been modified, and the store employees initially didn’t think it was dang-rous.
“What we didn’t know (was) that someone would turn it into a contrab-nd expl-sive,” Royal said. “That’s a little bit scary.”
A pol-ce b-mb squad went to the store, checked out the gr-nade and discovered that it was live and a potential haz-rd. The b-mb squad took the gr-nade out to a safe place to bl-w it up.
Every year, the organization receives a few devices that looks like hand gr-nades, said Arthur Gibel, Goodwill’s executive director. Most appear to be inert and not dang-rous, he said.
“We always call pol-ce who determine if they are live gr-nades or not by bl-wing them up,” Gibel said.
Anyone with information about the gr-nade can call Winston-Salem pol-ce at (336) 773-7700.
Pol-ce also said that if anyone finds a gr-nade or some other type of device that looks suspicious, he or she should call pol-ce and not handle it.
Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:30 pm
******* "Pol-ce dog dies from wounds suffered after being shot by suspect"
MOCKSVILLE — Davie County Sher-ff Andy Stokes says he accidentally shot Deputy Chris Fleming after Fleming and his police dog had been shot by a man during a standoff Wednesday night near Mocksville.
Stokes provided more details about the incident at a news conference Thursday in the Davie County Sher-ff’s Office. Nicholas Scott Tilley, 19, who lives on Cor-atzer Road in Davie County, was eventually arr-sted Wednesday night and faces charges of attempted first-degree murder in connection with the shooting of Fleming as well as felony assault on a law-enforcement animal.
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