Novant Health/Leola Monroe;Shirley Jordan/Godiva
Todayis a TWOday=[fourth month/number four in the year];
MetOPAL[80 yr.old AFrican American female evangelist[who has been to Mia Angelo's house[who KNOWS a person with my name [who is not with her husband]; after talking to OPAL-everything in my life is suppose to change=NOT!@#@$$#@#%$%^$#=OPAL paid with being allowed to live a life [lonesome] doing white males dirt4[placed so that she can deliver specific messages to certain African American females]; OPAL is from the place that relative who went to A&T University was intimidated to; who can't come to visit because of Problems with car[induced by bastards] so as that no confrontation against Cynthia;
Change=NOT=#%^&$*&^(*&)(*_)=OPAL and have no desire to be white males[GOOGLE:"The Real Story Behind the Bundy Ranch Harassment";by danaradio; April 11,2014]; messager;
1. Fox andFriends story= 4/12/14;"Family vs Gov./Gov.Over reach?;
If issues are at such a heighten level for white males; imagine the level for African Americans?;
a.have blogged about earthly father[killed]statement"They won't let me live my life!";
b. TRACKING-started in youth;
c. Confirmation:-School to Prison pipeline[google];
2. African American[s] working in secret for white males pretend to help African American[s] to improve;rise economically;etc.;
a. Article, [google]"Ministers hear from WS/FCS Super";by Layla Garms;[Opal minister from out of state JUST moved to area[part of system by design]Winston-Salem Chronicle/Vol.40,#32/4/10/14;
b. Article, [google] "Humble NIGERIAN MILLIONAIRE Shares His 'Journey';by Layl Garms;
c. Article, [google]"BLACK lawmakers TARGET Poverty"[joke];by Layla Garms;
d. Article[google]"Rolling Along Splendidly" ; by Layla Garms
ALL of the above articles designed to communicate to the secret group in code[why only one writer[Layla Garms] to really abuse African Americans by using African American attorneys[ Denise Hartsfield "feeding Frenzy article-=(WSChronicle apprx.last month);The Ministers ConferenceofWinston-Salem and Vicinity do not help African American[s] that seek help with abuse by other African Americans working for white males in secret because the Ministers Conferenceof Winston-Salem and Vicinity are working in secret to abuse African Americans who do not work for white males; why article about an "AFRICAN"/nigerian millionare next to article about theMinisters Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity=code-toministers=to be a millionarie=help AFRICANS; not African Americans[confirmation=DAVIS[minister next to 14th Street=was allowed to be a millionaire for helping white males to killed/set up and destroy African Americans];[posted on "Social Understanding blog];
3. Article, "Rolling Along Splendidly"; April 9, 2014;
Picture=code=WHITE male [#2] in between TWO African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret to make "MONEY"=
4. AND WSSU Rams KNOW HOW to [reaves]?= make it [splendid way to make money off of African Americans hardship] happen;
Why picture of WSSU Novant Health[where wife of WAYmon Monroe- Leola Monroe works in "HEART" dept] medical truck with words KNOW HOW is over the picture of Drs. George Harwell and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harris (left);to communicate that between the three
5. Article," Rolling Along "SPLENDIDLY"; by LAYla Garms;
where picture of Drs GEORGE HarWELL and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harrisare being used to communicate that making money for white males [GEORGE is HarWELL [spendid]; google: [word-"Splendidly"] at ""
And that between the three in the picture; that they have the KNOW HOW to use African American[s] health[make them heart patients through medicine] to make MONEY off of them [as long as they have the Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity permission who white males will make rich live pastor?Davis [a street over from 14trh Street[14thamendment];
Thus based on articles above; the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle is a joke in terms of ministers being so concerned about African American's health/economic prosperity; after/since the Civil War [after/doing the destruction of Black Wall Street] bastards helping white males to ensure there is not another Black Wall Street]; it is like they have MONEY in their pocket; yet can never seem to find it to help African Americans but if a white male,etc. comes along the MONEY just magically appears;
Thus let death sieze upon every person,system, method, technique[except ones called out to the Devine God,estc.]used to commit any type of robbery/abuse/threats/intimidation/etc. because wickedness is in and among them; but as for me the DEVINE God will save me [person typing this] every time;
6. a. Nephew is named "PETE"[Cynthia's son];
b. Article, [google]"WSSU Students to compete"=code="The TEAM coach is CYNTHIA J. GRANT [managerof the Student Experience in University College and "LIFELONG LEARNING"=code= Cynthia[cintas]suppose to be over help white male kill African American[s]-and the reward is "TIM" Grant[?][wschronicle articles];
note:tried to locate article "WSSU Student to compete" by "SPECIAL to the Chronicle[];=special= code=means pay attention; but did locate article on the WSSU website about Cynthia Grant article,[google]"Four Students to represent WSSU in Honda campus challenge"
one of the students named MARTIN[QUE] LOVETTE =code- GRANT[allow] CYNTHIA [Martin GROUP] tohave "LOVE" relationship [based off of DEANNA's relatioship she is suppose to have with guy who is a Blue Devils fan];Instructions to come from white board at B-bCOCK R. foundation [where make a right at DICKson sign];[thus if Deanna can't work and have a job in peace; Cynthia[cintas] and the board of directors at B-bCOCKR. Foundation can't have a job in peace=will post instructions given to Cynthia[cintas]from [BOARDS][white males]=everytime Deanna's family not allowed to be around=will post instructions of why Cynthia[sintas family can be around; when Deanna attacked; Cynthia [cintas]system attacked[posted on "CINTAS"blog;
7. Article, "GREENSBORO COLLEGE launches 'BLUE' Project" by 'SPECIAL" to the Chronicle;SPECIAL=code=PAY ATTENTION to secret group;Also do not have article on line;
Todayis a TWOday=[fourth month/number four in the year];
MetOPAL[80 yr.old AFrican American female evangelist[who has been to Mia Angelo's house[who KNOWS a person with my name [who is not with her husband]; after talking to OPAL-everything in my life is suppose to change=NOT!@#@$$#@#%$%^$#=OPAL paid with being allowed to live a life [lonesome] doing white males dirt4[placed so that she can deliver specific messages to certain African American females]; OPAL is from the place that relative who went to A&T University was intimidated to; who can't come to visit because of Problems with car[induced by bastards] so as that no confrontation against Cynthia;
Change=NOT=#%^&$*&^(*&)(*_)=OPAL and have no desire to be white males[GOOGLE:"The Real Story Behind the Bundy Ranch Harassment";by danaradio; April 11,2014]; messager;
1. Fox andFriends story= 4/12/14;"Family vs Gov./Gov.Over reach?;
If issues are at such a heighten level for white males; imagine the level for African Americans?;
a.have blogged about earthly father[killed]statement"They won't let me live my life!";
b. TRACKING-started in youth;
c. Confirmation:-School to Prison pipeline[google];
2. African American[s] working in secret for white males pretend to help African American[s] to improve;rise economically;etc.;
a. Article, [google]"Ministers hear from WS/FCS Super";by Layla Garms;[Opal minister from out of state JUST moved to area[part of system by design]Winston-Salem Chronicle/Vol.40,#32/4/10/14;
b. Article, [google] "Humble NIGERIAN MILLIONAIRE Shares His 'Journey';by Layl Garms;
c. Article, [google]"BLACK lawmakers TARGET Poverty"[joke];by Layla Garms;
d. Article[google]"Rolling Along Splendidly" ; by Layla Garms
ALL of the above articles designed to communicate to the secret group in code[why only one writer[Layla Garms] to really abuse African Americans by using African American attorneys[ Denise Hartsfield "feeding Frenzy article-=(WSChronicle apprx.last month);The Ministers ConferenceofWinston-Salem and Vicinity do not help African American[s] that seek help with abuse by other African Americans working for white males in secret because the Ministers Conferenceof Winston-Salem and Vicinity are working in secret to abuse African Americans who do not work for white males; why article about an "AFRICAN"/nigerian millionare next to article about theMinisters Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity=code-toministers=to be a millionarie=help AFRICANS; not African Americans[confirmation=DAVIS[minister next to 14th Street=was allowed to be a millionaire for helping white males to killed/set up and destroy African Americans];[posted on "Social Understanding blog];
3. Article, "Rolling Along Splendidly"; April 9, 2014;
Drs. GEORGE Harwell and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harris (left).
Picture=code=WHITE male [#2] in between TWO African American female prostitutes working for white males in secret to make "MONEY"=
Show Spelled [splen-did]
1.gorgeous; magnificent; sumptuous. Synonyms: luxurious, dazzling, imposing. Antonyms: squalid.
2.grand; superb, as beauty. Synonyms: majestic, elegant, first-rate.
3.distinguished or glorious, as a name, reputation, victory, etc. Synonyms: renowned, famed, famous, illustrious, eminent, conspicuous, celebrated, remarkable, brilliant; noble. Antonyms: ordinary, unremarkable, mediocre; ignoble.
4.strikingly admirable or fine: splendid talents. Antonyms: modest, poor.
5.excellent, fine, or very good: to have a splendid time
4. AND WSSU Rams KNOW HOW to [reaves]?= make it [splendid way to make money off of African Americans hardship] happen;
[splen-did] Show IPA
1.gorgeous; magnificent; sumptuous. Synonyms: luxurious, dazzling, imposing. Antonyms: squalid.
2.grand; superb, as beauty. Synonyms: majestic, elegant, first-rate.
3.distinguished or glorious, as a name, reputation, victory, etc. Synonyms: renowned, famed, famous, illustrious, eminent, conspicuous, celebrated, remarkable, brilliant; noble. Antonyms: ordinary, unremarkable, mediocre; ignoble.
4.strikingly admirable or fine: splendid talents. Antonyms: modest, poor.
5.excellent, fine, or very good: to have a splendid time
Drs. George Harwell and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harris (left).
Why picture of WSSU Novant Health[where wife of WAYmon Monroe- Leola Monroe works in "HEART" dept] medical truck with words KNOW HOW is over the picture of Drs. George Harwell and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harris (left);to communicate that between the three
Drs. George Harwell and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harris (left), they KNOW HOW to use African American[s] need for health care to make MONEY off of African American[s];
5. Article," Rolling Along "SPLENDIDLY"; by LAYla Garms;
where picture of Drs GEORGE HarWELL and Joanette Pete McClain with nursing student Kimberly Harrisare being used to communicate that making money for white males [GEORGE is HarWELL [spendid]; google: [word-"Splendidly"] at ""
And that between the three in the picture; that they have the KNOW HOW to use African American[s] health[make them heart patients through medicine] to make MONEY off of them [as long as they have the Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity permission who white males will make rich live pastor?Davis [a street over from 14trh Street[14thamendment];
Thus based on articles above; the front page of the Winston-Salem Chronicle is a joke in terms of ministers being so concerned about African American's health/economic prosperity; after/since the Civil War [after/doing the destruction of Black Wall Street] bastards helping white males to ensure there is not another Black Wall Street]; it is like they have MONEY in their pocket; yet can never seem to find it to help African Americans but if a white male,etc. comes along the MONEY just magically appears;
Thus let death sieze upon every person,system, method, technique[except ones called out to the Devine God,estc.]used to commit any type of robbery/abuse/threats/intimidation/etc. because wickedness is in and among them; but as for me the DEVINE God will save me [person typing this] every time;
6. a. Nephew is named "PETE"[Cynthia's son];
b. Article, [google]"WSSU Students to compete"=code="The TEAM coach is CYNTHIA J. GRANT [managerof the Student Experience in University College and "LIFELONG LEARNING"=code= Cynthia[cintas]suppose to be over help white male kill African American[s]-and the reward is "TIM" Grant[?][wschronicle articles];
note:tried to locate article "WSSU Student to compete" by "SPECIAL to the Chronicle[];=special= code=means pay attention; but did locate article on the WSSU website about Cynthia Grant article,[google]"Four Students to represent WSSU in Honda campus challenge"
one of the students named MARTIN[QUE] LOVETTE =code- GRANT[allow] CYNTHIA [Martin GROUP] tohave "LOVE" relationship [based off of DEANNA's relatioship she is suppose to have with guy who is a Blue Devils fan];Instructions to come from white board at B-bCOCK R. foundation [where make a right at DICKson sign];[thus if Deanna can't work and have a job in peace; Cynthia[cintas] and the board of directors at B-bCOCKR. Foundation can't have a job in peace=will post instructions given to Cynthia[cintas]from [BOARDS][white males]=everytime Deanna's family not allowed to be around=will post instructions of why Cynthia[sintas family can be around; when Deanna attacked; Cynthia [cintas]system attacked[posted on "CINTAS"blog;
7. Article, "GREENSBORO COLLEGE launches 'BLUE' Project" by 'SPECIAL" to the Chronicle;SPECIAL=code=PAY ATTENTION to secret group;Also do not have article on line;
"Four Students To Represent WSSU in Honda Campus All-Star Challenge";April 2, 2014
7. Article,"GREENSBORO COLLEGE launches 'BLUE' Project" by 'SPECIAL" to the Chronicle
SPECIAL=code=PAY ATTENTION to secret group;but found article about the "HEALING Blues" PROJECT on the GREENSBORO COLLEGE website:
"Greensboro College Partners in “The Healing Blues” to Help People With Needs "
Greensboro College Partners in the "HEALING BLUES" to help people with NEEDS[ needs which are created by the same system that is suppose to help];[Criminology];
coded message=African American females who want to live like white females [black dress] don't let you man[friend] pay full price[if African American female not working in secret as a prostitute for white males[friend-African American man friend will be attacked=full PRICE]; and the question is- WHY are white males attacking African American males unless there is a "WAR"?
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