Walking to Carver Road branchlibrary=TWO white van [RADAR] each driven by white males drove north on Carver road[intimidation]=also a TWO day all month=fourth month and year ends in 4[14] thus all month is a TWO day;
Upon reaching the Carver Road branch library=Three to four white males in Carver 'road Branch library[WORKING]; to RESTORE WHITE MALE domination of African American Carver Road area;
A. After posting on Social Understanding on 4/7/14 Mayor Chris Chrisie and Mayor Mike Duggan [connection to robbery of African Americans[closing of TWO [code for black]lanes on GEORGE WASHINTON Brige[money] by Chris Christie administration and Mike Duggan[white male] as mayor of African American city that had been destroyed and African Americans ran out of the city =was no coincidence];that all of it is part of white males systems of robbery and blocking of African Americans wealth[black wall street]; and after posting that the article, "Program gives bus riders real-time bus location" in the Winston-Salem Chronicle about the Winston-Salem Transit Authority getting new tracking equipment;
but was really to inform white males that a system had been created to track African Americans more closely, so that it would be easier to track African Americans not working in secret for white males; and after posting that white males publically announce everything that will be done to African Americans in an societal public manner; such as
Dan Besse showing the program on his phone
Google: "Mayor Chris Christie and Mayor Mike Duggan";social Understanding; Godwillst;
B. As a result of posting above; the Winston-Salem Journal articles seem to focus on "RESTORATION" with a side article about STEALING/ mean "robbery"/robinson/robertson;
Article #1: Senate OKs RESTORATION of Jobless benefits
Article #2: RESTORING the luster;
Article #3: Council OKs new ballpark financing;
Article #4: Telepsychiatry shows promise in new study;
The key words in the above titles communicate to local secret group what they are to do; including to African American[s] that are not working in secret for white males; why

ROBert Clarke
Robert Clark picture has "The new deal is "simple and stgraight forward" for African Americans working in secret for white males; but for AFrican American[s] not working in secret for white males [ROBERT] clark;
why the article with ROBERT clark picture is beside black statute of confederate soldier in LEXington[code for "let[s]"];
LETS RESTORE finances [bail out was to block and stop finances of ALL African Americans] of African Americans that work in secret for white males; however LETS ROB
[African Americans not working in secret for white males];or it could mean CIVIL WAR;
"Russia warns of civil war if Ukraine uses force to quell eastern revolt";specificially "US WARship David
"COOK" is scheduled to enter the BLACK sea"
[why 50 million was spent to have the Olympic by the Black sea-so there could be communication about blacks in the United States who working in secret for white males country who sponsored the 2013 Olympics] no later than Thursday;
[ name "COOK" of David COOK =code to communicate what is taking place concerning the killing of African American boys]
Notice the TWO fingers on each hand held up?; they could have put up a lot of pictures;TWO=is code for "BLACK" to white males;
[Coincidental or intentional; KNOW that white males are trained from youth[6/7 years of age how to treat certain African Americans]
Thus :
The three to four white males that were at the Carver Road Branch library [WORKING] to RESTORE WHITE MALE DOMINATION in the Carver Road area goal also included the RESTORATION of the ROBBERY of AFrican Americans that do not work in secret for white males;

note: computer just went off with no warning/and minute had been taken off of time[bastards];
If look closely behind the desk with"shey" [code-rebellion] are TWO white males [WORKING(to restore black working for white males in secret/and rob African Americans who do not work for white males in secret)] there was a third one in the hall entrance at the Carver Road Library[who kept walking around?];
Went to the Salvation Army [where ROBIN BROWNs and MONIQUE Sweeny job is to use her name to communicate robbery of African Americans-in which an entire system has been designed to ROB African Americans with/through the use of the WSTA/Salvation Army[Major Allison[FINANCE ministry]Piedmont Federal; along with the TOWERS shopping Center[Towers-refers to TWIN Towers[World Trade Center in New York];
When was at the Salvation Army one of the African American female prostitutes working in secret called an African American male by the name of "STEELE" first then called my name to be seen=code-to get food, we stealing your man; and money[because Major Allison has a finance ministry] because we[AfricanAmerican female prostitutes working in secret for white males] have Piedmont Federal backup;
Have blogged about ROBIN Browns name being used as code to rob on blog "Social Understanding"; and that the name "MONIQUE is used as code name by CINTAS friend when referring to men/males;

The statement beside ROBERT Starke, " the new deal is simple and straight forward" is suppose to be between white males and AFrican Americans who work in secret for white males to RESTORE African Americans that work in secret for white males and to ROB African Americans not working in secret for white males by declaring them mentally ill[especially the ones using the internet to communicate the abuse to society]; why the article in the lower right hand corner of the Winston-Salem Journal< Telepsychiastry shows promise in study[code that the family members of African Americans working in secret with white males are cooperating with white males to declare family members mentally ill for not doing what white males say=slavery];
that is suppose to be the way to ROB from African American[s] by claiming them mentally ill and putting them on medication; which is part of system designed by those in authority based on Jerry Segel author of Criminology;
"Telepsychiatry shows promise in new study";BY RICHARD CRAVER[authors name RICH part of code];http://winstonsalemjournal.nc.newsmemory.com/index.php
Council OKs new ballpark financing
Winston-Salem Journal
The Winston-S alem City Council unanimously approved a new financial deal Monday night for BB&T Ballpark that will not include any taxpayer money.
Before the council voted, Council Member Robert Clark said that Chicago White Sox executives approached city officials last month about restructuring the financing of the ballpark. The White Sox own the Class A Winston-Salem Dash, who play home games at BB&T Ballpark.
“It’s simple and straightforward,” Clark said of the new deal.
Under the deal’s provisions, the White Sox will pay $8 million to buy into the team. The new money will be used to pay off outstanding team loans as well as paying down part of a short-ter m $15 million construction loan that the team secured in 2009.
The team will use $2 million to reduce that debt to $13 million. The city will then pay off the short-ter m loan with new long-term financing. The team will pay the city $1.8 million annually, with the amount gradually increasing over 25 years to pay off that $13 million loan, plus $18 million in loans provided earlier.
The deal retains the city ownership of the ballpark, since the team's $15 million construction loan had used the city-owned stadium as collateral.
The deal also involves the reduction of the ticket surcharge that the team pays the city. It will be $175,000 a year, down from $350,000.
Under the new financing, the stadium will not require a subsidy from the city, and the debt won't require any taxpayer money to service.
City Manager Lee Garrity said that new deal is a 'win-win situation for a municipally owned stadium.' The deal will ensure that the city has a minor-league baseball team for 25 years, he said.
During a public hearing before the council voted, Geoff Lassiter, the Dash's president, said that deal will benefit the Dash and the city.
The ballpark has attracted 1.2 million fans since it opened in 2009 and it's part of the city's downtown sports and entertainment center, Lassiter said.
In addition, the Dash has 31 full-time employees and 550 part-time employees, Lassiter said.
Ken Williams, an executive vice president for the White Sox, said that local fans have supported the Dash since the ballpark opened. He said that the White Sox 'wants to be part of the minor-league success story in the city of Winston-Salem.' During the public hearing, no one spoke against the ballpark's new financing deal. The city financed the ballpark in 2007 and 2009 despite the opposition of many residents who objected to the use of public money for private development.
Council members Molly Leight and Denise Adams said that the council made the right decision to finance the ballpark in past years, and the new deal will continue to help the city's downtown prosper.
'We have to be able to do things that are necessary for a growing, thriving city,' Leight said.
Walking to Carver Road branchlibrary=TWO white van [RADAR] each driven by white males drove north on Carver road[intimidation]=also a TWO day all month=fourth month and year ends in 4[14] thus all month is a TWO day;
Upon reaching the Carver Road branch library=Three to four white males in Carver 'road Branch library[WORKING]; to RESTORE WHITE MALE domination of African American Carver Road area;
A. After posting on Social Understanding on 4/7/14 Mayor Chris Chrisie and Mayor Mike Duggan [connection to robbery of African Americans[closing of TWO [code for black]lanes on GEORGE WASHINTON Brige[money] by Chris Christie administration and Mike Duggan[white male] as mayor of African American city that had been destroyed and African Americans ran out of the city =was no coincidence];that all of it is part of white males systems of robbery and blocking of African Americans wealth[black wall street]; and after posting that the article, "Program gives bus riders real-time bus location" in the Winston-Salem Chronicle about the Winston-Salem Transit Authority getting new tracking equipment;
but was really to inform white males that a system had been created to track African Americans more closely, so that it would be easier to track African Americans not working in secret for white males; and after posting that white males publically announce everything that will be done to African Americans in an societal public manner; such as
Dan Besse showing the program on his phone
Google: "Mayor Chris Christie and Mayor Mike Duggan";social Understanding; Godwillst;
B. As a result of posting above; the Winston-Salem Journal articles seem to focus on "RESTORATION" with a side article about STEALING/ mean "robbery"/robinson/robertson;

Article #1: Senate OKs RESTORATION of Jobless benefits
Article #2: RESTORING the luster;
Article #3: Council OKs new ballpark financing;
Article #4: Telepsychiatry shows promise in new study;
The key words in the above titles communicate to local secret group what they are to do; including to African American[s] that are not working in secret for white males; why

ROBert Clarke
Robert Clark picture has "The new deal is "simple and stgraight forward" for African Americans working in secret for white males; but for AFrican American[s] not working in secret for white males [ROBERT] clark;
why the article with ROBERT clark picture is beside black statute of confederate soldier in LEXington[code for "let[s]"];
[African Americans not working in secret for white males];or it could mean CIVIL WAR;
"Russia warns of civil war if Ukraine uses force to quell eastern revolt";specificially "US WARship David
"COOK" is scheduled to enter the BLACK sea"
[why 50 million was spent to have the Olympic by the Black sea-so there could be communication about blacks in the United States who working in secret for white males country who sponsored the 2013 Olympics] no later than Thursday;
CNN: Russia warns of civil war if Ukraine uses force to quell eastern revolts;
April 8, 2014, 11:30 a.m. ;
[ name "COOK" of David COOK =code to communicate what is taking place concerning the killing of African American boys]
Two Teens Arrested After New Details Emerge About Horrifying Mob Attack on Man Who Stopped to Help Boy He Hit With Car"
Notice the TWO fingers on each hand held up?; they could have put up a lot of pictures;TWO=is code for "BLACK" to white males;
[Coincidental or intentional; KNOW that white males are trained from youth[6/7 years of age how to treat certain African Americans]
Thus :
The three to four white males that were at the Carver Road Branch library [WORKING] to RESTORE WHITE MALE DOMINATION in the Carver Road area goal also included the RESTORATION of the ROBBERY of AFrican Americans that do not work in secret for white males;

note: computer just went off with no warning/and minute had been taken off of time[bastards];
If look closely behind the desk with"shey" [code-rebellion] are TWO white males [WORKING(to restore black working for white males in secret/and rob African Americans who do not work for white males in secret)] there was a third one in the hall entrance at the Carver Road Library[who kept walking around?];
Went to the Salvation Army [where ROBIN BROWNs and MONIQUE Sweeny job is to use her name to communicate robbery of African Americans-in which an entire system has been designed to ROB African Americans with/through the use of the WSTA/Salvation Army[Major Allison[FINANCE ministry]Piedmont Federal; along with the TOWERS shopping Center[Towers-refers to TWIN Towers[World Trade Center in New York];
When was at the Salvation Army one of the African American female prostitutes working in secret called an African American male by the name of "STEELE" first then called my name to be seen=code-to get food, we stealing your man; and money[because Major Allison has a finance ministry] because we[AfricanAmerican female prostitutes working in secret for white males] have Piedmont Federal backup;
Have blogged about ROBIN Browns name being used as code to rob on blog "Social Understanding"; and that the name "MONIQUE is used as code name by CINTAS friend when referring to men/males;
Map for piedmont federal stratford road and country club road

Local business results for salvation army new location near Winston-Salem, NC
that is suppose to be the way to ROB from African American[s] by claiming them mentally ill and putting them on medication; which is part of system designed by those in authority based on Jerry Segel author of Criminology;
"Telepsychiatry shows promise in new study";BY RICHARD CRAVER[authors name RICH part of code];http://winstonsalemjournal.nc.newsmemory.com/index.php
Council OKs new ballpark financing
Winston-Salem Journal
The Winston-S alem City Council unanimously approved a new financial deal Monday night for BB&T Ballpark that will not include any taxpayer money.
Before the council voted, Council Member Robert Clark said that Chicago White Sox executives approached city officials last month about restructuring the financing of the ballpark. The White Sox own the Class A Winston-Salem Dash, who play home games at BB&T Ballpark.
“It’s simple and straightforward,” Clark said of the new deal.
Under the deal’s provisions, the White Sox will pay $8 million to buy into the team. The new money will be used to pay off outstanding team loans as well as paying down part of a short-ter m $15 million construction loan that the team secured in 2009.
The team will use $2 million to reduce that debt to $13 million. The city will then pay off the short-ter m loan with new long-term financing. The team will pay the city $1.8 million annually, with the amount gradually increasing over 25 years to pay off that $13 million loan, plus $18 million in loans provided earlier.
The deal retains the city ownership of the ballpark, since the team's $15 million construction loan had used the city-owned stadium as collateral.
The deal also involves the reduction of the ticket surcharge that the team pays the city. It will be $175,000 a year, down from $350,000.
Under the new financing, the stadium will not require a subsidy from the city, and the debt won't require any taxpayer money to service.
City Manager Lee Garrity said that new deal is a 'win-win situation for a municipally owned stadium.' The deal will ensure that the city has a minor-league baseball team for 25 years, he said.
During a public hearing before the council voted, Geoff Lassiter, the Dash's president, said that deal will benefit the Dash and the city.
The ballpark has attracted 1.2 million fans since it opened in 2009 and it's part of the city's downtown sports and entertainment center, Lassiter said.
In addition, the Dash has 31 full-time employees and 550 part-time employees, Lassiter said.
Ken Williams, an executive vice president for the White Sox, said that local fans have supported the Dash since the ballpark opened. He said that the White Sox 'wants to be part of the minor-league success story in the city of Winston-Salem.' During the public hearing, no one spoke against the ballpark's new financing deal. The city financed the ballpark in 2007 and 2009 despite the opposition of many residents who objected to the use of public money for private development.
Council members Molly Leight and Denise Adams said that the council made the right decision to finance the ballpark in past years, and the new deal will continue to help the city's downtown prosper.
'We have to be able to do things that are necessary for a growing, thriving city,' Leight said.
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