Coach Danny Manning
Saw on one website that said, Coach Danny Manning is a good person; but he has never coached! and its like Wayne Peoples said in article, "Pol-ce shoot elderly man" by John Hinton, "What is going on?";
Coach Danny Manning name and color is being used to communicate to white males that the African American male[MAN] is the issue; not the male[they have African American female prositutes working for white males in secret as wives]; the African American man KNOWS he has a wife; but is not allowed physical/social/financial contact/; some have held out; others agreed to substitute their wife with an African American female prostitute working for white males in secret;
Difference between a wife and prostitute working in secret for white males=heard it on a CD;
The following blog hopefully will answer why some people do some of the things that they do;
specifically because of secret coded messages that are sent to them in response to some action that they have done; thinking that they have the right as a citizen of the United States; not realizing that t heir citizen ship has been altered or deleted and there fore they are under strict behavior requirements and when they do not conform to those behavior requirements, the new place /evironment/group that holds their citizen ship sends them a message; which most who hold jobs are aware and get in line; but those who do not hold jobs; or those who are not participating in the Unconstitutional behavior based on the United States Constitution are attacked, socially, financially, emotionally, sexually, legally, ect.[you get the point] that technically the system is slavery[giving the person no personal rights;
With that being said; posted on blog that
"Dr. Charlie Kenndy is baby stealer/kidnaper"; Thursday, April 03, 2014;
In which posted :
"Charlie Kennedy is the [bastard] pediatrician who delivered the twin that was stolen; and he is married to WILLIE Kennedy who is a member at "Goler Metropolitian church" where [based on lawyers ethics should have decline any contact with me because she is married to Charlie Kennedy; and she lied, she said that she was married to one of the Kennedy lawyers]"
and showed where the WS Chronicle reporter Todd LUCK was communicating to the local group their view of the twin mother trying to get some help to address the ethnic intimidation/abuse by the so called African American leaders who are in actuality legalized/authorized crooks;
Gregg Davis, Wanda Stark share a laugh with Dr. Kennedy (right)=code=CITY of Winston-Salem and African American so called leaders are having a hell of a laugh because the mother of the twin thinks that if she doesn't deal with "WANDA"[director of human relations for the City of Winston-Salem, NC] then she will be making progress and somebody will do something about all of us bastards stealing her child or even killing her; tee hee; tee hee, tee, hee;RIGHT
And also posted Confirmation by showing the connection between the picture of WANDA Starke in the WS CHRONICLE and
the real "WANDA" Allewn Abraha,JD[Director of Human Relations in WS];
Long story short ; the response the next day by the Winston-Salem Journal was :

Betrice Monique Tribble
With the KEY [s] WORDS being "MOTHER CHARGED" and "TWINS"= code to those in secret group that the mother of the twin that they stole is charged since the mother will not join the group=neglect; for not participating in ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation;
Just as "WANDA" Starke was used to communicate about the real "WANDA"Allen Abraha J.D.; so is the mother of the three year old twins being used to communicate about the mother of the twin that was stole;
Thus to communicate to the secret group that the mother of the stolen twin is not joining with the secret group and is usind media to communicate about the abuse from the group; therefore the mother is being charged and that since the mother of the stolen twin is not joining the secret group; that the issues assocated with the mother of the stolen twin is concerning the man [Why the new coach is Coach Danny Manning]that is suppose to be in the mother of the stolen twins life; which revolves around [cox]sex because African American females not working in secret for white males[not a part of the secret group] are not allowed to have [cox]sex;
Along with the code-to secret group concerning the mother of the stolen twin trying to get her identity back from CINTAS[cuban dictatorship]; the article "Filmaker charged with trying to extort R.J. Reynolds[code for B-b COCK[cox] Foundation]=group to call extortion; based on the United States Constitution it is called identity theft; specifically "FINANCIAL Identity Theft";
which explains a portion of why was not able to walk pass Carver Road and White Street today; there was a 'Cuban" hispanic male in all black/African American female that looked boyish; along with an African American male in the area as approached; the result was the Cuban hispanic; kept looking back at me; while the African American female who looked boyish walked in front of me;=being that the mother of the stolen twin is charged; the process will not be through the United States Courts; but through their secret system; thus an announcing that will not be participating in any form of illegal system[based on the United States Constitution]; that CINTAS will be releasing my material/financial/social/leagal/etc. belongings; and based upon the United States Constitution; ALL charges from any secret group not recognizeing the United States Constitution is illegal!
note: It is not coincidental that the WS Journal response coincided with blog post on "Social Understanding"
note:Coach Danny Manning name and color is being used to communicate to white males what the issue is;'
Saw on one website that said, Coach Danny Manning is a good person; but he has never coached! and its like Wayne Peoples said in article, "Pol-ce shoot elderly man" by John Hinton, "What is going on?";
Coach Danny Manning name and color is being used to communicate to white males that the African American male[MAN] is the issue; not the male[they have African American female prositutes working for white males in secret as wives]; the African American man KNOWS he has a wife; but is not allowed physical/social/financial contact/; some have held out; others agreed to substitute their wife with an African American female prostitute working for white males in secret;
Difference between a wife and prostitute working in secret for white males=heard it on a CD;
The following blog hopefully will answer why some people do some of the things that they do;
specifically because of secret coded messages that are sent to them in response to some action that they have done; thinking that they have the right as a citizen of the United States; not realizing that t heir citizen ship has been altered or deleted and there fore they are under strict behavior requirements and when they do not conform to those behavior requirements, the new place /evironment/group that holds their citizen ship sends them a message; which most who hold jobs are aware and get in line; but those who do not hold jobs; or those who are not participating in the Unconstitutional behavior based on the United States Constitution are attacked, socially, financially, emotionally, sexually, legally, ect.[you get the point] that technically the system is slavery[giving the person no personal rights;
With that being said; posted on blog that
"Dr. Charlie Kenndy is baby stealer/kidnaper"; Thursday, April 03, 2014;
based on personal experience where Gwyndolyn Gwyn helped to steal a Twin; [which is part of the mothers identity]; then Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son[licence plate #Zyf8054] pulled a weapon on the mother of the twin when the mother tried to put up a mail box that he took down for the purpose of stealing the mother[s] identiy [to use the mothers name to get illegal checks]; who are both connected with a relatiave that works for authority; who as one of their insiders siad, "I don't know why Gwyndolyn Gwyns son who pulled the weapon on you was not arrested?"; the answer because special privileges; not operating based upon the laws of the United States Constitution; Gwyndoly Gwyn and son would be consider one of those who are benefiting from the secret group who help steal the citizenship and identity's of AFrican Americans in the United STates;
In which posted :
"Charlie Kennedy is the [bastard] pediatrician who delivered the twin that was stolen; and he is married to WILLIE Kennedy who is a member at "Goler Metropolitian church" where [based on lawyers ethics should have decline any contact with me because she is married to Charlie Kennedy; and she lied, she said that she was married to one of the Kennedy lawyers]"
Dr. Charles Kennedy with his wife, Willie
and showed where the WS Chronicle reporter Todd LUCK was communicating to the local group their view of the twin mother trying to get some help to address the ethnic intimidation/abuse by the so called African American leaders who are in actuality legalized/authorized crooks;
Gregg Davis, Wanda Stark share a laugh with Dr. Kennedy (right)=code=CITY of Winston-Salem and African American so called leaders are having a hell of a laugh because the mother of the twin thinks that if she doesn't deal with "WANDA"[director of human relations for the City of Winston-Salem, NC] then she will be making progress and somebody will do something about all of us bastards stealing her child or even killing her; tee hee; tee hee, tee, hee;RIGHT
And also posted Confirmation by showing the connection between the picture of WANDA Starke in the WS CHRONICLE and
the real "WANDA" Allewn Abraha,JD[Director of Human Relations in WS];
Long story short ; the response the next day by the Winston-Salem Journal was :
Posted: Thursday, April 3, 2014 8:15 pm
Mother charged after 3-year-old twins found in locked room, covered in feces

Betrice Monique Tribble
With the KEY [s] WORDS being "MOTHER CHARGED" and "TWINS"= code to those in secret group that the mother of the twin that they stole is charged since the mother will not join the group=neglect; for not participating in ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation;
Just as "WANDA" Starke was used to communicate about the real "WANDA"Allen Abraha J.D.; so is the mother of the three year old twins being used to communicate about the mother of the twin that was stole;
Thus to communicate to the secret group that the mother of the stolen twin is not joining with the secret group and is usind media to communicate about the abuse from the group; therefore the mother is being charged and that since the mother of the stolen twin is not joining the secret group; that the issues assocated with the mother of the stolen twin is concerning the man [Why the new coach is Coach Danny Manning]that is suppose to be in the mother of the stolen twins life; which revolves around [cox]sex because African American females not working in secret for white males[not a part of the secret group] are not allowed to have [cox]sex;
Along with the code-to secret group concerning the mother of the stolen twin trying to get her identity back from CINTAS[cuban dictatorship]; the article "Filmaker charged with trying to extort R.J. Reynolds[code for B-b COCK[cox] Foundation]=group to call extortion; based on the United States Constitution it is called identity theft; specifically "FINANCIAL Identity Theft";
which explains a portion of why was not able to walk pass Carver Road and White Street today; there was a 'Cuban" hispanic male in all black/African American female that looked boyish; along with an African American male in the area as approached; the result was the Cuban hispanic; kept looking back at me; while the African American female who looked boyish walked in front of me;=being that the mother of the stolen twin is charged; the process will not be through the United States Courts; but through their secret system; thus an announcing that will not be participating in any form of illegal system[based on the United States Constitution]; that CINTAS will be releasing my material/financial/social/leagal/etc. belongings; and based upon the United States Constitution; ALL charges from any secret group not recognizeing the United States Constitution is illegal!
note: It is not coincidental that the WS Journal response coincided with blog post on "Social Understanding"
note:Coach Danny Manning name and color is being used to communicate to white males what the issue is;'
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