Kalawi Farms and Ben's Homemade Ice Cream;
Today is the 13th[like the 13th Amendment] of 2014:
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
"The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime [not being born white]whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865."[http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/13thamendment.html];
And upon getting on the WSTA bus the bus driver was a WHITE MALE[to ensure that white males remain over African Americans who think they are free and don't work for or serve white males]:
WSTA bus driver[white male who KNOWS his real job is to help
white males rob/take from African American;
note- For years the white male WSTA bus driver in the photo above use to try and intimidate, threaten me through nasty attitude and remarks [before the cameras];and whoever assigns the bus drivers to routes on TWO day or the 13th know their real job is to put bus drivers on the routes [where there is an African American who is living based upon the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution]to block the progression of the African American freedom[by having white male drive person who is overcoming white male system of harassment, intimidation,etc.-[in spirit realm]- [by whitemales driving African Americannotworkingf forwhitemales;it interferes[based on the WSTA bus drivers name(which the WSTA bus drivers give the patrons NO Identification of who they are; the WSTA bus drivers just tell the WSTA patrons to give the bus number[which is not good because they change the bus drivers all the time])with the steady flow of that African American progressing as an African American;as well as send message to African American that white males control what they can or can't do; If African American progress beyond boundaries white male set [like blacks can't walk on 4th/5th/trade/liberty street; but if one does happen to break free through to walk on 4th/5th/trade/liberty street; then a white male is placed or sent to walk infront/across the path of the African American to send message [marked by white male and is white males territory(even though this is the United States and the streets are public streets];
Two white males parked at "OAKridge and Butterfield" in City Of Winston-Salem DOT [Department of Transportation[ Powell Street Bill Program]truck]that was parked in the NAACP parkinglot;and had a royal blue covering on the back;the city of Winston-Salem DOT truck stayed there until the white male WSTA bus driver got off of the WSTA bus; then it pulled off; after the city of WS DOT truck pulled off then the white male WSTA bus driver got back on the bus and continued on the WSTA route:

Harassment on TWO day or the "13th" usually is by all white male workers[any TWO day or 13th or anything to do with the number "13" or "2"] who work for the city of Winston-Salem, NC whose real job is to harass African Americans who live in the African American neighborhoods that do not work/serve white males
Based on statement heard on local radio station 600WJSJ radio or 88FM radio- "You can get to the common if you use the unique"[6/2014]-so what white males do is through the public schools[one source] identify African Americans who are gifted who would pose a problem to their white male ideology controlled system and isoloate the gifted African American from a child thorugh adulthood[basically block the African American gifted person from living their live by putting the gifted African American child through constant daily situations of harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats, robbery, killings, stealing, etc., until the gifted African American child becomes an adult and because the white male has put so much money into using the gifted African American child who becomes an adult; even when the gifted African American adult realizes it and tells the white males to stop-the white males communicates they can't because they have so much money in-vested in the system the white males have created for the common person through the actions and decisions of the gifted African American;[like RED-name of close relative who use to say-they won't let me live my life;it was my relatives way of saying white males were blocking their/denying heir access to resources[MONEY/LOVE];therefore denying them access to the "GOOD life"];
And based on the statement , "You can get to the common if you use the unique"[6/2014][documented];that is what they have done to me; then communicate there are no options but to do what white males want;
And the third picture is of authority cars of a group of white male in authority uniform on 6/13/14[13th day] parked at the Carver Road Branch/Mazzie Woodruff parking lot,to strengthen mindset of the African American person through show of unity of white male authority in uniform; [however did see one African American male[for show]];
Was suppose to go to work this morning to the local markets with V. Sw-tzer; but those in authority[like the WS forysth county dog catcher] message resulted in V. Switzer calling and telling me that there will be no work=NO MONEY"=as the article in the March 18,2004 Winston-Salem Chroncile stated:
"Study: Love and MONEY keys to good life"
As the article in the Winston-Salem Chronicle states, "PASSPORT to the WORLD"[meaning white male world];
"The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment."
Today is the 13th[like the 13th Amendment] of 2014:
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
"The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime [not being born white]whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865."[http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/13thamendment.html];
And upon getting on the WSTA bus the bus driver was a WHITE MALE[to ensure that white males remain over African Americans who think they are free and don't work for or serve white males]:
WSTA bus driver[white male who KNOWS his real job is to help
white males rob/take from African American;
note- For years the white male WSTA bus driver in the photo above use to try and intimidate, threaten me through nasty attitude and remarks [before the cameras];and whoever assigns the bus drivers to routes on TWO day or the 13th know their real job is to put bus drivers on the routes [where there is an African American who is living based upon the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution]to block the progression of the African American freedom[by having white male drive person who is overcoming white male system of harassment, intimidation,etc.-[in spirit realm]- [by whitemales driving African Americannotworkingf forwhitemales;it interferes[based on the WSTA bus drivers name(which the WSTA bus drivers give the patrons NO Identification of who they are; the WSTA bus drivers just tell the WSTA patrons to give the bus number[which is not good because they change the bus drivers all the time])with the steady flow of that African American progressing as an African American;as well as send message to African American that white males control what they can or can't do; If African American progress beyond boundaries white male set [like blacks can't walk on 4th/5th/trade/liberty street; but if one does happen to break free through to walk on 4th/5th/trade/liberty street; then a white male is placed or sent to walk infront/across the path of the African American to send message [marked by white male and is white males territory(even though this is the United States and the streets are public streets];
Two white males parked at "OAKridge and Butterfield" in City Of Winston-Salem DOT [Department of Transportation[ Powell Street Bill Program]truck]that was parked in the NAACP parkinglot;and had a royal blue covering on the back;the city of Winston-Salem DOT truck stayed there until the white male WSTA bus driver got off of the WSTA bus; then it pulled off; after the city of WS DOT truck pulled off then the white male WSTA bus driver got back on the bus and continued on the WSTA route:

Harassment on TWO day or the "13th" usually is by all white male workers[any TWO day or 13th or anything to do with the number "13" or "2"] who work for the city of Winston-Salem, NC whose real job is to harass African Americans who live in the African American neighborhoods that do not work/serve white males
Based on statement heard on local radio station 600WJSJ radio or 88FM radio- "You can get to the common if you use the unique"[6/2014]-so what white males do is through the public schools[one source] identify African Americans who are gifted who would pose a problem to their white male ideology controlled system and isoloate the gifted African American from a child thorugh adulthood[basically block the African American gifted person from living their live by putting the gifted African American child through constant daily situations of harassment, intimidation, abuse, threats, robbery, killings, stealing, etc., until the gifted African American child becomes an adult and because the white male has put so much money into using the gifted African American child who becomes an adult; even when the gifted African American adult realizes it and tells the white males to stop-the white males communicates they can't because they have so much money in-vested in the system the white males have created for the common person through the actions and decisions of the gifted African American;[like RED-name of close relative who use to say-they won't let me live my life;it was my relatives way of saying white males were blocking their/denying heir access to resources[MONEY/LOVE];therefore denying them access to the "GOOD life"];
And based on the statement , "You can get to the common if you use the unique"[6/2014][documented];that is what they have done to me; then communicate there are no options but to do what white males want;
And the third picture is of authority cars of a group of white male in authority uniform on 6/13/14[13th day] parked at the Carver Road Branch/Mazzie Woodruff parking lot,to strengthen mindset of the African American person through show of unity of white male authority in uniform; [however did see one African American male[for show]];
Was suppose to go to work this morning to the local markets with V. Sw-tzer; but those in authority[like the WS forysth county dog catcher] message resulted in V. Switzer calling and telling me that there will be no work=NO MONEY"=as the article in the March 18,2004 Winston-Salem Chroncile stated:
"Study: Love and MONEY keys to good life"
In the article, "Study : Love and Money Keys to good life" [and V. Sw-tzer is being paid [through white males allowing his fruit stand to grow] to hinder my MONEY to block my "GOOD Life]it states,"Really how you get along witht he most important person in your life is the key(to quality of life)." And evidently V.Sw-tzer knows the really "important person" in V. Sw-tzers life are white males if he wants to keep making "MONEY";it is not just African American females who are prostitutes working in secret; but also African American male men who don't mind telling the white male WS Forsyth County dog catcher that he has worked like a "DOG" all-llllllll his "life"=code-Mr. white male I am just a "dog"-code-do what white male wants-no work for "Godwillst" today and V. Sw-tzer calls himself a christian;Mathew 6:24 says-"You cannot serve two masters.";
In fact, the message was in this mornings Winston-Salem Journal newspaper;

over the last couple of days have been at V. Sw-tzer fruit stand which is by the highway;
Being that V. Sw-tzer has been sent messages through local newspapers,media for decades,especially witht he article beside it, "HEALTH"officials[authority] confirm virus"-code-African American working for you in not a "DOG"; that is a problem to white males; and if you don't want to be on the fringe of losing your fruit stand [good life"] or of having 'new customers" diverted then cut the MONEY of the African American who is not a "dog";or experience a mysterious virus on your fruits and vegetables;
The title of the WS Journal[front page] article is, "Roadside businesses hope to pull in new customers"-in other words if V. Sw-tzer wants to keep making money by pulling in new customers; he better do what white males tell him;the old customers will come out of loyalty[which white males can cut down to size over a periord of time; but new customers mean growth; and the white males in Rual Hall have been working since about march putting in [V. Sw-tzer said] a water pump] up the street from V. Sw-tzer's fruit stand[as form of intimidation-white males will control the flow of [water]without water there is no "GOOD life"; without water V. Sw-tzer wouldn't have any vegetables=no money=no love=no "GOOD life";(why things mysteriously hapen to interfere with my having water-it blocks a portion of the "GOOD Life" in my life like taking a bath/being clean; and V. Sw-tzer knows that I don't have any water and even though he could ask a mechanic/plumber to work with me-white males communicated to him not to;
Which is what Lashundra GOODwin knows; that "Love and Money keys to GOOD life" and to get to the "GOOD life" , the white male is the most important person if an African American wants a quality marriage which is only allowed for white males or for African American prostitutes who work in secret for white males[all other African American marriages are attacked because they are seeking a quality relationship without white males permission:
"MORgan HARRIS, Mikasia and Mashayla Campbell work on Independance Day flaggs for the Middle East with Lashundra GOODwin, library assistant, and Tia bradley, library page.[March 18,2004;page C1; "Community";[MORgan HARRIS=code to L. GOODwin=why Tracy MORgan was in wreck];
To send the message that as long as V. Sw-tzer keeps me from the fruitstand, Love and MONEY are "on the fringe" the WS Journal front page article";V. Sw-tzer KNOWS the white male system; he has been working for over thrity years; that means based upon observation of local economy of local African Americans that V. Sw-tzer is doing something to AFrican Americans that white males want-to the point that in order to degrade/humilate/intimidate/abuse and threaten me;V. Sw-tzer cut a water[melon] and gave everybody a piece of water[melon]; then as I was eating my water[melon], V. Sw-tzer stated, "you don't have to eat the water[melon] like that"; I stated to V. Sw-tzer that I have been eating water[melon] all my life and I know how to eat water[melon] thank you; and then guy J. Grizzly stated, "Man, when you start telling people how to eat water[melon]?;[sometimes V. Sw-tzer forgets other people are around and let it slip of how he really treats/abuses me psychologically because he knows that presently there aren't too many places in Winston-Salem that I can work wiwthout the threat of confinement from "SAM'S Club" secret club members who threaten confinement if honest work is obtained";
Heard J. Grizzly state to V. Sw-tzer, "Man you really got something here."[speaking about me; and V. Sw-tzer trading blocking me from my wealth as an African American for white males to give the wealththat should be in my life to his grandson Jaqua"R" instead of me; why V. Sw-tzer did not allow me to work at the local markets this morning to communicate to local white male authority[don't attack my grandson and will help block "Godwillst" from "MONEY", thus help block from the "GOODLIFE"; because as the article said, "Study: Love and MONEY keys to good life"[white male picture used to communicate most important person to access love and MONEY is work in secret for white males]
What J. Grizzly meant[which V. Sw-tzer understands] is that V. Sw-tzer has been robbing/stealing/etc. from African Americans for white males in Winston-Salem, NC for a long time; [at least since the early 1970's],in fact; based on documentation and observation[especially through the RED BANK[MONEY] church in Germanton/[germany];
![]() | 8104 Red Bank Rd, Germanton, NC 27019-9418 |
V. Sw-tzer helped bishop davis [whose church is off of 14th Street, W. S.,NC][14th Amendment-
14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
"The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment."
note: members of Red Bank church also go to "Martha Steward Vinyards" where Oprah Winfrey goes to;
[ which is how V. Sw-tzer and bishop davis were trained off of 14th street in winston-salem,which is where they set one of my relatives who would not serve white males up];
The 14th Amendment states that "states are forbidded from denying any person "life, liberty or property" which is why the system of "ethnic intimidation"-Greedy African Americans are paid to sell out/block other African Americans for white males-which is illegal/not to metion immoral; which is the system that Maya Angelou was used to uplift her, Oprah Winfrey, and other local African Americans prostitutes [V. Sw-tzer], who are paid to work in secret to rob/steal/intimidate other African Americans
who don't work/serve the secret systems of white males which all are designed to do to
African Americans, what was done to the Indians;
African Americans, what was done to the Indians;
Kalawi Farms and Ben's Homemade Ice Cream[https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kalawi-Farms-and-Bens-Ice-Cream/203361546355780];[http://www.news-record.com/sports/pro_sports/usopen/article_f6f17d28-f280-11e3-bcd6-001a4bcf6878.html];
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