Duke Energy Coal Ash
After Broadus [African American male] computer tech person for WS Fosyth County Library who came to Carver Road Branch Library [on a spur of the notice moment=there were no signs up of computer being down on 5/8/14] and after working on comuter came to me and said "Now you can get on the computers, which I did not; he was never nice at the 5th street WS Forsyth County Library; so why nice at Carver road branch=ANSWER; in exchange for messing with computer [mood/ http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-07/03/intel-art-and-technology] will hide messing around with female[Crystal](every time Broadus has come to the Carver Road Branch Library the people in/at the library is cleared out and all of a sudden only a few people are in the library; and one is a female who looks out of place based upon the norm of the people in the community];
"Intel research team experiments with mood-altering technology";Technology
"A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel's Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will, it hopes, lead the two to positively influence each other one day"
Which is a good thing to alter a persons mood to help them be better, now image the opposite effect; and being that the African American female that was sitting at the computer beside where Broadus Roseboro wanted me to sit[looked like she was 100 years old before her time, needed a bath, with bags; think the mood altering was probably not in my best interest; either way Boradus seemed kind of disappointed that I did not sit in the chair/at the compute that he had special just for me;
And this all goes back to the article about [white males] doing research[which I have never given anybody permission to do any type of research on me] and evidence of their ability to alter a persons normal psyche=

Slvia Sprinkle Hamlin [2014]
Sylvia Sprinkle Hamil is perfect example if anyone goes back and look at her earlier pictures; its as if her mindset is in lala land[which is were Broadus Rosoborough would get the concept]compared to earlier pictures;what is meant by lala land is that she looks as if all of her decisions are made for her; like she doesn't have a care in the world because everything is taken care of by somebody else [white males]-which is kind of strange being that she holds the title as Director of the WS Forsyth County Public Library; [http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/n-c-black-repertory-company-hires-new-executive-director/article_e7edd50e-3791-51a0-ae66-662688d6a69b.html];Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, executive producer of the festival and chair of the board of directors; yet the picture says all of my decisions are made for me:

Same look of Glee upon the face of a dog when "DEFERING" to their master;
If anyone took time out to compare mindset shown within the other pictures= it would be obvious
Note: Glanced at the Winston-salem Journal code to local African Americans practicing "DEFEENCE" is that "COAL ASH SPILL" is real=African American really don't want to be white males slave;note: relative intimidated out of the city of WS stated they would never be one of the gay people;
note: message when signing into yahoo.email=
The answer, Intel believes, is a definitive yes -- and we're not all that far off achieving it.
"From watching the maturity of computers, which are now powerful enough from doing things like computer fusion and machine learning, it feels like we're at this tipping point where the innate capabilities of the machine are starting to take on characteristics that could start representing humans," Doug Carmean, researcher-at-large at Intel Labs, told Wired.co.uk.
"There's a great Alan Turing test that asks, can you develop a machine that could fool a human into thinking it was a person. I find that fascinating. Turing proposed that back in 1950 and it feels to me that some of the capabilities of the machines are starting to approach that. They don't just fool the humans, they can start taking on reasonable tasks for them and being a better complement than just frustrating you when you're trying to work. Part of the vision is finding ways that computers then become this entity that is doing something useful for you, something that you enjoy working with. You have a feeling for that thing like it's helping you. Like it's a friend."
Images roll past Carmean's head as he speaks. He is explaining this vision of the future while standing in front of #Creators Live, a wall-projected live Instagram feed created with Social Print Studio for the Creator's Project's 2012 tour. The project, an international arts and technology collaboration, has been introducing Intel engineers to musicians, filmmakers and artists in recent years.
According to the team behind the Creator's Project, there is a real desire in the arts for this kind of collaboration.
"When we approached the artist Doug Aiken and explained that we could put him together with Intel engineers -- the guys that literally envision the future -- his face lit up," says Hosi Simon, general manager for Vice, which co-founded the project with Intel. "He immediately said, 'yes, I've wanted to do all these things that I have in my head, but I just don't know how.'"
"The beauty of this thing is you sort of unleash the engineers and they tell the artists what is really possible, and their mind just goes crazy," adds Dave Haroldsen, marketing director at Intel. "Now, just as the young people we're talking to look up to these artists as their heroes and their inspiration, the artists that we feature look up to these engineers. That's what makes it exciting for us."
#Creators Live is the fruit of just such a collaboration. One of Intel's primary goals is to throw out the concept of computing as being about a flat screen, a keyboard and a mouse, and instead make it a "complete immersive interaction" -- hence experiments such as #Creators Live, which represents information on a huge display in a dynamic and interactive way. Installations like these are the first step towards breaking down rudimentary restrictions on standard human-device interactions.
The piece is designed for public events where visitors can post images along with a message. An algorithm -- developed in collaboration with Intel clinical psychologist Margie Morris using James W Pennebaker's linguistic analysis tool "Luke" -- decides whether that message is "high-energy" or "low-energy" according to key words used. Users can zoom in on one of the images, which then pops up in a coloured box -- the colour reflects the mood as being "high-energy" (happy, exhilarated) or "low-energy" (sad, calm). If the user disagrees with the mood reading they can drag the image to another colour sector and this action will be recorded to rectify flaws in the system.
"One of the things we're experimenting with here is whether this is an interesting way to try and capture the mood and emotion of a room of people," says Carmean. "Then various people can come up here and adjust the mood based on how the photo makes them feel."
"We're also experimenting with things like the colour of the photos -- a whole range of cues that might help us classify the photo and its message," adds Morris. "We still know there's a huge margin of error, so it's good that people can correct it."
The whole piece is designed to replicate the emotion present in a given room or at a particular event. Having seen guests at past Creator's Project events tweeting out messages saying how much they were enjoying themselves, Intel jumped on this as a way of linking up the project's international community. The idea is that someone on the other side of the world checking out the Creator's Project online could get a feel for the event happening at that very moment.
Essentially, the team is working on ways of making the world's obsession with their devices a completely positive thing. "We want people to engage -- instead of them looking down at their phones, we want them to say how they are feeling and to do that collectively," says Morris.
Morris envisions applications for similar installations across a variety of social environments, including restaurants. "Instead of just going in and everyone looking down, people could compose something that goes on the wall so the restaurant knows what the mood is. Then they have the opportunity to try to change the mood of the place."
"Or," Carmean interjects, "the colours outside the restaurant could express what's going on inside". No more will picky punters have to awkwardly pop in and out of a restaurant after finding that just a handful of customers are silently chowing down in an uninspiring atmosphere. A similar experiment is currently being played out in ths US, where bars in eight cities have agreed to install facial detection cameras that calculate how full a venue is and what the percentage of male versus female clientele is. This information, rather than being plastered outside the bar, is more discreetly available via the SceneTap app. The company predicts its user base will cross the 250,000 threshold later this summer after Boston, Atlanta and Phoenix join -- a sure sign that there is a market for these kinds of services on a commercial level.
Intel is also looking at transferring this technology to the home as well, with wall projections exhibiting an individual's personal photo collection. The system would enable users to sort their collection according to mood -- or possibly sort it for them one day using an algorithm, if enough signifiers are gathered -- so that they could then pull up their happy collection or even develop digital photo wallpaper to drag out across any given space.
Morris envisions user's picking a photo that makes them feel happy, then watching as the system draws up images that generate a similar emotional reaction, perhaps even drawing on the Instagram or Facebook photos from the user's circle of friends. In this way, the machine is positively affecting human emotion, having learnt what "happiness" is when the user categorised their collection. "In this way," explains Morris, "you can surround yourself with pictures that are complementary to your state rather than mirroring your state. These are the elements that we are playing with."
Outside of the home, the team has been looking at ways that lighting could be emotionally charged and used in concerts to alter the mood of a crowd. The idea stemmed from Intel's work with London-based art and design collective United Visual Artists (UVA) on Origin, a 30-square-metre light cube sculpture.
The light emitted by the Origin installation was pre-programmed to interact with passersby who could walk all around it and through it. It was hoped people would engage with the piece and be encouraged to move around it in different ways. Instead, on a sunny afternoon in New York, passersby would lay down inside it and wile away the afternoon like that.
"It inspired UVA, independently, to start looking into whether there is a way patterns can be established to get people to interact with a piece," says Morris. "One of the things that's so interesting about it is you might have a theory about how light effects mood, but then in a real life situation with all this art and social activity happening, it's less predictable how it's going to effect behaviour."
"A lot of it is like how theme music in a movie can make you feel a certain way," explains Carmean. "The obvious thing is if they had taken the equivalent of scary sounds but then put them through the lights, the chances are people wouldn't be lying there."
Intel is playing around with some pretty impressive ideas that could, potentially, generate powerful results. They are, however, very aware of this and are treading with caution. In addition to ask how powerful technology can affect peoples' moods, Intel is keen to find out what the best use would be for a "happiness algorithm", if it were possible to develop one. As Morris acknowledges, if you're going to gather huge amounts of data on how to read human emotion, "you better do something useful with it".
With engineers like Carmean -- who has spent 20 years working on core microarchitecture -- working on these questions, it's safe to say the sensitive issue is being handled with great care and attention to detail. So, hopefully, there's not much chance of them accidentally producing a rage-inducing machine at a music festival.
After Broadus [African American male] computer tech person for WS Fosyth County Library who came to Carver Road Branch Library [on a spur of the notice moment=there were no signs up of computer being down on 5/8/14] and after working on comuter came to me and said "Now you can get on the computers, which I did not; he was never nice at the 5th street WS Forsyth County Library; so why nice at Carver road branch=ANSWER; in exchange for messing with computer [mood/ http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-07/03/intel-art-and-technology] will hide messing around with female[Crystal](every time Broadus has come to the Carver Road Branch Library the people in/at the library is cleared out and all of a sudden only a few people are in the library; and one is a female who looks out of place based upon the norm of the people in the community];
"Intel research team experiments with mood-altering technology";Technology
"A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel's Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will, it hopes, lead the two to positively influence each other one day"
Which is a good thing to alter a persons mood to help them be better, now image the opposite effect; and being that the African American female that was sitting at the computer beside where Broadus Roseboro wanted me to sit[looked like she was 100 years old before her time, needed a bath, with bags; think the mood altering was probably not in my best interest; either way Boradus seemed kind of disappointed that I did not sit in the chair/at the compute that he had special just for me;
And this all goes back to the article about [white males] doing research[which I have never given anybody permission to do any type of research on me] and evidence of their ability to alter a persons normal psyche=

Slvia Sprinkle Hamlin [2014]
Sylvia Sprinkle Hamil is perfect example if anyone goes back and look at her earlier pictures; its as if her mindset is in lala land[which is were Broadus Rosoborough would get the concept]compared to earlier pictures;what is meant by lala land is that she looks as if all of her decisions are made for her; like she doesn't have a care in the world because everything is taken care of by somebody else [white males]-which is kind of strange being that she holds the title as Director of the WS Forsyth County Public Library; [http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/n-c-black-repertory-company-hires-new-executive-director/article_e7edd50e-3791-51a0-ae66-662688d6a69b.html];Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, executive producer of the festival and chair of the board of directors; yet the picture says all of my decisions are made for me:

If anyone took time out to compare mindset shown within the other pictures= it would be obvious
Note: Glanced at the Winston-salem Journal code to local African Americans practicing "DEFEENCE" is that "COAL ASH SPILL" is real=African American really don't want to be white males slave;note: relative intimidated out of the city of WS stated they would never be one of the gay people;
note: message when signing into yahoo.email=
On June 5, we will stop supporting this version of Yahoo Mail on Internet Explorer 8. You may switch to Basic Mail, or try a supported browser for the full-featured Yahoo Mail experience.]
Intel research team experiments with mood-altering technology
A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel's Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will, it hopes, lead the two to positively influence each other one day.
While the mothership has been championing low-power chips and presenting its top ten technologies of the future, Intel's Oregon team has been quietly spending its days collaborating with light technicians, musicians and artists the world over to pose one question: can powerful technology be fused with emotive media to affect peoples' moods?
"From watching the maturity of computers, which are now powerful enough from doing things like computer fusion and machine learning, it feels like we're at this tipping point where the innate capabilities of the machine are starting to take on characteristics that could start representing humans," Doug Carmean, researcher-at-large at Intel Labs, told Wired.co.uk.
"There's a great Alan Turing test that asks, can you develop a machine that could fool a human into thinking it was a person. I find that fascinating. Turing proposed that back in 1950 and it feels to me that some of the capabilities of the machines are starting to approach that. They don't just fool the humans, they can start taking on reasonable tasks for them and being a better complement than just frustrating you when you're trying to work. Part of the vision is finding ways that computers then become this entity that is doing something useful for you, something that you enjoy working with. You have a feeling for that thing like it's helping you. Like it's a friend."
Images roll past Carmean's head as he speaks. He is explaining this vision of the future while standing in front of #Creators Live, a wall-projected live Instagram feed created with Social Print Studio for the Creator's Project's 2012 tour. The project, an international arts and technology collaboration, has been introducing Intel engineers to musicians, filmmakers and artists in recent years.
According to the team behind the Creator's Project, there is a real desire in the arts for this kind of collaboration.
"When we approached the artist Doug Aiken and explained that we could put him together with Intel engineers -- the guys that literally envision the future -- his face lit up," says Hosi Simon, general manager for Vice, which co-founded the project with Intel. "He immediately said, 'yes, I've wanted to do all these things that I have in my head, but I just don't know how.'"
"The beauty of this thing is you sort of unleash the engineers and they tell the artists what is really possible, and their mind just goes crazy," adds Dave Haroldsen, marketing director at Intel. "Now, just as the young people we're talking to look up to these artists as their heroes and their inspiration, the artists that we feature look up to these engineers. That's what makes it exciting for us."
#Creators Live is the fruit of just such a collaboration. One of Intel's primary goals is to throw out the concept of computing as being about a flat screen, a keyboard and a mouse, and instead make it a "complete immersive interaction" -- hence experiments such as #Creators Live, which represents information on a huge display in a dynamic and interactive way. Installations like these are the first step towards breaking down rudimentary restrictions on standard human-device interactions.
The piece is designed for public events where visitors can post images along with a message. An algorithm -- developed in collaboration with Intel clinical psychologist Margie Morris using James W Pennebaker's linguistic analysis tool "Luke" -- decides whether that message is "high-energy" or "low-energy" according to key words used. Users can zoom in on one of the images, which then pops up in a coloured box -- the colour reflects the mood as being "high-energy" (happy, exhilarated) or "low-energy" (sad, calm). If the user disagrees with the mood reading they can drag the image to another colour sector and this action will be recorded to rectify flaws in the system.
"One of the things we're experimenting with here is whether this is an interesting way to try and capture the mood and emotion of a room of people," says Carmean. "Then various people can come up here and adjust the mood based on how the photo makes them feel."
"We're also experimenting with things like the colour of the photos -- a whole range of cues that might help us classify the photo and its message," adds Morris. "We still know there's a huge margin of error, so it's good that people can correct it."
The whole piece is designed to replicate the emotion present in a given room or at a particular event. Having seen guests at past Creator's Project events tweeting out messages saying how much they were enjoying themselves, Intel jumped on this as a way of linking up the project's international community. The idea is that someone on the other side of the world checking out the Creator's Project online could get a feel for the event happening at that very moment.
Morris envisions applications for similar installations across a variety of social environments, including restaurants. "Instead of just going in and everyone looking down, people could compose something that goes on the wall so the restaurant knows what the mood is. Then they have the opportunity to try to change the mood of the place."
"Or," Carmean interjects, "the colours outside the restaurant could express what's going on inside". No more will picky punters have to awkwardly pop in and out of a restaurant after finding that just a handful of customers are silently chowing down in an uninspiring atmosphere. A similar experiment is currently being played out in ths US, where bars in eight cities have agreed to install facial detection cameras that calculate how full a venue is and what the percentage of male versus female clientele is. This information, rather than being plastered outside the bar, is more discreetly available via the SceneTap app. The company predicts its user base will cross the 250,000 threshold later this summer after Boston, Atlanta and Phoenix join -- a sure sign that there is a market for these kinds of services on a commercial level.
Intel is also looking at transferring this technology to the home as well, with wall projections exhibiting an individual's personal photo collection. The system would enable users to sort their collection according to mood -- or possibly sort it for them one day using an algorithm, if enough signifiers are gathered -- so that they could then pull up their happy collection or even develop digital photo wallpaper to drag out across any given space.
Morris envisions user's picking a photo that makes them feel happy, then watching as the system draws up images that generate a similar emotional reaction, perhaps even drawing on the Instagram or Facebook photos from the user's circle of friends. In this way, the machine is positively affecting human emotion, having learnt what "happiness" is when the user categorised their collection. "In this way," explains Morris, "you can surround yourself with pictures that are complementary to your state rather than mirroring your state. These are the elements that we are playing with."
Outside of the home, the team has been looking at ways that lighting could be emotionally charged and used in concerts to alter the mood of a crowd. The idea stemmed from Intel's work with London-based art and design collective United Visual Artists (UVA) on Origin, a 30-square-metre light cube sculpture.
The light emitted by the Origin installation was pre-programmed to interact with passersby who could walk all around it and through it. It was hoped people would engage with the piece and be encouraged to move around it in different ways. Instead, on a sunny afternoon in New York, passersby would lay down inside it and wile away the afternoon like that.
"It inspired UVA, independently, to start looking into whether there is a way patterns can be established to get people to interact with a piece," says Morris. "One of the things that's so interesting about it is you might have a theory about how light effects mood, but then in a real life situation with all this art and social activity happening, it's less predictable how it's going to effect behaviour."
"A lot of it is like how theme music in a movie can make you feel a certain way," explains Carmean. "The obvious thing is if they had taken the equivalent of scary sounds but then put them through the lights, the chances are people wouldn't be lying there."
Intel is playing around with some pretty impressive ideas that could, potentially, generate powerful results. They are, however, very aware of this and are treading with caution. In addition to ask how powerful technology can affect peoples' moods, Intel is keen to find out what the best use would be for a "happiness algorithm", if it were possible to develop one. As Morris acknowledges, if you're going to gather huge amounts of data on how to read human emotion, "you better do something useful with it".
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