Social Understandings

Thursday, June 26, 2014



Have had to use alternatiave method to contact a person in Greensboro, N.C. where asked certain questions and the name of "love" came up; so asked a few more questions which based upon system operated by exploiters; the name/system of "love" has used before, along with the name/system of "young"=

The point being that the 'love' system [design by white males for African American females working in secret[prostituting] for white males] has been used before; and currently being used to trick person who spoke to in greensboro office last year.

IF control/manipulate the person who loves another=can alter a whole society;=same system operated on slaves=same type system being operated,except the bidders are African American female who are working as prostitutes in secret for white males[started with/through Maya Angelou];


A. 1340 am radio host-AniTa Dean [whose picture[much younger than below?] was put on billboard by the $2.00 movie[Marketplace Mall onPeterscreek Pkwy]where white males sent CINTAS to reward while city of Winston-Salem WSTA hired bus driver who specialized in harassment/intimidation to harass and try to intimidate me];

                         African American female prostitute working in secret for white males

Anita Dean ARENETt[married name]= anita sometimes pronouned annetta=anita dean arenet=two "nets"=. annetta and arennet=based on comment of person who knows anita dean arennet=the arennets will be taking the city=meaning African American neighborhoods=putting nets=capturing African American[s]=for white males=giving African Americans wrong and misinformation=to send African Americans in the wrong direction;

note: Anita DEAN part of PAULA DEAN system of abuse, exploitation, robbery, ethnic intimidation, forced assimilation and culutral transformation of
African Americans;

B. On 6/ 14 last Sunday Anita had person on [female who read a poem] who read the title of the poem as, "prison without bars"=code to white males[through the selection of guests and topics they promote]=as long as anita dean gets what she wants, she will help white males to put African Americans in prison without bars, etc., as well as help block African Americans economically while it appears that she is helping them;

Look at their faces they do not want their picture taken; they do want to get out of the black man's economic and social hell;

Example=the picture of the African American males above that she will  help white males to exploint in exchange for being allowed to flow in white males system without being attacked;[\];

That is how Anita Dean married AreNETt; the minister/pastor=is reward for helping white males to exploit African American males; which is based off of the 'love'/name system being used in Greensboro,NC for at least the 2nd time; with the 2nd time being Ms. LOVE CROSSling being made the boss of one of the people I was talking to [director-code-reward for helping white males to exploit person that should recieve government help]three months after I started talking to one of the people in Greensboro, NC office;

1. 2014- Ms. Love Crossling-

                    look how UNstressed Ms. LOVECrossling appears

Ms. LOVE Crossling is the DIRECTOR of Human Relations[2013 to present]=2013 is about the time started talking to person connected to greensboro,nc;

2. 2011 Ms. Margret Love, PE., Regional Supervisor, NCdenR-Division of Air Quality;
Tried to get the letter to print that was written to Margret Love that was signed by Rashad  Young, the Greensboro, NC City Manager;[note-Margret is the name of relative who lives on street that has the name of "Court" in it; like courting-and she is not allowed to have a man in her life; she suffers from the ailment of being an African American female woman who is a genius and who is not working in secret[not a prostitute] for white males; and the white males 'love' system operate so well in the African American neighborhood that they forced Margret[my relative] to move and live on a dead end street;

Also before signing into this morning ad for 'matress' was on website beside where person signs in;then after signing in; then message that there was a problem with opening email?;

A. Google - "ms. love greensboro city dept" and the links are of/to authority[?]

b. Google- "greensboro city dept. ms. love" []and the lst and last link are listed below: 72. Human Relations Department Bio. Career Highlights ... MS, Marriage and Family Therapy, East Carolina University, 2003.;[first link on google page[];=is Love CROSSling who was made the supervisor three months started speaking to one of the people in greensboro office about Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son pulling weapon on me, other harassments, etc.=code]; actress-balances-art-illness.html;
[];[ the last link on google page[];=has the names of 'powell', and street=which is the name of the "State Street-Aid (Powell Bill) Program"[]operated by/through the city of Winston-salem DOT[depart. of  transportatioin=code];


Pastor/minister Arnnet [anita deans new john=there is not info on internet=?];

KD Bowe & Bill Daniels;Morgan Dukes;Ace Alexander;Juandolyn Stokes;Mike Gamble;Doug Marshall;Anita Dean;Jack Myers;Melanie Springs;Stuart Epperson, Jr.;Bryan Brown;Ed Park;[The Light - WPOL/WKEW;1340am, 1400am];
note the names above are of the gospel radio hosts, which all have names associated with elements that are put on the streets in the African American neighborhood=gamble, ace, bill[dollars], brown[African Amerian];park[where low income males hang out];dean[middle name of my brother who was murdered-that the bastards are basing system of fear off of];marshall[authority that usually arrests African American males]; Dukes[name of team of guy who is fan of Duke sports and who  usually wears blue clothers];stokes[code for stoke];jack[code for money],etc..


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