Soccer world cup champions
Today is 23rd day=birthing day=V. Sw-tzer called; did not pick me up; told me to catch the WSTA bus and he would m eet me down town; caught ride with Robuck[2nd Robuck met in two days]; first was Bobby who takes pictures for the WS Chronicle who was a nominee for an award for photographs who said their pictures were in the chronicle; but they were never given recognition for their work; but Andrew Dye was always given recognition;
The second Robuck gave me a ride downtown, they were coming from helping their elderly parents;Sw-tzer called three times; a fter third time said to meet him on corner of 5th and liberty[where he made a left=code to white males=If sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst liberty; it has left ; then sw-tzer made a left on PATTERSON=code to white males-MONEY/WEALTH assosciated with PATTERSON=If sw-tzer has any thing to to with Godwillst obtaining money/wealth; it has left; then sw-tzer continued on PATTERSON til MLK=code to white males=If sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst reaching potential as wife or any thing else/friend, etc. of anybody being or having the mindset of MLK; it has left; and then sw-tzer made a left on a street=could be code for white=code to white males=if sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst overcoming anything white=it has left;
Thus V. Sw-tzer put a female dog=
Female doge=code=for bitch= in front of the field that he told me to work [pull the grass from around the "Blueberries" today=code to white males=today is the 23rd=code=birthing a dog/bitch and berrying the "Blue"[sysmbolic for killing the guy who wears blue clothes that want to date me];Question is why is V. Sw-tzer working overtime to hinder/block my relationship with guy who wears blue who wants to date me=gettig tired of the subliminal messages=harassment,ethnic intimidation. forced assimilation to the point that V. Sw-tzer grew all WHITE FLOWERS to communicate to white males that he [sw-tzer would convert the relationship and everything connected to the relationship to be in white society]; the response from white males=just as SNOWBALL was killed?; the BEE's whose hives were in white boxes suddenly disappeared=message from white males=there are no nine lives for white males[because of relationship between guy in blue and who sw-tzer trying to birth as a dog/bitch]=relationship can not be [why bees disappeared] on/in white society;
Sw-tzer said this morning, that situation is impossible=sw-tzer and white males can not control the sun;the Devine God controls the "sun"=what sw-tzer means =white males do not recognize African Americans as human beings and most definately not their equals; [94.5 fm radio program discussed issued during last week/end];
Sexual harassment by local people=23rd=birthing=matress=sex;
"Two boxes full of the leaves that vern sw-tzer took off ofthe tree in the front yard without my permission, suppose to represent and be symbolic of twins, the leaves are off of a mulberry tree, he and ann sw-tzer both put the boxes in the back seat when they pick me up for work, the two boxes represent berry the twins bcause ann and v. switzer are part of the gwen group,who stole twin child."

Today is 23rd day=birthing day=V. Sw-tzer called; did not pick me up; told me to catch the WSTA bus and he would m eet me down town; caught ride with Robuck[2nd Robuck met in two days]; first was Bobby who takes pictures for the WS Chronicle who was a nominee for an award for photographs who said their pictures were in the chronicle; but they were never given recognition for their work; but Andrew Dye was always given recognition;
The second Robuck gave me a ride downtown, they were coming from helping their elderly parents;Sw-tzer called three times; a fter third time said to meet him on corner of 5th and liberty[where he made a left=code to white males=If sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst liberty; it has left ; then sw-tzer made a left on PATTERSON=code to white males-MONEY/WEALTH assosciated with PATTERSON=If sw-tzer has any thing to to with Godwillst obtaining money/wealth; it has left; then sw-tzer continued on PATTERSON til MLK=code to white males=If sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst reaching potential as wife or any thing else/friend, etc. of anybody being or having the mindset of MLK; it has left; and then sw-tzer made a left on a street=could be code for white=code to white males=if sw-tzer has anything to do with Godwillst overcoming anything white=it has left;
Thus V. Sw-tzer put a female dog=
"V.sw-tzer put female dog by field he told me to work in as way to communicate to white males that he,vern is birthing a dog b-cause today is the 23rd,the number that resesents birth,as well as verns way to call me a bitch b-cause white males communications to him that he cant take what belongs to me, after gov. truck no. 32162 left switzer, got angry and started yelling at me for no reason, told me i dont need tools for weeds,which had lot of sticky spurs on them."
Female doge=code=for bitch= in front of the field that he told me to work [pull the grass from around the "Blueberries" today=code to white males=today is the 23rd=code=birthing a dog/bitch and berrying the "Blue"[sysmbolic for killing the guy who wears blue clothes that want to date me];Question is why is V. Sw-tzer working overtime to hinder/block my relationship with guy who wears blue who wants to date me=gettig tired of the subliminal messages=harassment,ethnic intimidation. forced assimilation to the point that V. Sw-tzer grew all WHITE FLOWERS to communicate to white males that he [sw-tzer would convert the relationship and everything connected to the relationship to be in white society]; the response from white males=just as SNOWBALL was killed?; the BEE's whose hives were in white boxes suddenly disappeared=message from white males=there are no nine lives for white males[because of relationship between guy in blue and who sw-tzer trying to birth as a dog/bitch]=relationship can not be [why bees disappeared] on/in white society;
Sw-tzer said this morning, that situation is impossible=sw-tzer and white males can not control the sun;the Devine God controls the "sun"=what sw-tzer means =white males do not recognize African Americans as human beings and most definately not their equals; [94.5 fm radio program discussed issued during last week/end];
Sexual harassment by local people=23rd=birthing=matress=sex;
Local people put mattress on side of steet that i walk on, system so organize that the same people,like ricky oats who is debra turners boyfriend and the people who live beside and around them, they are all part of the same group as gwndolyn gwyn group whose son pulled weapon on me and he and gwyndolyn gwyn exchange parking their cars to communicate weather they are to treat me normal, meaning i can have a man or to block me from having a man, which they do by harrasing and intimidating the guys who come to house.
"Two boxes full of the leaves that vern sw-tzer took off ofthe tree in the front yard without my permission, suppose to represent and be symbolic of twins, the leaves are off of a mulberry tree, he and ann sw-tzer both put the boxes in the back seat when they pick me up for work, the two boxes represent berry the twins bcause ann and v. switzer are part of the gwen group,who stole twin child."

"This is a picture of the blue rose that v. swt-zer bought and put by the drive shaft as harasment about the guy who wears royal blue cloths who is a duke fan, the blue rose is suppose to b symbolic of switzer helping white males take over the relationship and transfering the benfits to ann and vern switzer as a reward for vern and an switzer helping white males by commiting ethic intimidation on me as a condition of employment"
Vern switzer bought blue trailer and parked as form of harasment concerning guy who wears royal blue, vs a good symbol to communicate health and a streathening of guy who wears blue being in my life.
"V. switzer bought blue trailer [symbolic of coffin/body] and parked as form of harasment concerning guy who wears royal blue, vs a good symbol to communicate health and a streathening of guy who wears blue being in my life."
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