Michael Brown, Winston Salem, NC
Listening at the local/national news about Michael Brown,especially with the "home going" services today and the talk on national news about "Curtis" and [?] is almost just like going through the same type of services as a result of my brother being shot; the difference is that there were no big headlines that I saw; only a small article in the newspaper about a man shot in a truck and nobody saw anything[which I now know is a lie]; but the impact of thousands going to Michael Brown's services, at the time had about the same impact in the local African American niehgborhood in Winston-Salem, it shut the African American neighborhood down; that is when it dawned on me that my brother who had been murdered was not just my brother; and as time went on; unlike Michael Brown whose family knows who killed him; I still do not know who killed my brother Curtis; if my parents/other siblings know; nobody has told me; but do know that my brothers death is/has been used as communication as a form of threat,etc. to those in secret system; which have a policy that so stressed, it was never presented;
Someone in the media stated that Trayvon Martin's family[?] was paid 40 million dollars for the killing of Trayvon Martin[?]:
Which now Sybrina Fulton is a fulltime [?] to go around and speak at the "homegoing" services of African American males that were shot by white policemen[?]; the African American males that who recieve the benifits from their being shot are [99.99%] (as someone on radio stated)PREORDAINED-to decree or ordain in advance [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/preordained];ORDAIN-to officially establish or order (something)[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ordained]
Note: Prefer to use Dictionary.online; but bastards have blocked so can't access=part of their not allowed to exist under one system=have to change to two system;
In the definition of "ORDAIN" the key word is OFFICIALLY[meaning somebody who is OFFICIAL-a person who has a position of authority in a company, organization or government: a person who holds an office[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/official]; which means that Sybrina Fulton and Trayvon Martin were preselected to represent officials[?] during/when any African American son of an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males is shot; which sas someone on the local radio station stated: " Al Sharpton,etc. are running a business";
Al Sharpton is running a business of death; One of the commentators on the radio said that Al Sharpton said that is the present day Fredrick Douglas
note: While posting on blog at Carver Road Branch Library; three hispanic children kept walking aaround me; when I got up; hispanic boy took his paper and put it on top of papers beside me on computers; I told him to move his paper and stay away from me; then told him to go and tell Sharlene Edwards that I told him to move his paper and stay away from me; his hispanic sister was watching; so went and asked Sharlene Edwards to talk to to sister also of which Sharlene Edwards informed me; drop it; let it go; I told her I do not want hispanic children around me; and again Sharlene Edwards said, let it go or I will call Sylvia Hamlin so you can talk to her; do ;you need to talk to Sylvia Hamlin[threat to put out of library]; I told her ""NO", I have talked to you" and walked off; Point-that is why immigrant children being sent to the United States in droves; if those children are told to go and attack a person-and claim that they are innoncent[with all the people with jobs working for white male in secret; then the person who is an adult is charged- which leads to going to court; having to pay fines and fees;[hispanic voice on phone-called my phone=786-2044358=harassment;=verification that hispanic children being trained to harass African Americans;
1. 8/25/14;88.fm radio;5:10pm; NPR News[Blacks in Fergerson are angry also because of the heavy use of fees and fines to the courts for nonviolent offenses]
2. The people are charged[can't pay court cost so don't show up], found "GUILTY";then WARRENT is issued for their arrest for not showing;
3. Fines run up to hundreds and thousands of DOLLARS;
4. Form of low level harassment [what Winston-Salem, NC specializes in for African Americans who do not work in secret for white males to attack other African Americans[ethnic intimidation];
5. Fergerson created a payment plan-WAY CITY MAKES MONEY;
6. Guy who runs a JOB program stated that he can verify that African Americans targeted to make money off of by having them arrested for not paying fees because whenever he would find African Americans a JOB; the AFrican Americans would come back to him and tell them that they could not go and get a JOB because of the WARRENTS; that if they go out of the neigborhood to go to a job interview that they would be stopped by the police, who find the warrent, which will be more fines and fees added to those they already have[and if they don't pay the fines and fees, they go to "jail"and thus the African Americans don't go to jobs/job interviews,especially when jobs are out of the city; in fact African Americans do not go to a store, job, job interview, out of their neighborhoods for anything because of the risk involved;[Joseph Sharpero[sp]; NPR News;
Note: All of the above confirms JOB and WARRANT issue-which has been blogged about-since 2008-where "Sams CLUB" secret club members who dress in authority uniform threaten with confinement if income is earned through honest work; reason for threat of confinement is to ensure difficulty in having issue addressed; same system being operated in FERGERSON, which why lied and went to relatives house with a WARRANT-because if I went outside of pre-approved territory by white bastards, then the warrent would appear;even though I have called, looked on line and there is no warrent[they have another system[secret] that they are operating],if out of certain territory, the warrent will appear; and those arrested under the secret system are not ever located-the one phone called is wasted because they block the telephones, so when person makes the one call, the phone says, sorry there is no service[but they got their one phone call; and then they are put on/in a system that no matter where they go/what they do-that one phone call never gets through;
Listening at the local/national news about Michael Brown,especially with the "home going" services today and the talk on national news about "Curtis" and [?] is almost just like going through the same type of services as a result of my brother being shot; the difference is that there were no big headlines that I saw; only a small article in the newspaper about a man shot in a truck and nobody saw anything[which I now know is a lie]; but the impact of thousands going to Michael Brown's services, at the time had about the same impact in the local African American niehgborhood in Winston-Salem, it shut the African American neighborhood down; that is when it dawned on me that my brother who had been murdered was not just my brother; and as time went on; unlike Michael Brown whose family knows who killed him; I still do not know who killed my brother Curtis; if my parents/other siblings know; nobody has told me; but do know that my brothers death is/has been used as communication as a form of threat,etc. to those in secret system; which have a policy that so stressed, it was never presented;
Someone in the media stated that Trayvon Martin's family[?] was paid 40 million dollars for the killing of Trayvon Martin[?]:
The mother of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton, spoke at the Peacefest rally in St. Louis on Sunday. (Reuters)
Which now Sybrina Fulton is a fulltime [?] to go around and speak at the "homegoing" services of African American males that were shot by white policemen[?]; the African American males that who recieve the benifits from their being shot are [99.99%] (as someone on radio stated)PREORDAINED-to decree or ordain in advance [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/preordained];ORDAIN-to officially establish or order (something)[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ordained]
Note: Prefer to use Dictionary.online; but bastards have blocked so can't access=part of their not allowed to exist under one system=have to change to two system;
In the definition of "ORDAIN" the key word is OFFICIALLY[meaning somebody who is OFFICIAL-a person who has a position of authority in a company, organization or government: a person who holds an office[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/official]; which means that Sybrina Fulton and Trayvon Martin were preselected to represent officials[?] during/when any African American son of an African American female prostitute working in secret for white males is shot; which sas someone on the local radio station stated: " Al Sharpton,etc. are running a business";
Al Sharpton is running a business of death; One of the commentators on the radio said that Al Sharpton said that is the present day Fredrick Douglas
note: While posting on blog at Carver Road Branch Library; three hispanic children kept walking aaround me; when I got up; hispanic boy took his paper and put it on top of papers beside me on computers; I told him to move his paper and stay away from me; then told him to go and tell Sharlene Edwards that I told him to move his paper and stay away from me; his hispanic sister was watching; so went and asked Sharlene Edwards to talk to to sister also of which Sharlene Edwards informed me; drop it; let it go; I told her I do not want hispanic children around me; and again Sharlene Edwards said, let it go or I will call Sylvia Hamlin so you can talk to her; do ;you need to talk to Sylvia Hamlin[threat to put out of library]; I told her ""NO", I have talked to you" and walked off; Point-that is why immigrant children being sent to the United States in droves; if those children are told to go and attack a person-and claim that they are innoncent[with all the people with jobs working for white male in secret; then the person who is an adult is charged- which leads to going to court; having to pay fines and fees;[hispanic voice on phone-called my phone=786-2044358=harassment;=verification that hispanic children being trained to harass African Americans;
1. 8/25/14;88.fm radio;5:10pm; NPR News[Blacks in Fergerson are angry also because of the heavy use of fees and fines to the courts for nonviolent offenses]
2. The people are charged[can't pay court cost so don't show up], found "GUILTY";then WARRENT is issued for their arrest for not showing;
3. Fines run up to hundreds and thousands of DOLLARS;
4. Form of low level harassment [what Winston-Salem, NC specializes in for African Americans who do not work in secret for white males to attack other African Americans[ethnic intimidation];
5. Fergerson created a payment plan-WAY CITY MAKES MONEY;
6. Guy who runs a JOB program stated that he can verify that African Americans targeted to make money off of by having them arrested for not paying fees because whenever he would find African Americans a JOB; the AFrican Americans would come back to him and tell them that they could not go and get a JOB because of the WARRENTS; that if they go out of the neigborhood to go to a job interview that they would be stopped by the police, who find the warrent, which will be more fines and fees added to those they already have[and if they don't pay the fines and fees, they go to "jail"and thus the African Americans don't go to jobs/job interviews,especially when jobs are out of the city; in fact African Americans do not go to a store, job, job interview, out of their neighborhoods for anything because of the risk involved;[Joseph Sharpero[sp]; NPR News;
Note: All of the above confirms JOB and WARRANT issue-which has been blogged about-since 2008-where "Sams CLUB" secret club members who dress in authority uniform threaten with confinement if income is earned through honest work; reason for threat of confinement is to ensure difficulty in having issue addressed; same system being operated in FERGERSON, which why lied and went to relatives house with a WARRANT-because if I went outside of pre-approved territory by white bastards, then the warrent would appear;even though I have called, looked on line and there is no warrent[they have another system[secret] that they are operating],if out of certain territory, the warrent will appear; and those arrested under the secret system are not ever located-the one phone called is wasted because they block the telephones, so when person makes the one call, the phone says, sorry there is no service[but they got their one phone call; and then they are put on/in a system that no matter where they go/what they do-that one phone call never gets through;
2.Also the fact [confirmation #5]that creating LEGAL situations for African Americans is a WAY that the City [FERGERSON and WINSTON-SALEM, NC] MAKES MONEY;As the African American male on the Diane Rehm show stated last week[8/19/14[appx.]]: "There are no LAWS that cover such situations"[it is like a void in the law: which the bastards that create the legal situations are fully aware of; why person can't get any help]; and if there are NO LAWS-then that means that the bastards that create the LEGAL situations can do what they want[?];
1. On local radio station today [8/25/14][documented]Someone speaking at Michael Browns "homegoing services sated that Michael Browns death was "pre-ordained";
2. News Commentator stated that Michael Brown was a member of a "gang";
3. Al Sharpton stated that Michael Brown does not want to remembered as someone who got shot; he wants to be known as someone who brought forth the issue of "The United States policing policies"[note:policing and policies=twins/technically]; The question is how would Al Sharpton know how Michael Brown wants to be remembered :ANSWER: because just like Rush Limbough-he knows the secret system that is being operated and how they are operating the system-what their real objective is-meaning he knows the part he is to play within the secret group:
Which radio commentator stated that Al Sharpton said that is the new "FREDRICK DOUGLas"-which he is NOT; Al Sharpton was forced to marry a white female [that is white males way to make sure that he stays in line with doing what white males want=robot=or go six feet under]=means that Al Sharpton's first loyality is to the desires and wishes of white males; "FREDRICK DOUGLAS" first loyality was to do as the "DEVINE GOD" wanted done-true equality for African Americans; not a substitute second system operated by same people who create oppression[s]; that does not sound like"FREDRICK Douglas"; there is no comparison; true lot of suffering but still believed white males intimidation,etc. than the Devine God;
Therefore Al Sharpton does not and cannot speak for African Americans who are not a part of the white males secret group; he can speak for AFrican AMericans such as Sybrina Fulton, and now [not sure which one]- the mother or father of Michael Brown's:
Note: Someone said
1. Dr. Livingston [AFRICAN][rented land from Vern Sw-tzer's] and started farming about a week or two before Vern Sw-tzer said, "No more work"; which was during the time that it was reported that the EBOLA virus was growing in AFrica;
In reference to the fact that the people in FERGERSON are angry and upset because of the constant type of low level of harassment/intimidation through the constant COURT FEES and FINES through the issues of parking tickets,etc.; the City of Winston-Salem issued a SECOND WARNING TICKET for the placement of "santitation container"[which I have done before for long periord of time[with no warning,etc. ticket]as a form of harassment/intimidation to force me to move sanitation container to communicate to Michael and group that white males in control; that they can do what they want to me; which would make it so that everything done to stop them [Michael,group,etc.] from harassing,intimidating, and abusing [which included "B-tch you better not come out of your house"[which I did];
White male[radio commentator;BILLy CUNningham][94.5 fm; 8/24/14 10:15pm] stated that "If you check across the United States, you will find that the major official public positions are held by "BLACKS", teachers, mayors, councilmen, school boards,etc.; they are all BLACK -So what is the ISSUE with "RACISM"; article in the USA today stated 410 blacks killed by white police; 94 possible execution style; AL SHARPON IS THE "K","K","K" for BALCK AMERICA[Al Sharpton is the "K","K,"K,for white males; not Black America; Al Sharpton is on the inside at the white house; What America do I live in?; and bet you don't know the names o f the people who killed the 40 Million black men by black men?;
All of the above statements are confirmations of posts on blogs[everyone of them];
8/25/14;9:40am; 88fm radio commentator stated:
"Michael Brown's Death brought forth the ISSUES of a "PREDOMINANT WHITE POLICE FORCE in a PREDOMINANT AFRICAN AMERICAN neighborhood";
Which is have posted issues on blog; but local officials ignore issues;
Of which an African Americans female police officer [who remained anonymous[sp]] stated[same date,etc.]:
Nobody is addressing the fear of the cops; Who is telling these people to fear blacks at such a level they have to shoot 5 times; and who is telling blacks they have to fear cops at such a level?
While Michael Brown's death is public and everybody is protesting; they are AFrican American males who are stuck behind the Al Sharpton fake/foney[pay us money to hide your filth] system-the African American male observes and knows to stay out of the way of the white male cop; but that is a little difficult if the person is being hunted; there is no where to go];
And as the African American police officer[who remained anonymous[sp] stated: "Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist." some people want to call the people in the street a bunch of frustrated people who need to stay in their place and ACCEPT where they are at in life; Would you accept a lesser fate?"; The people[African Americans in Fergerson] that I have seen -ARE A GROUP OF FRUSTRATED PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED AND TRIED AND ARE FED UP WITH THE NEGATIVE RESULTS";[Arlene McBol[sp]/Correspondent; 980 am radio;8/25/14
Know that I have documented at least 10 years of being invisible; and bastards still intend to do the same-why they put 2ND warning ticket on "sanitation container"-which will never stop, because that is their job based on the "Preamble of the United States Constitution"[system white males in control of the those who control the government are operating] and if the United States Supreme Court does not intervene; it will be the same-thus if Fergerson does not bring about enough major change so that I can live like a normal person; as some on interviewed stated:***********************************;
Note: the riots are in Fergerson; the riots should be in Winston-Salem, NC;
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