Fergerson riots, Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University, Carver road Branch Library
note-tried to print and Melissa Williams took money off of my account;
1.The Key word below is Andrews and the fact that the sports world suffered from a shock=Andrews is replacing announcer so that his name can be used to communicate what is happening in Winston-Salem, NC.
2. Below is copy of a response to an email sent from one of City of Winston-Salem employees who is suppose to aid citizens in getting issues resolved;
Please be advised that work assignments and decisions within the Sanitation Department are based on delivering excellent service at a minimal cost. While we pride ourselves on delivering predictable results and meeting citizen expectations I am at a loss to identify what questions you have that remain unanswered. I am a results oriented manager and again, am available to discuss any matter you have that involves delivery of sanitation services.
Thank you.
R---- ------n
-----y -------r
S--------- Depart.
[Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:28 PM]
In response to the above email will be sending the response below and after reading the original email that R---- ------n sent; they clearly state the mindset the objective of the City of Winston-Salem employee:
"we pride ourselves on delivering predictable results and meeting citizen expectations"
Which has been the problem, I was raised expecting and predicting good results and the bastards are operating on if white[or have white male permission] person gets and expects good results; but if black the person gets and expects bad results and R---- ------n knows that;If citizens have been attacked, the citizen can have no other expectations nor predict any other results other than the opposite of what white[s] expect which R---- ------n also knows;
1.FERGERSON RIOTS which is just an example of the tip of the boiling of every city in the the United States because African Americans do not get the good results they expect; they [AFrican Americans] keep expecting good things which never materialize and white people expect and predict good results and get good results-but they are working to reverse that now;note- and the bastards are so trained[its their job and they have been trained to shut up and be quiet and go along to keep their job] that they are sitting and watching and helping them to do it[rob] to themselves;
]note-tried to print and Melissa Williams took money off of my account;
1.The Key word below is Andrews and the fact that the sports world suffered from a shock=Andrews is replacing announcer so that his name can be used to communicate what is happening in Winston-Salem, NC.
Pam Oliver Breaks Silence on Being Replaced by Erin Andrews on Fox Sports Sidelines
The official announcement sent ripples through the sports world when it was reported by Sports Illustrated in July, and now Oliver has broken her silence on the issue in a new interview with Essence magazine.note-Linda Williams daughter just got a job with Essence];
2. Below is copy of a response to an email sent from one of City of Winston-Salem employees who is suppose to aid citizens in getting issues resolved;
Please be advised that work assignments and decisions within the Sanitation Department are based on delivering excellent service at a minimal cost. While we pride ourselves on delivering predictable results and meeting citizen expectations I am at a loss to identify what questions you have that remain unanswered. I am a results oriented manager and again, am available to discuss any matter you have that involves delivery of sanitation services.
Thank you.
R---- ------n
-----y -------r
S--------- Depart.
[Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:28 PM]
In response to the above email will be sending the response below and after reading the original email that R---- ------n sent; they clearly state the mindset the objective of the City of Winston-Salem employee:
"we pride ourselves on delivering predictable results and meeting citizen expectations"
Which has been the problem, I was raised expecting and predicting good results and the bastards are operating on if white[or have white male permission] person gets and expects good results; but if black the person gets and expects bad results and R---- ------n knows that;If citizens have been attacked, the citizen can have no other expectations nor predict any other results other than the opposite of what white[s] expect which R---- ------n also knows;
1.FERGERSON RIOTS which is just an example of the tip of the boiling of every city in the the United States because African Americans do not get the good results they expect; they [AFrican Americans] keep expecting good things which never materialize and white people expect and predict good results and get good results-but they are working to reverse that now;note- and the bastards are so trained[its their job and they have been trained to shut up and be quiet and go along to keep their job] that they are sitting and watching and helping them to do it[rob] to themselves;
To: R---- ------n
-----y -------r
S--------- Depart.
336-000-0000 (office)R-------@cityofws.org
-----y -------r
S--------- Depart.
336-000-0000 (office)R-------@cityofws.org
Re: Local environmental factors that are beyond citizens control
[email sent- Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:28 PM
Thank you for conveying that work assignments and decisions within the S--------- Depart. are based on delivering excellent service at a minimal cost and that you
are at a loss to identify what questions remain unanswered.
Being that your are a results oriented manager hopefully you can understand that I have re-phrased my questions below to hopefully provide greater clarification based on concept that the work assignments and decisions within the S--------- Depart. are based on delivering excellent service at a minimal cost, [hopefully at a minimal cost to the citizen as well].
1. Please provide the name and schedule of the Winston-Salem S--------- C--------- O------ assigned to the Carver School Road area during May 2014. (asking for specific time frame in case that person has changed)
2. Considering the fact that the royal blue bin has been stationary in front of the house for two and a half years, I would like to know specifically what other assignments prevented the C---------- O------ from detecting and issuing the warning ticket earlier.
While I understand your preference for my direct communication with you, because of your being at a loss to identify what questions that remain unanswered hopefully you will understand the preference to maintain communication inclusive of someone else who can help me help you to understand the question[s]asked as well as the concern that it is because of the exact elements in your statement, “we pride ourselves on delivering predictable results and meeting citizen expectations” which caused the development and need for the preference to maintain communication inclusive of someone else.
Thank You,
Ps.-The languidness were due to factors beyond my control.
[2004] Note-copy of DVD at Carver Road brancibrary is different from the one above];
Movie Bridget Jones/the edge of reason is code about [Bridget M----y who is African American female prostitute working in secret for white males who knew about the twin child being stolen at birth]communicating to white males that Bridget M----y decided to staty with [MARK-code name that communicates white males mark]; all throughout the movies they play African American music to communicate that Bridget is a black female;
4. Watche DVD "Gordon glass"[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0936475/]

DVD Gordon Glass is code that communicates about "Andrew", Cuba, etc." to white males;
5. Watched DVD "Hard Lessons"[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091106/]
Note-Bet the name of Cynthia that is kept around Denzel Washington;
The characters/situations line up/confirm names and situations posted on blogs:
a. TWO GEORGE[s] [like the Geoge Washinton Bridge with Chris Christy-[http://www.northjersey.com/news/chris-christie-and-the-george-washington-bridge-scandal-on-northjersey-com-1.737481]
"Chris Christie George Washington Bridge"
[Chris Christie]
1. GEORGE Washington School;
2. GEORGE McKenna
b. ROBERT Norris[robert is code name; Norris is name of AFrican American authority[male and female located in Winston-Salem];
c. CYNTHIA [name of sibling controlled by white males through mind control experiments by state of North Carolina before 1975 and name of person in charge of food at Crisis Control and name of person at City of Winston-Salem water dept.[which the city of Winston-Salem has put royal blue line in front of water meter and everyday go home a issue with water[which never had before-white males from Smith Reynolds Airport/hispanics at 3120 Airport Road go in house after leave; this morning male from time warner cable at telephone pole when left(part of the white males secret systems to do things to people/attack in secret by disrupting the person[s] lifestyle-something always wrong or breaking]
d. LOCKER Scene-"W" and "V" and LOVEL(and) written on lockers;
e. Black male student[resembled Curt/brother was was killed]-KELLY shot by gang member in a gang fight;
f.CYNTHIA is principal GEORGE- PET;
g. BILL GOODman[African American male] teacher[like BILLy BLACKwel[l];
h. BENJAMIN[code name for DOLLAR Bills]white male;
i. ETHAN JACKSON-[Black male student jailed];
j. Mexican male student-illegal who lives in car;
j. Pin [WE ARE FAMILY}]is made with the colors of "RED" and "BLUE"[gang colors]-all students/staff/community made to wear pins;
The bastards knew in 1986 and the guy in the royal blue and that he would want to date me; and they started training CYNTHIA in 1986 with a mindset to block me/the relationship; about the only way can describe it is; if a person built/bought a house, they would know what was in the house; thus white males built a system[s] and they know what is in those system[s]; so if they are growing/developing a system[s]; they whose in the house and what is going on it the house;and my sibling Curt was still alive in 1986-which means the DVD Hard Lessons is evidence of the fact that there were intentions in 1986 to kill my sibling Curt;note-If they made movie in 1986 and sibling Curt was not killed until 1990, then the DVD Hard Lessons was made to tell them to kill my sibling Curt[note/note-movie-"Waiting to exhale" there is a scene that tells them to kill Whitney Houston];
Note: Carver road Branch library has a flyer fromWAKE Forest Baptish HEALTH [ threat];
phone number call 336-713-BEST;COURTNEY[code name for courting] will be the fitness instructor;
Article to far right="Elections staff offers "DEAL"-code-to let people in secret group deal is being offered before bastards attack;
As one of the radio commentators and chief of authority-stated which posted on blog 9/4/14 the solution is to stop harassing, intimidating/breaking my things/stay out of my house/etc.; when someone is being victimized it has to stopped; and wrong done needs to be corrected; but that can't happen unless person is recognized as a person[ of which group who connected to next stage of abuse of African Americans not working for white males in secret is presently moving into the Old Forsyth County Courthouse];
note:On 9/3/14 and 9/4/14; the printer at Carver Road Branch library was messing up and did not print; Melissia Williams stated that on 9/4/14 that she would restore the prints for both days which would have been 10 prints[5prints for 2 days]; but today on 9/5/14 when tried to print, could only print five[which was free for today-which meant that the 10 free copies for the last two days, I could not print; and had 50cent on account; but Melissa Williams had taken money off 15 cents out of the account, which left 35 cents; informed person next in line[childrens dept]; also showed Constance-the new employee print window that said that I only had 5 free prints and 35cent in account; AND Melissa Williams /one of her staff took personal DVD out of Carver library DVD which had the wrong DVD cover; brought them the Carver libary DVD that belonged in the Carver DVD cover and Melissa Williams/one of her staff have not given back personal DVD that was in Carver branch DVD cover- in other words they got their DVD and trying to keep the one that belongs to someone[Pride and Glory];
Note:Carl Russell Community/Recreation Center computers would not let access account til called and told some people that they were blocking me off of account; took all of 35 to 40 minutes to sign on; and computer lab; not the recreation center closes in about 15 minutes=harassment;
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