Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC; Ron Johnson, Michael Brown, Carver Road Christian Church
a1. That the current issue[s] in the news that was sent to the United States Supremein 2010 or before can only be addressed by the United States Supreme Court;
On 9/1/14;94.5 fm statement was made:
The United States Supreme Court TURNED THE 14th AMENDMENT that was passed to protect the Black workers and used it to protect big businesses=which is why the United States Supreme Court is the only one who can address the issue of African Americans being exposed and having to deal with white male harassment, intimidation and abuse OFF and ON the job;
1.Watched DVD Prometheus Trap;Has the meassage:=picture of a white woman and man's and the word's one crew's quest to save mankind=code=white people;

[http://www.amazon.com/Prometheus-Trap-Michael-Shattner/dp/B00EIEPPCW];made in 2012=current coded communication to let those that working in the secret group that MELISSA has issues that are on board their ship[secret system]; which is refrerence to Melissa Williams at Carver Road Branch library=confirmation-especially the year 2012 that the DVD was made=in a hurry;
2.Watched DVD "Secretariat

Secretariat was made in 2010 [current] with characters name "Big RED](relatiaves name); SECRETariat-(secret name of system);PAUL-(name of Gwydolyn Gwyn and Carver Road Christian Church/Carver Road Library system);RONNIE(name of African American male put in charge of Fergerson riots);BILL(code name for Dollar BILL);ROYAL Blue (color of guy who wanted to date me); GoldBAG(code BAGdad);
Interestingly, the United Nations has a department called Secretariat[?] [http://www.un.org/en/mainbodies/secretariat/][https://www.google.com/search?q=Secretariat&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=&gs_l=]
3. Of which on local radio station, white male commentator and his guest asked question; why is not he United Nations and other countries[allies] not helping the United States; why is it like just the United States and everybody looking like sorry yall have that fight; Of which after having searched half the day to hear of any news associated with "FERGERSON",etc.(anything associated with AFrican American neighborhoods/issue) only to hear radio station, after radio station white male radio announcers discussing white male issues-it was only white males talking about white male issues[with a one line sentence in reference to African American[or anybody else issue]; which is what the current head of the reelected Administration[?] knows; that the rest of the world of color is not allowed or invited to participate in white male systems=that it is white males ball[:)] and nobody else can play[unless they agree to do what what males do-kill other races;
in which the white male radio commentator made the statement that sometimes he just wanted to ask GOD[DEVINE]-What have we done?[9/1/14;94.5fm]; of which on the Hugh Hewitt[sp] Show [9/1/14;94.5fm;6:15pm], and his guest from Hillsdale ? stated were having confeversation about how bad it is in the United States and the guest stated "Until Capitalism comes up with the message of JUSTICE ,capatalism will keep failing; then the statement was made, "But haven't we [White males who control the United States] done that?"; then the guest stated, "Yeah but the issues go DEEP and we[guest was a white male]have to go DEEP and we [white males in control of the United States] have to keep going DEEPER;(which confirms what was posted on blog; that "Which know personally it is like pulling a thread and when it is the truth, it is just more truth that will emerge; thus based on instructions from Devine God, not seeking to destroy your lie; just move out of my way to live my truth." [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/][8/29/14];[http://tunein.com/radio/The-Hugh-Hewitt-Show-p33383/];
[Hugh Hewitt]
In other words the white male guest on Hugh Hewitt[s] radio show was trying to tell white males when you run into the mess you created, you have to correct it; not kill it[what Obama keeps trying to teach them]; and white males don't like to correct nothing, why killing is so easy to them because they live in the illusion that they are perfect;
3. Heard on local radio [white male commentator][documented][9/1/14] where there was a discussion between two white males and the guest read a statement about a historical event which was, "Riding, sneaking in a cold box that was sealed up"; and the commentator made the statement "It is like making Lenen the modern EBOLA"; which blogged about Ebola and IsI[s] being code words to communicate issues in Carver Road and African Americans;
4.Guest [?][white male] on the Diane Rehmn Show; 10:05 am;9/2/14 made statement,"Obama's election is the result of a leadership valcum and Obama did not fulfill the leader ship valcum; posted on blog [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/08/social-understandings.html] Social Understanding that:
"Ebola-is in Africa; the man of color in the house that is white father was from Africa; not the United States; there is suppose to be an African American male born in the United States in the house that is white;and those that occupy that space can't come up with a strategy because maybe they aren't suppose to be there in the first place; but got there through a system of robbery";
Front page of Winston-Salem Journal= "Duke, Piedmont to build GAS Pipeline" code-that white males at Duke Energy and local area in the process of creating back room[s] that can be sealed off with gas to do what Germany did with gas;
a1. That the current issue[s] in the news that was sent to the United States Supremein 2010 or before can only be addressed by the United States Supreme Court;
On 9/1/14;94.5 fm statement was made:
The United States Supreme Court TURNED THE 14th AMENDMENT that was passed to protect the Black workers and used it to protect big businesses=which is why the United States Supreme Court is the only one who can address the issue of African Americans being exposed and having to deal with white male harassment, intimidation and abuse OFF and ON the job;
1.Watched DVD Prometheus Trap;Has the meassage:=picture of a white woman and man's and the word's one crew's quest to save mankind=code=white people;

[http://www.amazon.com/Prometheus-Trap-Michael-Shattner/dp/B00EIEPPCW];made in 2012=current coded communication to let those that working in the secret group that MELISSA has issues that are on board their ship[secret system]; which is refrerence to Melissa Williams at Carver Road Branch library=confirmation-especially the year 2012 that the DVD was made=in a hurry;
2.Watched DVD "Secretariat

Secretariat was made in 2010 [current] with characters name "Big RED](relatiaves name); SECRETariat-(secret name of system);PAUL-(name of Gwydolyn Gwyn and Carver Road Christian Church/Carver Road Library system);RONNIE(name of African American male put in charge of Fergerson riots);BILL(code name for Dollar BILL);ROYAL Blue (color of guy who wanted to date me); GoldBAG(code BAGdad);
Interestingly, the United Nations has a department called Secretariat[?] [http://www.un.org/en/mainbodies/secretariat/][https://www.google.com/search?q=Secretariat&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=&gs_l=]
3. Of which on local radio station, white male commentator and his guest asked question; why is not he United Nations and other countries[allies] not helping the United States; why is it like just the United States and everybody looking like sorry yall have that fight; Of which after having searched half the day to hear of any news associated with "FERGERSON",etc.(anything associated with AFrican American neighborhoods/issue) only to hear radio station, after radio station white male radio announcers discussing white male issues-it was only white males talking about white male issues[with a one line sentence in reference to African American[or anybody else issue]; which is what the current head of the reelected Administration[?] knows; that the rest of the world of color is not allowed or invited to participate in white male systems=that it is white males ball[:)] and nobody else can play[unless they agree to do what what males do-kill other races;
in which the white male radio commentator made the statement that sometimes he just wanted to ask GOD[DEVINE]-What have we done?[9/1/14;94.5fm]; of which on the Hugh Hewitt[sp] Show [9/1/14;94.5fm;6:15pm], and his guest from Hillsdale ? stated were having confeversation about how bad it is in the United States and the guest stated "Until Capitalism comes up with the message of JUSTICE ,capatalism will keep failing; then the statement was made, "But haven't we [White males who control the United States] done that?"; then the guest stated, "Yeah but the issues go DEEP and we[guest was a white male]have to go DEEP and we [white males in control of the United States] have to keep going DEEPER;(which confirms what was posted on blog; that "Which know personally it is like pulling a thread and when it is the truth, it is just more truth that will emerge; thus based on instructions from Devine God, not seeking to destroy your lie; just move out of my way to live my truth." [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/][8/29/14];[http://tunein.com/radio/The-Hugh-Hewitt-Show-p33383/];
[Hugh Hewitt]
In other words the white male guest on Hugh Hewitt[s] radio show was trying to tell white males when you run into the mess you created, you have to correct it; not kill it[what Obama keeps trying to teach them]; and white males don't like to correct nothing, why killing is so easy to them because they live in the illusion that they are perfect;
3. Heard on local radio [white male commentator][documented][9/1/14] where there was a discussion between two white males and the guest read a statement about a historical event which was, "Riding, sneaking in a cold box that was sealed up"; and the commentator made the statement "It is like making Lenen the modern EBOLA"; which blogged about Ebola and IsI[s] being code words to communicate issues in Carver Road and African Americans;
4.Guest [?][white male] on the Diane Rehmn Show; 10:05 am;9/2/14 made statement,"Obama's election is the result of a leadership valcum and Obama did not fulfill the leader ship valcum; posted on blog [http://socialnowst.blogspot.com/2014/08/social-understandings.html] Social Understanding that:
"Ebola-is in Africa; the man of color in the house that is white father was from Africa; not the United States; there is suppose to be an African American male born in the United States in the house that is white;and those that occupy that space can't come up with a strategy because maybe they aren't suppose to be there in the first place; but got there through a system of robbery";
Front page of Winston-Salem Journal= "Duke, Piedmont to build GAS Pipeline" code-that white males at Duke Energy and local area in the process of creating back room[s] that can be sealed off with gas to do what Germany did with gas;
2. Confirmation:
a2. Group of local teachers went to GERMANY to be trained[?]; documented 9/2104];
b.2 Reason why "Duke, Piedmont to build GAS Pipeline" [ is because Steven Sotloff was killed-[https://www.google.com/searchhl=en&source=hp&q=steven+sotloff+died&gbv=2&oq=steven+sotloff+died&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3...1047.19219.0.19844.]with Steven Sotloff-first name being -code throughout the world that STEVEN whiteheart is dead-with whiteheart being reference to Stephen Whiteheart at GOODYEAR Tire Company on Patterson Ave. in Winston-Salem, NC.[http://www.yelp.com/biz/whiteheart-and-sons-automotive-and-towing-winston-salem] and white male system of robbery;[which is where Hanes Hosiery[new building][http://wschronicle.com/tag/hanes-hosiery-recreation-center/] was built with pipes that lead to the back stairway where all three doors can be locked so that a person/people can be locked in[?];
Then to have the NAACP leader tells Wake Forest University Crowd of religion's role in SOCIAL JUSTICE = JOKE=they are the ones who started the race/monkey/ebola/riots/=
Local Radio Station [documented] stated that everybody who went to AFrica over the summer is to be tested for EBOLA;[which is code] that it is the start of the bastards using the Ebloa virus as experimentation on African Americans that ride the WSTA;[note: that way white males can shut down the Carver School Road Area and then declare everything/everybody contaminated and therefore all those DOCUMENTS can be removed [for their later use by white bastards]and nobody will say anything; why DOCUMENTS have been placed throughout the City of Winston-Salem, State of North Carolina, United States, etc.]and more than one copy is always made];
"Ebola monitoring underway at Wake Forest"
[Student health service seeks people on campus who visited West Africa]
Posted: Friday, August 29, 2014 7:06 am
[http://www.journalnow.com/eedition/mapping/ebola-monitoring-underway-at-wake- forest/article_94085215-be44-5993-8419-d79f791ad4d9.html];The reporters name is RICHard CRAVER[almost spelled like CARVER-which is an African American neighborhood in Winston-Salem, NC];Of which the NAACP Leader picture/note is in the UPPER Right hand corner-code to white male[s] systems;
"NAACP leader: Religious leaders must assume higher moral ground"
Posted: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 3:23 pm
d2.The headlines:
"10 questions for JAMES PATTERSON" BY bYNN fELDER[wsjoUORNAL];-code to white males who controling/blocking AFrican Americans economic/social wealth on Patterson Ave, Winston-Salem, NC;

"10 questions for author James Patterson";
TWO white males were just beheaded James and Steven; both of whose who are white males whose names are connected with economic prosperity in Winston-Salem, NC;
Note-lot of Hugh's [names/streets(documented)in the local/national news;
Note- Judge Roland Hayes Son-Roland Hayes,Jr. had a set of TWINS;[extremely coincidental]
Note:hispanic male[big/fat] walking around [?]
Note: Carver Road Christian Church has a RONALD JOHNSON, Sr. Men's Fellowship
Note: On local radio station=Curruption is the number one leading cause of death of 3.6 billion people;
Note-Came to Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center; first three computers would not work; had to call ministries and leave messages that could not access blog/email before allowed to access; authority vehicle[white paint coming off in the back/some authority vehicle that help to block off Reynolda road the day that the gas truck turned over of fairlawn drive-white male driver who turned on BLUE flashing lights to TWO white males that were in a white truck parked beside orange cones/barrels;white male pulled in parking lot of HHRC in a royal blue mustang; white male opened up the computer lab;Royal blue ford "focus" and Red JOURNEY"[dodge]-both had no license plates-code to white males that go to North Side Bowling Lanes;(told minitries that if anything happens local authority know about; not accident or coincidence)
[email sent-Wednesday, September 3, 2014 7:04 PM];
The above cars with NO LICENSE is not a coincidence; the cars are parked by the good year whiteheart sign as code to white males about what to do/what is suppose to be going on;
Note- Hanes Hosiery Recreation Center put a [Do NOT USE] sign on computer that I usually sit at; have only sat at about four other computers in lab usually when computer lab is full=sign put there for harassment;
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