Fergerson riots, Carver Raod Branch Library, First week of school, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Today is a TWO day-[two 4's-day/year]-Local radio 94.5 fm; 9:35am; 9/4/14; Glenn Beck program was talking bout Cell Phone hacking; espccripto.com[?]; Goldsmith; and the fact that people carry cell phone towers around, follow people and listen to the people[s] conversations;
And article on internet[yahoo.com]:
"Mysterious Fake Cellphone Towers Are Intercepting Calls All Over The US";
"Les Goldsmith, the CEO of ESD America, used ESD's CryptoPhone 500 to detect 17 bogus cellphone towers. ESD is a leading American defense and law enforcement technology provider based in Las Vegas.
2.Watched DVD-"Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood";2002;
Which was made one year after 2001[September 11]; and the characters have the names of those blogged about[sometimes names not mentioned]=
A. Viviane Joan 'Vivi' Abbott Walker -[Viviane is:
[Vivian Burke]
Council Member, Mayor Pro Tempore Democrat, Northeast Ward
B. 'Teensy' Melissa Whitman- [Melissa is Melissa Williams at Carver Road Branch Library in WS:

Melissia Williams is director of CRBL
[ http://librarytechnology.org/libraries/library.pl?id=20904]
C. Necie Rose Kelleher -Is associate with female in local area who is associated with Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Chruch:

[ http://www.solidrockmbc.com/pastor]
[Winston-Salem,North Carolina]
D. Caro Eliza Bennett -Caro=code f or Carolina;[?]Bennett-School for African American females[?];
E.-Reference to name of close African American relative: Lou-se";
F. Last name of DVD characters=WALKER-code for Walk; WHITMAN-code for White man[?];
Note: White male driver for WSTA; then TWO white males at Carver road branch library[?];Two white males are acting as bait-to see if African American teenagers who go to QEI[whose director/prinicple has already been paid and bought-so if white males tell QEI to identify certain students as trouble makers to treachers-effects the childs entire life] will attack/be verbally abusive, etc.-to single out the trouble makers;[side note=white males identify those who are to be future trouble makers to white males and then identify the parents of the future trouble makers to make trouble for the parents first before the future trouble makers make trouble for the white males];
Which posted that the riots in Fergerson, Mo should have happened in Winston-Salem, NC first-had that confirmed in which people were trying to figure out why there has been nothing/no response in Winston-Salem, NC [Forsyth County];reason=all of the African American people who hold key positions that are suppose to sound the alarm bell have been bought off=John Mendez[posted about 6 weeks ago about a guy who comes to the Hanes Hosiery Rec. Center; that he left computer lab-then came back and made statement like I was suppose to miss him[?]]-saw him about two weeks ago and asked what church he went to in conversation; he said Emanual Baptist where Rev. John Mendez is the pastor; asked how was Dr. Mendez doing; the guy said, "Trying to stayYOUNG!"; the guy did not think that I knew what he was saying, but being that I have seen them[City of Winston-Salem/Wake Forest University research dept.]turn a normal aged 40 year old into a person who looked like they were in their 80's; I knew what he was talking about;thus the person/people[who usually in the newspapers] who are suppose to sound the alarm have other things on their mind-which leaves the people[who are not paying attention]and their future in the hands of white males whose goal is to advance white males;
Ps. note: African American teenagers have calmed down; one white male leaves the CRB library-have the information that he needs;
Today is a TWO day-[two 4's-day/year]-Local radio 94.5 fm; 9:35am; 9/4/14; Glenn Beck program was talking bout Cell Phone hacking; espccripto.com[?]; Goldsmith; and the fact that people carry cell phone towers around, follow people and listen to the people[s] conversations;
And article on internet[yahoo.com]:
"Mysterious Fake Cellphone Towers Are Intercepting Calls All Over The US";
"Les Goldsmith, the CEO of ESD America, used ESD's CryptoPhone 500 to detect 17 bogus cellphone towers. ESD is a leading American defense and law enforcement technology provider based in Las Vegas.
With most phones, these fake communication towers are undetectable. But not for the CryptoPhone 500, a customized Android device that is disguised as a Samsung Galaxy S III but has highly advanced encryption."
2.Watched DVD-"Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood";2002;
Which was made one year after 2001[September 11]; and the characters have the names of those blogged about[sometimes names not mentioned]=
A. Viviane Joan 'Vivi' Abbott Walker -[Viviane is:
[Vivian Burke]
Council Member, Mayor Pro Tempore Democrat, Northeast Ward
B. 'Teensy' Melissa Whitman- [Melissa is Melissa Williams at Carver Road Branch Library in WS:

Melissia Williams is director of CRBL
[ http://librarytechnology.org/libraries/library.pl?id=20904]
C. Necie Rose Kelleher -Is associate with female in local area who is associated with Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Chruch:

[ http://www.solidrockmbc.com/pastor]
[Winston-Salem,North Carolina]
D. Caro Eliza Bennett -Caro=code f or Carolina;[?]Bennett-School for African American females[?];
E.-Reference to name of close African American relative: Lou-se";
F. Last name of DVD characters=WALKER-code for Walk; WHITMAN-code for White man[?];
Note: White male driver for WSTA; then TWO white males at Carver road branch library[?];Two white males are acting as bait-to see if African American teenagers who go to QEI[whose director/prinicple has already been paid and bought-so if white males tell QEI to identify certain students as trouble makers to treachers-effects the childs entire life] will attack/be verbally abusive, etc.-to single out the trouble makers;[side note=white males identify those who are to be future trouble makers to white males and then identify the parents of the future trouble makers to make trouble for the parents first before the future trouble makers make trouble for the white males];
Which posted that the riots in Fergerson, Mo should have happened in Winston-Salem, NC first-had that confirmed in which people were trying to figure out why there has been nothing/no response in Winston-Salem, NC [Forsyth County];reason=all of the African American people who hold key positions that are suppose to sound the alarm bell have been bought off=John Mendez[posted about 6 weeks ago about a guy who comes to the Hanes Hosiery Rec. Center; that he left computer lab-then came back and made statement like I was suppose to miss him[?]]-saw him about two weeks ago and asked what church he went to in conversation; he said Emanual Baptist where Rev. John Mendez is the pastor; asked how was Dr. Mendez doing; the guy said, "Trying to stayYOUNG!"; the guy did not think that I knew what he was saying, but being that I have seen them[City of Winston-Salem/Wake Forest University research dept.]turn a normal aged 40 year old into a person who looked like they were in their 80's; I knew what he was talking about;thus the person/people[who usually in the newspapers] who are suppose to sound the alarm have other things on their mind-which leaves the people[who are not paying attention]and their future in the hands of white males whose goal is to advance white males;
Ps. note: African American teenagers have calmed down; one white male leaves the CRB library-have the information that he needs;
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