Michael BROWN, Fergerson, Mo, Winston-Salem , North Caroina, Wake Forest University
1. On the segment of the BILL Oreilly Show [http://www.billoreilly.com/show?action=previousTVShow;
Thursday, October 30, 2014];where Tavis Smilely was a guest, Bill Oreilly told Tavis Smiley that the problem with African American[s] is within the "FAMILY", and told Tavis Smilely that the reason African American[s] are not productive and prosperous in the United States is because something is wrong in the "FAMILY";
"The Factor surveyed the racial landscape with black TV host Tavis Smiley. "Democrats continue to take the black vote for granted," Smiley said, "while Republicans continue to ignore that vote. The reality is that neither party is truly interested in the economic opportunity and social mobility of African American voters." Smiley conceded that black Americans have not fared well under President Obama. "The data will indicate that African Americans have lost ground in every single leading economic category. But white privilege still exists today, and if you have less melanin in your skin the chances are that you'll do better." The Factor contended that black Americans are suffering largely because of one reason, saying, "The disintegration of the African American family is holding black Americans back." "
2. Looked at some magazines while waiting for computer; one of them was "The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society; vol.32 No.2-Winter 2014; The Carlos Ziglar Family in about 1870"[See page 73]; Carver School Road Branch;
Which turned to page 73 and there was a picture of the Ziglar Family and (as reported by Ancestry.com1) there is a picture and the US Federal Cenuse of 1870 kpage image and transcription for the Vienna Township of Forsyth County, NC, taken on August 2, 1870;
Then turned to page 69(#number sibling "Cynthia" has tatooed over bossom) and the heading on page 69 is:
"Using Genograms in Genealogy
email address"
With the code word being "green"[money]\
Which thought that it was a little coincidental that " The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society;Vol.32 No. 2-Winter 2014" edition has code- words/dates:
A. Birthdate of close relative that bastards trying to steal Wealth/money/marriage/relationships from;
B.The number "69"that sibling "cynthia" has over bossom is page coded with word, "Green"[code for MONEY];
The local bastards use the same code words to communicate about robbery using one family memer "cynthia" to steal from another Family Member [August 2 birthday] ;
On the one hand; on the other hand:
For example:
In the Journal of the Forsyth county Genealogical Society; vol. 32 No.2-winter Edition [Carver School Road Branch library]-gurantee that the issues associated with the code words was preselected to be in/at the Carver Road Branch Library for the Winter months as symbolic of "stealing" the wealth that belongs to the sibling of "cynthia" and transfering it to "cynthia";
A1. After spending a few days with sibling "cynthia" upon coming to the Carver Road Branch library there is a "NEW" worker from the WSFC 5th Street Main Public library which was closed on October 15, 2014[partly to send "employees with "CERTAIN" names from down town to the Carver Road Branch library as form of harasment];

["ZACK" the NEW employee at CRB libary]
Note:2a- Don't know why Tavis Smiley did not tell BILL Oreilly that the outside force attacking African American families in secret are white males who are the main problem within the African American family because the white males who are in control of enforcing the laws so that white males do not abuse, steal, rob and kill African American[s] won't enforce the laws against other white males;
thus Tavis Smiley should have told Bill Oreilly that the main problem outside of the African American family is that white males who have been charged by society to enforce the laws to compell white males to comply with the written laws that protect African American[s]rights and privileges from being usurped by white males are not being enforced by white males in authority;
Note:2b- Tavis Smiley should have told BILL Oreilly that the problem within the African American family is that the males who would have stood up to white males abuse have been and are singled out early as trouble makers, so that when white males try to usurp African American[s] rights within the family there is no one there to stand up to the white male and tell the white male "no" and if necessary back the "No" by any mean necessary-which leaves the African American female[who is usually unconfrontational[which most white males know]relating to having to resort to manly type of refusal of allowing white males to usurp and/or barge in and rob African American[s] of their rights within their family:
Thus Tavis Smiley should have told Bill Oreilly that the white male has systematically converted the laws in the United States and are using secret system[s] and laws [court system]to attack African American[men and women] who chose to serve a DEVINE God rather than white male[s], which is the equivalent of being forced to be a slave;
Bill Oreilly posted on his website as "TIP OF THE DAY:
Which I must say that I do "concur" with Bill Oreilly that "black Americans are suffering largely because of one reason, saying, "The disintegration of the African American family is holding black Americans back."
Concur:1. to agree; be of the same mind; be in accord ;[http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/concur?s=t];
The truth is that the disintegration of the African American family core cause is that African American[s] do not like to be violent or confrontationa; and therefore when white males create system[s] that force the African American[s] to be violent or confrontational the African Americans devise system to avoid, not respond, to go around confrontations;
For example:
Tavis Smiley [even on the Bill Oreilly show]

[http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/10/12/see-bill-oreillys-wild-interview-with-tavis-smiley-cornel-west/]; October 2014;[picture above shows Tavis Smiley with fat jaws; but don't show how fat and puffy they really are as when he was on the Billy Oreilly's show and he was seating like a female having a "hot flash"-that is because they [white male[s]] are somehow giving Tavis Smiley female hormones to make him act as a "female"[probably one of their secret experiments] which is part of Tavis Smilely's punishment for standing up for African American[s]; Tavis Smiely is asking like Joycelyn Johnson[city alderman for Winston-Salem] when she all of a sudden blew up and her body got super bloated overnight], "What is happening to my body?";
3. The code for the Winston-Salem Journal to secret group is to hide abuse/killing of African Americans/create new system[s] that hide the white male[s] abuse/Susan Frye of African American[s]; issue is one woman; and the ebola patient at "DUKE"-code-black female not being a prostitute for white males to rob,
steal, kill other African American[s],etc.;
4. Confirmation is article:
The code words are "certain" traffic infractions: which is code that system is being put in place so that there are not some many African American[s] standing in the traffic line to the point that there are no white people standing in line; just all blacks; [which is just like the FERGERSON, Mo. system that uses blacks to make money off of through "traffic tickets"]; the new system is to start hiding the fact that blacks are being targeted and used to make money for the city;
5. The Winston-Salem Chronicle published an article, "Russell Turns 75"' October 23, 2014; by Todd LUCK; [during time of the "OPENING" of the "LIBERTY" Street Market] -code- keep helping white males to kill African American[s];supply Russell's with bodies;
Both local newspapers printed the articles within weeks of each other with the issue of "ebola" being on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal[lead newspaper] in article, "Patient watached for "ebola" at "DUKE"-which had the "OIL" spill-with "oil being the code for "BLACK"-which is message to "Russells" to get prepared because if black person who is not do as white male[s] tell them doesn't start; then a lot of African American[s] will be sent their way without breath;
And the Winston-Salem Journal published article, "Dealing with DEATH-and life; front page; by Wesley "YOUNG"-code-to stay "YOUNG" have to help kill blacks;
[Posted: Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:15 pm
Note:3a. After first sitting down at computer-Melissa Williams and security guard just walked past and walked in a "circle"; then walked back to the front counter[?];
Note:3b. There are now TWO security guards standing at the CRB library front desk;who keeps walking over to the research computer and walking in front of me;
Note: 3b1- blogged about the black security guard who followed me around at the WSFC 5th street main public library after I had not been at library for a while and that he kept following me as harassment even though I had not done anything-which was part of his job; which is still apart of his job to harass African American[s] in which the CRB library is 98% AFrican American patrons, which means he is going to get a lot of innocent people in trouble with the law-because he will harass them, they will become angry, he will call the authorities and the authorities will start a file and call them trouble makers;
Note: 3c: Savanah Guthrie first day back on Today Show after having a "baby" was today 11/3/14
and her interview was with "WALLenda"-the white male that walked TWO lines blindfolded from two large building high off the ground:
"Wallenda completes Chicago skyscraper wire walks"
The point is that Savannah's name/position is code local bastards what white male[s] are doing to African American[females] such as blogging pregnancy[s] from African American females not working in secret as prostitute to white male[s], which is why SaVANNah's first interview was with WALLenda who walked across TWO tight ropes as code to those in secret group working as prostitutes for white males to block AFrican American females not working for white males;[prayer-to let death seize upon all people who have/will have any type of baby to communicate hinder/block/stop pregnancy of any AFrican American female not working for white males];[and for those of you who think that can't be done-if person stays up under attack; they don't have time to be romantic, so what would have happen sexual, does not take place because the person stays in a survival mode; where as the African American female prostittues working for white males in secret allowed form of calmness; til Devine God gets tired and complete the request above; and asking Devine God to go around and star with those in white male[s] families first; along with asking exemption of those requested earlier;
Note: 3d- Posted before and after the Ferguson riots that white male system[s] had blocked African American[s] from accessing the media[meaning media is controlled by white males and if they don't allow issue to be in the main stream media, the issue is not discussed] and as a result that white male[s] systems/meida/radio, television were blocking AFrican American[s] access to information about issues dealing with African American[s] culture; and today in the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper, hardcopy there was an article that stated that:
"The U.S. government agreed to a pol-ce request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson , Missouri , for 12 days in August for safety, but audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests."
"Ferguson no-fly zone aimed at media"

[pictures of riot in Ferguson, MO, 2014]
In other words someone[white male[s] wanted to hide what was being done to AFrican American[s];but my question is why did they not use their phone cameras and thus the delima of African American[s] once again-the white male[s] control the system[s] that control the phones-because it is kind of "strange" that there were no pictures of what took place when it was taking place, even in china during the 'umbrella protest' the chinese students were allowed to post pictures to the world through their phones or maybe things are so bad for the African American[s] in Fergurson, Mo. that African American[s] are not allowed to have the use of cell phones;
Note: sent picture of security guard; did not go through to email
1. On the segment of the BILL Oreilly Show [http://www.billoreilly.com/show?action=previousTVShow;
Thursday, October 30, 2014];where Tavis Smilely was a guest, Bill Oreilly told Tavis Smiley that the problem with African American[s] is within the "FAMILY", and told Tavis Smilely that the reason African American[s] are not productive and prosperous in the United States is because something is wrong in the "FAMILY";
"The Factor surveyed the racial landscape with black TV host Tavis Smiley. "Democrats continue to take the black vote for granted," Smiley said, "while Republicans continue to ignore that vote. The reality is that neither party is truly interested in the economic opportunity and social mobility of African American voters." Smiley conceded that black Americans have not fared well under President Obama. "The data will indicate that African Americans have lost ground in every single leading economic category. But white privilege still exists today, and if you have less melanin in your skin the chances are that you'll do better." The Factor contended that black Americans are suffering largely because of one reason, saying, "The disintegration of the African American family is holding black Americans back." "
2. Looked at some magazines while waiting for computer; one of them was "The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society; vol.32 No.2-Winter 2014; The Carlos Ziglar Family in about 1870"[See page 73]; Carver School Road Branch;
Which turned to page 73 and there was a picture of the Ziglar Family and (as reported by Ancestry.com1) there is a picture and the US Federal Cenuse of 1870 kpage image and transcription for the Vienna Township of Forsyth County, NC, taken on August 2, 1870;
Then turned to page 69(#number sibling "Cynthia" has tatooed over bossom) and the heading on page 69 is:
"Using Genograms in Genealogy
email address"
With the code word being "green"[money]\
Which thought that it was a little coincidental that " The Journal of the Forsyth County Genealogical Society;Vol.32 No. 2-Winter 2014" edition has code- words/dates:
A. Birthdate of close relative that bastards trying to steal Wealth/money/marriage/relationships from;
B.The number "69"that sibling "cynthia" has over bossom is page coded with word, "Green"[code for MONEY];
The local bastards use the same code words to communicate about robbery using one family memer "cynthia" to steal from another Family Member [August 2 birthday] ;
On the one hand; on the other hand:
For example:
In the Journal of the Forsyth county Genealogical Society; vol. 32 No.2-winter Edition [Carver School Road Branch library]-gurantee that the issues associated with the code words was preselected to be in/at the Carver Road Branch Library for the Winter months as symbolic of "stealing" the wealth that belongs to the sibling of "cynthia" and transfering it to "cynthia";
A1. After spending a few days with sibling "cynthia" upon coming to the Carver Road Branch library there is a "NEW" worker from the WSFC 5th Street Main Public library which was closed on October 15, 2014[partly to send "employees with "CERTAIN" names from down town to the Carver Road Branch library as form of harasment];

["ZACK" the NEW employee at CRB libary]
Note:2a- Don't know why Tavis Smiley did not tell BILL Oreilly that the outside force attacking African American families in secret are white males who are the main problem within the African American family because the white males who are in control of enforcing the laws so that white males do not abuse, steal, rob and kill African American[s] won't enforce the laws against other white males;
thus Tavis Smiley should have told Bill Oreilly that the main problem outside of the African American family is that white males who have been charged by society to enforce the laws to compell white males to comply with the written laws that protect African American[s]rights and privileges from being usurped by white males are not being enforced by white males in authority;
Note:2b- Tavis Smiley should have told BILL Oreilly that the problem within the African American family is that the males who would have stood up to white males abuse have been and are singled out early as trouble makers, so that when white males try to usurp African American[s] rights within the family there is no one there to stand up to the white male and tell the white male "no" and if necessary back the "No" by any mean necessary-which leaves the African American female[who is usually unconfrontational[which most white males know]relating to having to resort to manly type of refusal of allowing white males to usurp and/or barge in and rob African American[s] of their rights within their family:
Thus Tavis Smiley should have told Bill Oreilly that the white male has systematically converted the laws in the United States and are using secret system[s] and laws [court system]to attack African American[men and women] who chose to serve a DEVINE God rather than white male[s], which is the equivalent of being forced to be a slave;
Bill Oreilly posted on his website as "TIP OF THE DAY:
"Finding Common Ground
Even if you disagree with someone on just about everything under the sun, it is honorable to recognize those rare occasions when you concur on something."
[http://www.billoreilly.com/show?action=previousTVShow];Which I must say that I do "concur" with Bill Oreilly that "black Americans are suffering largely because of one reason, saying, "The disintegration of the African American family is holding black Americans back."
Concur:1. to agree; be of the same mind; be in accord ;[http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/concur?s=t];
The truth is that the disintegration of the African American family core cause is that African American[s] do not like to be violent or confrontationa; and therefore when white males create system[s] that force the African American[s] to be violent or confrontational the African Americans devise system to avoid, not respond, to go around confrontations;
For example:
Tavis Smiley [even on the Bill Oreilly show]

[http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/10/12/see-bill-oreillys-wild-interview-with-tavis-smiley-cornel-west/]; October 2014;[picture above shows Tavis Smiley with fat jaws; but don't show how fat and puffy they really are as when he was on the Billy Oreilly's show and he was seating like a female having a "hot flash"-that is because they [white male[s]] are somehow giving Tavis Smiley female hormones to make him act as a "female"[probably one of their secret experiments] which is part of Tavis Smilely's punishment for standing up for African American[s]; Tavis Smiely is asking like Joycelyn Johnson[city alderman for Winston-Salem] when she all of a sudden blew up and her body got super bloated overnight], "What is happening to my body?";
steal, kill other African American[s],etc.;
4. Confirmation is article:
"Clerk, DA to launch online system for handling certain traffic infractions"
[Jim O'Neill]
[Forsyth County District Attorney ]
[ Susan S. Frye]
[The Forsyth County clerk of court]
Susan Frye-code name for Fry all African American[s] who sue any part of white male[s] system[s] in the Winston-Salem Forsyth County court house;[white people get attorneys; African American[s] have to act as "pro se";
Posted: Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:00 pm
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/clerk-da-to-launch-online-system-for-handling-certain-traffic/article_bb23c67f-b727-56fe-a31e-064ad1d68320.html]The code words are "certain" traffic infractions: which is code that system is being put in place so that there are not some many African American[s] standing in the traffic line to the point that there are no white people standing in line; just all blacks; [which is just like the FERGERSON, Mo. system that uses blacks to make money off of through "traffic tickets"]; the new system is to start hiding the fact that blacks are being targeted and used to make money for the city;
5. The Winston-Salem Chronicle published an article, "Russell Turns 75"' October 23, 2014; by Todd LUCK; [during time of the "OPENING" of the "LIBERTY" Street Market] -code- keep helping white males to kill African American[s];supply Russell's with bodies;
Russell’s Turns 75
October 22, 2014[http://wschronicle.com/2014/10/russells-turns-75/]
Both local newspapers printed the articles within weeks of each other with the issue of "ebola" being on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal[lead newspaper] in article, "Patient watached for "ebola" at "DUKE"-which had the "OIL" spill-with "oil being the code for "BLACK"-which is message to "Russells" to get prepared because if black person who is not do as white male[s] tell them doesn't start; then a lot of African American[s] will be sent their way without breath;
And the Winston-Salem Journal published article, "Dealing with DEATH-and life; front page; by Wesley "YOUNG"-code-to stay "YOUNG" have to help kill blacks;
Dealing with death - and life
Russell family’s business – now celebrating its 75th year --has been much more just a funeral home for black community in Winston-Salem"
[They are expecting their next "wave" of clients produced by white male system[s] and they know that];
Note:3a. After first sitting down at computer-Melissa Williams and security guard just walked past and walked in a "circle"; then walked back to the front counter[?];
Note:3b. There are now TWO security guards standing at the CRB library front desk;who keeps walking over to the research computer and walking in front of me;
Note: 3b1- blogged about the black security guard who followed me around at the WSFC 5th street main public library after I had not been at library for a while and that he kept following me as harassment even though I had not done anything-which was part of his job; which is still apart of his job to harass African American[s] in which the CRB library is 98% AFrican American patrons, which means he is going to get a lot of innocent people in trouble with the law-because he will harass them, they will become angry, he will call the authorities and the authorities will start a file and call them trouble makers;
Note: 3c: Savanah Guthrie first day back on Today Show after having a "baby" was today 11/3/14
She’s back! Savannah Guthrie returns to TODAY
and her interview was with "WALLenda"-the white male that walked TWO lines blindfolded from two large building high off the ground:
"Wallenda completes Chicago skyscraper wire walks"
Posted: Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:55 pm
The point is that Savannah's name/position is code local bastards what white male[s] are doing to African American[females] such as blogging pregnancy[s] from African American females not working in secret as prostitute to white male[s], which is why SaVANNah's first interview was with WALLenda who walked across TWO tight ropes as code to those in secret group working as prostitutes for white males to block AFrican American females not working for white males;[prayer-to let death seize upon all people who have/will have any type of baby to communicate hinder/block/stop pregnancy of any AFrican American female not working for white males];[and for those of you who think that can't be done-if person stays up under attack; they don't have time to be romantic, so what would have happen sexual, does not take place because the person stays in a survival mode; where as the African American female prostittues working for white males in secret allowed form of calmness; til Devine God gets tired and complete the request above; and asking Devine God to go around and star with those in white male[s] families first; along with asking exemption of those requested earlier;
Note: 3d- Posted before and after the Ferguson riots that white male system[s] had blocked African American[s] from accessing the media[meaning media is controlled by white males and if they don't allow issue to be in the main stream media, the issue is not discussed] and as a result that white male[s] systems/meida/radio, television were blocking AFrican American[s] access to information about issues dealing with African American[s] culture; and today in the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper, hardcopy there was an article that stated that:
"The U.S. government agreed to a pol-ce request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson , Missouri , for 12 days in August for safety, but audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests."
"Ferguson no-fly zone aimed at media"

[pictures of riot in Ferguson, MO, 2014]
In other words someone[white male[s] wanted to hide what was being done to AFrican American[s];but my question is why did they not use their phone cameras and thus the delima of African American[s] once again-the white male[s] control the system[s] that control the phones-because it is kind of "strange" that there were no pictures of what took place when it was taking place, even in china during the 'umbrella protest' the chinese students were allowed to post pictures to the world through their phones or maybe things are so bad for the African American[s] in Fergurson, Mo. that African American[s] are not allowed to have the use of cell phones;
Note: sent picture of security guard; did not go through to email
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