FERGERSON, MO, WINSTON-SALEM North Carolina, Caraver road Branch Library; Wake Forest University
Today is the second dayn #2 day of October, which is the start of the year for businesses;
in which road the WSTA to CRB l ibrary; where African American male driver in process of being trained to harass, abuse, threaten African American female[s]/male[s], who usually has been quite nice; the issue is "IF he wants to keep his JOB"; then do as he is told;
1.First verification of the TWO system was heard on 88fm radio on 10/1/4; where the studenst in HOong Kong are in the street protesting[where African American[s] should be];really is verification ONE country and TWO SYSTEMS; which is what African American[s] have to deal with every day; which is also what is happening to the brown man in the house that is white, he has lived in the normal system and been protected by the normal system and the other system kicked in[should say the black system; the you are not white system-kicked in];
One country, two systems;
One Country, Two Systems", also officially translated as "One China, Two Systems",[
Except for African American[s] on the TWO system; there are a lot of denial of everyday human rights,etc. and noone to compell compliance of the law to protect their rights;
Point the same type system is being operated for African American[s] not working in secret for white males to advance white culture;[note-culutre is term used by media concerning the brown man in the house that is white whose security seemed to disappear];
2. With all of the news about the new system that removes people before their time; the Winston Salem Journal decided to send the message on the back pages of the Winston-salem Journal;

With the same goal in mind-remove the good effects/life off and out of people[s] lives, which is why the Salvation Army is making a 2nd move in less than a year:
A. 10/2/14 -Front page of the WS journal first article:"
Elaine Riddick
1. Elaine RIDDICK name and picture was used to send message [see the not so happy look on her face] to rid the African American female of a DICK; which is the LAW ; that African Americans "room to grow" [especially financially]for African American[s] is to be blocked;
2. Then " Put in the box-"
3.Page A3; the article about "Samaritan=name-code to block;
4.Power Outages on 10/1/4 [start of the MONEY cycle for businesses; Power went out at 10:10 am=1010=MONEY=[1010 downing street][london]; lights stayed off 20 minutes[money off in TWO system;
5.STATE awards grants[note: "Alec" works for "states"];Melissa Hall; NC Div. of Water Resources award grants:
1.Rush Limbough made statement on 10/2/14 that the current disease in the news that the person"DUNCAN" had all their feses, bowels in the house and nobody had come to pick up the cataminated items and that surely they have a toilet; everybody in the United States has running water and a commode to use the bathroom; Rush Limbough would be wrong; a lot of African American do not have running water; so how are they to flush the commode; etc. especially with the city of Winston-Salem getting 6.6million dollar grant for water system; right now white males marking the African American people[s] city curbs to know which ones to mess with inorder to fix it so that African Americans have to need to go to the gov. for money to fix a system that was working just fine;
6. Salvation Army OPENS new cwenter at 901 clevelanAve, MajJames Allison[who has a FINANCE ministry];[10/2/14];
A.p. a4. sCOTT sEXTON ARTICLE ABOUT green street =secret group given instructions with green code for MONEY;
note: a-980am or 600 am radio betwwen 10:00pm to 4:00am on 9/30/14 to 1/1/14 confirmed blog[s]; that there is/are system[s] that attack the male and force the female[wife] to go on food stamps even if the husband has a good job; focal point-system operated by white males that attack African American males while forcing female to go on food stamps;
note: b-On 01/2/14 heard on 980 am names of radio host-one being SMITH PATTERSON; which explains why the authority officer put the name of GEORGE [code for MONEY] and SMITH [code for PATTERSON;
Today is the second dayn #2 day of October, which is the start of the year for businesses;
in which road the WSTA to CRB l ibrary; where African American male driver in process of being trained to harass, abuse, threaten African American female[s]/male[s], who usually has been quite nice; the issue is "IF he wants to keep his JOB"; then do as he is told;
1.First verification of the TWO system was heard on 88fm radio on 10/1/4; where the studenst in HOong Kong are in the street protesting[where African American[s] should be];really is verification ONE country and TWO SYSTEMS; which is what African American[s] have to deal with every day; which is also what is happening to the brown man in the house that is white, he has lived in the normal system and been protected by the normal system and the other system kicked in[should say the black system; the you are not white system-kicked in];
One country, two systems;
One Country, Two Systems", also officially translated as "One China, Two Systems",[
'One country, two systems': How Hong Kong remains distinct from China
updated 12:00 AM EDT, Tue September 30, 2014
Except for African American[s] on the TWO system; there are a lot of denial of everyday human rights,etc. and noone to compell compliance of the law to protect their rights;
Point the same type system is being operated for African American[s] not working in secret for white males to advance white culture;[note-culutre is term used by media concerning the brown man in the house that is white whose security seemed to disappear];
2. With all of the news about the new system that removes people before their time; the Winston Salem Journal decided to send the message on the back pages of the Winston-salem Journal;

With the same goal in mind-remove the good effects/life off and out of people[s] lives, which is why the Salvation Army is making a 2nd move in less than a year:
A. 10/2/14 -Front page of the WS journal first article:"
State to send out about 200 eugenics payments
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 10:30 pmElaine Riddick
1. Elaine RIDDICK name and picture was used to send message [see the not so happy look on her face] to rid the African American female of a DICK; which is the LAW ; that African Americans "room to grow" [especially financially]for African American[s] is to be blocked;
2. Then " Put in the box-"
Boxwood blight found in Forsyth County
with the term "blight" meaning -something that causes harm or damage like a disease;[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blight]
3.Page A3; the article about "Samaritan=name-code to block;
4.Power Outages on 10/1/4 [start of the MONEY cycle for businesses; Power went out at 10:10 am=1010=MONEY=[1010 downing street][london]; lights stayed off 20 minutes[money off in TWO system;
5.STATE awards grants[note: "Alec" works for "states"];Melissa Hall; NC Div. of Water Resources award grants:
1.Rush Limbough made statement on 10/2/14 that the current disease in the news that the person"DUNCAN" had all their feses, bowels in the house and nobody had come to pick up the cataminated items and that surely they have a toilet; everybody in the United States has running water and a commode to use the bathroom; Rush Limbough would be wrong; a lot of African American do not have running water; so how are they to flush the commode; etc. especially with the city of Winston-Salem getting 6.6million dollar grant for water system; right now white males marking the African American people[s] city curbs to know which ones to mess with inorder to fix it so that African Americans have to need to go to the gov. for money to fix a system that was working just fine;
6. Salvation Army OPENS new cwenter at 901 clevelanAve, MajJames Allison[who has a FINANCE ministry];[10/2/14];
A.p. a4. sCOTT sEXTON ARTICLE ABOUT green street =secret group given instructions with green code for MONEY;
note: a-980am or 600 am radio betwwen 10:00pm to 4:00am on 9/30/14 to 1/1/14 confirmed blog[s]; that there is/are system[s] that attack the male and force the female[wife] to go on food stamps even if the husband has a good job; focal point-system operated by white males that attack African American males while forcing female to go on food stamps;
note: b-On 01/2/14 heard on 980 am names of radio host-one being SMITH PATTERSON; which explains why the authority officer put the name of GEORGE [code for MONEY] and SMITH [code for PATTERSON;
Co-host is name BILL;
"Wrong address was put on notice so that authority would know wrong address";
note:c-Diane Rehmn Show on A.L.E.C. which topic was on fact that "alec" finds legislation and then sends out the legislation to various legislatiors[who think it is a good idea because some do not have the money to do the research themselves];some of which the legislation is economic; which is confirmation based on 88fm radio show today,especially about the abuse of African American[s],etc. and the negative effect that "alec" has on thier neighborhoods; specifically financially; which is confirmation of robbery of the name ALEX in the AFrican American neighborhood near the PATTERSON AVE. area; in which TYler Perry based his first movie -ALEX Cross off of;
Note: d Picture of Gwynolyn Gwyn group buring ? the night the lady head was cut off was reported in media:
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