Michael Brown, Fergerson, Mo., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest University
1. Upon the car turning into the Mazzie Woodruff parking lot and driving aroung to the CRB library; there were the "digging" machines and two piles of dirt/ no workers; and a line of African American[s] beside the digging machines and two piles of dirt:

[Email sent-10/27/14;2:06pm]
2. In the October 16, 2014 Issue of the Winston-Salem Chronicle [hard copy]there is a picture of James Taylor[with Chancellor Debra Saunders-WHITE]as he recieves his NCCentral University "40 under 40" alumni excellence award from the chancellor-[code for "chance" ] on Sept. 12, 2014; the caption over the picture of James Taylor and debra sauners-white is "YOUNG and THRIVING"; [could not find a picture of James Taylor and "white"-so took a picture to post, however [http://www.nccu.edu/news/index.cfm?id=A8C78BF0-15C5-F8D8-3A6555DFC27DD2E9]has a list of who the "honorees" are which contains most of the "code" names mention on blogs:

[email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 3:16 PM]
[picture taken:10/27/14;3:13pm];
Caption under the picture reads:CITY COUNCIL member James Taylor recieves his NcCentral University "40 under 40: alumni excellence award from Chanceloor debra Saunders-WHITE on Friday, Set. 12 at the SHEraton Imperial HOTEL in REsearch Triangle Park;
Picture was put in the Winston-Salem Chronicle on page A9; 10/16/14; on the Op/Ed/Letter to the Editor; over "DOME"[picture of white male "Berg"],cont. from page A6-Arts and LIFESTYLE page,"Series remaining in NC"[UNDER THE DOME]-which is code to James Taylor that if he wants to continute to live the good life[YOUNG and thriving][under the dome] he had better "be WHITE" [protect white life" and not do the right thing[concerning the "royal blue recycle bin" "issue" [ where he was sent an email to confirm conversation about being surrounded by people[Gwyndolyn Gwyn group] who deal in "codes" and that the "royal blue recycle bin" represents a code to them that if it is moved represent them being given permission by the city to be abusive";
3.The lead story is to KEEP "HISTORY" ALIVE-code to keep African American[s] progress and prosperity[BLACK WALL STREET] ALIVE in the past:
While the Winston-Salem Journal has an article about morning over an African American neighborhood that was destroyed, "Belews Street area" like nobody knows what or how or why the African American neighborhood disappeared [which white males are using to expand white male[s] systems] while nobody covers the fact that a white company of white males have dug holes that look like graves in an African American neighborhood where the medical/etc. profession is using systems to kill and remove African American that do not work as prostitutes or in secret for white males[sort of like a joke/right];

NOtice the CODE WORDS: WINSTON-TOWERS; like TWIN TOWERS; or World trade center; notice the royal blue;
4.The ONLY reason why the "scandal" has been allowed to be put in the media is to inform the white males secret group;[Note:n1-TV program-"How to get away with murder"-code connected to "scandal"];
1. Upon the car turning into the Mazzie Woodruff parking lot and driving aroung to the CRB library; there were the "digging" machines and two piles of dirt/ no workers; and a line of African American[s] beside the digging machines and two piles of dirt:

[Email sent-10/27/14;2:06pm]
2. In the October 16, 2014 Issue of the Winston-Salem Chronicle [hard copy]there is a picture of James Taylor[with Chancellor Debra Saunders-WHITE]as he recieves his NCCentral University "40 under 40" alumni excellence award from the chancellor-[code for "chance" ] on Sept. 12, 2014; the caption over the picture of James Taylor and debra sauners-white is "YOUNG and THRIVING"; [could not find a picture of James Taylor and "white"-so took a picture to post, however [http://www.nccu.edu/news/index.cfm?id=A8C78BF0-15C5-F8D8-3A6555DFC27DD2E9]has a list of who the "honorees" are which contains most of the "code" names mention on blogs:

[email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 3:16 PM]
[picture taken:10/27/14;3:13pm];
Caption under the picture reads:CITY COUNCIL member James Taylor recieves his NcCentral University "40 under 40: alumni excellence award from Chanceloor debra Saunders-WHITE on Friday, Set. 12 at the SHEraton Imperial HOTEL in REsearch Triangle Park;
Picture was put in the Winston-Salem Chronicle on page A9; 10/16/14; on the Op/Ed/Letter to the Editor; over "DOME"[picture of white male "Berg"],cont. from page A6-Arts and LIFESTYLE page,"Series remaining in NC"[UNDER THE DOME]-which is code to James Taylor that if he wants to continute to live the good life[YOUNG and thriving][under the dome] he had better "be WHITE" [protect white life" and not do the right thing[concerning the "royal blue recycle bin" "issue" [ where he was sent an email to confirm conversation about being surrounded by people[Gwyndolyn Gwyn group] who deal in "codes" and that the "royal blue recycle bin" represents a code to them that if it is moved represent them being given permission by the city to be abusive";
3.The lead story is to KEEP "HISTORY" ALIVE-code to keep African American[s] progress and prosperity[BLACK WALL STREET] ALIVE in the past:

While the Winston-Salem Journal has an article about morning over an African American neighborhood that was destroyed, "Belews Street area" like nobody knows what or how or why the African American neighborhood disappeared [which white males are using to expand white male[s] systems] while nobody covers the fact that a white company of white males have dug holes that look like graves in an African American neighborhood where the medical/etc. profession is using systems to kill and remove African American that do not work as prostitutes or in secret for white males[sort of like a joke/right];

NOtice the CODE WORDS: WINSTON-TOWERS; like TWIN TOWERS; or World trade center; notice the royal blue;
4.The ONLY reason why the "scandal" has been allowed to be put in the media is to inform the white males secret group;[Note:n1-TV program-"How to get away with murder"-code connected to "scandal"];
"UNC scandal ranks among the worst, experts say"
[Posted: Sunday, October 26, 2014 7:45 pm
" The verdict is in, at least from several experts on college sports: The athletic and academic misconduct at UNC-Chapel Hill dwarfs related scandals at other universities. “A, it went on over such a long period of time. B, it involved so many people: coaches, faculty, academic advisers,” said Gary Roberts, the former dean of the Indiana University School of Law and a national expert on sports law. “And C, the degree of academic misconduct was so outrageous, giving them A’s and B’s for doing nothing, for not showing up in class.”
"Kenneth Wainstein, lead investigator into academic irregularities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, holds a copy of his findings after a special joint meeting of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees in Chapel Hill, N.C., Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014." [Note: notice the royal blue color-and the "WEDDING BAND"-code to secret group];
[http://www.journalnow.com/news/state_region/unc-scandal-ranks-among-the-worst-experts-say/article_9dd16be0-2200-59ca-9c8c-371b1ffa2ce6.html];Note:A-The scandal is nothing compared to what is really being done to African American[s]-who are punished for the doing the "right thing"[like honest work] and rewarded for doing what white males want-"the wrong thing"; that way white males are paying African American[s] to do their ownselves in; and for African American[s] that do not do what white males want; then those African American[s] are targeted to recieve futher abuse/why the "is-s"-"ebola", etc. crisis; and why hispanics brought into African American neighborhoods to harass, intimidate, steal, abuse, and kill African American[s] for white males; why media uses Blacks and hispanics-which means that usually the hispanics have been paid to kill African American[s] and then rewarded with taking the place of the African American[s] by recieving the rewards/money/wealth that should have been in a predominately African American neighborhood;
Written by a white male who one of the white people [like Melissa Harry-Perry's parent]raising their own black person to control for future situations to keep "real" African American[s] out of white main stream:
"7 Things I Can Do That My Black Son Can’t"
1. I Can Walk Through a Store Without Being Followed2. I Can Succeed Without It Being Attributed to My Race
3. I Learned About My Ancestors’ History in School
4. I Can Lose My Temper in Traffic
5. I Can Loiter in Wealthy Neighborhoods
6. I Can Complain About Racism
7. I Can Count on Being Met on My Own Terms
Notice the little "black boys skin color- white people are being condition to accept black people [like Melissa Harris-Perry]:
[Melissa Harris-Perry]
[NoteB-See how white Melissa Harris-Perry skin is and how HAPPY she is-because she is a "black" created [like Obama] by white male system[s] and has access to some of the things in white life; not everything because she is not fully white;even the man in the brown skin in the house that is white is not allowed to do anything for REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN[S]; he can only do things that benefit the "blacks" created by white male system to be "front" people for white males regardless of the situation; whatever situation a REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN [who does not live in main stream incounters; then white males go the the "black" created by white males to raise up in public to USURP the situation away from the REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN;[of which Melissa Harris-Perry and the man in the brown skin in the house that is white are "blacks" created by white males who they raise up when issue about REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN[S] should be in the public; Melissa Harris-Perry and the man in the brown skin in the house that is white have both been trained by white male[s] system[s] to rob/steal from REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN[S] African American[s]-it is part of their JOB!;
People like Melissa-Harris Perry-who have "light skin"-code for less than "white" but is one of the acceptable white who have black in them rather than a real African American whose parents are both African American;
A perfect example is the article, "Working toward something better AT Wake Forest " by JOHN Raily, which is about white's black[Melissa Harris-Perry] and white male whose actions would be considered offensive to real African American[s]; and how there was to be a new system[s] developed to inquire of people of color [AT Wake Forest][white's black] so as not to offend; which the key term is "AT Wake Forest University"; meaning that the white males will create a system to pacify "white males blacks" "AT" Wake Forest, while REAL AFRICAN AMERICANS, who are not allowed on/AT Wake Forest University will be treated like blacks before the civil war; and Wake Forest University, and other white schools will lift up "the white males blacks" and say how good they treat black people-AT Wake Forest University or their white schools;
Note:a-Pasquale, a 12-year-old CLAYTON resident, was killed in October 2012 after she went to a neighbor's home to trade bicycle parts.[http://www.journalnow.com/news/nation_world_ap/slain-girl-s-estate-sues-law-enforcement-agencies/article_a886f2b8-7bb8-57eb-b54d-9c3ed87c85c3.html];[CLAYTON is the name of the realtor company in front of Harold Martin[s]relative house];
Note:b: Every 23rd of the month,usually there is a "street sweeper" from the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina[suppose to be them providing service in exchange for robbery of wealth-sort of like a person gets food stamps in exchange for them blocking person out of 50,000.00 a year job]:

[Email sent-Sunday, October 26, 2014 1:33 PM]
[picture taken:
Note: c-House at 3720 Carver School Road,winston-salem, NC, where hispanics just moved [beside "cookie" who worked at Reynolds Health Care and one of the African American female prostitutes who participated in the stealing of the twin child;[hispanics are suppose to be protectors from African American[s] that know or realize she is one of the blacks who have been helping white males to rob African American[s] of wealth;
[email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 1:22 PM]
[picture taken:10/27/14;1:14pm];
3720 Carver School Road where hispanics just moved in is around the corner from 3120 Airport Road, which is across the street from Harold Martin's relative and the hispanics at 3120 Airport road are suppose to do the same for Martin's relative's-protect them from African American[s] who know the martins are helping to steal/rob/kill African American[s];
Note: c1-House at 3120 Airport Road, W.S., NC where the relatives of the African American male said that he went into the local hospitals to have a minor surgery and that they expected him to be home in a few days, but that he died in the hospital; about a five months laters hispanics move into house[which is why the African American male was killed when he went to the hospital-because he would not do what white males wanted and hispanic male is[which is illegal];
[email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 5:18 PM]
[picture taken:10/26/14;12:48pm];
Note: d- Picture of the current staff at the WSFC 5th street main public library:
Melissa Williams is the African American female prostitute working in secret for white males that has on black top with green color[looks like paula in white is standingin front of melissa williams] is standing directly in front of white female to communicate to white males that she[Melissa Williams] is working for white males; Notice how the head person[Sylvia Hamlin] looks sort of retarded; not like a person in charge, whereas the white female beside her in the grey jaket appears to be in charge and sylvia hamlin is surrounded by white people/white females;
Note:e-After got out of car in front of the Mazzie Woodruff/CRB library in the parking lot; every body [they moved before I could take a picture] was white -so that any African American that entered either building was greeted by a white [male and/or female] before they entered either building; once upon going into the Mazzie Woodruff building-again white male made sure that he crossed my path before entering the building=harassment/threats:
[Email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 1:30 PM]
[Picture taken:10/27/14; 1;23pm];
Note:e1-Imagine going to "vote Early" and be threaten with presetting of a "death" mindset;

[Email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 1:30 PM]
[Picture taken:
Note: e2-The Evergreen cemetary constantly has pile of dirt over a canalpy[sp];

[email sent-M
[email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 1:31 PM];
[Picture taken:
Note:e4-A good attorney would consider the timing of "PROFESSIONAL AIR SYSTEM[S]" [with AIR relating to breathing and life] and the staff at "PROFESSIONAL AIR SYSTEM[S][in Winston-Salem, North Carolina] as communicating a death threat:
[Email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 1:42 PM]
[Picture taken:
Staff at Professional AIR Systems;
Note:e5-Imagine trying to vote in a furneral enviornment[which is the only places African American[s] go on a regular basis; think counted at least 17 funeral palors in the African American neighborhoods in Winston-Salem, N. C.[there are about 29 black businesses all together and one of those is across the street from the evergreen cemetary];[Does anybody see anything wrong with a group of white male[s]/people digging holes that look like graves before a group of African American[s] not working in secret for white males-goes to vote?];
[Email sent-Monday, October 27, 2014 2:06 PM]
[Picture Taken:
Note Movie:Kit Kittredge, An American Girl confirms BURKE/ and "County connection to stealing of twin child/girl:
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