Michael Brown, Fergurson, MO, Winston-salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest Univeristy, Carver Road Branch Library
1.Today caught ride to CRB libary; went and voted next door at Mazzie Woodruff Center and for the first time; the bastards did not ask me for ID to vote; usually they ask for my ID; and if I did not give it to them; they told me I could not vote?; thus the bastards have been breaking the law all the time;so instead of asking me for my ID to vote; and then hand my license to a white male; this time they sent me to the white male who I was suppose to hand my Id and address form;[which I did not] and then he was suppose to hand me the voting sheet[which he did not]; I picked up the voting sheet off of the table and then waited until I could get to a voting booth that was not at the end where everybody had to put in their voting sheet making so much noise; After I voted fat black female, then had to keep her water and trash in her hand on the machine while I voted; nicely asked her to remove her water and trash while I voted, which she did; but she did not like the fact that white male did not physically hand me anything while voting=no white male control;[something needs to be done about harassment when AFrican American[s] not working in secret as prostitutes go to the voting booth to vote];
1A. Sent email of "new" security guard ;but like picture of zack for about ten time-it would not go to email;

["New" security guards desk, who was sent from the WSFC 5th Main public library where he was trained to harass African American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret for white males];note: posted on blog that he had been following at the 5th Street WSFC main public library; he was a a senior citizen and had knew his job; had been trained to harass African American[s]; and that he was probably getting ready to retire and as his one last job-he was going to be paid to violate/break some law; and his reward would be given to him after he retires; grand child given special privileges; job; money, or a relative[that is part of the white male system-whoever is getting ready to retire takes the biggest risk of doing wrong and is paid later through secret methods];
2. Upon coming to the CRB library; and requesting reservation for research computer; when tried to log on; computer said, "this computer is reserved for another patron"; then proceeded to go back the "shey" and informed her that the computer said that another was reserved to get on computer; and shey said she would look into it; then about 30 minutes later; when tried to log on again; computer said,"this computer is reserved for another person at 4:00pm; please be prepared to release computer at 4:00pm"; of which I informed "shey" who all of a sudden could not make a reservation for the research computer; in which shey had to call "ZACK":
[Picture taken:11/3/14;5:14pm];
[whose picture for the 8th time has not gone to email/although phone camera says "sent"]who had to come over to computer [twice] and then informed shey that computer should start working right now; except the computer still says that the computer is "reserved" for another person at 4:00pm-which is harassment from:

[Information Services now located at Government Center]
NC Room and Computer Training Bridge to Re-open Nov. 17th
3. In which think it quite coincidental that local secret group who got royal blue vehicles all were parked in drivesways and in front of houses of members of the secret group along with a white van[white drivers]parked at the end of the street corner with the word "pulse" and then two royal blue cars parked in front of the African American female prostitutes houses who work in secret for white males; with Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] son [who drives black car] who pulled weapon on me waiting in the driveway of the "bostons" where family moved out of house; and with the guy who drives a royal blue car who pulled out of his driveway when I came out of my house and who waited in his car til I walked to my porch and started walking up the street; when saw at the end of the street-white vehicle/truck with words "pulse"-
suppose to be symbolic of bastards stopping person's "pulse"- [sort of like when people are put in jail when they point their fingers like a "gun" at authorities];
[After turn right corner at "Debra Turner's" house; there is royal blue car and white van;[code-people in house with white males about taking what bleongs to the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me];
4.And unfortunately or fortunately= the Winston-Salem Journal 11/4/14 edition confirms everything thing posted above; which is to kill the person that is not working as a prostitute in secret for white males:
Winston-Salem Journal website does not have the picture under title, "SAVE THIS DATE"; which gives the look inside a grave;
2A.-Based on postition and topics/code words in articles:
1. Winston-Salem JOurnal; front page; hard copy;

The main entrance for the Mast General Store will be on Trade St. in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. The two upper floors will be residential, with the store occupying 15-16,000 sq. feet on the main and basement floors. [code words =TWO ; "mas t Genereal STORE" and "TRADE Street" and "main" and "basement"];[trade store that is suppose to be in black residental area [which would be controlled and owned by black person who won't be prostitute for white males] to allow blacks to go to store on "main" street in white area][note:blacks that work as prostitutes for white males in secret will be allowed to go to the basement store to shop; think they had the same type system for "Mother's and daughter's" store that were torn down in 1980's as part of punishment to blacks who were following white males orders];[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/mast-general-store-to-open-in-downtown-winston-salem-in/article_fa6b37f3-22b7-51ca-952e-75e414edd75e.html]
1A.-Picture of the new General Store that looks like a grave; but phone will not allow picture to come to cell phone;
2."Election Day"[upper right corner of paper]; TWO on list cast Forsyth Ballots-code-they have a TWO list;[Green is code for "MONEY"];
3."Hagan-Tillis [RACE-KEY] to National GOP swing-code- Race is key to white males victory over AFrican American[s] in the United States;
4. KERNERSVILLE lawyer appointed SUPERIOR Court JUDGE;"McCrory names MORGAN to replace retiring Spivey"-code- Killing of African American[s] is superior decision; and Mcrory agrees with more killing since blacks don't want to agree to "SPY" on each other for white males;
[Note:a have blogged about the fact that "Kernersville" is the code word for Kill and "Klan"];
[Eric Morgan]
[They are getting ready to turn his world upside down [from honest to crooked]]
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm
5.Winston-Salem Journal; hard copy; page A9; Business section;[note: 9=number for "birth";
Note:c- Which coincides with the "new" television program "How to get away with "murder"; in which heard the white male radio talk network asking, why would someone want to have that kind of program-answer because the program"How to get away with "murder"" is the template for African American[s] throughout the United States on how to murder someone and get away with it;[everything they do-is done in and before the public who accepts what they are doing by not protesting what they are doing];[
Note:e-How white males get away with "murder" is to have/pay African American female who are secret prostitutes work in secret for white males-which includes "murder";
They even made a movie for African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males[note: which probably gives specific instructions:
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm
Note: d-have sent picture of security guard at least 20 times and picture has not gone to email;[the "new" security guard" that has been placed at CRB library as harassment from white males from down town is slim; light skin, more of a senior citizen, has white grey hair and keeps trying to walk around me to let me know one of his jobs is to harass me;
Which uniform is similar to those above except jacket is more casual with a "white shirt";
[bastards will not allow pictures to come through to email: friendseeeee@yahoo.com]; phone keeps saying "email sent"
Note: New Hotel off of I-40 to be used by white males for African American female who are prostitutes working in secret for white males;
Anybody approaching not allowed; they go into my house; etc.; local authorities know and are well aware;email sent to self at friendseeee @yahoo.com:
They are messing with email; can't send photo's from cell phone; message from Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son and those in secret group and the Carver Road Branch library and messages sent through the Winston-Salem Journal are threats to as computer was reset/re-reserved to say' Assigned to another person; suppose to be threat to force to accept "The replacement wife" which is flyer on the door of Carver road Branch Library=---k them; and if anything happens; they are all connected and involved and if my body leaves the earth the mother ------s will deal with the my spirit every second; which will not be nice;
sent email to TCT at:TCT Today - today@tct.tv
Do not have anybody to go to for help; surrounded by people who work in secret groups to block African American[s] from accessing financial/social resources; filed a court case with the United States Supreme Court;[http://www.tct.tv/contact];
1.Today caught ride to CRB libary; went and voted next door at Mazzie Woodruff Center and for the first time; the bastards did not ask me for ID to vote; usually they ask for my ID; and if I did not give it to them; they told me I could not vote?; thus the bastards have been breaking the law all the time;so instead of asking me for my ID to vote; and then hand my license to a white male; this time they sent me to the white male who I was suppose to hand my Id and address form;[which I did not] and then he was suppose to hand me the voting sheet[which he did not]; I picked up the voting sheet off of the table and then waited until I could get to a voting booth that was not at the end where everybody had to put in their voting sheet making so much noise; After I voted fat black female, then had to keep her water and trash in her hand on the machine while I voted; nicely asked her to remove her water and trash while I voted, which she did; but she did not like the fact that white male did not physically hand me anything while voting=no white male control;[something needs to be done about harassment when AFrican American[s] not working in secret as prostitutes go to the voting booth to vote];
1A. Sent email of "new" security guard ;but like picture of zack for about ten time-it would not go to email;

["New" security guards desk, who was sent from the WSFC 5th Main public library where he was trained to harass African American[s] not working as prostitutes in secret for white males];note: posted on blog that he had been following at the 5th Street WSFC main public library; he was a a senior citizen and had knew his job; had been trained to harass African American[s]; and that he was probably getting ready to retire and as his one last job-he was going to be paid to violate/break some law; and his reward would be given to him after he retires; grand child given special privileges; job; money, or a relative[that is part of the white male system-whoever is getting ready to retire takes the biggest risk of doing wrong and is paid later through secret methods];
2. Upon coming to the CRB library; and requesting reservation for research computer; when tried to log on; computer said, "this computer is reserved for another patron"; then proceeded to go back the "shey" and informed her that the computer said that another was reserved to get on computer; and shey said she would look into it; then about 30 minutes later; when tried to log on again; computer said,"this computer is reserved for another person at 4:00pm; please be prepared to release computer at 4:00pm"; of which I informed "shey" who all of a sudden could not make a reservation for the research computer; in which shey had to call "ZACK":
[Zack at CRB libary-sent by white males harassment]
[Email sent-Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:49 PM][Picture taken:11/3/14;5:14pm];
[whose picture for the 8th time has not gone to email/although phone camera says "sent"]who had to come over to computer [twice] and then informed shey that computer should start working right now; except the computer still says that the computer is "reserved" for another person at 4:00pm-which is harassment from:

[Information Services now located at Government Center]
[New operating hours will be 9 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday.]
NC Room and Computer Training Bridge to Re-open Nov. 17th
3. In which think it quite coincidental that local secret group who got royal blue vehicles all were parked in drivesways and in front of houses of members of the secret group along with a white van[white drivers]parked at the end of the street corner with the word "pulse" and then two royal blue cars parked in front of the African American female prostitutes houses who work in secret for white males; with Gwyndolyn Gwyn[s] son [who drives black car] who pulled weapon on me waiting in the driveway of the "bostons" where family moved out of house; and with the guy who drives a royal blue car who pulled out of his driveway when I came out of my house and who waited in his car til I walked to my porch and started walking up the street; when saw at the end of the street-white vehicle/truck with words "pulse"-
suppose to be symbolic of bastards stopping person's "pulse"- [sort of like when people are put in jail when they point their fingers like a "gun" at authorities];
[White truck with word "pulse" at end of street-code- for stopping "pulse"[red stop sign];
[After turn right corner at "Debra Turner's" house; there is royal blue car and white van;[code-people in house with white males about taking what bleongs to the guy who wears royal blue who wants to date me];
4.And unfortunately or fortunately= the Winston-Salem Journal 11/4/14 edition confirms everything thing posted above; which is to kill the person that is not working as a prostitute in secret for white males:
Winston-Salem Journal website does not have the picture under title, "SAVE THIS DATE"; which gives the look inside a grave;
2A.-Based on postition and topics/code words in articles:
1. Winston-Salem JOurnal; front page; hard copy;
"Mast General Store to open in downtown Winston-Salem in the spring "

The main entrance for the Mast General Store will be on Trade St. in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. The two upper floors will be residential, with the store occupying 15-16,000 sq. feet on the main and basement floors. [code words =TWO ; "mas t Genereal STORE" and "TRADE Street" and "main" and "basement"];[trade store that is suppose to be in black residental area [which would be controlled and owned by black person who won't be prostitute for white males] to allow blacks to go to store on "main" street in white area][note:blacks that work as prostitutes for white males in secret will be allowed to go to the basement store to shop; think they had the same type system for "Mother's and daughter's" store that were torn down in 1980's as part of punishment to blacks who were following white males orders];[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/mast-general-store-to-open-in-downtown-winston-salem-in/article_fa6b37f3-22b7-51ca-952e-75e414edd75e.html]
1A.-Picture of the new General Store that looks like a grave; but phone will not allow picture to come to cell phone;
2."Election Day"[upper right corner of paper]; TWO on list cast Forsyth Ballots-code-they have a TWO list;[Green is code for "MONEY"];
3."Hagan-Tillis [RACE-KEY] to National GOP swing-code- Race is key to white males victory over AFrican American[s] in the United States;
"Senate race key to GOP swing "
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm[http://www.journalnow.com/news/elections/state/senate-race-key-to-gop-swing/article_f5cf0929-0808-51e8-8e21-5e123a0d182b.html];
4. KERNERSVILLE lawyer appointed SUPERIOR Court JUDGE;"McCrory names MORGAN to replace retiring Spivey"-code- Killing of African American[s] is superior decision; and Mcrory agrees with more killing since blacks don't want to agree to "SPY" on each other for white males;
[Note:a have blogged about the fact that "Kernersville" is the code word for Kill and "Klan"];
"McCrory appoints Kernersville lawyer to replace retiring Superior Court judge "
[Eric Morgan]
[They are getting ready to turn his world upside down [from honest to crooked]]
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm
5.Winston-Salem Journal; hard copy; page A9; Business section;[note: 9=number for "birth";
"Herbalife misses earnings projections "
"The combination of the negative earnings impacts wiped out the 10.6 percent share price gain – to $55.90 – that Herbalife experienced during OFFICIAL TRADING."[code-the black person who is not working as prostitute for white males in secret is to have earnings wiped out and white males will consider that secret group of blacks working for white males as having made an "OFFICIAL TRADE"];[note:b-GREEN=code for "MONEY"];
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 8:00 pm
Note:c- Which coincides with the "new" television program "How to get away with "murder"; in which heard the white male radio talk network asking, why would someone want to have that kind of program-answer because the program"How to get away with "murder"" is the template for African American[s] throughout the United States on how to murder someone and get away with it;[everything they do-is done in and before the public who accepts what they are doing by not protesting what they are doing];[
"How to Get Away With Murder "
Thursday 10:00 PM on ABC Premiered Sep 25, 2014[http://www.tv.com/shows/how-to-get-away-with-murder/];
Note:e-How white males get away with "murder" is to have/pay African American female who are secret prostitutes work in secret for white males-which includes "murder";
They even made a movie for African American female prostitutes who work in secret for white males[note: which probably gives specific instructions:
"How to Get Away with Murder (2014– )"
With "Annalise Keating " as one of "main" characters; with "Anna" being 'code' word;[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3205802/]
6. Which page A#[?] confirms the "front page" and Business pageA9; of the Winston Salem Journal;
A. The first article:
"Council may set "NEW" limits on sweepstake "BUSINESSES"[page A4];by Wesley "YOUNG";hardcopy;
B. "Why does it matter?";page A4; by scott SEXton;
C. "LIBRARY" employees MOVE out"[Interim services soon available downtown]; page A4;hardcopy; by Meghann Evans;
"Library employees move out"
Interim services soon available downtown
Posted: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:15 pm
The above article confirmed what was blogged about this week; that WSFC 5th Street Main library closed and moving to the gov. center on Chest "NUT" Street; which coincides with the current main stream assessment of amy African American who seeks to sdtop the psychological abuse, intimidation, threats from white male[s] system[s]; housed inside secure white male[s] systems of authority;
[Confirmed in article on back pages of the Winston-Salem Journal/white males hold 77% of jobs in an area];[11/6/17][update];
D. "DUKE Energy donation boosts N. C. ECONOMIC "PARTNERSHIP"; page A4; hardcopy; by RICHard Craver;[article is under "DEVELOPMENT" on Winston-Salem Journal website];
Which uniform is similar to those above except jacket is more casual with a "white shirt";
[bastards will not allow pictures to come through to email: friendseeeee@yahoo.com]; phone keeps saying "email sent"
Note: New Hotel off of I-40 to be used by white males for African American female who are prostitutes working in secret for white males;
Anybody approaching not allowed; they go into my house; etc.; local authorities know and are well aware;email sent to self at friendseeee @yahoo.com:
They are messing with email; can't send photo's from cell phone; message from Gwyndolyn Gwyn's son and those in secret group and the Carver Road Branch library and messages sent through the Winston-Salem Journal are threats to as computer was reset/re-reserved to say' Assigned to another person; suppose to be threat to force to accept "The replacement wife" which is flyer on the door of Carver road Branch Library=---k them; and if anything happens; they are all connected and involved and if my body leaves the earth the mother ------s will deal with the my spirit every second; which will not be nice;
sent email to TCT at:TCT Today - today@tct.tv
Do not have anybody to go to for help; surrounded by people who work in secret groups to block African American[s] from accessing financial/social resources; filed a court case with the United States Supreme Court;[http://www.tct.tv/contact];
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