560-llq Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Today is a TWO day; rode the WSTA city bus; balck male driver-use to be the only good one; now participates, which did not respond to his directives;
2. Bunch of hispanics children at the CRB library door;
1. Today is a TWO day; rode the WSTA city bus; balck male driver-use to be the only good one; now participates, which did not respond to his directives;
2. Bunch of hispanics children at the CRB library door;
[Carl the communist security guard's vet]
3. While at the Crisis control building in the pharmacy area there is a calender with a picture of an "OWL" that is standing inside a tree and the owl and the tree look like they are one[camouflage];
Which is what white male[s] system[s] do in the African American neighborhoods/marriages, relationship[s], businesses; put people that look like they are helping when in actuallity they are not apart of the neighborhood and only have an objective of destroying/reducing, to take away,etc. from the AFrican American neighborhood:
Such as the white [german] female who was hired by somebody in Forsyth County human resource dept. and sent to Carver Road Branch library to harass specific African American people who are not sumbitting to the will of white male[s] system[s] of robbery,murder, theft, intimidation, etc.[pict. taken 10/20/15];the white [geman] female has been walking around the research computer since have been on it, which I am sitting at research computer; so took picture to verify harassment of area;
Of which based on the Winston-Salem Journal newspapers headlines today[10/20/15]; white male[s] instructions to Gwyndolyn Gwyn secret group to commence with the robbery/theft/etc.:
Online version:
hide what the coded messages is, thus the title: "New approach puts treatment of addiction in different light" byPosted: Monday, October 19, 2015 5:15 am;[http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/new-approach-puts-treatment-of-addiction-in-different-light/article_609d5652-7a16-5fa3-8dfa-f7a2be53c41d.html];
Hardcopy version:
Which includes ALL titles and subtitles, which the emphasis on "PLAIN SIGHT":somebody told me once put it in plain sight, sort of like the "owl", who is in "plain sight", so everything white male[s] system[s] getting ready to do to AFrican American neighborhoods will be done in "plain sight" of the public;, which include, to beat, shootout to claim "victory" for those who want to reamin wesley "YOUNG", which will include a "new approach"; "Addiction in plain sight" by
4. Pictures Taken 2015:
A. 10/10/2015;TWO day;

TWO white males who sit across from each other to force African American[s], especially the males to have to pass through white male[s] to access[whatever] in the picture above it is a seat on the WSTA city bus[which can be seen on all the cameras of the WSTA]
B. Picture of part of the building where C. W. use to work for over 80 hours, and whenever he would go to pick up his check with his children in the car; he would come back screeming mad because white male[s] had taken over half of his check and like a reasonalbe person, CW stopped working for white males to start his own, which again white male[s] set C. W. and blocked him out of the "MAIN" stream economic system and pushed C. W. into the [illegal]underground economic system:
10th and [?]
Picture of the color of the majority of the dumspters[brown] when C.W. use to work in area on 10th street and prior to the city issuing royal blue color dumpsters
D. Picture of hispanic who is now in Crisis Control building located on 10th street, and the hispanic works with Cynthia to help white males to block African Americans from "food" and "money" or anything else that would help AFrican American[s] prosper or over come white male[s] systems abuse, robbery, and theft system[s][which is the real reason for crisis control exitance-to hinder all African American[s] access to resources to be prosperous over white male[s] system[s];
To communicate to the white people and the AFrican American female[s],usually in college[from WSSU] that if they want to prosper they have to help white males to help illegal hispanics first[why the picture of the hispanic is over the first royal blue chair;
Just off of liberty street is the Merita's bread box-a discount bread store that was closed around 2008, which made it harder for AFrican American[s] to have bread[money] on the table; however hispanics
were in the store preparing to open it; which the store is located about three blocks from Crisis Control, and just down the street from the authority dept. on MLK, where the authrity said that Winston-Salem is not a sanctuary for illegal immigrants;[radio ad said, if you see something out of your ordinary day, say something; which have said something-hispanics have never been in Winston-salem area until recently
White van parked in front of JKS near the corner of LIBERTY and PATTERSON street, the address on the van is on REYNOLDA ROAD=connection which is one street over from CRisis Control located on 10th street;
E. Picture of the silver van that "ART"[AFrican American male] who just recently, this summer started hanging around at all of the houses located around me, he seems to taking turns staying the night at each one of their houses:

Wrote down his license plate number];
CARs at Gwyndolyn Gwyns house have been rearranged with the 'white' car put out front near the driveway and the "NEWER" car [bronze] put in the back by the "red" VW, with the blue jaguar driven by Gwyndolyn Gwyns son who pulled weapon on me;
F. Picture of the top of the roof, where two bricks appear to be sitting on top of chimmney;
Which the silver[?] was placed on top of chimney by the city of Winston-Salem housing dept. when got grant to have repairs done to house when ALL white males showed up; all of the work that the city of Winston-Salem housing dept. grant did have officiall came undone-with the silver thing[?] being in the middle of the back yard last friday;
G. Picture of scene in movie, BLUE crush:
[DVD BLUE crush]

With the words "VAN 5" and a red cross in the background scene[part of where the Five Guys concepts comes from=five African American males that want to date "VAN", who do not have a clue of how to attack white male[s] to get to "VAN";

The picture above with the BILLabong-is code that "VAN"s BILLS are to be worth a "Billion" dollars;
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