560-lli Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1.On 01/10/15, road the WSTA route #1 back down Carver Road, the bus driver, African American male stop the bus pass the sus stop intentionally, because mashed the strip to get off almost a 1 and 1/2 blocks before bus stop; did call and inform the WSTA clerk about the issue and the fact that for whatever reason the bus drivers seem to have a problem letting me off at the bus stops on Carver Road, coming or going; she said that she documented the complaint;
2. Road the WSTA city bus to CSR branch library; black male driver, this time the driver play the announcement for the city dumping ground[low income housing for mostly African American[s] who bastards have stolen money from;
3. CRB library has a sign up[Zack on front desk, Sherlene, Mayhand in back] that says "All comuters are temporarily down andthe problem has been reported. We apologize for the inconvenience[which got copy of]; but all of the computers are working[haven't tried the research computer, that did not work at all on Sat.];Zack stamped the sign with the Carver School Road Branch stamp; and dated and put time he gave me the sign; but would not initial it[?];
4. Did not go to any of the fake services on Sunday; thus after sending email to local authority concerning hispanics, message for Clifton Rook, new pastor at CRCC is article to the far right in the WS Journal:
"Cardinal-CenterPoint merger could occur as early as Feb. 1"
[Posted: Friday, October 9, 2015 10:47 am;
[Betty Taylor, CenterPoint executive director]
"CenterPoint Human Services could merge as early as Feb. 1 with the state’s largest behavioral health managed-care organization, according to its top executive.
CenterPoint’s board of directors authorized on Sept. 24 formal merger talks with Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Services of Kannapolis. Both groups provide mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability services for Medicaid recipients."[usually African Americans];
Aug 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Carver Road Christian Church
Oh Happy Day - our new pastor, Clifton Rook, Jr. and wife, Paula Rook placed their membership. Start of a ..."

Picture of one of TWO white male[s] on WSTA route 1, white female driver; on 10/10/2015 in route to Lansing Drive;
One of the TWO White male getting off the WSTA route1 bus, on 10/10/15 right before bus makes left turn onto Lansing drive;
On the croner of Airport, where the TURNERS live are three royal blue vehicles, TWO SUV's and one Van, and recently a black car/not working who has a black dog tied next to the black car;[this is holloween month=demonic celebration];[pic.taken 10/12/15];
1.On 01/10/15, road the WSTA route #1 back down Carver Road, the bus driver, African American male stop the bus pass the sus stop intentionally, because mashed the strip to get off almost a 1 and 1/2 blocks before bus stop; did call and inform the WSTA clerk about the issue and the fact that for whatever reason the bus drivers seem to have a problem letting me off at the bus stops on Carver Road, coming or going; she said that she documented the complaint;
2. Road the WSTA city bus to CSR branch library; black male driver, this time the driver play the announcement for the city dumping ground[low income housing for mostly African American[s] who bastards have stolen money from;
3. CRB library has a sign up[Zack on front desk, Sherlene, Mayhand in back] that says "All comuters are temporarily down andthe problem has been reported. We apologize for the inconvenience[which got copy of]; but all of the computers are working[haven't tried the research computer, that did not work at all on Sat.];Zack stamped the sign with the Carver School Road Branch stamp; and dated and put time he gave me the sign; but would not initial it[?];
4. Did not go to any of the fake services on Sunday; thus after sending email to local authority concerning hispanics, message for Clifton Rook, new pastor at CRCC is article to the far right in the WS Journal:
"Cardinal-CenterPoint merger could occur as early as Feb. 1"
[Posted: Friday, October 9, 2015 10:47 am;
[Betty Taylor, CenterPoint executive director]
Of which, Betty Taylor looks like she is on some serious drugs/and easily manipulated by intimidation; such as associated with Clifton Rook[ex-professionally trained attack person by the United States and/or those connected through his experience]; such as African American female person who attends the CRCC, but as far as can tell in not an African American female working in secret as prostitute for white male[s][blogged about them earlier], with them having recieved professional training, is why she has moved at least about 15 or more times after coming out of service, she doesn't know why; her sister Ellen King, laughs about it, because Ellen knows why;
[note;Heard on local radio station about the people who had been trained in service to fight in "Cuba" OWNING everything in the country, which is why Clifton Rook was selected to be pastor at CRCC, along with other AFrican American churches being bombarded with men and women who have been in service to intimidate AFrican American[s] who are serving the DEVINE GOD instead of being white males secret prostititues; which part of is why sibling who was professionally trained in service in Panama canel[lot of hispanics/mexicans] was directed to head patriach family reunion-new positioning of family roles-with sibling being male, who has more emotions than any feamle is allowed and who was raised up under the matriach system;[which is system white male[s] have put in motion to rob African American males of the masculine heritage]];
CenterPoint’s board of directors authorized on Sept. 24 formal merger talks with Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Services of Kannapolis. Both groups provide mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability services for Medicaid recipients."[usually African Americans];
Praise Dance by Evangelist CYNTHIA WRIGHT ... To GOD be ALL the GLORY HONOR & PRAISE ... with Paula Carter Rook, Ellen Givens, Clifton Rook, Elizabeth Ray,CoSaundra Owens, Ellen Givens, Leon Banks, Venessa Banks, Don Wright, Cender Reed, Venessa B Maxwell, Shannon Banks, Latisha Pickard and Cliffie Hill.[Note:Code names: BANKS/Venessa/Paula=if you want MONEY have to follow Paula Rook[African Amrican female prostitute working for white males in secret or follow "TAYLOR" like in [Betty Taylor, CenterPoint executive director], which is code to Clifton Rook to "taylor" situation at Carver Road Christian Church to Venessa [who is not working for white male[s]]to that of Betty taylor if Venesssa does not follow Paula Rook[African American female prostitute working in secret for white males]role;
Since I would not go/come to the bastards, they sent the bastards to me=PAULA:
"VID 20150809 124834 - YouTube
Video for clifton rook carver road christian church▶ 1:11www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW9SaElddMI
Aug 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Carver Road Christian Church
Oh Happy Day - our new pastor, Clifton Rook, Jr. and wife, Paula Rook placed their membership. Start of a ..."
[Note: Which the message from white male authoritya controlling the African American churches= is agree with PAULA the AFrican American Prostitute working in secret for white males being in charge; or else],
Watched DEVD "THE LIST":
in which one of the characters was named, "CYNTHIA WRIGHT"
Tatyana Ali | ... |
[Note: That the movie was made in 2007, to give instructions to Gwynolyn Gwyn secret group about what they are suppose to do, which one of the scenes of the the codes:
This is a scene at the beginning of the movie, where the title of the book used to write the executive's list on is 10,000 DREAMS;
But as the scene moves, the coded message becomes even more specific that the movie "The List" is about a guide to "AN" or Anne's "10,000 DREAMS";[ted?];,which is code for no matter which way "AN" oR "ANNE" dreams, 10,000 or more times use the guide [the movie, The LIST] as the guide for the results of those dreams=negative for "AN";[note: please keep in mind that am using a camera to take a shot of a scence of the televison;
note: Carl the communist security guard, keeps walking past and moving chairs, prior to-he kept walking past old white male[posted him on blog before]and then stopping in the back of my chair; then white female/male with baby came to the left side of me; but after I got up they and old white male moved; took picture of the old white male, who turned to me nastily and said he wanted to read the paper, told him I was using the papers, he grumbled something nasty and turned and left; but he and carl the communist security guard are working together;]
5. Was suppose to be going to the beach, but after PITTMAN got killed in the GOLD SUV, figured was not going to the beach this weekend and confirmation is the picture on the cover of the Sunday Winston-Salem Journal newspaper:
"Pol-ce identify man fatally shot in Winston-Salem (update)"
Posted: Friday, October 9, 2015 8:40 am | Updated: 10:16 am, Fri Oct 9, 2015.
"Pittman was found shot dead inside a gold SUV at 3640 Reynolda Road about 6:45 p.m. by pol-ce after officers were called about a reported shooting, pol-ce said."
Confirmation: where WSJS 600 radio morning show[JR] stated that the GOLDen gate bridge is going to spend 17million dollars to put up a suicide barrier-code to local Gwyndoly Gwyn group that white male authority in process of developing barriers to block the RIGHTOUSNESS OF THE RIGHTOUS-means killing the relevance=which is what white male caller on local radio station siad is the reason that people kill;
Which is an article written by who else, but SEXton[scott]. which is code to AFrican American female prostitutes to stop helping [while white males get to South Carolina first]if they want SEX in their life:
Posted: Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:00 pm
6.Pictures taken:[note:-will document occurance later-computer time issue]:
Picture of one of TWO white male[s] on WSTA route 1, white female driver; on 10/10/2015 in route to Lansing Drive;
One of the TWO White male getting off the WSTA route1 bus, on 10/10/15 right before bus makes left turn onto Lansing drive;
Picture of one of TWO white males who were getting on to WSTA route 1 right before bus made left turn on Lansing Drive, while TWO white males were getting off of route 1 right before bus made left
turn on to Lansing Drive;
New White female bus driver for WSTA route 1; which is very obvious that she appears to be happy, but in person-really too happy for local African American neighborhood;
Picture of hispanic student at Quality of Education school located across the street from the Carver Road Branch Library, lot of them go in Mazzie Woodruff Forsyth Tech building of which because of Nicolas, the NEW security guard told me not to come on to Forsyth Tech properties[which is where I ususally VOTE[?][pic. taken Oct.2015];
Picture of another hispanic Quality of Education student at the Caraver Road Branch Library; usually there are at least 20 to 25 % hispanic student[Oct.2015 pic. taken];
Pictures a and b are of white male cutting grass at Harvey's little white store that he was forced to close to have health care[part of system to rob African American[s]; white male cut the grass[green-color of MONEY] on 10/10/15 as code and symbol of taking over MONEY/economic that belong to/in the African American neighborhood[when white male saw me taking pictures-he CALLED a [what look liked] hispanic who showed up about five minutes later in a black truck;
Picture of the PINKNEY'S house that is used for code to local Gwyndolyn Gwyn group to communicate about the royal blue on 10/10/15; in which the royal blue bin is duplication of concept of Royal blue bin when hispanic that works for the city of Winston-Salem Community and BUSINESS development dept put a citation on city bin after the DOT dept. did road work on Airport Road;
Picture of PINKNEY'S code to Gwyndolyn Gwyn group about the TWIN that was stolen; they used TIRES, because of Steve WHITEHEART GOODYEAR "tires" on PATTERSON Ave. as part of the code; and the RED SUV with no license tag is code; just like the red Volkswagon parked at Gwyndolyn Gwens house that has no license tag
[of which the RED SUV is code concerning Shirley who has a RED SUV that she drives everyday]

Picture of harassment by Haweeda COE, who blocked blog website, and recently is NOT servicing the CRB library RESEARCH LIBRARY[means ususally don't have to deal with attitudes/people sitting beside person or have to deal with signing in and out, three times]; the CRB library staff keeps saying that they are "working" on doing the repairs;
[took closeup picture will not post];
Confirmation of harassment concerning going to the "BEACH"; is in the background of the picture above; the yellow sheet of paper has "BEACH reads" and this is in October, 2015, not in June/July when most people go to the beach:
Posted: Saturday, October 10, 2015 9:00 pm
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