560-llr Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Today is a TWO day; Road the route 11 WSTA to 5th street[white male wsta bus driverm-who knows his job is to rob/steal from African Americans; have video of when getting on the WSTA route 11 city bus and white male driving with a NEWsign= Medical[code];
2. But did go to the Reynolda Branch library and sure enough after sat down white male sat down two chairs away; as began posting on blog-sure enough a 2ND white male came and sat down[both to the right of me]=code=everything you doing is doing to advance the white male[s]; with reynolda road being on the [white side of town];thus took thier picture:

Both appeared to be a little nervous about the fact the TWO white males could be possibly be captured on camera harasssing an African American female and to white male[s] All AFrican American females belong to them to do what they want to the AFrican American male-its like a secret code-because otherwise the AFrican American female is attacked and looked like they have or are being attacked;
Could take pictures and inform authority; but bet you they were/are ex-authority or are connected to another white male in authority;
3. Early this morning walking from S. A. up MLK to LIBERTY street; [they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so took pictures]and there parked on the right side of the oneway street=LIBERTY ST.- are ALL WHITE vehicles from one end of the corner to the next to ensure no other car can park on 10/23/15=with 23 being the number for NEW BIRTH/like 23 chromosones[sp] and bet you, they[the white cars] stayed parked there all day long=code=message= only WHITE[s] people have FREEDOM:
pict. taken 10/23/15;[all white cars parked on LIBERTY]
pict. taken 10/23/15;ROYAL BLUE truck parked on left side of street];
Pict. taken 10/23/15;[white cars parked from Liberty and MLK to 7th and Liberty St.];
Speaking in terms of hispanics Winston-Salem being a sanctuary city for illegal hispanics; there should be no problem in authority locating the illegal hispanics; the hispanics have a business and are on LIBERTY street[how many businesses do African Americans not working for white white males have downtown=0] right across from the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers and the hispanics are right around the corner from the authority [pol-ce]dept. so they are really easy to locate;one would think the biggest AFrican American newspaper would give a shout out to the local authority about the illegal hispanics being across the street from the WS Chronicle newspapers, being that a lot of AFrican American[s] are being shut out/short changed economically; not unless the WS Chronicle is being intimidated in helping the hispanics to get jobs and established themselves in the AFrican American neighborhoods;[violation of some United States law];
And almost as if the Winston-Salem Chronicle has already answered is on the the fake[but spitural representations of what the WS Chronicle is really doing; once a person steps inside the WS Chronicle office, there is a NEW board figure/royal blue of a female-suppose to be African American[s] where Paulette Hall has been/is being trained to redirect/rob/steal or as the name of the sign says "BAR" all African American females not prostituting in secret for white male[s]=plus the hispanic business across LIBERTY street=code to Paulette Hall and Ernie Pitt[and his AFrican American female prostitute working for white males in secret that he calls a wife]=to "BAR" African American female[s] stories about abuse by white male[s] and to raise up hispanics and the hispanic businesses if he[ernie pit] want to remain in business;
With today being 10/23/15=new birth white males are trained from boyhood to identify certain numbers and days and to do certain things concerning AFrican American[s] like the three white males above with all three in black shirts[which is no coincidence]
With all three white males using the opportunity to send code[messages] to the white males on the other side of the parking lot on liberty street; if they don't already work for them=robbing AFrican American[s]=why they are in BLACK walking around the WSTA city bus station, which is 99% AFrican American;
AFter standing on the other side of liberty street[not at wsta bus station] for about twenty minutes=being that today is the 10/23/15 /and WSTA and white male system try to stop African Americans from obtaing/having FREEDOM-WSTA sent for a switch up driver, who is in the white city vehicle parked behind route #4; there was an old African American female driver and wsta replaced her with a young AFrican American male driver-who had a nasty attitutde;
If you look close, you can see the African American male driver getting his belongings out of the back seat and trying to hide at the same time;
The sign on the side of wsta route #4 , is my 2ND time seeing and it is no coincidence that the sign is on route #11/#1/ and route #4 where usually get on=code=tracking who they think is lead person=DOCTOR issues; notice the "ARTS"
Hillary Clinton is waiting on ALL the bastards that have downed her for decades-especially with the Monica story; and Hillary Clinton KNOWS her place-that is why as one white male commentator on the radio said he could not understand it; first the republicans tried to get BILL Clinton and he slipped through their fingers and now the republicans are going after HILLary Clinton and she is also slipping through their fingers, he said-he does not understand how the Clinton's can do so much illegal things and never be caught-the answer is because she knows her place-that the white male system[s] are controlled by white male[s] and as long as she does what they tell her-unless something strange happens, she will be rewarded with doing what she wants to do=which one of them is to start a "revolution"l she knows what to do; have been overseas dealing with people who have started "revolutions" and to leave her mark on/in the world as the first female president and the first president since the 1800's to deal with an "American revolution"; not to mentioned that she is angry that the white male system[s] bastard[s] stole her feminity=punishment to BILL Clinton;
"ANALYSIS: Benghazi Committee Gives Hillary Clinton Presidential Platform"
Hillary Clinton has no problem, spinning=not lying]=in reality she is lying=because she is altering the "TRUTH";and Hillary Clinton knows that as long as she do like the white male [systems] tell her, the white male system[s] will cover her/alter/kill/rob from whoever in order for her to be top dog for them[white male[s]]-Hillary Clinton is part of the same prostitution system that controls the AFrican American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret;of coarse, Hillary Clinton thinks she is better;
What is amazing to me is to listen to the white boy radio network-they are crying, begging, almost threatening because they [white male system] KNOW what the bastards are getting ready to do to the UNited States and with all their followers-probably more than "farakon";
8. People say they have a hard time locating hispanics but everywhere I go; hispanics-it is almost like somebody is trying to block me from my wealth and give it to hispanics:
Went to the Salvation Army and the sign says-NO Positions[for employment available]-which the sign has been saying that since started going to the S.A. in 2013;
[male/musli-m-who was at Crisis Control on 10/21/15-he had a female wrapped in all black musli-m dress=next to be used to attack AFrican American[s]-to force them into their place;
Hispanic male at the Forsyth County city water dept; whose desk is beside CYNTHIA's at the water dept.[where I have applied to work for over twenty years];
Close up Picture of Jose's theh hispanic desk at the Forsyth County Water Dept.-right down the street from the JAIL and nobody can locate the illegal hispanics[ bet Jose deals with all the illegal hispanics];
Again walking up CLEVELAND Avenue[block up the street from Salvation Army] is a hispanic chuilding with "church" on it; Devine God is a God of rightousness, not lying and illegal activities;
9.Posted on blog the fact that the old dumspters were brown and after the guy in royal blue wanted to date me the city of Winston-Salem[controlled by white male[s]] started issuing royal blue dumpsters:
1. Today is a TWO day; Road the route 11 WSTA to 5th street[white male wsta bus driverm-who knows his job is to rob/steal from African Americans; have video of when getting on the WSTA route 11 city bus and white male driving with a NEWsign= Medical[code];
2. But did go to the Reynolda Branch library and sure enough after sat down white male sat down two chairs away; as began posting on blog-sure enough a 2ND white male came and sat down[both to the right of me]=code=everything you doing is doing to advance the white male[s]; with reynolda road being on the [white side of town];thus took thier picture:

Both appeared to be a little nervous about the fact the TWO white males could be possibly be captured on camera harasssing an African American female and to white male[s] All AFrican American females belong to them to do what they want to the AFrican American male-its like a secret code-because otherwise the AFrican American female is attacked and looked like they have or are being attacked;
Could take pictures and inform authority; but bet you they were/are ex-authority or are connected to another white male in authority;
The white male in this picture came all the way around to the side of the table that I was sitting at and even though I pushed everything/chair, etc. out of the way, he still went out of his way to touch my belongsing, I touched him back-he looked surprised;
3. Early this morning walking from S. A. up MLK to LIBERTY street; [they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so took pictures]and there parked on the right side of the oneway street=LIBERTY ST.- are ALL WHITE vehicles from one end of the corner to the next to ensure no other car can park on 10/23/15=with 23 being the number for NEW BIRTH/like 23 chromosones[sp] and bet you, they[the white cars] stayed parked there all day long=code=message= only WHITE[s] people have FREEDOM:

pict. taken 10/23/15; [all WHITE cars/authority parked on right side from Liberty and MLK[Martin Luther King]=code=all Martin Luther Kings have left[and white male[s] ONLY have LIBERTY[freedom] in the United States;
pict. taken 10/23/15;[all white cars parked on LIBERTY]

pict. taken 10/23/15;ROYAL BLUE truck parked on left side of street];

Pict. taken 10/23/15;[white cars parked from Liberty and MLK to 7th and Liberty St.];
Speaking in terms of hispanics Winston-Salem being a sanctuary city for illegal hispanics; there should be no problem in authority locating the illegal hispanics; the hispanics have a business and are on LIBERTY street[how many businesses do African Americans not working for white white males have downtown=0] right across from the Winston-Salem Chronicle newspapers and the hispanics are right around the corner from the authority [pol-ce]dept. so they are really easy to locate;one would think the biggest AFrican American newspaper would give a shout out to the local authority about the illegal hispanics being across the street from the WS Chronicle newspapers, being that a lot of AFrican American[s] are being shut out/short changed economically; not unless the WS Chronicle is being intimidated in helping the hispanics to get jobs and established themselves in the AFrican American neighborhoods;[violation of some United States law];
With today being 10/23/15=new birth white males are trained from boyhood to identify certain numbers and days and to do certain things concerning AFrican American[s] like the three white males above with all three in black shirts[which is no coincidence]
With all three white males using the opportunity to send code[messages] to the white males on the other side of the parking lot on liberty street; if they don't already work for them=robbing AFrican American[s]=why they are in BLACK walking around the WSTA city bus station, which is 99% AFrican American;
AFter standing on the other side of liberty street[not at wsta bus station] for about twenty minutes=being that today is the 10/23/15 /and WSTA and white male system try to stop African Americans from obtaing/having FREEDOM-WSTA sent for a switch up driver, who is in the white city vehicle parked behind route #4; there was an old African American female driver and wsta replaced her with a young AFrican American male driver-who had a nasty attitutde;
If you look close, you can see the African American male driver getting his belongings out of the back seat and trying to hide at the same time;
The sign on the side of wsta route #4 , is my 2ND time seeing and it is no coincidence that the sign is on route #11/#1/ and route #4 where usually get on=code=tracking who they think is lead person=DOCTOR issues; notice the "ARTS"
Picture of the African American male who was in the city of Winston-Salem white car who traded places with old African American female bus driver;
7.Talking about waiting in secret=Hillary Clinton-if she ever becomes president-she is going to do like a relative boyfriend-after she got caste on arm, the boyfriend was real nasty and acted as if there was nothing wrong with her arm-would not cook/clean/help her;
Hillary Clinton
[https://gma.yahoo.com/analysis-benghazi-committee-gives-hillary-clinton-presidential-platform-055239635--abc-news-topstories.html]Hillary Clinton is waiting on ALL the bastards that have downed her for decades-especially with the Monica story; and Hillary Clinton KNOWS her place-that is why as one white male commentator on the radio said he could not understand it; first the republicans tried to get BILL Clinton and he slipped through their fingers and now the republicans are going after HILLary Clinton and she is also slipping through their fingers, he said-he does not understand how the Clinton's can do so much illegal things and never be caught-the answer is because she knows her place-that the white male system[s] are controlled by white male[s] and as long as she does what they tell her-unless something strange happens, she will be rewarded with doing what she wants to do=which one of them is to start a "revolution"l she knows what to do; have been overseas dealing with people who have started "revolutions" and to leave her mark on/in the world as the first female president and the first president since the 1800's to deal with an "American revolution"; not to mentioned that she is angry that the white male system[s] bastard[s] stole her feminity=punishment to BILL Clinton;
Hillary Clinton has no problem, spinning=not lying]=in reality she is lying=because she is altering the "TRUTH";and Hillary Clinton knows that as long as she do like the white male [systems] tell her, the white male system[s] will cover her/alter/kill/rob from whoever in order for her to be top dog for them[white male[s]]-Hillary Clinton is part of the same prostitution system that controls the AFrican American female prostitutes who work for white males in secret;of coarse, Hillary Clinton thinks she is better;
What is amazing to me is to listen to the white boy radio network-they are crying, begging, almost threatening because they [white male system] KNOW what the bastards are getting ready to do to the UNited States and with all their followers-probably more than "farakon";
8. People say they have a hard time locating hispanics but everywhere I go; hispanics-it is almost like somebody is trying to block me from my wealth and give it to hispanics:
Went to the Salvation Army and the sign says-NO Positions[for employment available]-which the sign has been saying that since started going to the S.A. in 2013;
Female in the picture is hispanic and said that she started to work on CLEVELAND Avenue about TWO years ago when the Salvation Army first moved from Stratford Road[white side of town] to Cleveland Avenue[black side of town]; and hispanic female is the one who was the "worker" who was suppose to get in contact with "DUKE" Energy for the S. A. to pay bill to keep lights on; BUT "DUKE" energy changed the date. which meant that the S.A. could not pay the bill and therefore I am suppose to go back on the 13th,[13th amendment/FREEDOM];code-to give hispanics FREEDOM that belong to African Americans; and Lisa Parrish[white prostitute], Roachell[black prostitute] and Tashina[African prostitute] all kept trying to get me to back into the LOBBY-so bastard/bitch in the picture could call in a hispanic-so I would have to sit in her office TWICE=I did not move until the "DUKE" energy lady came back on the phone to answer question; when the answer to a question was answered, I still did not move until all business was finished[thus when issues of African Americans start to attack hispanics and white people=because of the harassment/intimidation/abuse associated with white male system[s] of robbery/theft/killing of AFrican Americans=[s]=Major Allison could not offer me a job-BUT an illegal immigrant-he could and if she is not illegal-the hispanic people that come in her office are illegal;


Hispanic male at the Forsyth County city water dept; whose desk is beside CYNTHIA's at the water dept.[where I have applied to work for over twenty years];

Close up Picture of Jose's theh hispanic desk at the Forsyth County Water Dept.-right down the street from the JAIL and nobody can locate the illegal hispanics[ bet Jose deals with all the illegal hispanics];

Again walking up CLEVELAND Avenue[block up the street from Salvation Army] is a hispanic chuilding with "church" on it; Devine God is a God of rightousness, not lying and illegal activities;
9.Posted on blog the fact that the old dumspters were brown and after the guy in royal blue wanted to date me the city of Winston-Salem[controlled by white male[s]] started issuing royal blue dumpsters:
The name of the FOOD distribution center is KIRK[name of relative that was murdered];
Ad on the route 11 WSTA city bus=white = message is YES= to having more children; and Ad for the black female=You better watch your children-make sure nothing happens to them;
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