560-llu-0f Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
2. Walked to the Reynolda ranch library; white van with "Advance" ? parked at driveway, after started walking, the white van/white male driver drove van pass me on Reynolda road;technically all white males at computers; one African American female with white coat came into the library[was sitting in the lobby] and when I walked in, she immediately had to go back to the computers and was at the round table where white male was sitting;
2. Walked to the Reynolda ranch library; white van with "Advance" ? parked at driveway, after started walking, the white van/white male driver drove van pass me on Reynolda road;technically all white males at computers; one African American female with white coat came into the library[was sitting in the lobby] and when I walked in, she immediately had to go back to the computers and was at the round table where white male was sitting;
3. Heard on local radio station that an African American male authority said that he was more scared of white males than of African American males[?]; of which verification of issue [ECONOMIC] that have blogged about, the fact that the DOT road projects that close off highway 52/40 are designed to close access to African American neighborhoods to BLOCK economic/social growth, was being discussed in article in the Winston-Salem Journal,Vol.43, No.11, Nov.19,2015 and it will not get any better until----:
The title of the article is"Ministers voice concerns about Business 40 project" by Tevin Stinson who reports that Rev. William BROWN stated, "The impact, as of now, has been drastic:, I have had anumber of grustrated members call with complaints about the road construction in the area." Because of the road construction, located on FREE Sstreet, members and visitors have a hard time getting to the church.
"Ministers voice concerns about Business 40 project"
What the Rev. William BROWN and his church members and visitors are complaining about, yet will not raise a voice/hand,etc. to complain, is that white male system[s] sending message in the spirit realm that FREEDOM is being blocked and cut off;
However, long story short, summary of the article is that William BROWN was comforted that his African American prostititues in his church that are working for white males in secret would be covered; and when BROWN said, "Because we put the comunity first, no matter what we have to endure, we will., Hopefully it[?] will improve."; it is in reference to putting the white male[s] culture above anything in the African American neighborhoods rising above white male[s] culutre; of which is the reason for the DOT road projects-to close off access to the African American neighborhoods-EXCEPT for the theives and robbers that white male authority want to enter; to CONTROL who comes and goes in the AFrican American neighborhoods and William BROWN and the members and the visitors know that; they just want assurance that they will continue to recieve benefits for selling out the African American neighborhoods; also to ensure that the local AFrican Americans that live in the neighborhoods that white males are clossing off will have a preset "mindset" that white males are in control and have already cut African American off to send a "warning" message, while at the same time staying ahead of the African Americans that might want to show their ugly "FREEDOM" head and "BUCK"[why the "buckle up" ads]-MONEY the white male system like in Chicago, Ill:
"Hundreds protest as Chicago releases video of cop shooting teen 16 times"
by Aamer Madhani, USA TODAY

"Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, accused of fatally shooting a black teenager, arrives at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse in Chicago on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015. Van Dyke was charged with first degree murder in the killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald"
"Van Dyke" name is code name [like "Dick" Van Dyke ]concerning communication to local Carver School Road area that VAN-African American female is to be a "dyke"-not date any African American male[s]
The reason why Janson "VAN DYKE" was not charged and the video hid was because of the white male[s] system[s] of communication; as long as VAN was blocked from access to AFrican American male[s]; then those in charge of Authority in Chicago had instructions to protect Jason "Van Dyke" of which white male[s] know and understand their system[s] of communication and if one of them is sacraficed, then the white male usually takes it;however as Jason "Van DyKe" goes through the system; watch his whole demeanor/physical appearence change; like "Zimmerman" of the Travon Martin killing;
note" Van Dyke" short the black teenage male 16 time and he was 16 years of age"[?];
Of which Today Show/local communication system[s]
Related article by Todd LUCK-code white male[s] in LUCK-means African American[s] are not aware and ignorant:
Public feedback window to close on Business 40 revamp
4. the Winston-Salem Journal "SPORTS" page headlines stated, "No repeat performance" as part of the title for the Nov. 25, 2015 edition of the paper;which is code for "STOP" whatever is being done locally [specifically to local AFricanAmerican neighborhoods]; of which Carver
road Christian church got the message early of which Buddell Rucker said, NO!, not going to stop; of which Evon Rucker communicated NO!, not going to stop by going to sit by African American female prostitute "MURDEN" to communicate to white male[s] who have cameras inthe church to Murder anything that looks like it is "EVEN"[code for evon];of which ellen king Givens communicated, NO!, not going to stop by incorparating the statement/testimony,first, "I was talking to "Godwillst this morning" and telling about bad health; but "as I look out in the congregation, I see people with no eyes, no legs, no limbs, and some with no life"-which is code to white male systems to make it/create a system where AFrican American[s], specifically, "Godwillst" who is not working for white males in secret end up no eyes, no legs, no limbs, and some with no life; where the local Gwydolyn Gwyn group has been communicated to "STOP" and the Gwyndolyn Gwyn Group is the same, NO!, not going to stop;
Thus have given all proper "warnings" which allows the Devine God to issue punishement off of me and on to them [including the white male[s] system[s]; minister said, if a person sees/know people are doing wrong by harassing/intimidating/threatening a person and the person know that the result will be negative, if the person does not inform the people doing wrong, the result of the blood they cause to be shed will be on that person and the way to remove the punishment for innoncent blood being shed is to warn them of which have and again am warning white male[s] systems of negative results if abuse/robbery theft of/to AFrican Americans based does not cease;[note:Good will truck driving pass window inparking lot of the Reynolda Branch library-suppose to be the white bastards stealing what belongs to AFrican Americans based on BLACK WALL STREET]
[notee: Do not accept any of white male[s] trickery systems of give the person a meal to steal the billions that belong to the person];if the bastards were not intentionally blocking people from working a job and forcing them to take food stamps, etc. they would not need white male[s] system[s] of robbery];
Thus the "NO REPEAT PERFORMANCES" issue to local people is hard for them to understand-thus release blessings to all and release my angels of vengence based upon "Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord[Jesus Christ of Nazerath];
5.CONFIRMATION of communication for specific locals group in North Carolina to stop harassement:
a. Today Show for 11/25/15:
1. Mat does segment with ADELE[?];
2. Mat does sgement for DOG [white male systems refer to AFrican American[s] as monkeys and dogs]show with John Overly who has a "SON" by the name of "WILL";
3.Obama gives medal of "FREEDOM"awards to:
a.. STEVEN [spilbery][code for Steve [whiteheart] group in Winston-Salem, NC];
b.TAYLOR[?][singer from North Carolina], [code name for groups to taylor actions/name of black female minister prostitute at Carver Road Christian church;
c.WILLIE[maes][name of African American male in local area who has been harassed by the groups who work for white male[s] system[s]
[note: BILL "PLANT" was the reporter];
[note: "words/signs on the "Today Show" i the background while Adele was being interviewed were:
2.ROCKERFELLA PLAZA[where they took relative who attended A&T, who local authorities intimidated out of the city of Winston-Salem, NC];
3.WILL smith];
[note: Also noted that on CBS this morning show that the words shown during the ADELE segment were "ONEWAY", etc.=no coincidence];
6. Aslo segment with NEW BRIDGET Janes Movie-giving instructions to build a bridge; for the next segment message communicated:"CHARLES kiss and tell" where Charles and Bridget [is the local AFrican American prostitute in secret to white male[s] who was put in "Godwillst" place to rob "Godwillst" of which last name is Mccrae[the other one];
7.And the segment of "Jills STEALS and DEALS" are code to local group to continue the same process as before/robbery and stealing of AFrican AMerican[s]-specifically female who do not worki for white males in secret[Today Show][11/25/15]
8. AD for Chef ANdrew from "Buscuitville";
8. In the right hand corner of the TODAY Show was a ad for "CITI" whichstated-Citi Concert SERIES-which means the Citi Concert SERIES is to be used by local city groups to get their insturctions;
9. Which is why the "PARIS" incident of all the attacks; which went to service of person and thier relative[black male],who was with white female[prostitute in secret] to control the AFrican AMerican male, had been in Belgium and the next day, Paris was attacked and Belgium was all the news; somehow do not think that was coincidental;=Paris incident was/is code to locals of which CINTAS had the iphel tower up on coffee table; and took it down during the coverage of the Paris attacks;
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