560-lls Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Went to the Reynolda Branch WSFC library; KATHY in charge =K=KKK;African American female prositute [old] security guard on guard=harassing=immediately when walked through the door she found some reason to get up to come in area-which she closed the blinds at the window-it is cloudy/sun is barely shining outside;
2.CONFIRMATION: Posted on blog the fact that Hillary Clinton is part of the same prostitution group as African American[s] who prostitute for white males in secret:
On 10/23/15,“560-llr Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library” by Godwillst
Donald Trump this morning on CNN or Fox news stated that they are called "PACKS" a group of people that get together to get whatever they want [usually at the expense of violating innocent peoples Constitutional rights];
1. Went to the Reynolda Branch WSFC library; KATHY in charge =K=KKK;African American female prositute [old] security guard on guard=harassing=immediately when walked through the door she found some reason to get up to come in area-which she closed the blinds at the window-it is cloudy/sun is barely shining outside;
2.CONFIRMATION: Posted on blog the fact that Hillary Clinton is part of the same prostitution group as African American[s] who prostitute for white males in secret:
On 10/23/15,“560-llr Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library” by Godwillst
“Hillary Clinton has no problem, spinning=not lying]=in
reality she is lying=because she is altering the "TRUTH";and Hillary
Clinton knows that as long as she do like the white male [systems] tell her,
the white male system[s] will cover her/alter/kill/rob from whoever in order
for her to be top dog for them[white male[s]]-Hillary Clinton is part of the
same prostitution system that controls the AFrican American female prostitutes
who work for white males in secret;of coarse, Hillary Clinton thinks she is better”;
Donald Trump this morning on CNN or Fox news stated that they are called "PACKS" a group of people that get together to get whatever they want [usually at the expense of violating innocent peoples Constitutional rights];
To prove that Hillary Clinton is part of prositution group, which have posted that Sylvia Hamlin is one and helps white males to rob African American[s] of their wealth, rights,etc. and after Hillary Clinton's [11-hour congressional hearing Thursday][http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/22/politics/hillary-clinton-benghazi-hearing-updates/]the WSFC public library immediately posted Sylvia Hamlin's pictureas code that the head prostitute [Hillary Clinton] did not fall:

See how the picture is so colorful and bright; and even though Sylvia Hamlin is close to 80+ years of age, one would never guess her age by the picture-that is because the bastards put a younger picture to boost the confidence of the African American prostitute[s] working for white male[s] in secret; Sylvia Hamlin's picture is code to the other AFrican American female prostitutes working in secret for white males that they too can remain young-by stayinging in their position of helping white male[s] to rob/steal/kill African American[s] or what belongs to them;Sylvia Hamlin's picture was posted on the WSFC library website to send coded message to the African American[s] who are prostitutes working in secret for white males, that the African American prostitutes working in secret are to follow Sylvia hamlin's lead who will follow Hillary Clinton[s] lead and in order for that to take place Sylvia Hamlin has to be raised up=awards,positions will be created,etc.to get Sylvia Hamlin in the news/media to send coded messages to the other prostitutes working for white males in secret;
3.CONFIRMATION:Posted on 10/23/15,“560-llr Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library” by Godwillst;
“Ad on the route 11 WSTA city bus=white = message is YES= to having more children; and Ad for the black female=You better watch your children-make sure nothing happens to them”;
Pict. taken 10/23/15
Pict. taken 10/23/15
CONFIRMATION: Of campaign[s] to communicate to white women "YES" and the Yes/bar website stated, "YES" to LIFE; while the message to African American female[s] will be don't drop your guard if you want to protect your children;the "YES" BAR website will be/is being used to launch at least two concepts for the future-whoever the president is:
1. Is to tell those who control/have jobs/operate white male[s] systems to "BAR" AFRican American female[s];
2. Is "YES" to "white" females; and for those who control/operate white male[s] system[s] to say "yes" to white female[s];
It is no coincidence that the website/cookie/etc. is named "YES"/bar so that the word can be used interchangably;
The YES BAR Website:
And "YES" is most definately an attitude; white[s] are use to hearing "YES" just about everywhere they go vs. most African American[s] trying to figure out why they were told "NO!"
"Ferakon"[sp] stated that African American[s] need to take more responsibility in/for their neighborhoods, which is a good statement to make, when one is surrounded by body guards and system[s] so that white male[s] are not in an everyday up in your face and you are completely dependent on me SCENARIO; being that "Ferakon" [sp]has been sitting with the knowledge and still is of what white male[s] intend to do to AFrican American[s] in secret, the question is why has he not raised the "warning" bells, he has newspapers, millions of followers,etc., he can at least print an article to tell African American[s] to prepare, be alert, [which he made have done; but media [which all American citizens are suppose to be able to use] has yet to make his announce public], probably because the media can't/won't or don't recognize "Ferakon";
CONFIRMATION: Of campaign[s] to communicate to white women "YES" and the Yes/bar website stated, "YES" to LIFE; while the message to African American female[s] will be don't drop your guard if you want to protect your children;the "YES" BAR website will be/is being used to launch at least two concepts for the future-whoever the president is:
1. Is to tell those who control/have jobs/operate white male[s] systems to "BAR" AFRican American female[s];
2. Is "YES" to "white" females; and for those who control/operate white male[s] system[s] to say "yes" to white female[s];
It is no coincidence that the website/cookie/etc. is named "YES"/bar so that the word can be used interchangably;
The YES BAR Website:
The word has already gone out to the public/the secret groups concerning the "YES"-to white[s] and "BAR"African American[s] campaign, which would make it [?];
And "YES" is most definately an attitude; white[s] are use to hearing "YES" just about everywhere they go vs. most African American[s] trying to figure out why they were told "NO!"
"Ferakon"[sp] stated that African American[s] need to take more responsibility in/for their neighborhoods, which is a good statement to make, when one is surrounded by body guards and system[s] so that white male[s] are not in an everyday up in your face and you are completely dependent on me SCENARIO; being that "Ferakon" [sp]has been sitting with the knowledge and still is of what white male[s] intend to do to AFrican American[s] in secret, the question is why has he not raised the "warning" bells, he has newspapers, millions of followers,etc., he can at least print an article to tell African American[s] to prepare, be alert, [which he made have done; but media [which all American citizens are suppose to be able to use] has yet to make his announce public], probably because the media can't/won't or don't recognize "Ferakon";
4. With question being what would white male[s]/people do in African American position?; that is the question;
5.[note: Personal opinion, The Hurricane "PATRICIA" is telling the "hispanics"/mexicans to STOP the illegal crossing of/at the boarders and to stop helping white male[s] to rob/steal/killings of AFrican American[s] or their belongings]:
"Patricia roars into Mexico; still can't let guard down, president says"
Interesting that title says, "can't let guard down", which is what was just posted on this blog a few minutes ago about white male[s] communicating to AFrican American mother[s] to not let their guard down to protect their children through the "YES"/BAR campaign;
"Patricia, Strongest Landfalling Pacific Hurricane on Record ..."
[Patricia, Strongest Landfalling Pacific Hurricane on Record ...];
This is the start of a video which according to the Reynolda librarian[white]; it is strange that the picture will post, but the video will not, but she will not give me a note saying that it is strange that the video will not post
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