560-llu-0b Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
1. Just posted about ten minutes ago:
" Why were the computers down on hollowe-en=because they are worshipping the opposite of worshippping the DEVINE GOD!; the hispanic boy is to communciate to MAYHAND who she is suppose to help the germans with at the CRB branch library, the hispanics over African Americans-because African American[s] are being TRICKED on hollowe-en instead of recieving TREATS =access to the computers on hollowe-en and African American[s] are to be TRICKED=blocked from access to the internet=MAYhands real job";
To show that MAYHAND is on her real "JOB; about ten minues ago MAYHAND came and told me to get off of the handicapped computer because the hispanic boy wanted to use the computer-being that the handicapped computer is the only computer that is working "system wide"-Mayhands WORDS; then MAYHAND turned around and told me that there were other people who wanted to use the computer for the handicapped; but then the hispanic boy [with a green shirt on]told MAYHAND that was alright, that the need of the computer was not necessary, because his ride had come and therefore he did not need the handicapped computer anymore-he is probably an illegal;
Which heard TWO things that apply other than those posted earlier:
A. Signed deal for the U. S. to send Special FORCES=code=that special Blacks working as prostitutes in secret will be assigned to attack selected certain African Americans who are not working in secret as prostitutes for white males;
B.The BIG BLIMP that costs MILLIONS of dollars mysteriously getting lose from the base=code=to Clifton Rook-the new pastor of CRCC, being that his background is of/from a service to the United States;
And the TWO other things that apply that heard in the news is:
A.Governor McCrory shut the front door to illegal immigrants while seeking [backdoor] methods with Sylvia Hamlin to let illegal immigrants in through the WSFC public library-where a state id is NOT required; but will help the illegal hispanics obtain and stay connected to INFORMATION which they try to cut African Americans off from information when they can:
"Gov. Pat McCrory [white male who just passed bill blocking hispanics fake IDs-except for those who work on a "FARM"[?]] has honored Forsyth County Public Library Director Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin [black female who is working for white males in secret who hired MAYHAND[another black female in training]for the CRB library who is being told to lift hispanics over African Americans not working for white males in secret] for her contribution to the African-American experience in North Carolina."
B. Part of the PAYOFF to Sylvia Hamlin for helping white males to rob AFrican Americans who are not working for white males in secret is:
And whose "john"[larry Hamlin] started and owned the NC Repertory Co. and who OWNS at least a big portion of the The N.C. Black Repertory Company, Inc.:
Sylvia Hamlin
The N.C. Black Repertory Company, Inc., has been awarded $50,000 by the National Endowment for the Arts to support the National Black Theatre Festival=part of PAYOFF for helping white males to abuse, intimidate, rob/steal/kill Afican Americans who do not work for white males in secret:
1. Just posted about ten minutes ago:
" Why were the computers down on hollowe-en=because they are worshipping the opposite of worshippping the DEVINE GOD!; the hispanic boy is to communciate to MAYHAND who she is suppose to help the germans with at the CRB branch library, the hispanics over African Americans-because African American[s] are being TRICKED on hollowe-en instead of recieving TREATS =access to the computers on hollowe-en and African American[s] are to be TRICKED=blocked from access to the internet=MAYhands real job";
To show that MAYHAND is on her real "JOB; about ten minues ago MAYHAND came and told me to get off of the handicapped computer because the hispanic boy wanted to use the computer-being that the handicapped computer is the only computer that is working "system wide"-Mayhands WORDS; then MAYHAND turned around and told me that there were other people who wanted to use the computer for the handicapped; but then the hispanic boy [with a green shirt on]told MAYHAND that was alright, that the need of the computer was not necessary, because his ride had come and therefore he did not need the handicapped computer anymore-he is probably an illegal;
Which heard TWO things that apply other than those posted earlier:
A. Signed deal for the U. S. to send Special FORCES=code=that special Blacks working as prostitutes in secret will be assigned to attack selected certain African Americans who are not working in secret as prostitutes for white males;
B.The BIG BLIMP that costs MILLIONS of dollars mysteriously getting lose from the base=code=to Clifton Rook-the new pastor of CRCC, being that his background is of/from a service to the United States;
And the TWO other things that apply that heard in the news is:
A.Governor McCrory shut the front door to illegal immigrants while seeking [backdoor] methods with Sylvia Hamlin to let illegal immigrants in through the WSFC public library-where a state id is NOT required; but will help the illegal hispanics obtain and stay connected to INFORMATION which they try to cut African Americans off from information when they can:
"Governor McCrory signs sanctuary, ID bill into law"
[http://myfox8.com/2015/10/28/governor-mccrory-signs-sanctuary-id-bill-into-law/]Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin appears in 2016 Heritage Calendar
Posted On 29 Oct 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[http://www.wschronicle.com/2015/10/sylvia-sprinkle-hamlin-appears-2016-heritage-calendar/]; Special to The Chronicle;
"Gov. Pat McCrory [white male who just passed bill blocking hispanics fake IDs-except for those who work on a "FARM"[?]] has honored Forsyth County Public Library Director Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin [black female who is working for white males in secret who hired MAYHAND[another black female in training]for the CRB library who is being told to lift hispanics over African Americans not working for white males in secret] for her contribution to the African-American experience in North Carolina."
B. Part of the PAYOFF to Sylvia Hamlin for helping white males to rob AFrican Americans who are not working for white males in secret is:
"N.C. Black Repertory Company gets $50,000 grant for Theatre Festival"
Posted: Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:00 am
And whose "john"[larry Hamlin] started and owned the NC Repertory Co. and who OWNS at least a big portion of the The N.C. Black Repertory Company, Inc.:

Sylvia Hamlin
The N.C. Black Repertory Company, Inc., has been awarded $50,000 by the National Endowment for the Arts to support the National Black Theatre Festival=part of PAYOFF for helping white males to abuse, intimidate, rob/steal/kill Afican Americans who do not work for white males in secret:
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