560-llu-0h Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library
[Note: all documention/comments are to inform of abuse/threats/intimidtion system[s]]
1. Today is a TWO day; and was woke up by the cityof winston-salem, NC's street sweeper-there should be a law to stop big trucks being in neighborhood before 8:30am especially those sent as form of harassment:
2. Which is why all of the shootings-to scare people into yielding their rights[MONEY=] over to agencies:
On Mike Savage radio show he had a muslem guest who said he use to be a terr-rist and now is a Christian[?]-Wholly Shoebat[personally think he is still working for the terr-rist], who stated that the main reason why the terr-rist shoot up places is "to create chaos to CONTROL"[the people and their MONEY], which have blogged numerous times about local people[workingin secret for white males] creating negative situation to force to seek help from authorities[who work only fr white males];
Which some may say, that is not correct, look at loretta LYNCH, who made statement:
" We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about Musl-ms that “edges towards violence”
Posted at 4:01 pm on December 4, 2015 by Allahpundit;[http://hotair.com/archives/2015/12/04/loretta-lynch-we-will-prosecute-hateful-rhetoric-about-musl-ms-that-edges-towards-violence/];
Yet have yet to hear of Loretta LYNCH making any comment about the varius public[video] attacks on AfricanAmerican males; WHY?-because LYNCH's real job is to help white males to "lynch" AfricanAmerican males through the law/ white males system[s], which must be done in a skillful manner;
The statement that Loretta LYNCH stated, ["We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about Musli-s that “edges towards violence”] about musl-ms is the statement that African Americans [who were born in the United States] have been waiting for the DOJ to make to white males concering African Americns not working for white males; ie.-We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about African Americans that “edges towards violence”, ,but it has yet to happen and African Americans thought they may have a chance that the statement, " We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about African Americans that “edges towards violence”" would be made with a president of color [who is in the house that is white]; but instead, the result is protection for musl-ms and especially the musl-ms children;
Part of the reason for the shootings in San Bernardino, Ca. is that they are part of the code of communication to Gwyndolyn Group[s] to send messages being that AFrican Americans that work in secret as prostitutes for white male[s] usually aren't violent[selected ones are trained] and being that there aren't enough violent ones like in Chicago throughout the county-musl-ms are allowed in the Unitec States to fight for white male[s] because of fear of white males that IF people figure out that the problems they are going through have been cause by white male[s] system[s] only, that the population as a whole-incuding good authority will attack-so the back up is musl-ms paid though partnership with "C.A. I. R." who will give secret instructions to specific musl-ms of who they are to attack and how they are to attack them; thus any hispanic/musl-m negative situation that occurs to me or any of my family member is by design[started with the local authority in Winsto-Saklem, NC and those within/without/based upon seniority/line[s]]:
"Musl-m US citizen and his WIFE are identified"
One of the radio talk show hosts made the statement by asking a question:, "ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US OBAMA THAT WE NEED TO BE AFRAID OF THE WIFE OF THE TERR-RIST";
Which is the first in a series of negative situations relating to the "WIFE" , which is really a code to white male[s] that is being used in reference to African American female[s] who are NOT working in secret as prostitutes for white male[s]; however it must be emphasized the the "WIFE" is not violent[which is why the back and forth between musl-ms and Islam-st];
Which resulted in the passing of a "LAW" that:
"Military will open all combat jobs to women, Defense secretary announces"
Which is one of the reasons why Obama started the "K"1 Fiance [have posted on blog about the letter "K"=code'KKK] which is to communicate to those operating in secret group to not attack the "K"1 Fiance-they are working for white male[s];
One of the radio talk show host[white male[s]] asked who is Obama protecting, he is not protecting the people of the United States, who is he protecting-answer-he is protecting the white male[s] and their system[s]-everytime there is a shooting[terr-rist] attention is turned away from what white male[s] are doing to aFrican American[s] which allows white male[s] to do worse, since the media and public[s] mind is on the terr-rist;
Movie: "DUNE"
3. Since the shootings in .Ca.; the hispanics have been very busy; this morning there was a line of cars parked infront of 3725 Carver school road;radio commentator [white male] of the 5:00pm wsjs radio show, stated,"Well for all we know the hispanics are here to do just as much and cause as much terr-r as the musl-ms"; of which documented a lot of the white male radio talk show host stating the same; that hispanics may be terr-rist in secret-of which is the case for AFrican American[s], not working for white males in secretl;
4. CONFIRMATION of connection:
A. Alvin Atkinson
OUR TEAM: Winston-Salem State University
"Our Team"
Alvin Atkinson
Executive Director
"Alvin L. Atkinson is the Executive Director of The Center for Community Safety (CCS) at Winston-Salem State University and a NATIONALLY recognized expert in creating safer neighorhoods"
Of which the list of agencies on "OUR TEAM" at WSSU locally include a lot of agencies where have blogged about the employees[usually AFrican American prositutes working in secret for white males] using methods of intimidation/abuse/threats,etc:[note: have also blogged about the Center for Communit6y Safety [ccs] in the city of winston-salem, nc where burke was in charge and turned it over to montgomery of which also posted on blog of how went to the Center for Community SAFETY on Fourth Street for help to make them [WSTA/WSFC public library, etc. employees] stop the harassment/intimidtion and was ignored- and basically it was communited that the CCS in Winston-Salem, NC was to protect and devise systems for WHITE people and blacks who work to advance white society ONLY- which left me with no where to go-and nothing has changed; EXCEPT-the white male system [ OUR TEAM at Winston-Salem State University] has incorporated the musl-ms to take over the role of the blacks who work as prostitutes in secret for white males, because AFrican American[s] are not violent enough to make determined AFrican American[s] who want their freedom and money to back off; so the introduction of the musl-ms to use violence to creat chaos to CONTROL the uncontrollable;
Some of the local members of OUR TEAM at Winston-Salem State University include:
A. Bishop Sheldon McCarter Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church
5095 Lansing Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27105[note: posted blog of how 25.00 gift card was given-along with communication of join us dogging out other blacks, but there will be no support to make them stop harassing/intimidation you; of which hispanics/instead of AfricanAmericans are the ones seen working outside the church; and predicting that if not already musl-ms will be showing up in large numbers];
B.City of Winston-Salem Housing Services[have posted blogs about Richie BROOKS parking TWO great big trucks in front of house while he was working on the "BOSTON'S house down the street;
C. City of Winston-Salem Housing/Neighborhood Development (H/ND)[again Richie BROOKS was in charge, got housing grant, where all white male workers/except african Soloman worked on house where they left holes in front room/side of house so rodents could come in; right now the sink they fixed is doing the same thing and the top they put on chimney feel off[?];
D. City of Winston-Salem Police Department[have posted pictures/and blog posts concerning responses: of which after calling the mayor/nc representative office, was directed to contact person[s][of which one of the people had been encountered/situation posted on blog about a year earlier] in the wspd of which sent emails and have been waiting for a response by email since
E. Public Welfare Foundation[note: don's know if that is the SOCIAL service building or not; but was told that even with no income/no foood stamps that that not qualify for help from SOCIAL services of which did call the governors/NC representative office=run around with no results-which eventually lead to the ICU[emergency at Forsyth Hospital where the SOCIAL worker denied me help with access to food stamps and other help];
F. U.S Department of Justice[note: called when and while theWSFC CRB library was putting me out of the library for no reason of which BERNIE [the security guard][who has since been removed because he would not participate] got on phone and told person at the USDOJ that he was not told why; just told to remove me; and when I aksed them-there was no response; however the peron at the US Dept of Justice told me to call the NC Dept. of Justice who gave me in struction[s]-which worked for a while because at the beginning of the summer the security guard that replaced BERNIE met me at the door of the Forsyth Tech Building and told me that I was not allowed on the premises[which is where I VOTE] and after calling another person higher up-got a threatening call- Do not come on the property of Forsyth Tech [?];
G. Winston-Salem State University[note: where/filed a complaint with the WS Better Business Buero about the librarian[African American secret prostitute[who retired] called the campus security on me when found a black male in my personal belongings[now know it was because I was an African American seeking to exercise my rights of protection-only WHITE people allowed to do that] and where a meeting at [WSSU] with the dean of students[SUTTON] about the issue was instead transfered to CAPTAIN SUTTON [of the campus police] who nicely pulled out his weapon and put it on the shelf to emphasize a "point";
H. City of Raleigh, North Carolina[note: called when Debra Jordan and other female pristitute tried to theaten with blocking unemployment if did date the guy who wears ROYAL BLUE cloths who wanted to date me];
I. Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation[which VERIZON building has been put on REYNOLDA ROAD beside BANK to communicate threats to CINTAS that white male[s] in charge of TIM- code-will pay to attack relative by keeping TIM's "dick" headed toward CINTAS;
J. N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC)/[note-did not contact the agency directly, but did inform judege two lawyers[one a DA] of threats and stealing of child at birth-no response];
National Urban League; [note: contacted the local and national-local did the round in circles systems-no results; and the national urban league did call the locat to get feed back and the local urban league made black male in charge of EMPLOYMENT appologized-but it meant access to JOB was being blocked];
K. The Winston-Salen Foundation[?]
L. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development[note: called after work was not done right by Richie Brooks-results was not good because they all play buddy];
Thus the introduction of the C.A.I.R. musl-m group-
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)"
M. [note: Richie Brooks mind control by white males is based on movie, Mr. Brooks:

N. [note: All posts based on comment by white male radio commentator[documented] Americans be aware because your life is on the line; dont' trust them];
[Note: all documention/comments are to inform of abuse/threats/intimidtion system[s]]
1. Today is a TWO day; and was woke up by the cityof winston-salem, NC's street sweeper-there should be a law to stop big trucks being in neighborhood before 8:30am especially those sent as form of harassment:
African American male driver[usually white male];royal blue bin is behind the city of winston-salem, nc brown sanitation bin;
Truck number 4066
License plate number 53622V;
[note: just because the city iof winston-saem, nc cleaned street that live on; am not transfering or assigning rights as a citizen over to the city of winston-salem, nc or any other agency];
A large number of the city of Winston-Salem, NC, trucks, the WSTA[took pictures on one of the phones that walmart lost the info in July,2015], and other local authority agencies changed their license plates so that they end in a "V" and a "T"-with the letters being symbolic of gov. agencies robbing from wealty/rich African American[s]-with the "V" and the "T"-supposedly compensation for robbing the AFrican American invidivuals=[note: do not accept any system of robbery of personal wealth and based upon radio program-"NOW TRY JESUS"[1340 am, where minister stated that [Romans 8:13] Christians are to curse the illegal/immoral activity at its roots and command it to get out of my life; thus, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth, curse at the root the robbery/stealing/intimidation/killing/abuse of anything connected to progress/prosperity in life based on the wealth and life of Black Wallstreet; and plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over all financial/social/legal/mental/health and wealth]
2. Which is why all of the shootings-to scare people into yielding their rights[MONEY=] over to agencies:
On Mike Savage radio show he had a muslem guest who said he use to be a terr-rist and now is a Christian[?]-Wholly Shoebat[personally think he is still working for the terr-rist], who stated that the main reason why the terr-rist shoot up places is "to create chaos to CONTROL"[the people and their MONEY], which have blogged numerous times about local people[workingin secret for white males] creating negative situation to force to seek help from authorities[who work only fr white males];
Which some may say, that is not correct, look at loretta LYNCH, who made statement:
" We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about Musl-ms that “edges towards violence”
Posted at 4:01 pm on December 4, 2015 by Allahpundit;[http://hotair.com/archives/2015/12/04/loretta-lynch-we-will-prosecute-hateful-rhetoric-about-musl-ms-that-edges-towards-violence/];
Yet have yet to hear of Loretta LYNCH making any comment about the varius public[video] attacks on AfricanAmerican males; WHY?-because LYNCH's real job is to help white males to "lynch" AfricanAmerican males through the law/ white males system[s], which must be done in a skillful manner;
The statement that Loretta LYNCH stated, ["We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about Musli-s that “edges towards violence”] about musl-ms is the statement that African Americans [who were born in the United States] have been waiting for the DOJ to make to white males concering African Americns not working for white males; ie.-We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about African Americans that “edges towards violence”, ,but it has yet to happen and African Americans thought they may have a chance that the statement, " We will prosecute hateful rhetoric about African Americans that “edges towards violence”" would be made with a president of color [who is in the house that is white]; but instead, the result is protection for musl-ms and especially the musl-ms children;
Part of the reason for the shootings in San Bernardino, Ca. is that they are part of the code of communication to Gwyndolyn Group[s] to send messages being that AFrican Americans that work in secret as prostitutes for white male[s] usually aren't violent[selected ones are trained] and being that there aren't enough violent ones like in Chicago throughout the county-musl-ms are allowed in the Unitec States to fight for white male[s] because of fear of white males that IF people figure out that the problems they are going through have been cause by white male[s] system[s] only, that the population as a whole-incuding good authority will attack-so the back up is musl-ms paid though partnership with "C.A. I. R." who will give secret instructions to specific musl-ms of who they are to attack and how they are to attack them; thus any hispanic/musl-m negative situation that occurs to me or any of my family member is by design[started with the local authority in Winsto-Saklem, NC and those within/without/based upon seniority/line[s]]:
"Musl-m US citizen and his WIFE are identified"
One of the radio talk show hosts made the statement by asking a question:, "ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US OBAMA THAT WE NEED TO BE AFRAID OF THE WIFE OF THE TERR-RIST";
Which is the first in a series of negative situations relating to the "WIFE" , which is really a code to white male[s] that is being used in reference to African American female[s] who are NOT working in secret as prostitutes for white male[s]; however it must be emphasized the the "WIFE" is not violent[which is why the back and forth between musl-ms and Islam-st];
Which resulted in the passing of a "LAW" that:
"Military will open all combat jobs to women, Defense secretary announces"
Which is one of the reasons why Obama started the "K"1 Fiance [have posted on blog about the letter "K"=code'KKK] which is to communicate to those operating in secret group to not attack the "K"1 Fiance-they are working for white male[s];
One of the radio talk show host[white male[s]] asked who is Obama protecting, he is not protecting the people of the United States, who is he protecting-answer-he is protecting the white male[s] and their system[s]-everytime there is a shooting[terr-rist] attention is turned away from what white male[s] are doing to aFrican American[s] which allows white male[s] to do worse, since the media and public[s] mind is on the terr-rist;
Movie: "DUNE"
3. Since the shootings in .Ca.; the hispanics have been very busy; this morning there was a line of cars parked infront of 3725 Carver school road;radio commentator [white male] of the 5:00pm wsjs radio show, stated,"Well for all we know the hispanics are here to do just as much and cause as much terr-r as the musl-ms"; of which documented a lot of the white male radio talk show host stating the same; that hispanics may be terr-rist in secret-of which is the case for AFrican American[s], not working for white males in secretl;
4. CONFIRMATION of connection:
A. Alvin Atkinson
OUR TEAM: Winston-Salem State University
"Our Team"
Alvin Atkinson
Executive Director
"Alvin L. Atkinson is the Executive Director of The Center for Community Safety (CCS) at Winston-Salem State University and a NATIONALLY recognized expert in creating safer neighorhoods"
Of which the list of agencies on "OUR TEAM" at WSSU locally include a lot of agencies where have blogged about the employees[usually AFrican American prositutes working in secret for white males] using methods of intimidation/abuse/threats,etc:[note: have also blogged about the Center for Communit6y Safety [ccs] in the city of winston-salem, nc where burke was in charge and turned it over to montgomery of which also posted on blog of how went to the Center for Community SAFETY on Fourth Street for help to make them [WSTA/WSFC public library, etc. employees] stop the harassment/intimidtion and was ignored- and basically it was communited that the CCS in Winston-Salem, NC was to protect and devise systems for WHITE people and blacks who work to advance white society ONLY- which left me with no where to go-and nothing has changed; EXCEPT-the white male system [ OUR TEAM at Winston-Salem State University] has incorporated the musl-ms to take over the role of the blacks who work as prostitutes in secret for white males, because AFrican American[s] are not violent enough to make determined AFrican American[s] who want their freedom and money to back off; so the introduction of the musl-ms to use violence to creat chaos to CONTROL the uncontrollable;
Some of the local members of OUR TEAM at Winston-Salem State University include:
A. Bishop Sheldon McCarter Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church
5095 Lansing Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27105[note: posted blog of how 25.00 gift card was given-along with communication of join us dogging out other blacks, but there will be no support to make them stop harassing/intimidation you; of which hispanics/instead of AfricanAmericans are the ones seen working outside the church; and predicting that if not already musl-ms will be showing up in large numbers];
B.City of Winston-Salem Housing Services[have posted blogs about Richie BROOKS parking TWO great big trucks in front of house while he was working on the "BOSTON'S house down the street;
C. City of Winston-Salem Housing/Neighborhood Development (H/ND)[again Richie BROOKS was in charge, got housing grant, where all white male workers/except african Soloman worked on house where they left holes in front room/side of house so rodents could come in; right now the sink they fixed is doing the same thing and the top they put on chimney feel off[?];
D. City of Winston-Salem Police Department[have posted pictures/and blog posts concerning responses: of which after calling the mayor/nc representative office, was directed to contact person[s][of which one of the people had been encountered/situation posted on blog about a year earlier] in the wspd of which sent emails and have been waiting for a response by email since
Sent email on 9/.23/15 and was given response below;
After called both contact persons have yet to recieve a response as stated over the phone;
E. Public Welfare Foundation[note: don's know if that is the SOCIAL service building or not; but was told that even with no income/no foood stamps that that not qualify for help from SOCIAL services of which did call the governors/NC representative office=run around with no results-which eventually lead to the ICU[emergency at Forsyth Hospital where the SOCIAL worker denied me help with access to food stamps and other help];
F. U.S Department of Justice[note: called when and while theWSFC CRB library was putting me out of the library for no reason of which BERNIE [the security guard][who has since been removed because he would not participate] got on phone and told person at the USDOJ that he was not told why; just told to remove me; and when I aksed them-there was no response; however the peron at the US Dept of Justice told me to call the NC Dept. of Justice who gave me in struction[s]-which worked for a while because at the beginning of the summer the security guard that replaced BERNIE met me at the door of the Forsyth Tech Building and told me that I was not allowed on the premises[which is where I VOTE] and after calling another person higher up-got a threatening call- Do not come on the property of Forsyth Tech [?];
G. Winston-Salem State University[note: where/filed a complaint with the WS Better Business Buero about the librarian[African American secret prostitute[who retired] called the campus security on me when found a black male in my personal belongings[now know it was because I was an African American seeking to exercise my rights of protection-only WHITE people allowed to do that] and where a meeting at [WSSU] with the dean of students[SUTTON] about the issue was instead transfered to CAPTAIN SUTTON [of the campus police] who nicely pulled out his weapon and put it on the shelf to emphasize a "point";
H. City of Raleigh, North Carolina[note: called when Debra Jordan and other female pristitute tried to theaten with blocking unemployment if did date the guy who wears ROYAL BLUE cloths who wanted to date me];
I. Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation[which VERIZON building has been put on REYNOLDA ROAD beside BANK to communicate threats to CINTAS that white male[s] in charge of TIM- code-will pay to attack relative by keeping TIM's "dick" headed toward CINTAS;
J. N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC)/[note-did not contact the agency directly, but did inform judege two lawyers[one a DA] of threats and stealing of child at birth-no response];
National Urban League; [note: contacted the local and national-local did the round in circles systems-no results; and the national urban league did call the locat to get feed back and the local urban league made black male in charge of EMPLOYMENT appologized-but it meant access to JOB was being blocked];
K. The Winston-Salen Foundation[?]
L. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development[note: called after work was not done right by Richie Brooks-results was not good because they all play buddy];
Thus the introduction of the C.A.I.R. musl-m group-
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)"
M. [note: Richie Brooks mind control by white males is based on movie, Mr. Brooks:
N. [note: All posts based on comment by white male radio commentator[documented] Americans be aware because your life is on the line; dont' trust them];
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