60-llw-Pan-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
These are pictures taken with cell phone during 2016 [Dec./Nov.]:
1. NEWly Hired-white female "K"ate at the CSR Branch library- for a workshop on resumes for JOBS; problem is ONLY one person showed up elderly WHITE male; nobody else;also on today 12/7/16, the CRB libray has some tiny flyers advertising a "Hiring Event with WORKFORCE", which is position beside the information desk, but is so tiny to make sure that nobody notices it; like they really don't want nobody to know;
2. Took a pciture of "TIM" the tool man with the sign behind him that says, "Trm a tree and go to "JAIL", which occurred around the time that D. Trump stated, "Burn the American Flag and loose your "CITIZENSHIP" AND go to "JAIL"; [2016][local tv]:
3. President-elect Donald Trump suggested today in a tweet that burning the American flag should result in "loss of citizenship or year in jail."
Trump's Tweets Take Attention Away From Transition Team

Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!
4. Took picture of The Doctors show, where Dr. Phil was a guest where the discussion was about "SEX"; all "WHITE" males with the African American female prostitute in the center[no coincidence-entire transition occuring concerning white males deciding which white males get what African American females;which white males get to control which black females- all done on national television, all out in front in public view;[channel 45][2016];
5. Picture of "Bur"="ke' missing conerning African American male "SCOTT" being shot; scott code word for "sex"-which white males, specifically which African Ameican female will access to the black males "dick"-the African American female secret prostitute or the African American female serving the DEVINE GOD; while/when the scott decicion was being decided; there was another scott case in the national news;[2016];
***Any movie that represents something degrading and robbing AFrican Americans or any form of genocide is alwys raised up by white males:
"Moonlight,” Barry Jenkins’ moving, multi-part tale depicting a boy’s growing self-awareness as he becomes a young adult, was named Best Film of 2016 by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association."
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/l-a-film-critics-name-moonlight-best-of-2016/], which is code to raise up "jamie"[why name "jamie"was paired with name "flow" in the progressive insurance company commericial-code let gay [caused by white boy scout leaders raping jamie when he was a child] jamie flow;
Directions for the African American mail;
No matter how hard they[the African American male tries, the results are to be the same
[code: gay black males to make little black boys gay];
A scene in the movie makes it looks like the movies have changed , there is a good scene of an African American male-spending time with an African American male child-wrong it is an illusion-the person who is the producer of the scene is name "Jenkins"; like jinxed-not good;
Read the caption, "house of cards and "LIFE";
making sure to use a name that African Americans will be drown to, "ALI", which most African Americans would flock to a movie with the name "ALI" which reminds them of the name of Muhumad Ali -who was all man;[subliminal association];but in actuallity the movie [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4975722/] is about a black gay boy and his problems, which is worse and coincides with the McCory/ Cooper debate concerning the VOTES and who is really the governor of North Carolina; with Gov. Pat McCory being the FIRST sitting governor of North Carolina not to be RE-ELECTED;and with gov. Pat McCory knowning[because he knows their system] that something is not right; he is suppose to be the governor of North Carolina for a second term;however after the bigh WHITE MALE LEADERS got behind closed doors and had a discussion that went something like-You white boys[republicans] got the house that is white and white males can take over; so we other white boys get to keep our nigger[s]-meaning the blacks that think they are going to enjoy the privileges of whites; and that is to be done by whites [democrats]in North Carolina taking over the governors office, which will alow the democrats to continue to kill off African Americans by passing the HR2 [gay/jobs] bill-code that only African Americans who are agree to live a gay life style are allowed to make "MONEY"; which is also a way for white males to isolate,target,rape and force African American females who choose to serve the DEVINE GOD vs. being forced to be gay or to give up their "CITIZENSHIP" and do as told by the government, like Russia, that their "citizenship" is sold to:

The fact that that 'russia' working with group of white males to rob African Americans, the issue is for how much is why the sudden issue of Beyonce's video all of a sudden being in the NEWS; where on today show segment "BEYONCE for SALE''-not meaning the video-which they said was worth 3 million dollars, but 'BEYONCE', the person, what she represent, prostitute for sale-going to the highest bidder, she will do what she is told[she has been trained from a child[like siblings wife [who saw the kkk's kill people in her front yard]that hispanics holding hostage for white male:
Twelve Never-Before-Seen Beyonce Videos On Sale For $3 Million
"Twelve tapes recorded of Beyonce during her time in the group Girls Tyme have been obtained by the auctioneers Ted Owen and Co.;Their plan?";[http://thatgrapejuice.net/2016/12/twelve-never-seen-beyonce-videos-sale-3-million/];
They[white male systems] have been tracking beyonce since she was a child, posted that have been tracked because of realztive by white male system since a child; white male systems; know who is AFrican American child is to ensure that no African American child or child of color escapes and starts helping the African American culture in the United States, beyonce helps the 'cubans' through Obama's lusting after her[why he opened the boarder-so she opens her legs];
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