60-llw-Pag-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Caught a ride to the Carver Road Branch library;
2. melissa williams and carl the communist security guard are on the desk;only hispanic in library-hispanic female in yellow came and sat at the computer next/ to research computer; Carl the Security guard came and turned on the computer; library is almost completely full of African American children/students from QEA; and the are TWO new items to go throught to check out a book; one saysl click, get,go; the other is attached to the desk about "Animal vegetables"[watch out for the meats that you eat; it may be human]:
A. The poster attached to the front desk says in big print:
Foursyth County Public library & On the Same Page present:
Animal Vegetable Miracle by BARbara KINGsolver;
[took picture-will not post from phone;
B. However confirmation is the TWO articles in the Winston-salem Chronicle with a picture of walter "marshall":
"County Approves deal to reduce anminal shelter fines" by [who else]Todd LUCK[code for break laws relating to African American rights for white males]:
County approves deal to reduce animal shelter fines
Walter Marshall

September 15;06:15 2016;by Todd Luck
and article number TWO is "Could Winston-Salem ban circus animals? also by Todd LUCK[[code for break laws relating to African American rights for white males]:
Could Winston-Salem ban circus animals?
September 15;06:00 2016;by Todd Luck
[http://www.wschronicle.com/2016/09/34759/];C. The confimation of the animals=[monkey=blogged about Wake forest being charged with allowing a "monkey" to escape=monkey=African american;
A. MONKEY polls =code about what the African American[s] whose opinions white culture leaders forced into indentured servants have to say about issues/political/etc.=why the MONKEY polls are called MONKEY polls=another way of communicating what African Americans think while at the same time degrading African American[s] as non human;
3. Niece planned a picknic for relatives; and punishment by those the group of people who control and make decisions for a city/country-message sent through the first name of the musl-m male that attacks people in NYC:
"Ahmad Khan Rahami Is Arrested in Manhattan and New Jersey Bo-bings"
And neices father was just put six feet under at end of July, 2016; coincidently musl-m with neices husband's name [part of the name of "Ahmad Khan Rahami"] appears on national news as a terr-rist[?] coincidental[?]-that after planning the picnic for family- in which the neice acted on their own instead of following the instructions of the group of people who control and make decisions for a city/country;
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