60-llw-Paj-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Road the WSTA city bus to the CRB library-Robin-black female prostitute in secret was the bus driver; black male guy stated that he wanted to follow me for the day[trying to flirt]-Robin said, Yuk, Yuk, Yuk; after I got off of the bus; told him in reality I could truthfully say Yuk, Yuk, Yuk, because I know what she really is and it is not a bus driver;
2. On 10/10/16 sent off 8 documents to the NC Utilities Commission of pictures of white males [including of Duke energy's employees] during the summer of 2016 that blocked doors; came through gate; on the city bus with a pit bull, etc. and also sent 5 documents concerning personal issue in which stated:
On Form HA-55(04-2015) additonal Comments section:
"People/relatives and friends are so enervated because changeless unalterable, ceaseless hectoring that results in invective situations in their own life when they have assisted with prior situations"
Which was to explain why the person who sent form form [ssa-827(11-2012-2013)] and who signed as witness, did so attentively;1. Road the WSTA city bus to the CRB library-Robin-black female prostitute in secret was the bus driver; black male guy stated that he wanted to follow me for the day[trying to flirt]-Robin said, Yuk, Yuk, Yuk; after I got off of the bus; told him in reality I could truthfully say Yuk, Yuk, Yuk, because I know what she really is and it is not a bus driver;
2. On 10/10/16 sent off 8 documents to the NC Utilities Commission of pictures of white males [including of Duke energy's employees] during the summer of 2016 that blocked doors; came through gate; on the city bus with a pit bull, etc. and also sent 5 documents concerning personal issue in which stated:
On Form HA-55(04-2015) additonal Comments section:
"People/relatives and friends are so enervated because changeless unalterable, ceaseless hectoring that results in invective situations in their own life when they have assisted with prior situations"
3. To show how organizes the Melissa group is; on The front page of the Winston-Salem Journal for 10/11/16 there is a picture of tractor trailer truck with two white people paddling towards the truck
The hard copy of the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper
Under the picture of the tractor trailor standed in waters it says:

"Anthony WRITEbol(left) and his cousin, MELISSA hill, paddle past a standard tractor-trailor on Highway 211 in lumberton on Sunday. They were heading to meet frinds who were going to let them stay after their neighborhood was flooded overnight by heavy rains."
But the real message to the MELISSA williams/Gwyndolyn Gwyn group in and connected to the Carver School Road area being on the stranded tractor trailor:
"KEEP COOL; Port a COOL is on the way"
With the message being that they are to not panic and be still; white male system[s] in the process of developing[illegal] ways to keep them out of jail;
4. One of the biggest abuses that is in the process of taking place is the robbery of a place for AFrican American[s] to remain healthy, the YMCA on WATERWORKS road in Winston-Salem, NC where the article on the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper in the upper right hand corner reads:
"CITY in talks to take over the Winston-Lake YMCA building";page A4
which is punishment to the AFrican American neighborhood [substraction] for one person[or more] not yielding to being controlled by white males system[s];[of which this morning for the first time say a hispanic male walking towards the back of African American neighborhood;which did not read the article, but do know it has something to do with "MONEY" and while there is an article about the CITY taking over the YMCA in the black neighborhood; outside the Carver Road Branch library in Winston-Salem, NC where Melissa Williams is the director, there is a hispanic male on a city riding lawn mower cutting the grass; when I took out my cellphone to take a picture, he moved;
Thus it is no surprise that AFrican American[s] don't have the money to take care of the facilities-recreational or otherwise in their neighborhood, when the city of winston-salem, nc will not hire them, but set them up to go to jail; and white male system[s] not operated by the city will not hire the African American unless the AFrican American agrees to attack/rob and abuse other AFrican American[s] as white male[s] system[s] do,
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