60-llw-Pam-Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library;The EPA’s Silent, Guilty Role in the Flint Water Crisis
1. Road WSTA city bus #96 downtown[new route turns at Tereasa St.[howards child]-bus going back the other way; transfered to route #80 Hanes Mall; then to route #81amd then to route # 107 to get back down town of which some of the WSTA city bus drivers gave bus transfers that were from another route with a different time-which means a lot of people being told they have to pay twice to ride the bus because the transfers don't work;
At Hanes Mall bus stop was changed from "SEARS"[which is closing a lot of stores] to the FOOD Court where when wsta route #80 pulled in the opposite occured-usually authority meets the WSTA city buses as form to intimidation; this time when wsta route #80 pulled in to the FOOD Court at Hanes Mall, the authority got in car and drove away; then a sh-t load of African Americans got off of supervisors and regular buses; they looked like a heard of dogs being lead to slaughter-which they were in the spirit realm-to take place in the natural realm, which is why the authority pulled away when the black people where let off of the wsta buses-code for security for FOOD leaving the black folk; which means six feet under if you can't get food; but first lack of food means evrybody gets to go the route of getting adisease because they don't have any food;when saw the wsta city busses and city of Winston-Salem, NC techniques walked away across parking lot, when came back from the store-white male in authority uniform in all black car drove in front to draw attention to intimidation for not following instructions of white males who are really secret "KKK";
With all the changes in the WSTA city bus routes the goal is the same-rob/take from African Americans; proof-Robin drives 96 and pulls into stall "B2" which was exchanged for the stall A4 where the Carver School Road wsta route #11 and route #1 use pull into; NOW bus #80 Hanes Mall pulls into stall A4- it is like an exchange and them bastards think that because a person rides a bus they are giving the bastards permission to do certain things, which offends me and basedupon scripture-it is better that a millstone[which weighs a ton] be hung around their net and they be cast into the sea than to offend one of GOD's[who made the heavens and stars] little ones[children];
On the way to Hanes Mall, Route #80 took a detour where wsta bus turned roight on to[ SHE[elnby]Street off of Miller Street back to ebert[?] street where cynthia [skinner] works for ws-pd-use to be bf;[pictures will not open on research computer where tehy keep the computer screen "black" while the other screens are blue-intimidation and threat];
2. Dolly PARDON is on the rise in media because that is suppose to be code that the black bastard who thinks they the leader of the lack people sent message that white males PARDON for all the freaky dam fu -king ass abu se/robbery done by white males;
Proof-Winston-Salem Chronicle sent same messages to the black ass bastards thats working for white m ales in secret -that the secret prostitutes are PARDON for thie crimes since they worked for white males and helped their white male pimps to escape people knowing what they have done; doing to African Americans:
"W-S teacher gets pardon"
[January 05, 2007;9:00;by Tevin Stinson][Stinson-code for stint-like when they put stints in peoples heart when they have heart attacks];
"Although it came on a few days after Dec. 25, local educator and international evangelist Janet
"Taylor received a Christmas present she has waited more than two years to receive.
As she sat at home nursing a cold last week, Taylor received a phone call from the Governor’s Office granting her a pardon for crimes she committed in the late 1980s."
"While Taylor turned her life around nearly 23 years ago, it wasn’t until Thursday, Dec. 29, that Gov. Pat McCrory had pardoned the charges on her record on his last day in office."
"Even though Taylor would go on to earn her bachelor’s degree from Winston-Salem State University after her release from prison in 1994 and had been working in the local school system since 2003, it wasn’t until after she received her master’s degree from North Carolina Central University in 2011 that her past seemed to hold the determined educator back."

[notice the "K" in upper right hand corner]
WHY NOW?-to send message to the millions of African American secret prostitutes not to worry; that white male system in process of informing and making a "deal" with Donald Trump about the white males abuse of African American females as secret prostitutes; of which Donald Trump can not be the President of all Americans unless he stops the white males that are abusing African Americans and forcing them to work for white males in secret; which means that half of the white males in the United States/ United States of America would have to acknowledge that the do not and cannot contorl African Americans lives- and that is what the good whites and good African American people know; the crooks know they can work a crooked deal with Donald Trump and nothing is change-which means for the REAL African Americans they stay on the same dam path that obama put them on- a path to nowhere;
TAYLOR is CODE name[have blogged about "Taylor name before"];
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