Social Understandings

Tuesday, August 08, 2017



1. Road wste rte 96 and rte 83;paid on water bill where system is trying to keep a balance due; in other words it is a crooked system;went to tax office onChest NUT street-code for anything done to hinder white male authority from robbing a person will lead to being a NUT=CRAZY=tax FRAUD;

2. Bastards served Ric [who has a learning disability-force to marry an immigrant/in news truck with immigrants and 10 of the 100 immigrants died; truck driver charged with murder[the guy reminds me of sibling rid];

3. Letter sent concerning threat of confinement for accessing Federal Depository law library at Wake Forest University:



To: Wake Forest University

c/o Administration

Winston-Salem, NC


Re: Access to Federal Depository libraries accordingly



This is a request to access the  Federal Depository libraries located at/on Wake Forest University [#0445 and #0444] without the stress of  being singled out and required to notify campus authority everytime access to the Federal Depository libraries is needed based on the fact that approximately a year and half to two years later it was in the media that the African American students at Wake Forest University held protests because of not being able to walk across the Wake Forest Campus without  being singled out by white male authority for “id” and the fact that Wake Forest University participates in the  Federal Depository library program which is Federal Depositories libraries program;

To be required to notify campus authority everytime access to the campus Federal Depository libraries is needed is discrimination and based on the fact facts that my first trip to Wake Forest University was a visit during elementary school in a class field trip and since that period of time up to 2009 there were no incidences until approached by a white male authority who gave a warning ticket because of “id” [NC State issued license]who stated do not access the Federal Depository libraries at Wake Forest Depository libraries University[Federal Depository libraries] or any other property of agency without notifying  on campus/agency authorities, which has caused extreme stress; [included copy of ticket]; to be singled out and required to notify Wake Forest University campus authority of presence whenever access to the Federal Dpository library[ies] is required is discrimination;

A Federal access library is to allow the public access to look up federal laws and to be singled out and required to notify Wake Forest University campus authority of presence whenever access to the Federal Depository library[ies]is required is discrimination;

 All consideration given to allowing access to Federal Depository libraries to access Federal laws is greatly appreciated with great appreciation for access to Federal Depository libraries based on Federal Depository library laws;also a request that no harm is done for seeking access to Federal Depository libraries accordingly;[s/w/f/f/a]

Based on media; with the new African American in administration; please know that when there is public knowledge of negative issues associated with race that a person of the race of the negative impact is hired to do the same as the race that originally caused the negative impact;

Thank you,

4. Letter sent to the Office for intellectual freedom/Atten: J---- L.;


To: Office for Intellectual Freedom

50 East Huron

Chicago, Illinois 6-611

Atten: Ja---- L----

RE: Access to Federal Depository libraries

This is a request  to be allowed to access public information/email through Federal Depository libraries in Winston-Salem, North Carolina  without stress and intimidation ;
First knowledge of libraries was through a field trip in elementary school and have used the libraries for over two decades or more  with no incidences [included is a copy of security guard statement that states, “I find this library Patron to be observant and find her to be very interested in research; computers, very courteous;[signed; dated 1/15/11;and that they worked for the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public libraries for 22 years]; until approx. mid 2000’s when was not allowed access to the internet[appx.2005]; then was not allowed access to blogs [approx.2006]; local university[Wake Forest] where white male security guard gave a warning ticket in 2009 [included is a copy of warning ticket by white male security guard at Wake Forest University statement that states, “[dated 1/12/09;by officers #--- who gave name of K-----] and stated do no access Wake Forest University libraries or any other property of agency [extension]without first checking in with university[agency] security; where  apprx.90%  of students at Wake Forest University are Caucasian and where apprx. two to three years later the African American students protested in 2013/14 for not being able to walk across the campus without white male authority stopping them for “id” where there seems to be a pattern of African Americans not being allowed to access to internet/information through local libraries:

 1. Not allowed access to the Federal Depository libraries in Winston-Salem, NC during period of approx. 2005 to 2017:

A. First incident-at library was at WSSU [weapon was put on a bookstand as form of intimidation]; followed by not being allowed access to internet at Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library-Federal Depository library #0446 in apprx. 2005;

B. Second incident-was not allowed access to Blogs at Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library-Federal Depository library #0446 in apprx. 2008;

C. Third incident-was not  allowed access to the Federal Depository library [#0445 or #0444] in 2009;[a copy of warning ticket by white male security guard at Wake Forest University statement that states, “[dated 1/12/09;by officers #--- who gave name of K-----];

D. Fourth incident-not  allowed access to Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library- Federal Depository library # 0446 in 2017 concerning documentation for book being written about national issue;[copy of a book written where the cover was notarized on June 25, 2008];

Presently have no access to the internet; nor local public libraries and am only seeking access to public resources/access to the internet that is allowed to the public without stress and intimidation, which the extreme stress has caused health issues [presently every time go to doctors on agencies properties have to notify authorities which is extremely stressful]; please inform of procedures to continue to access Federal Depository libraries;

[note: please note that Winston-Salem, NC has been identified as one of the leading cities where the 75% of the citizens suffer from some form of starvation; and the African American children in elementary school cannot read on their level like Caucasian children;

Thank you,

 5.  "Black" "WATER" group being sent back to "afganastan"=white male[s] openly killing blacks is back; whatever "black" "water" does in "afganastan" is [code]what is taking place in African American neighborhoods; Kelly Ann Conway changed name so that she could be used to communicate what white males were doing to African American[s] name Kelly and ANN that whitemales trying to force into living the "CON"[prison] way; verification =it is not a secret that the current head of the United States Administration had BIG issues with ROSE ANN because Rose"ANN" was being used to communicate to the current head of the United States Administration what the African American female name "ANN" was doing;

And Rose "ANN" is being reproduced=statement that the "the current head of the United States Administration and "ANN" are on opposite sides= wrong=opposite "COLORS"; and sad to say the
the current head of the United States Administration is a "JOHN" also= Rose "ANN"'s character husband name "JOHN"; why the current head of the United States Administration went to BEDmisinster-NEW JERSEY; Dennis RODman is the "ROD" man that connects the secret system=why he was "sent"[knowingly or unknowingly] to "the opposite of south "korea" to establish connection to manipulate the ignorant leader of the opposite of south "korea";

6. Relative that was intimidated to New York, back in local area; who took to "staples" and sheriff car appeared;



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