National Consumer League; Gender,race and incarciration conference
On 12/24/13 poseted on blog titled "National Consumer League" that
"I can tell you how they use the surveillance information and how they use it to target consumers." in which the last couple of days bastards sent messages through television[channel 2; WXII, CNN,msnbc,Fox News]: specifically to Wilma HALL/Eldora Hall(was a prostitute on the street and ended up working in the penteg-n] [why Arsenio Hall is back on television]that ha ve no fear; white male network are going to do the same thing again to person who white males and African American female prostitues stole TWIN child from; and exactly what they did has been talked about on specifially three to four programs on Cspan;which includes that individuals are categorized][have blogged about being put into a category]; {Proof of Arsenio Hall
[]code communication to Wilma Hall connection= 12/24/13 WXII-Evening News=Tamera Hall was the commentator; had two segements:1="Disaster ahead"; and 2="I already won"
Then the media is used to target individual to harass, threaten, intimidate indiviual [two white male in suit dress are standing watching and observing the Reynold branch libraray; now walking over to wall by front entrance of library and now talking to front desk at library=?] to the point of causing person to experience something extremely traumatic[Targeting Consumer Information by National consumer league];and the fact that women[African American] throughout the United States are being targeted by authorities and that nobody is paying attention;
Interestingly Melissa Harris-Perry held the "Gender, Race and incarciration" conference in which there were a panel of African American females who told their stories of how they were being intimidated by fully armed, dressed, authorites who had vehicles with cages[like they were capturing an animal] who would laugh and say they were going to have fun when they[the armed authorities] were getting ready to go into the African American neighborhoods; they also stated that the African American females could do nothing because the African American females had no weapons or protection and that if they [the African American females] made any kind of move they knew that they would be thrown to the ground and they[the authorities do not have to have probable cause; the African American females also stated that because of limited income that if they asked a person they did not know for a ride and they were an authority person in secret that they were handcuffed and taken downtown because the African American females were told they were suspected of illegal activity [why a lot of African American females [with or without a partner] end up working in secret as prostitutes for white males-to stop the harassment, intimidation circle of themselves or a family member;
And being that on 12/27/13 on CNN live[newsroom] in segment: Winning and Losing issues of 2013;one of the two guests (Ryan Lizza or other white male) made statement "Like in civil rights issues, they just faded away; the people who were against blacks having civil rights just faded away."; and the fact that on CNN 12/27/13;
Sen Jerry Fielding[]
ALSO stated, that he was backing/supporting Phil Roberson of Duck Dynasty; I know what he said about blacks that blacks did not complain; they didn't complain because they were afraid to [complain]; think that [African Americans being afraid to complain]is behind us now;[which is a BIG FAT LIE]but Phil Robinson had a constitutional right to say it and I am backing up his constitutional right;and Todd[white female that works for the state of Alabama stated :Who cares if course that he[Phil Robinson] thinks that";
That statement; that "blacks did not complain"think that is behind us now; is incorrect; that is why there was a PUBLIC CONFERENCE ON Gender, Race and incarciration" at Tulane University by Melissa Harris-Perry because Blacks can't complain [without being ignored or punished-which is the same thing as slavery]; I have encounter sometime twenty or more local African Americans who have complained and said nothing happened;
African Americans do not complain because if they do they encounter the authorites that treat them like they are dogs and directe them to cages as their punishment for complaining;
which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that anybody who has more than TWO encounters with people [who are suppose to address the issue] and they get no results should seek other means and methods to address the issue; and if after over three more attemps there is no result;
At this point would like to make a correction; posted one day last week that the person who is having money stole should locate the person closest to those who are stealing their money and pay the person closest to them to steal their money;with the correction being that is what was done to me[thus make your own decision];
Which goes back to which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that white ass bastards; will not and am not working for people stealing from me; which based upon all of the conferences on cspan [which included peoples family members and men having to spy on them] that issues are related to those in higher authority; the ones who deal with secrets [of which I have sent an email politely telling them no thank you-of which the result has been intrusion-thus as lot of people have said sometimes people have to -----------];
One judge said that NSA data collection violates people constitutional rights; then today another federal judge william PAULy III reversed the first judges decision and said that the NSA data collection does NOT violate the peoples constitutional rights; the first judge was right the second judge is for those who are not in their secret system;
The second decision by judge william PAULy III reversal of the first judges decision was the PUBLIC start and notification of those in the secret group to re-start the process to redo the harassment, intimidation and abuse of American citizens; in other words put them back where they had started before Snowden came forth to tell them what the NSA was doing in secret which equals slavery;
CNN listed the 10 top criminal offenses for 2013 [which think all but one had some form of connection to people/situations in which I have dealt with but one;
1. Black male who used weapon on people was killed at the Navy yard [call mentally unstable]
Aaron Alexis[ALEX is the name of black male and tyler perry's movie]
2. Kendra Johnson [W. E. Johnson [connected with stealing of local TWIN child]at carver road church head person in charge of helping local authorities to harass local African Americans];[];
3. Oscar Pitorrious [];

New legs were created to communicate around the world that there was someone[represented the guy who is a blue devil fan] who had risen to compete with white male system around the world [south Africa] where Nelson Mandela rose; and connections to the brown man in the house that is white;
4. Hannah kidnapped;
5. Biker attacks black suv [one of guys name CHRIS[name of relative constantly in news]; and one was in secret authority abusing people in black suv[he went after the mother and the child=?what is in the African American community mostly mother and children/no men];
6. Snowden steals, exposes NSA secrets=code to tell secret group in United States lot of secret codes would be known are being told;
7. George Zimmeran [white hispanic] kill Trayvon MARTIN-local name of harold MARTIN and Davida MARTIN[code to locals involved in stealing of twin child that their system[s] and secrets had been killed;name martin connected to stealing of local TWIN child;
8. Three females, DeJesus, Michelle KNIGHT, who had been held in confinement for ten or more years had escaped from Castro =code to secret group that secret group was no longer holding certain system[s] in secret=De-jesus[white males of authority robbing local black churches of freedom to worship]; people knew about Michelle[same name as the African American female that is married to the man in the brown skin in the house that is white; and ; with castro being the same name associated with CUBA [which is where Beyonce is who is married to Jay Z is from ];
9. Boston Marathon Killing=code to local Bostons[who steal, rob for local white males] that their secret system of robbery had been revealed [there was a DOUBLE blow up=with double being TWINS];with the Boston symbol "B" strong = with "B" being the nick name of nephew [Brandon][];[Blasts at Boston Marathon Kill 3 and Injure 100];
BRANDON/RYAN/CHRIS/CHRISTOPHER= all names which bastards that steal from African Americans males that should be in the media a lot in coming years; and SNOOP took me a long time; but SNOOP is name that represents another nephew but his name is not so common;
Of which on 12/25/13; CBS This Morning; statement by Oracle Ellison "Whose ever heard of the government abusing information gathered from survellience?' answer is the Marketing Consumer Information in which it was stated by the panel members that information gathered is being used to target people to cause them traumatic experiences of which local commerical EHarmony has been released that asks, "Whose looking for you?" of which the old white male is name Dr. Warren-which is a guy that lives out of state that they[authorities] interferred with the relationship; it is also where a very negative experience occured;
As stated earlier " which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that anybody who has more than TWO encounters with people/organizations [who are suppose to address the issue] and they get no results should seek other means and methods to address the issue; and if after over three more attemps there is no result];should assume that they are one of those who have been put into the group of it is easy for them to be abused, harassed, threaten, killed, higher authority have been told to ignore the group/category people were put in through the second judge william PAULy III decision that revered the first judges decision;
And if you are making no money; little money or access to money is being restricted by sociey or family; you are in that group;
and can either spend 30 years seeking a break through or attack those who are attacking you;based on Roman 5:1[Justified and rightous]-if you have gone through all of the proper protecol that makes you an abused, threaten, harassed person;
My suggestion is do not do the thirty year suffering; attack instead in the most appropriate manner identified to you[preferably without violence]; but research by others said that either it is publicity or violence and if you get no response within a week from publicity or a blog; then there is only one option left;and if the food is being kept from you or altered to attack you[hinder your health]; the same applies
All informations documented through various other sources; [cspan;channel 6[local]];
On 12/24/13 poseted on blog titled "National Consumer League" that
"I can tell you how they use the surveillance information and how they use it to target consumers." in which the last couple of days bastards sent messages through television[channel 2; WXII, CNN,msnbc,Fox News]: specifically to Wilma HALL/Eldora Hall(was a prostitute on the street and ended up working in the penteg-n] [why Arsenio Hall is back on television]that ha ve no fear; white male network are going to do the same thing again to person who white males and African American female prostitues stole TWIN child from; and exactly what they did has been talked about on specifially three to four programs on Cspan;which includes that individuals are categorized][have blogged about being put into a category]; {Proof of Arsenio Hall
[]code communication to Wilma Hall connection= 12/24/13 WXII-Evening News=Tamera Hall was the commentator; had two segements:1="Disaster ahead"; and 2="I already won"
Then the media is used to target individual to harass, threaten, intimidate indiviual [two white male in suit dress are standing watching and observing the Reynold branch libraray; now walking over to wall by front entrance of library and now talking to front desk at library=?] to the point of causing person to experience something extremely traumatic[Targeting Consumer Information by National consumer league];and the fact that women[African American] throughout the United States are being targeted by authorities and that nobody is paying attention;
Interestingly Melissa Harris-Perry held the "Gender, Race and incarciration" conference in which there were a panel of African American females who told their stories of how they were being intimidated by fully armed, dressed, authorites who had vehicles with cages[like they were capturing an animal] who would laugh and say they were going to have fun when they[the armed authorities] were getting ready to go into the African American neighborhoods; they also stated that the African American females could do nothing because the African American females had no weapons or protection and that if they [the African American females] made any kind of move they knew that they would be thrown to the ground and they[the authorities do not have to have probable cause; the African American females also stated that because of limited income that if they asked a person they did not know for a ride and they were an authority person in secret that they were handcuffed and taken downtown because the African American females were told they were suspected of illegal activity [why a lot of African American females [with or without a partner] end up working in secret as prostitutes for white males-to stop the harassment, intimidation circle of themselves or a family member;
And being that on 12/27/13 on CNN live[newsroom] in segment: Winning and Losing issues of 2013;one of the two guests (Ryan Lizza or other white male) made statement "Like in civil rights issues, they just faded away; the people who were against blacks having civil rights just faded away."; and the fact that on CNN 12/27/13;

ALSO stated, that he was backing/supporting Phil Roberson of Duck Dynasty; I know what he said about blacks that blacks did not complain; they didn't complain because they were afraid to [complain]; think that [African Americans being afraid to complain]is behind us now;[which is a BIG FAT LIE]but Phil Robinson had a constitutional right to say it and I am backing up his constitutional right;and Todd[white female that works for the state of Alabama stated :Who cares if course that he[Phil Robinson] thinks that";
That statement; that "blacks did not complain"think that is behind us now; is incorrect; that is why there was a PUBLIC CONFERENCE ON Gender, Race and incarciration" at Tulane University by Melissa Harris-Perry because Blacks can't complain [without being ignored or punished-which is the same thing as slavery]; I have encounter sometime twenty or more local African Americans who have complained and said nothing happened;
African Americans do not complain because if they do they encounter the authorites that treat them like they are dogs and directe them to cages as their punishment for complaining;
which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that anybody who has more than TWO encounters with people [who are suppose to address the issue] and they get no results should seek other means and methods to address the issue; and if after over three more attemps there is no result;
At this point would like to make a correction; posted one day last week that the person who is having money stole should locate the person closest to those who are stealing their money and pay the person closest to them to steal their money;with the correction being that is what was done to me[thus make your own decision];
Which goes back to which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that white ass bastards; will not and am not working for people stealing from me; which based upon all of the conferences on cspan [which included peoples family members and men having to spy on them] that issues are related to those in higher authority; the ones who deal with secrets [of which I have sent an email politely telling them no thank you-of which the result has been intrusion-thus as lot of people have said sometimes people have to -----------];
One judge said that NSA data collection violates people constitutional rights; then today another federal judge william PAULy III reversed the first judges decision and said that the NSA data collection does NOT violate the peoples constitutional rights; the first judge was right the second judge is for those who are not in their secret system;
The second decision by judge william PAULy III reversal of the first judges decision was the PUBLIC start and notification of those in the secret group to re-start the process to redo the harassment, intimidation and abuse of American citizens; in other words put them back where they had started before Snowden came forth to tell them what the NSA was doing in secret which equals slavery;
CNN listed the 10 top criminal offenses for 2013 [which think all but one had some form of connection to people/situations in which I have dealt with but one;
1. Black male who used weapon on people was killed at the Navy yard [call mentally unstable]
Aaron Alexis[ALEX is the name of black male and tyler perry's movie]
2. Kendra Johnson [W. E. Johnson [connected with stealing of local TWIN child]at carver road church head person in charge of helping local authorities to harass local African Americans];[];
3. Oscar Pitorrious [];

New legs were created to communicate around the world that there was someone[represented the guy who is a blue devil fan] who had risen to compete with white male system around the world [south Africa] where Nelson Mandela rose; and connections to the brown man in the house that is white;
4. Hannah kidnapped;
5. Biker attacks black suv [one of guys name CHRIS[name of relative constantly in news]; and one was in secret authority abusing people in black suv[he went after the mother and the child=?what is in the African American community mostly mother and children/no men];
6. Snowden steals, exposes NSA secrets=code to tell secret group in United States lot of secret codes would be known are being told;
7. George Zimmeran [white hispanic] kill Trayvon MARTIN-local name of harold MARTIN and Davida MARTIN[code to locals involved in stealing of twin child that their system[s] and secrets had been killed;name martin connected to stealing of local TWIN child;
8. Three females, DeJesus, Michelle KNIGHT, who had been held in confinement for ten or more years had escaped from Castro =code to secret group that secret group was no longer holding certain system[s] in secret=De-jesus[white males of authority robbing local black churches of freedom to worship]; people knew about Michelle[same name as the African American female that is married to the man in the brown skin in the house that is white; and ; with castro being the same name associated with CUBA [which is where Beyonce is who is married to Jay Z is from ];
9. Boston Marathon Killing=code to local Bostons[who steal, rob for local white males] that their secret system of robbery had been revealed [there was a DOUBLE blow up=with double being TWINS];with the Boston symbol "B" strong = with "B" being the nick name of nephew [Brandon][];[Blasts at Boston Marathon Kill 3 and Injure 100];
BRANDON/RYAN/CHRIS/CHRISTOPHER= all names which bastards that steal from African Americans males that should be in the media a lot in coming years; and SNOOP took me a long time; but SNOOP is name that represents another nephew but his name is not so common;
Of which on 12/25/13; CBS This Morning; statement by Oracle Ellison "Whose ever heard of the government abusing information gathered from survellience?' answer is the Marketing Consumer Information in which it was stated by the panel members that information gathered is being used to target people to cause them traumatic experiences of which local commerical EHarmony has been released that asks, "Whose looking for you?" of which the old white male is name Dr. Warren-which is a guy that lives out of state that they[authorities] interferred with the relationship; it is also where a very negative experience occured;
As stated earlier " which goes to the point that after complaining over thirty years with no results that anybody who has more than TWO encounters with people/organizations [who are suppose to address the issue] and they get no results should seek other means and methods to address the issue; and if after over three more attemps there is no result];should assume that they are one of those who have been put into the group of it is easy for them to be abused, harassed, threaten, killed, higher authority have been told to ignore the group/category people were put in through the second judge william PAULy III decision that revered the first judges decision;
And if you are making no money; little money or access to money is being restricted by sociey or family; you are in that group;
and can either spend 30 years seeking a break through or attack those who are attacking you;based on Roman 5:1[Justified and rightous]-if you have gone through all of the proper protecol that makes you an abused, threaten, harassed person;
My suggestion is do not do the thirty year suffering; attack instead in the most appropriate manner identified to you[preferably without violence]; but research by others said that either it is publicity or violence and if you get no response within a week from publicity or a blog; then there is only one option left;and if the food is being kept from you or altered to attack you[hinder your health]; the same applies
All informations documented through various other sources; [cspan;channel 6[local]];
Gender and Incarceration
Nov 6, 2013
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