Social Understandings

Monday, December 23, 2013

ROBERT VAMOS, Cspan; 12-22-13


Surveillance=come to the Winston-Salem main street Public Library and watch how the African American males are being watched; Only white males are those that are working[security; behind library desks;
Summation=African American males not working; harrassed, daily, intimidated, threaten[secret of coarse]; and today two days before Christmas and it is very obviouos;
and Peter KING [ny]stated "no privacy rights violated."
Note: have blogged about the fact that they use "EYE SIGHT" as a priveldege to people who slave for white male system[s]; at Reynolda Branch library a computer that I usually use where the words are much larger are now so tiny, you really need a magnifying glass=HARASSMENT-for not allowing GROUP OF ABOUT TEN WHITE MALES -ON CORNER OF BROAD AND 5TH STREET -appeared out of nowhere to harass female waiting on bus[es]; secret method-if they circle around the person; then that person belongs to white males and have to be a prostitute to the white males in whatever way they say; 99.99% of African American females usually don't have a clue; but their life begins to change for the negative for no reason to them; Methods used by group of white males has already been preapproved by the city of Winston-Salem, and if not the new "Public Safety person [][?][two burkes=?];have blogged about the fact of harassment and why route 16 was changed to corner of BRoad and 5th street; so that the building located across the street from BP can be used by city for prostitution and proof is the fact of the African American female prostitute that works as a clerk at the city water department where city hall was at-which was beside a hotel with a restuarant beside the hotel[all comfortable; Confirmation of system[s]=the TIRE[steve WHITEheart] co. was changed to restuarant  and the administrative part of the library was changed to a New restuarant-to make things  all comfortable;

ROBERT VAMOS was on of the people on Channel 6-Cspan 12-22-13 who showed people some of t he things that city[s] and states had on line so that people could have access to; one of them was a water system and a traffic light system-TWO of the things that I have blogged about.

All of which Glenn Greenwald stated verifies observations,blogs, and where eight people were freed [seg. Run on Sentences] where 2.4 million people-majority African American are forced to do mandetory minimum sentences along with through the 3 strikes law; where 60 BILLION dollars have been spent on overcrowding in jails where 3 Billion was made by PRIVATE BUSINESS [white males] in 2010; whereas the gov. use to do it;  business arrangement between Washington, DC and private business[WALL STREET]  which is "School to Prison Pipeline where 5 year olds are arrested for temper tantrums;
Someone said the solution is to take away the iniatives to have a war on dr-gs;part of the problem is that the fed. gov. told the police that they can keep the money from selling of dr-gs; thus the initiative to allow dr-g selling and then taking of MONEY from selling of dr-gs, which is the same as dr-g pushers working for the police- and the other side is that no only do they take the money from African American dr-g dealers; any of the family members who don't sell dr-ugs are tracked, harassed, intimdated, abused, threaten and punished anyway and blocked from making a legal, honest living.
Which leads to innoncent people being forced to do as white males who are legally operating dr-g rings tell them; and also no authority to go to to make  white males who are legally operating dr-g rings to stop harassing intimidating and threatening and tracking of innocent people.



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